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Nominals of 1 stem ending in sibilant #47

funderburkjim opened this issue Jan 9, 2019 · 12 comments

Nominals of 1 stem ending in sibilant #47

funderburkjim opened this issue Jan 9, 2019 · 12 comments


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For a general discussion of declension of the nominals ending in consonants and declined with the '1-stem' models, see #41.

From analyze_1cons.txt we extract the following frequency information for nominals ending in a sibilant and declined with the '1-stem' models.

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Case of final consonant S (palatal sibilant)

These are similar to the cases of a final palatal consonant of the c-varga #45. The m1s (masculine nominative singular) ending changes from S to either k or w, depending on the word.

Based on MW, Deshpande, or Kale, the m1s changes to k for:

  • diS (direction)
  • dfS (seeing)
  • spfS (touching)

The same sources mention that the m1s of the following end in w:

  • naS (destruction) mentioned in MW jIva-naS
  • niS (night) : w implied by the of MW-mentioned form niḍbhyas
  • paS (seeing) w* implied by the of MW-mentioned form paḍbhis
  • vi-pAS (fetterless)
  • liS (small? MW gives no sense)
  • viS (merchant-class person, settlement)
  • vi-zpaS (spy)
  • prAS (statement in a debate - Kale. section 97, p. 58

There are several additional MW nominals ending in S. Our declensions assume that the 1s ends in w for these; this default value is partially supported by Kale's statement under rAj (p. 58) that the declension is similar to rAj for ... root nouns in *C, S, z and h* .

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The case of final consonant S and m1s ends in k

The masculine and feminine declensions are the same.

  • Before vowel endings, the final S is unchanged.
  • Before empty endings (1s, 8s) , the final S is changed to k.
  • Before 7p ending su, final S is changed to k and also su is changed; result is kzu.
  • Before 'B' endings, final S is changed to g.

For neuter declension, same rules as above, but also

  • Before empty ending 2s, final S is changed to k.
  • Before ending i of 1p, 2p, and 8p, insert homorganic nasal Y before final S (YSi)

Declension of m_1_S dfS

Case S D P
Nominative dfk dfSO dfSaH
Accusative dfSam dfSO dfSaH
Instrumental dfSA dfgByAm dfgBiH
Dative dfSe dfgByAm dfgByaH
Ablative dfSaH dfgByAm dfgByaH
Genitive dfSaH dfSoH dfSAm
Locative dfSi dfSoH dfkzu
Vocative dfk dfSO dfSaH

For the neuter n_1_S model of dfS, cases 1,2, and 8 are: dfk dfSI dfYSi and the other cases are as for m_1_S model. (This is speculative; no specific example found in references.)

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The case of final consonant S and m1s ends in w

The masculine and feminine declensions are the same.

  • Before vowel endings, the final S is unchanged.
  • Before empty endings (1s, 8s) , the final S is changed to w.
  • Before 7p ending su, final S is changed to w.
  • Before 'B' endings, final S is changed to q.

For neuter declension, same rules as above, but also

  • Before empty ending 2s, final S is changed to w.
  • Before ending i of 1p, 2p, and 8p, insert homorganic nasal Y before final S (YSi)

Declension of m_1_S viS

Case S D P
Nominative viw viSO viSaH
Accusative viSam viSO viSaH
Instrumental viSA viqByAm viqBiH
Dative viSe viqByAm viqByaH
Ablative viSaH viqByAm viqByaH
Genitive viSaH viSoH viSAm
Locative viSi viSoH viwsu
Vocative viw viSO viSaH

For the neuter n_1_S model of viS, cases 1,2, and 8 are: viw viSI viYSi and the other cases are as for m_1_S model. (Inferred from example prAS, Kale p. 60.)

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funderburkjim commented Jan 10, 2019

Case of nominals ending in kz

Regarding declension process, there seem to be two categories of nominals ending in z:

  • nominals ending in kz
  • nominals with final z preceded by a vowel.

Based on Kale's partial example of vivikz on p. 58, here are our rules for decline nominals ending in kz:
The masculine and feminine declensions are the same.

  • Before vowel endings, the final kz is unchanged.
  • Before empty endings (1s, 8s) , the final kz is changed to k. (i.e. final z is dropped)
  • Before 7p ending su, final kz is changed to k, and su becomes zu (kzu is result).
  • Before 'B' endings, final kz is changed to g.

For neuter declension, same rules as above, but also

  • Before empty ending 2s, final kz is changed to k.
  • Before ending i of 1p, 2p, and 8p, insert homorganic nasal N before final kz (Nkzi)

Declension of m_1_z vivikz

Case S D P
Nominative vivik vivikzO vivikzaH
Accusative vivikzam vivikzO vivikzaH
Instrumental vivikzA vivigByAm vivigBiH
Dative vivikze vivigByAm vivigByaH
Ablative vivikzaH vivigByAm vivigByaH
Genitive vivikzaH vivikzoH vivikzAm
Locative vivikzi vivikzoH vivikzu
Vocative vivik vivikzO vivikzaH

For the neuter n_1_z model of vivikz, cases 1,2, and 8 are: vivik vivikzI viviNkzi and the other cases are as for m_1_z model. (This is speculative - no printed examples found for neuter ending in kz.)


  • MW shows m1s for vivikz as viviw. Our declension ignores this and follows Kale as above
  • Kale also shows an example for go-rakz (p. 59), where also w/q forms are presented as options.
    Our declension doesn't have these.

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Case of nominals ending in vowel+z, with m1s ending in k.

Only 1 example was found: Dfz (in compound da-Dfz); both MW and Kale affirm m1s as daDfk.

Based on Kale's partial example of daDfz on p. 58, here are our rules for decline nominals ending in vowel + z:
The masculine and feminine declensions are the same.

  • Before vowel endings, the final z is unchanged.
  • Before empty endings (1s, 8s) , the final z is changed to k.
  • Before 7p ending su, final z changes to k, and su becomes zu (kzu is result).
  • Before 'B' endings, final z is changed to g.

For neuter declension, same rules as above, but also

  • Before empty ending 2s, final z is changed to k.
  • Before ending i of 1p, 2p, and 8p, insert homorganic nasal N before final z (Nzi)

Declension of m_1_z da-Dfz

Case 1: daDfk daDfzO daDfzaH
Case 2: daDfzam daDfzO daDfzaH
Case 3: daDfzA daDfgByAm daDfgBiH
Case 4: daDfze daDfgByAm daDfgByaH
Case 5: daDfzaH daDfgByAm daDfgByaH
Case 6: daDfzaH daDfzoH daDfzAm
Case 7: daDfzi daDfzoH daDfkzu
Case 8: daDfk daDfzO daDfzaH

For the neuter n_1_z model of daDfz, cases 1,2, and 8 are: daDfk daDfzI daDfNzi and the other cases are as for m_1_z model. (This is speculative.)

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Case of nominals ending in vowel+z, with m1s ending in w.

There are several nominals ending in vowel+z, which MW and/or Kale confirms as having m1s ending in w:

  • tviz (violent agitation, light)
  • dviz (hatred, enemy)
  • pruz (vi-pruz drop of water)
  • muz (stealing)
  • ruz (anger)
  • rez (howling animal)
  • roz (one who hurts)
  • viz (consuming, feces)
  • vfz (rain - Kale p.58)
  • Suz (parRa-Suz - drying leaves)

Also there are several other headwords ending in vowel+z with no specific mention of the m1s ending. By the comment of Kale on p. 58 under rAj (See above re S-ending nominals), we infer that the default m1s ending is w, and so treat this group

Based on Kale's partial example of tviz on p. 59, here are our rules for declining these nominals ending in vowel + z:
The masculine and feminine declensions are the same.

  • Before vowel endings, the final z is unchanged.
  • Before empty endings (1s, 8s) , the final z is changed to w.
  • Before 7p ending su, final z changes to w.
  • Before 'B' endings, final z is changed to q.

For neuter declension, same rules as above, but also

  • Before empty ending 2s, final z is changed to w.
  • Before ending i of 1p, 2p, and 8p, insert homorganic nasal N before final z (Nzi)

Declension of m_1_z tviz

Case S D P
Nominative tviw tvizO tvizaH
Accusative tvizam tvizO tvizaH
Instrumental tvizA tviqByAm tviqBiH
Dative tvize tviqByAm tviqByaH
Ablative tvizaH tviqByAm tviqByaH
Genitive tvizaH tvizoH tvizAm
Locative tvizi tvizoH tviwsu
Vocative tviw tvizO tvizaH

For the neuter n_1_z model of tviz, cases 1,2, and 8 are tviw tvizI tviNzi; and the other cases are as for m_1_z model. (This is speculative.)

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Case of nominals ending in s

These remaining 1-stem s-ending words we divide into these categories for the purpose of declension:

  • Words ending in As
  • dos (arm) Irregular, but similar to m_us model
  • puMs (man) Irregular
  • words like hiMs

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Case of nominals ending in As

Kale (p. 68) provides the declension of BAs (f.), and we assume this model applies to the other nouns ending in As.

The masculine and feminine declensions are the same.

  • Before vowel endings, the final s is unchanged.
  • Before empty endings (1s, 8s) , the final s is changed to H.
  • Before 7p ending su, final s is unchanged.
  • Before 'B' endings, final s is dropped.

For neuter declension, same rules as above, but also

  • Before empty ending 2s, final s is changed to H.
  • Before ending i of 1p, 2p, and 8p, insert homorganic nasal n before final s (nsi)

Declension of f_1_s BAs

Case S D P
Nominative BAH BAsO BAsaH
Accusative BAsam BAsO BAsaH
Instrumental BAsA BAByAm BABiH
Dative BAse BAByAm BAByaH
Ablative BAsaH BAByAm BAByaH
Genitive BAsaH BAsoH BAsAm
Locative BAsi BAsoH BAssu
Vocative BAH BAsO BAsaH

The n_1_s model for cases 1,2,8 gives BAH BAsI BAnsi; the other cases like f_1_s model. This is speculative.

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Declension of m_1_s dos

This declension is inferred from the partial example of Kale, p. 67. Kale shows doHzu as optional 7p form.
MW also gives many of these forms.

Case S D P
Nominative doH dozO dozaH
Accusative dozam dozO dozaH
Instrumental dozA dorByAm dorBiH
Dative doze dorByAm dorByaH
Ablative dozaH dorByAm dorByaH
Genitive dozaH dozoH dozAm
Locative dozi dozoH dozzu
Vocative doH dozO dozaH

The n_1_s model for cases 1,2,8 gives doH dozI doMzi, in agreement with Kale.

The reason the final s changes to z before the vowels is due to the preceding 'o' -- not sure of the full statement of the sandhi rule that causes this change.

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Declension of m_1_s puMs

The declension for puMs (man) is provided by Kale (p. 69) and Bucknell (p. 93).

Case S D P
Nominative pumAn pumAMso pumAMsaH
Accusative pumAMsam pumAMsO puMsaH
Instrumental puMsA pumByAm pumBiH
Dative puMse pumByAm pumByaH
Ablative puMsaH pumByAm pumByaH
Genitive puMsaH puMsoH puMsAm
Locative puMsi puMsoH puMsu
Vocative puman pumAMso pumAMsaH

The n_1_s model for cases 1,2,8 gives pum puMsI pumAMsi, with the other cases like m_1_s model; this is in agreement with Kale.

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Declension of m_1_s hiMs

Case S D P
Nominative hin hiMsO hiMsaH
Accusative hiMsam hiMsO hiMsaH
Instrumental hiMsA hinByAm hinBiH
Dative hiMse hinByAm hinByaH
Ablative hiMsaH hinByAm hinByaH
Genitive hiMsaH hiMsoH hiMsAm
Locative hiMsi hiMsoH hinsu
Vocative hin hiMsO hiMsaH

The n_1_s model for cases 1,2,8 gives hin hiMsI hiMsi, with the other cases like m_1_s model.

Both m/f and n models are in agreement with the partial examples su-hiMs provided by Kale, p. 68.

The other two 'Ms'-ending words in MW are:

  • GraMs (the sun's heat)
  • mAMs (flesh)

We assume their declensions follow the same pattern as hiMs.

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