The project is a standard Maven web app project and should thus be compatible with IDE's supporting Maven. The application stub contains usage examples of some basic components and also provides a method to serve different UI for desktop browsers.
Make sure you have installed Maven and Git.
git clone
cd hello-world
mvn vaadin:compile jetty:run
After these steps you have the application up and running at http://localhost:8080/. Future starts require only mvn jetty:run
as the widgetset is already compiled.
If you are modifying client-side code and you want to debug it using
the gwt devmode, open one terminal an run the command mvn vaadin:run
Then open another terminal and run: mvn jetty:run
Finally open your browser and open the url http://localhost:8080/?gwt.codesvr=
This sample is open source and licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.