RaceWithPower is a Garmin datafield designed to show you useful metrics while racing with power as main metric.
It is available in the ConnectIQ store at this address : https://apps.garmin.com/en-US/apps/23f7088a-4187-43ae-aa38-53b0160a541c
- Time of day
- Total distance (corrected)
- Total duration
- Ahead/Behind for elapsed distance
- Current power (averaged on custom window)
- Heart rate, optionally coloured by zone
- Difference between current power/pace and target time for remaining distance
- Average power for the whole race
- Current lap pace (corrected)
- Current lap power (corrected)
- Current lap distance (corrected)
- ETA/Predicted end time based on current lap power and pace
Customization is possible :
- Alert outside of race power target
- Correct distance by pressing on a lap button (within -/+ 10% of the lap distance)
- Choose colors to display (None, Foreground only, Background and Foreground)
- Choose to use custom font (narrower) or standard.
- Disable the current time of day display
- Disable the lap details display
- Choose between ETA and Predicted end time.
- Display a power graph over 30 seconds instead of a single metric.
- Trail Mode
- Automatically adjust power targets (flat, hiking, uphill and downhill values)
- Calculate race target power based on TTE, Riegel exponent and estimated duration.
- Decrease power targets after a certain number of hours
- Show power in raw value or percentage of FTP
- Set up race parameters : distance, elevation, target power (percentage or raw value depending on preceding option) and target time.
- Set up bandwith for alerts (+/- n percent of target power)
- Choose various settings for trail mode
- Choose power averaging window (1-30 seconds)
- Enable alerts outside of race power target
When disabling advanced options, you can obtain a more "minimalist" field.
It is also possible to use the trail mode and show an historical graph of your power, be it in minimal or full layout.
Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Omnibus-Type (www.omnibus-type.com omnibus.type@gmail.com)
Licensed under the SIL Open Font License, 1.1