- Contrast enhancement to full ee.image layer (using reducer and add parameters in visualize in EE).
- Set layer abstract: info about date.
- Loading qml for singleband/palleted pseudo color datasets.
- Remove instructions to use ee_plugin as dependence and show how to install earthengine-api. (partially)
- Create icon(s).
- Change description in metadata.txt.
- If does not add layers to canvas, show more info about them or may be option to download them (show more button).
- Progress bar using thread.
- Change to dockable dialog window.
- Add panel to task management.
- Load datasets from a json file instead from python dict.
- Deactivate icons from raster toolbar (full contrast enhancement).
- Change behavior/default values using QqsSettings:
- max number of images (int).
- max cloud cover (int).
- google drive directory (str).
- add layer to canvas (bool).
- search by canvas extent/center (str).
- epsg to download (canvas or fixed) (str).
- added layers active by default (bool).
- default interval days (int).
- Set default gamma correction (change it using QgsSettings too).
- Add context menu options for contrast enhancement.
- Add context menu option to add same image with different band combinations.
- Add context menu option with earth.engine snippet code (to copy/paste).
- Docstring all functions and modules.
- Add @pyqtSlot decorator in methods.
- Check for a valid EPSG code in search collection and Download to GDrive.
- pt-br translations.
Generalize to add single band and fusion (rgb + pan) images.(removed) -
Bypass bad handler layer mechanism of QGIS to restore layers on project read.(overcome by write xml in temporary folder).