Converting pesky pawns to your ideoligion is now easier and less ethical than ever!
Yes this source code is all in one file, don't worry about it.
Passively convert pawns (to the primary ideology of your faction) by pumping propaganda directly into their ears! Once per day per pawn, this speaker will give a tiny boost towards your ideology to all pawns that come near enough to listen.
Pawns with this trait will be unhappy when subjected to propaganda. Proportionate to their intellectual skill, they will also be less swayed by it.
Brainwasher Mk.'s 1-3—Used in brainwashing surgery, produced at machining tables. Each increase in Mk# increases the safety of the operation.
Physically wash the brain til it squeaks. Rewire their brain so they like your ideas; it's good fun for the whole family! Except for those pawns who receive side effects. Requires medical and intellectual skill of 6. Side effects and other adverse reactions may include (incidence rates listed are for Mk1; Mk2 and 3 are respectively 1.41x & 1.73x safer): -Brain cancer (Only occurs when using Mk.1 brainwashers at a rate of 1 in 200) -Partial to complete memory loss—(incidence of 1 in 100) Pawn may forget everyone and everything they ever knew including their faction, many skills, and their personality. Pawns are known to rip their clothes off in fear when this occurs. -Additionally, 1 of the following may occur: -Blindness (1 in 125) -Bliss Lobotomy (1 in 250) -Catatonic breakdown (1 in 250) -Dementia (1 in 250) -Psychically dead (1 in 4) -Heatstroke (1 in 4) -Morning sickness (2 in 9) -Scanning sickness (2 in 9) -If any side effects occur, the pawn may freak out, in which case 1 of the following may also occur: -Berserk (1 in 250) -Manhunter (1 in 250) -Permanent manhunter (1 in 250) -Panic Flee (1 in 250) -Social fight the surgeon (1 in 250) -Wander Psychotic (1 in 4) -Wander Sad (1 in 4) -Worry not though, there is a 3 in 7 chance your pawn will be perfectly fine and won't have even noticed they were brainwashed (3 in 4)
Available to all ideologies, requiring only a moralist, a lecturn and a ritual location, all your colonists can participate, gaining or losing certainty towards your ideology—depending on ritual quality (but mainly luck), colonists can gain up to 100 certainty points, or lose up to 30.
(Yes, download links go through 4 pages of ads and yes that it annoying. However, you are downloading a mod off of github instead of the steam workshop, I suspect you may have torrented the game so I don't care.) Current Version (1.5.2) Direct Current Version (1.5.2) Mirror Version 1.5.1 Direct Version 1.5.1 Mirror
Version number is (game version).(mod version) i.e. 1.5.1 is mod version 1 for Rimworld 1.5
Place in Mods folder in game install directory. Requires Ideology DLC