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How Do I

Greg Sjaardema edited this page Mar 29, 2019 · 10 revisions

How Do I

Apply displacements at a particular step to the coordinates?

  • Grepos -- DEFORM STEP {step#}
  • The displacements at the specified step will be added to the coordinates of the model and then the displacements at that step will be zeroed. All other displacements and fields will be left as is.

Delete all elements with a specified field value?

  • Algebra -- FILTER ELEMENT {variable} {LT|LE|EQ|GE|GT} {value} TIME {time_step}

Convert structured mesh to unstructured mesh

  • struc_to_unstruc {input.cgns} {output.exodus}
  • Input currently is limited to CGNS which is the only current input format which supports structured mesh.
  • Output is Exodus, but could easily be modified to permit unstructured CGNS output.
  • It is primarily a tool that I used to test my CGNS reader/writer during development, but it should work for most CGNS structured meshes. Parallel is still somewhat a work in progress, but serial should work.

get a list of the times with better precision (i.e. 1729.34124) than the “explore” “list times” command gives me:

  • In Explore -- precision {low|normal|high|#digits}
  • This also controls the precision of field value output and other floating point data (coordinates, ...)

strip out all but the last solution from an exodus file?

  • ejoin – steps LAST
  • grepos … delete step 1 to 29
  • algebra … save all<newline>nintv 1
  • epu -- epu -auto -steps LAST {filename.##.00} (If files are decomposed for parallel)
  • io_shell -- io_shell --Minimum_Time {time}

Delete all timesteps from an exodus file

  • io_shell --delete_timesteps {in_file} {out_file}

write an input file that can be read by {codename}.

  • You can just redirect input: {codename} < {input_file}

Determine which element blocks are adjacent (share nodes) or which sidesets touch which element blocks?

  • io_info -- io_info --adjacencies {filename}
  • The output will show which blocks and surfaces are adjacent to which other blocks/surfaces.

Speed up a slow EPU run

For a slow-running epu. If the files are distributed over lots of processors (e.g. more than 1024), then the issue may be that many compute systems will not allow a process to have more than 1024 files open at any one time. In this case, epu has to repeatedly open and close each of the files each time it reads data from a specific file instead of the normal operation where it keeps all files open at any one time.

If there is a message to the output saying something like

Single file mode... (Max open = {max_files}, consider using the -subcycle option for faster execution...

then this is most likely the case. The best option in this case is to run epu in “subcycle” mode. In this mode, epu only combines a portion of the files each time and then runs again combining the output from each of the “portions”. For example, if you are running on 10,000 processors, you would do something like:

epu –auto –subcycle=10 –join_subcycles file.e.10000.00000

Epu would then join

  • file.e.10000.00000..file.e.10000.00999 into file.e.10.00
  • file.e.10000.01000..file.e.10000.01999 into file.e.10.01
  • ...
  • file.e.10000.09000..file.e.10000.09999 into file.e.10.09
  • file.e.10.00 .. file.e.10.09 into file.e

Although this results in double the amount of data read and written, it is often much faster due to epu being able to keep the files open continuously instead of doing repeated system calls to open and close the files.

EPU now has the behavior that if the auto option is used and the number of files to be combined exceeds the open file limit on the system, EPU will automatically invoke the -subcycle and -join_subcycle options without the user or script needing to specify them.

For example, if the command is epu -auto file.e.4096.0000 and the maximum open file count on the system is 1020, then epu will automatically run epu -auto -subcycle {cycle_count} -join_subcycle file.e.4096.0000.

This will make the job run significantly faster.

The other modification is that if epu is built in a parallel build and is run via "mpirun" or "mpiexec", then epu will behave as if the -subcycle {np} option were specified and will run {np} joins simultaneously followed by a single run on processor 0 to join the files output from the subcycle runs.