Simplified Boost.Log (SBL) provides an easyto use interface to Boost.Log. Many key features of Boost.Log are available including multiple sinks, application created channels, per-sink severity filter and per-channel severity filters.
Nothing exciting here. Sets the threshold for an sbl::stream and the severity of a log message. Values are:
debug, info, warning, error, fatal
The sbl::stream class represents a destination for log messages.
Each stream has a logger_id that ties it to a source
and limits the message that pass through the filter.
Each stream has a severity_level that acts as a threshold to
limit the types of messages delivered to this stream. A severity
is assigned when the stream is created, but can be updated later.
An application can also add channels that have their own severity
level. When the sink applies the severity filter, the channel
filter takes precedence over the sink severity. At this time,
channels cannot be removed. When the sbl::stream object is
destroyed, the Boost.Log sink is removed so no more message will
be delivered to the destination.
// write log messages to the console
const severity_level severity);
// open filename (overwrite not append) and write log messages to it
const std::string filename,
const severity_level severity);
// write to an existng std::ostream (including std::stringstream)
std::ostream& stream,
const severity_level severity);
The sbl::source class publishes log messages to all sbl::stream objects. When the sbl::source is created, it is assigned a severity which is fixed for the life of the source. Each source has a logger_id attribute that is applied to each message and ties it to a stream. Multiple sources should be created to generate message with different severities. sbl::source has three methods to output log messages.
// output with default logger_id
source (
severity_level severity);
// output with a logger_id
source (
uint64_t logger_id,
severity_level severity);
// output a simple log message to a channel
void log(
const char *channel,
const char *msg);
// add a prefix to your log message
void log(
const char *channel,
const char *prefix,
const char *msg);
// pairs with the SBL_LOG() macro.
void log(
const char *channel,
const char *func_name,
const char *file_name,
const int line_num,
const char *msg,
The sbl::logger class creates a single sbl::stream plus an sbl::source for each severity level. The sbl::stream and sbl::sources are assigned the same unique logger_id so that log message from this sbl::logger are seen by other sbl::streams.
// write log messages to the console
logger (
const severity_level severity);
// open filename (overwrite not append) and write log messages to it
logger (
const std::string filename,
const severity_level severity);
// write to an existng std::ostream (including std::stringstream)
logger (
std::ostream& stream,
const severity_level severity);
// generate a simple severity_level::debug message
void debug(
const char *channel,
const char *msg,
// generate a severity_level::debug message with more info
void debug(
const char *channel,
const char *func_name,
const char *file_name,
const int line_num,
const char *msg,
// generate a simple severity_level::info message
void info(
const char *channel,
const char *msg,
// generate a severity_level::info message with more info
void info(
const char *channel,
const char *func_name,
const char *file_name,
const int line_num,
const char *msg,
// generate a simple severity_level::warning message
void warning(
const char *channel,
const char *msg,
// generate a severity_level::warning message with more info
void warning(
const char *channel,
const char *func_name,
const char *file_name,
const int line_num,
const char *msg,
// generate a simple severity_level::error message
void error(
const char *channel,
const char *msg,
// generate a severity_level::error message with more info
void error(
const char *channel,
const char *func_name,
const char *file_name,
const int line_num,
const char *msg,
// generate a simple severity_level::fatal message
void fatal(
const char *channel,
const char *msg,
// generate a severity_level::fatal message with more info
void fatal(
const char *channel,
const char *func_name,
const char *file_name,
const int line_num,
const char *msg,
The SBL_LOG() is meant to easy the transition away from the NNTI
logger. It's parameters are an sbl::source object, a printf() style
message and a variable number of parameters that match the message.
The resulting log message will be formatted mostly like the NNTI
The SBL_LOG_STREAM() creates an object that is compatible with std::ostream so you can generate log message with stream operators.
sbl::stream test_stream("myapp.log", sbl::severity_level::debug);
sbl::source debug_source(sbl::severity_level::debug);
SBL_LOG_STREAM(debug_source) << "debug message #" << 1;
#include "sbl/sblConfig.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <thread>
#include <map>
#include "sbl/sbl_logger.hh"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
sbl::stream console_stream(sbl::severity_level::fatal); // fatal messages go to the console
sbl::stream file_stream("debug.log", sbl::severity_level::debug); // all messages go to this file
std::stringstream ss;
sbl::stream buffer_stream(ss, sbl::severity_level::warning); // warning, error and fatal messages go to a stringstream
// that whookie can put in replies
sbl::source debug_source(sbl::severity_level::debug); // these will only go to the file_stream
sbl::source fatal_source(sbl::severity_level::fatal); // these will go to all streams
SBL_LOG(debug_source, "start testing");
std::map<std::string,int> *mymap = new std::map<std::string,int>();
// force a failure
mymap = nullptr;
if (mymap == nullptr) {
SBL_LOG(fatal_source, "couldn't create a map. Aborting.");
goto fail;
// do stuff
SBL_LOG(debug_source, "done testing");
std::cout << " ==== begin stringstream ====" << std::endl << ss.str() << " ==== end stringstream ====" << std::endl;
bash$ BOOST_PATH=${HOME}/local
bash$ SBL_PATH=${HOME}/projects/atdm/install
bash$ g++ -std=c++11 -I${BOOST_PATH}/include -I${SBL_PATH}/include -DBOOST_LOG_DYN_LINK -o sbltest.exe ./sbltest.cpp ${BOOST_PATH}/lib/ ${BOOST_PATH}/lib/ ${BOOST_PATH}/lib/ ${BOOST_PATH}/lib/ -pthread -Wl,-rpath,${BOOST_PATH}/lib
bash$ ./sbltest.exe
2: <FATAL> [priority] [main:sbltest.cpp:33:t23349]: couldn't create a map. Aborting.
==== begin stringstream ====
2: <FATAL> [priority] [main:sbltest.cpp:33:t23349]: couldn't create a map. Aborting.
==== end stringstream ====
bash$ cat debug.log
1: <DEBUG> [general] [main:sbltest.cpp:25:t23349]: start testing
2: <FATAL> [priority] [main:sbltest.cpp:33:t23349]: couldn't create a map. Aborting.