From ffa5a2366a274f6cd18e527b952021c4019459eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sam A <>
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2023 23:24:08 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Delete __trash.ahk
changes_of_note/__trash.ahk | 2924 -----------------------------------
1 file changed, 2924 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 changes_of_note/__trash.ahk
diff --git a/changes_of_note/__trash.ahk b/changes_of_note/__trash.ahk
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d1c05c..0000000
--- a/changes_of_note/__trash.ahk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2924 +0,0 @@
-; Adventure v2.5.8
-; Tested on AHK v1.1.28.00 Unicode 32/64-bit, Windows XP/7/10
-; Script options
-#SingleInstance, Force
-#MaxMem 640
-#KeyHistory 0
-SetBatchLines -1
-DetectHiddenWindows, On
-SetWinDelay, -1
-SetControlDelay, -1
-SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
-FileEncoding, UTF-8
-ListLines Off
-Files := [] ; Store filenames passed as parameters
-Loop %0% {
- Loop Files, % %A_Index%
- Files.Push(A_LoopFileLongPath)
-Param = %1%
-0 := 0
-If (Files.Length() && (hPrevInst := WinExist("AutoGUI v")) && Param != "/new") {
- For Each, File in Files {
- SendFile(File, hPrevInst)
- }
- WinActivate ahk_id %hPrevInst%
- ExitApp
-; Libraries
-#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\AuxLib.ahk
-#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\GuiTabEx.ahk
-#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Toolbar.ahk
-#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Scintilla.ahk
-#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\AutoXYWH.ahk
-#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Include\Globals.ahk
-#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Include\Keywords.ahk
-;Menu Tray, UseErrorLevel ; Suppress menu warnings
-Menu Tray, Icon, %IconLib%
-If (FileExist(A_AppData . "\AutoGUI\AutoGUI.ini")) {
- IniFile := A_AppData . "\AutoGUI\AutoGUI.ini"
-} Else {
- IniFile := A_ScriptDir . "\AutoGUI.ini"
-Gui, Color, 000000
-Gui +LastFound ; Make the GUI window the last found window for use by the line below.
-WinSet, TransColor, 000000
-Gui Auto: New, LabelAuto hWndhAutoWnd Resize MinSize680 -DPIScale, %g_AppName% v%g_Version%
-Gui Auto: Default
-AddMenu("AutoFileMenu", "&New File`tCtrl+N", "NewTab", IconLib, 7)
-Menu AutoEditMenu, Add, &Undo`tCtrl+Z, Undo
-AddMenu("AutoSearchMenu", "&Find...`tCtrl+F", "ShowFindDialog", IconLib, 21)
-Menu AutoConvertMenu, Add, &UPPERCASE`tCtrl+Shift+U, Uppercase
-AddMenu("AutoControlMenu", "Change Text...", "ChangeText", IconLib, 14)
-AddMenu("AutoLayoutMenu", "Align &Lefts", "AlignLefts", IconLib, 26)
-AddMenu("AutoWindowMenu", "Change &Title...", "ChangeTitle", IconLib, 37)
-Menu AutoViewMenu, Add, &Editor Mode, SwitchToEditorMode, Radio
-Menu AutoOptionsMenu, Add, Enable &Autocompletion, ToggleAutoComplete
-If (A_PtrSize == 8) {
- AddMenu("AutoRunMenu", "Run with AHK 64-&bit`tF9", "RunScript", IconLib, 93)
- AddMenu("AutoRunMenu", "Run with AHK 32-bit`tShift+F9", "RunScript", IconLib, 92)
-} Else {
- AddMenu("AutoRunMenu", "Run with AHK 32-bit`tF9", "RunScript", IconLib, 92)
- AddMenu("AutoRunMenu", "Run with AHK 64-&bit`tShift+F9", "RunScript", IconLib, 93)
-AddMenu("AutoDebugMenu", "Start Debugging`tF5", "DebugRun", IconLib, 104)
-AddMenu("AutoToolsMenu", "&Window Cloning Tool", "ShowCloneDialog", "Icons\WCT.ico")
-AddMenu("AutoHelpMenu", "AutoHotkey &Help File`tF1", "HelpMenuHandler", IconLib, 78)
-Menu AutoMenuBar, Add, % " &File ", :AutoFileMenu
-Menu AutoMenuBar, Add, % " &Edit ", :AutoEditMenu
-Menu AutoMenuBar, Add, % " Te&xt ", :AutoConvertMenu
-Menu AutoMenubar, Add, % " &Search ", :AutoSearchMenu
-If (g_DesignMode) {
- Menu AutoMenuBar, Add, % " &Control ", :AutoControlMenu
- Menu AutoMenuBar, Add, % " &Layout ", :AutoLayoutMenu
- Menu AutoMenuBar, Add, % " &Window ", :AutoWindowMenu
-Menu AutoMenuBar, Add, % " &View ", :AutoViewMenu
-Menu AutoMenuBar, Add, % " &Options ", :AutoOptionsMenu
-Menu AutoMenuBar, Add, % " &Run ", :AutoRunMenu
-Menu AutoMenuBar, Add, % " &Debug ", :AutoDebugMenu
-Menu AutoMenuBar, Add, % " &Tools ", :AutoToolsMenu
-Menu AutoMenuBar, Add, % " &Help ", :AutoHelpMenu
-Gui Menu, AutoMenuBar
-IniRead g_InitialX, %IniFile%, Auto, x
-IniRead g_InitialY, %IniFile%, Auto, y
-IniRead g_InitialW, %IniFile%, Auto, w, 952
-IniRead g_InitialH, %IniFile%, Auto, h, 611
-IniRead ShowState, %IniFile%, Auto, Show, 3 ; SW_MAXIMIZE
-If (FileExist(IniFile)) {
- SetWindowPlacement(hAutoWnd, g_InitialX, g_InitialY, g_InitialW, g_InitialH, 0)
-} Else {
- Gui Show, w%g_InitialW% h%g_InitialH% Hide
-Gui Font, s9, Segoe UI
-Gui Add, StatusBar, hWndg_hStatusBar
-GuiControlGet g_StatusBar, Pos, %g_hStatusBar%
-If (g_DesignMode) {
- CreateToolbox(0)
-Gui Add, Edit, hWndg_hHiddenEdit x0 y0 w0 h0
-GoSub CreateTabControl
-; Initial instance of Scintilla
-Sci[1] := New Scintilla
-Sci_GetIdealSize(SciX, SciY, SciW, SciH)
-Sci[1].Add(hAutoWnd, SciX, SciY, SciW, SciH, SciLexer, 0x50010000, 0x200)
-ShowWindow(hAutoWnd, ShowState)
-WinActivate ahk_id %hAutoWnd%
-#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Include\Menu.ahk
-If (!g_DesignMode) {
- CreateToolbox(1)
-; Dispatch messages
-OnMessage(0x136, "OnWM_CTLCOLORDLG")
-OnMessage(0x3, "OnWM_MOVE")
-OnMessage(0x201, "OnWM_LBUTTONDOWN")
-OnMessage(0x204, "OnWM_RBUTTONDOWN")
-OnMessage(0x207, "OnWM_MBUTTONDOWN")
-OnMessage(0x200, "OnWM_MOUSEMOVE")
-OnMessage(0x100, "OnWM_KEYDOWN")
-OnMessage(0x101, "OnWM_KEYUP")
-OnMessage(0x104, "OnWM_SYSKEYDOWN")
-OnMessage(0x203, "OnWM_LBUTTONDBLCLK")
-OnMessage(0x232, "OnWM_EXITSIZEMOVE")
-OnMessage(0x18, "OnWM_SHOWWINDOW")
-OnMessage(0xA0, "OnWM_NCMOUSEMOVE")
-OnMessage(0x138, "OnWM_CTLCOLORSTATIC")
-OnMessage(0x20, "OnWM_SETCURSOR")
-OnMessage(0x202, "OnWM_LBUTTONUP")
-OnMessage(0x4A, "OnWM_COPYDATA")
-OnMessage(0x1C, "OnWM_ACTIVATEAPP")
-OnMessage(0x211, "OnWM_ENTERMENULOOP")
-OnMessage(0x116, "OnWM_INITMENU")
-OnMessage(10000, "CustomMessage")
-OnMessage(0x16, "SaveSettings") ; WM_ENDSESSION
-If (Files.Length()) {
- Open(Files)
-} Else If (g_LoadLastSession) {
- LoadLastSession()
-hBitmapTile := LoadImage(A_ScriptDir . "\Icons\8x8.bmp", g_GridSize, g_GridSize, 0)
-hCursorCross := DllCall("LoadCursor", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 32515, "Ptr")
-hCursorDragMove := LoadImage(A_ScriptDir . "\Icons\DragMove.cur", 32, 32, 2)
-#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Include\Controls.ahk
-SplitPath A_AhkPath,, AhkDir
-g_AhkPath3264 := AhkDir . (A_PtrSize == 4 ? "\AutoHotkeyU64.exe" : "\AutoHotkeyU32.exe")
-Global g_ThemeFix := DllCall("UxTheme.dll\IsThemeActive") ? "" : "-Theme" ; Temp
-LoadAutoComplete(A_ScriptDir . "\Include\AutoHotkey.xml")
-GoSub NewGUI
-If (!A_IsUnicode) {
- MsgBox 0x10, Error, %g_AppName% is incompatible with the ANSI build of AutoHotkey.
- ExitApp
-Return ; End of the auto-execute section.
- TabIndex := TabEx.GetSel()
- ShowWindow(Sci[TabIndex].hWnd)
- Loop % Sci.Length() {
- If (A_Index != TabIndex) {
- ShowWindow(Sci[A_Index].hWnd, 0)
- }
- }
- Sci[TabIndex].GrabFocus()
- If (TabIndex != g_GuiTab) {
- ShowChildWindow(0)
- }
- WrapMode := Sci[TabIndex].GetWrapMode()
- SendMessage TB_CHECKBUTTON, 2160, WrapMode,, ahk_id %hMainToolbar%
- Menu AutoViewMenu, % WrapMode ? "Check" : "Uncheck", &Wrap Long Lines
- ReadOnly := Sci[TabIndex].GetReadOnly()
- SendMessage TB_CHECKBUTTON, 2170, ReadOnly,, ahk_id %hMainToolbar%
- Menu AutoEditMenu, % ReadOnly ? "Check" : "Uncheck", Set as &Read-Only
- UpdateStatusBar()
- SetWindowTitle(Sci[TabIndex].FullName)
- Sci[TabIndex].LastAccessTime := A_Now . A_MSec
- CheckModified()
-CreateEditorToolbar() {
- EditorTBIL := IL_Create(30)
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 7) ; New Tab
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 9) ; Open
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 10) ; Save
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 125) ; Save All
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 126) ; Design Mode
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 6) ; New GUI
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 15) ; Cut
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 16) ; Copy
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 17) ; Paste
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 81) ; Undo
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 82) ; Redo
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 21) ; Find
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 22) ; Replace
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 23) ; Find in Files
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 130) ; Mark Current Line
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 131) ; Mark Selected Text
- IL_Add(editorTBIL, IconLib, 137) ; Line numbers
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 83) ; Fold Margin
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 85) ; Word Wrap
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 87) ; Read Only
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 86) ; Syntax Highlighting
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 84) ; Show White Spaces
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 104) ; Debug Run
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 106) ; Debug Stop
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 109) ; Step Into
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 110) ; Step Over
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 111) ; Step Out
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 115) ; Inspect Variables
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 12) ; Execute
- IL_Add(EditorTBIL, IconLib, 78) ; Help
- EditorTBBtns =
- (LTrim
- -
- New File
- Open
- Save
- Save All
- -
- Design Mode,,, SHOWTEXT
- -
- Cut
- Copy
- Paste
- -
- Undo
- Redo
- -
- Find
- Replace
- Find in Files
- -
- Mark Current Line
- Mark Selected Text
- -
- Line Numbers,,,, 2140
- Fold Margin,,,, 2150
- Word Wrap,,,, 2160
- Read Only,,,, 2170
- Syntax Highlighting,,,, 2180
- Show White Spaces,,,, 2190
- -
- Start Debugging / Continue,,,, 2500
- Stop Debugging,, HIDDEN,, 2501
- Step Into,, HIDDEN,, 2502
- Step Over,, HIDDEN,, 2503
- Step Out,, HIDDEN,, 2504
- Inspect Variables,, HIDDEN,, 2505
- -
- Execute,,, SHOWTEXT
- -
- Help
- )
- Extra := (g_TabBarPos == 1) ? "+E0x200" : ""
- Extra .= (g_DesignMode) ? " Hidden" : ""
- hMainToolbar := ToolbarCreate("OnMainToolbar", EditorTBBtns, EditorTBIL, "FLAT LIST TOOLTIPS", Extra)
- SendMessage 0x41F, 0, 0x00180018,, ahk_id %hMainToolbar% ; TB_SETBUTTONSIZE
-OnMainToolbar(hWnd, Event, Text, Pos, Id) {
- If (Event != "Click") {
- Return
- }
- If (Text == "New File") {
- NewTab()
- } Else If (Text == "Open") {
- Open()
- } Else If (Text == "Save") {
- Save(TabEx.GetSel())
- } Else If (Text == "Save All") {
- GoSub SaveAll
- } Else If (Text == "Undo") {
- Undo()
- } Else If (Text == "Redo") {
- Redo()
- } Else If (Text == "Design Mode") {
- GoSub SwitchToDesignMode
- } Else If (Text == "New GUI") {
- GoSub NewGUI
- } Else If (Text == "Cut") {
- Cut()
- } Else If (Text == "Copy") {
- Copy()
- } Else If (Text == "Paste") {
- Paste()
- } Else If (Text == "Find") {
- GoSub ShowFindDialog
- } Else If (Text == "Replace") {
- GoSub ShowReplaceDialog
- } Else If (Text == "Find in Files") {
- FindInFiles()
- } Else If (Text == "Mark Current Line") {
- ToggleBookmark(g_MarkerBookmark)
- } Else If (Text == "Mark Selected Text") {
- MarkSelectedText()
- } Else If (Text == "Line Numbers") {
- ToggleLineNumbers()
- } Else If (Text == "Fold Margin") {
- ToggleCodeFolding()
- } Else If (Text == "Word Wrap") {
- ToggleWordWrap()
- } Else If (Text == "Read Only") {
- ToggleReadOnly()
- } Else If (Text == "Syntax Highlighting") {
- ToggleSyntaxHighlighting()
- } Else If (Text == "Show White Spaces") {
- ToggleWhiteSpaces()
- } Else If (Id == 2500) {
- DebugRun()
- } Else If (Text == "Step Into") {
- GoSub StepInto
- } Else If (Text == "Step Over") {
- GoSub StepOver
- } Else If (Text == "Step Out") {
- GoSub StepOut
- } Else If (Text == "Stop Debugging") {
- GoSub DebugStop
- } Else If (Text == "Inspect Variables") {
- GoSub ShowVarList
- } Else If (Text == "Execute") {
- RunScript()
- } Else If (Text == "Help") {
- OpenHelpFile(GetSelectedText())
- }
-; Design Mode toolbar
-CreateDesignToolbar() {
- TbarIL := IL_Create(32)
- IL_Add(TbarIL, IconLib, 7) ; New File
- IL_Add(TbarIL, IconLib, 9) ; Open
- IL_Add(TbarIL, IconLib, 10) ; Save
- IL_Add(TbarIL, IconLib, 125) ; Save All
- IL_Add(TbarIL, IconLib, 126) ; Design Mode
- IL_Add(TbarIL, IconLib, 6) ; New GUI
- IL_Add(TbarIL, IconLib, 38) ; Show/Hide Preview Window
- IL_Add(TbarIL, IconLib, 72) ; Show Grid
- IL_Add(TbarIL, IconLib, 73) ; Snap to Grid
- IL_Add(TbarIL, IconLib, 26) ; Align Lefts
- IL_Add(TbarIL, IconLib, 27) ; Align Rights
- IL_Add(TbarIL, IconLib, 28) ; Align Tops
- IL_Add(TbarIL, IconLib, 29) ; Align Bottoms
- IL_Add(TbarIL, IconLib, 30) ; Center Horizontally
- IL_Add(TbarIL, IconLib, 31) ; Center Vertically
- IL_Add(TbarIL, IconLib, 33) ; Horizontally Space
- IL_Add(TbarIL, IconLib, 32) ; Vertically Space
- IL_Add(TbarIL, IconLib, 34) ; Make Same Width
- IL_Add(TbarIL, IconLib, 35) ; Make Same Height
- IL_Add(TbarIL, IconLib, 36) ; Make Same Size
- IL_Add(TbarIL, "Icons\WCT.ico") ; Window Cloning Tool
- IL_Add(TbarIL, IconLib, 12) ; Execute
- IL_Add(TbarIL, IconLib, 25) ; Properties
- TbarButtons =
- (LTrim
- -
- New File
- Open
- Save
- Save All
- -
- Design Mode,,, SHOWTEXT, 1060
- Show/Hide Preview Window,,,, 1070
- -
- Show Grid,,,, 1080
- Snap to Grid,,,, 1090
- -
- Align Lefts
- Align Rights
- Align Tops
- Align Bottoms
- -
- Center Horizontally
- Center Vertically
- -
- Horizontally Space
- Vertically Space
- -
- Make Same Width
- Make Same Height
- Make Same Size
- -
- Window Cloning Tool
- -
- Execute,,, SHOWTEXT
- -
- Properties
- )
- Extra := (g_TabBarPos == 1) ? "+E0x200" : ""
- Extra .= (g_DesignMode) ? "" : " Hidden"
- hGUIToolbar := ToolbarCreate("OnGUIToolbar", TbarButtons, TbarIL, "FLAT LIST TOOLTIPS", Extra)
- SendMessage 0x41F, 0, 0x00180018,, ahk_id %hGUIToolbar% ; TB_SETBUTTONSIZE
-OnGUIToolbar(hWnd, Event, Text, Pos, Id) {
- If (Event == "Hot") {
- If (GetActiveWindow() != hAutoWnd && Text != "Execute") {
- Tooltip %Text%
- SetTimer RemoveToolTip, 3000
- }
- Return
- }
- If (Event != "Click") {
- Return
- }
- If (Text == "New GUI") {
- GoSub NewGUI
- } Else If (Text == "New File") {
- NewTab()
- } Else If (Text == "Open") {
- Open()
- } Else If (Text == "Save") {
- Save(TabEx.GetSel())
- } Else If (Text == "Save All") {
- GoSub SaveAll
- } Else If (Text == "Design Mode") {
- GoSub SwitchToEditorMode
- } Else If (Text == "Show/Hide Preview Window") {
- ShowChildWindow()
- } Else If (Text == "Show Grid") {
- GoSub ToggleGrid
- } Else If (Text == "Snap to Grid") {
- GoSub ToggleSnapToGrid
- } Else If (Text == "Align Lefts") {
- AlignLefts()
- } Else If (Text == "Align Rights") {
- AlignRights()
- } Else If (Text == "Align Tops") {
- AlignTops()
- } Else If (Text == "Align Bottoms") {
- AlignBottoms()
- } Else If (Text == "Center Horizontally") {
- CenterHorizontally()
- } Else If (Text == "Center Vertically") {
- CenterVertically()
- } Else If (Text == "Horizontally Space") {
- HorizontallySpace()
- } Else If (Text == "Vertically Space") {
- VerticallySpace()
- } Else If (Text == "Make Same Width") {
- MakeSame("w")
- } Else If (Text == "Make Same Height") {
- MakeSame("h")
- } Else If (Text == "Make Same Size") {
- MakeSame("wh")
- } Else If (Text == "Window Cloning Tool") {
- GoSub ShowCloneDialog
- } Else If (Text == "Execute") {
- RunScript()
- } Else If (Text == "Properties") {
- GoSub ShowProperties
- }
- Tooltip
- SetTimer RemoveToolTip, Off
- ToolTip
- Tooltip
-SetStatusBar(GD := 0) {
- Gui Auto: Default
- If (GD) {
- SB_SetParts()
- SB_SetParts(162, 170, 170, 170)
- SB_SetIcon(IconLib, 4, 1) ; GUI Designer
- SB_SetIcon(IconLib, 75, 2) ; Position
- SB_SetIcon(IconLib, 76, 3) ; Size
- SB_SetIcon(IconLib, 77, 4) ; Cursor
- SB_SetText("GUI Designer", 1)
- } Else {
- SB_SetParts()
- SB_SetParts(162, 200, 200, 62) ; Mode | Line:Pos | Document Status | Overtype Mode | Save Encoding
- If (g_Insert) {
- SB_SetText(" Insert", 4)
- } Else {
- SB_SetText("Overstrike", 4)
- }
- SB_SetText(A_FileEncoding, 5)
- ;SB_SetText("", 1) ; ?
- UpdateStatusBar()
- }
-; Message handling
- If (A_EventInfo == 1) { ; The window has been minimized.
- Return
- }
- Gui Auto: Default
- GuiControlGet, ToolBox, Pos, %hLVToolbox%
- GuiControlGet, TabCtl, Pos, %hTab%
- GuiControl Move, %hGUIToolbar%, w%A_GuiWidth%
- GuiControl Move, %hMainToolbar%, w%A_GuiWidth%
- GuiControl Move, %hLVToolbox%, % "h" . A_GuiHeight - g_ToolbarH - g_StatusBarH
- If (g_TabBarPos == 1) {
- TabCtlY := g_ToolbarH
- SciY := TabCtlY + TabCtlH + 1
- SciH := A_GuiHeight - g_StatusBarH - SciY
- } Else {
- TabCtlY := A_GuiHeight - g_StatusBarH - TabCtlH
- SciY := g_ToolbarH
- SciH := A_GuiHeight - g_StatusBarH - TabCtlH - SciY
- }
- If (g_DesignMode) {
- TabCtlW := A_GuiWidth - ToolboxW - 2
- SciW := A_GuiWidth - ToolBoxW - g_SplitterW
- } Else {
- TabCtlW := A_GuiWidth
- SciW := A_GuiWidth + 1
- }
- GuiControl MoveDraw, %hTab%, y%TabCtlY% w%TabCtlW%
- Loop % Sci.Length() {
- SetWindowPos(Sci[A_Index].hWnd, 0, 0, SciW, SciH, 0, 0x16) ; SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE
- }
- If (g_DesignMode) {
- Gui ListView, %hLVToolbox%
- LV_ModifyCol(1, "AutoHdr")
- }
- Files := StrSplit(A_GuiEvent, "`n")
- Open(Files)
- If (g_RememberSession) {
- GoSub SaveSessionOnExit
- }
- If (g_AskToSaveOnExit) {
- GoSub AskToSaveOnExit
- } Else {
- GoSub AutoExit
- }
- If (g_DbgStatus) {
- GoSub DebugStop
- DBGp_StopListening(g_DbgSocket)
- }
- SaveSettings()
- IL_Destroy(TabExIL)
- FileDelete %A_Temp%\AutoXYWH.ahk
- FileDelete %A_Temp%\Toolbar.ahk
- FileDelete %A_Temp%\ControlColor.ahk
- If (A_EventInfo == 1) { ; The window has been minimized.
- ShowChildWindow(0)
- Return
- }
- If (g_GuiVis) {
- Gui Auto: Default
- SB_SetText("Size: " . A_GuiWidth . " x " . A_GuiHeight, 3)
- }
- ShowChildWindow(0)
- Static Brush := 0
- If (A_Gui != Child || !g_ShowGrid) {
- Return
- }
- If (!Brush) {
- Brush := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\CreatePatternBrush", "Ptr", hBitmapTile, "Ptr")
- }
- Return Brush
-OnWM_MOVE(wParam, lParam, msg, hWnd) {
- If (hWnd != hChildWnd) {
- Return
- }
- WinGetPos wx, wy,,, ahk_id %hChildWnd%
- If (WinExist("ahk_id " . hSelWnd)) {
- WinMove ahk_id %hSelWnd%,, %wx%, %wy%
- }
- Gui Auto: Default
- SB_SetText("Position: " . wx . ", " . wy, 2)
-OnWM_EXITSIZEMOVE(wParam, lParam, msg, hWnd) {
- If (hWnd == hChildWnd) {
- GenerateCode()
- Properties_UpdateWinPos()
- If (ToolbarExist()) {
- Repaint(hChildWnd)
- }
- }
-OnWM_MOUSEMOVE(wParam, lParam, msg, hWnd) {
- Static hPrevCtrl := 0
- If (GetActiveWindow() != hAutoWnd && hWnd != hGUIToolbar) {
- Tooltip
- }
- CoordMode Mouse, Window
- MouseGetPos x1, y1, hWindow, hControl, 2
- If (hControl == "") {
- hControl := hWindow
- }
- ; Update status bar info
- If (g_GuiVis) {
- If ((hControl != hPrevCtrl) ) {
- If (hControl != hChildWnd) {
- GuiControlGet Pos, Pos, %hControl%
- MouseGetPos,,,, ClassNN
- Gui Auto: Default
- SB_SetText("Position: " . PosX . ", " . PosY, 2)
- SB_SetText("Size: " . PosW . " x " . PosH, 3)
- SB_SetText(ClassNN, 5)
- } Else {
- WinGetTitle WinTitle, ahk_id %hWindow%
- wi := GetWindowInfo(hWindow)
- wx := wi.WindowX
- wy := wi.WindowY
- ww := wi.ClientW
- wh := wi.ClientH
- Gui Auto: Default
- SB_SetText("AutoHotkeyGUI", 5)
- SB_SetText("Position: " . wx . ", " . wy, 2)
- SB_SetText("Size: " . ww . " x " . wh, 3)
- }
- hPrevCtrl := hControl
- }
- Gui Auto: Default
- CoordMode Mouse, Client
- MouseGetPos mx, my
- SB_SetText("Cursor: " . mx . ", " . my, 4)
- }
- If (hWindow != hChildWnd) {
- Return
- }
- LButtonP := wParam & 1 ; MK_LBUTTON
- If (LButtonP && IsResizer(hControl)) {
- OnResize(hControl)
- } Else If (LButtonP && !(wParam & 0x8)) { ; MK_CONTROL
- If (hControl == hChildWnd) {
- DestroyWindow(hSelWnd)
- WinGetPos wx, wy, ww, wh, ahk_id %hChildWnd%
- ; Translucid selection rectangle (based on maestrith's GUI Creator)
- Gui SelRect: New, LabelSelRect hWndhSelRect -Caption AlwaysOnTop ToolWindow
- Gui SelRect: Color, 1BCDEF
- WinSet Transparent, 40, ahk_id %hSelRect%
- Gui SelRect: Show, x%wx% y%wy% w%ww% h%wh% NoActivate Hide
- Gui SelRect: Show, NoActivate
- While GetKeyState("LButton", "P") {
- CoordMode Mouse, Window
- MouseGetPos x2, y2
- WinSet Region, %x1%-%y1% %x2%-%y1% %x2%-%y2% %x1%-%y2% %x1%-%y1%, ahk_id %hSelRect%
- }
- Gui SelRect: Destroy
- g.Selection := GetControlsFromRegion(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- Select(g.Selection)
- } Else {
- If (wParam & 0x4) { ; MK_SHIFT
- DestroyWindow(hSelWnd)
- ResizeControl(hControl)
- } Else {
- DestroyWindow(hSelWnd)
- HideResizers()
- MoveControl()
- ShowResizers()
- Select(g.Selection)
- }
- }
- }
-OnWM_LBUTTONDOWN(wParam, lParam, msg, hWnd) {
- g_LButtonDown := 1
- If (GetClassName(hWnd) == "Scintilla") {
- ShowChildWindow(0)
- }
- If (GetActiveWindow() != hChildWnd) {
- Return
- }
- If (IsResizer(hWnd)) {
- Return
- }
- MouseGetPos,,, hGui, g_Control, 2
- CtrlP := wParam & 0x8 ; MK_CONTROL
- If (g_Cross) {
- If (!CtrlP) {
- g_Cross := False
- }
- g_X := lParam & 0xFFFF
- g_Y := lParam >> 16
- Gui Auto: Default
- RowNumber := LV_GetNext()
- LV_GetText(Type, RowNumber)
- If (Type != "Toolbox") {
- AddControl(Type)
- }
- Return
- }
- If (g_Control == "") {
- DestroyWindow(hSelWnd)
- HideResizers()
- If (IsWindowVisible(hPropWnd)) {
- GoSub ShowProperties
- }
- Return
- } Else {
- ShowResizers()
- }
- If (CtrlP) {
- fSelect := True
- Loop % g.Selection.Length() {
- If (g_Control == g.Selection[A_Index]) {
- g.Selection.Remove(A_Index)
- fSelect := False
- Break
- }
- }
- If (fSelect) {
- If (g[g_Control].Type == "Tab2") {
- SelectTabItems(g_Control)
- } Else {
- g.Selection.Push(g_Control)
- Select([g_Control])
- }
- } Else {
- UpdateSelection()
- }
- } Else {
- DestroyWindow(hSelWnd)
- If (g_Control != "" && g[g_Control].ClassNN == "") {
- g_Control := GetParent(g_Control)
- }
- If (IsWindowVisible(hPropWnd)) {
- GoSub ShowProperties
- }
- }
- If (g[g_Control].Type == "Tab2") {
- Return
- }
- Return 0
-OnWM_LBUTTONDBLCLK(wParam, lParam, msg, hWnd) {
- If (hWnd == hAutoWnd) {
- NewTab()
- Return
- }
- If (GetActiveWindow() != hChildWnd) {
- Return
- }
- MouseGetPos,,,, g_Control, 2
- If (g_Control == "") {
- GoSub ChangeTitle
- } Else If (g_Control == hChildToolbar){
- GoSub ShowToolbarEditor
- } Else {
- g_Control := g[g_Control].ClassNN == "" ? GetParent(g_Control) : g_Control
- GoSub ChangeText
- }
- Return 0
-OnWM_MBUTTONDOWN(wParam, lParam, msg, hWnd) {
- MouseGetPos,,, hGui, g_Control, 2
- If (hGui == hChildWnd) {
- If (g_Control != "" && g[g_Control].ClassNN == "") {
- g_Control := GetParent(g_Control) ; For ComboBox and ActiveX
- }
- GoSub ShowProperties
- }
- Return
-OnWM_RBUTTONDOWN(wParam, lParam, msg, hWnd) {
- g_X := lParam & 0xFFFF
- g_Y := lParam >> 16
- If (hWnd == hChildToolbar) {
- AddMenu("ChildToolbarMenu", "Properties", "ShowToolbarEditor", IconLib, 25)
- Menu ChildToolbarMenu, Show
- Return
- }
- MouseGetPos,,, g_Gui, g_Control, 2
- If (g_Gui != hChildWnd) {
- If (hWnd == hTab) {
- g_TabIndex := TabHitTest(hTab, lParam & 0xFFFF, lParam >> 16)
- ShowTabContextMenu()
- }
- Return
- }
- If (g[g_Control].Type == "Tab2") {
- VarSetCapacity(RECT, 16, 0)
- DllCall("GetClientRect", "Ptr", g_Control, "Ptr", &RECT)
- SendMessage 0x1328, 0, &RECT,, ahk_id %g_Control% ; TCM_ADJUSTRECT
- tiy := NumGet(RECT, 4, "Int")
- ControlGetPos,, ty,,,, ahk_id %g_Control%
- If (g_Y > (tiy + ty)) {
- g_Control := ""
- }
- }
- If (g_Control == "" || IsResizer(g_Control)) {
- Menu WindowContextMenu, Show
- } Else {
- If (g[g_Control].Handle == "") {
- g_Control := GetParent(g_Control) ; For ComboBox and ActiveX
- }
- ShowContextMenu()
- }
- Return 0
-OnWM_KEYDOWN(wParam, lParam, msg, hWnd) {
- hActiveWnd := WinExist("A")
- ShiftP := GetKeyState("Shift", "P")
- CtrlP := GetKeyState("Ctrl", "P") && !GetKeyState("vkA5", "P") ; vkA5: AltGr = Ctrl + Alt
- ; Main window
- If (hActiveWnd == hAutoWnd) {
- If (CtrlP) {
- If (wParam == 9) { ; Ctrl+Tab
- NextTab := TabEx.GetSel()
- If (ShiftP) {
- NextTab := (NextTab == 1) ? TabEx.GetCount() - 1 : NextTab - 2
- } Else If (NextTab == TabEx.GetCount()) {
- NextTab := 0
- }
- SendMessage 0x1330, NextTab,,, ahk_id %hTab% ; TCM_SETCURFOCUS.
- Sleep 0 ; This line and the next are necessary only for certain tab controls.
- SendMessage 0x130C, NextTab,,, ahk_id %hTab% ; TCM_SETCURSEL
- GoSub TabHandler
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 13) { ; Ctrl + Enter
- AutoComplete(1)
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 32) { ; Ctrl + Space
- WordPos := GetCurrentWord(Word)
- Calltip := GetCalltip(Word)
- ShowCalltip(TabEx.GetSel(), Calltip, WordPos[1])
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 0x6B) { ; ^Numpad+
- ZoomIn()
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 0x6D) { ; ^Numpad-
- ZoomOut()
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 0x60) { ; ^Numpad0
- ResetZoom()
- Return False
- } Else If (ShiftP && wParam == 0x26) { ; Ctrl + Shift + Up
- MoveLineUp()
- Return False
- } Else If (ShiftP && wParam == 0x28) { ; Ctrl + Shift + Down
- MoveLineDown()
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 0x28) { ; Ctrl + Down
- DuplicateLine()
- Return False
- } Else If (ShiftP && wParam == 34) { ; Ctrl + Shift + Pg Dn
- NextCalltip()
- Return False
- } Else If (ShiftP && wParam == 33) { ; Ctrl + Shift + Pg Up
- NextCalltip(1)
- Return False
- }
- }
- If (wParam == 113) { ; F2
- ToggleBookmark(ShiftP ? g_MarkerError : g_MarkerBookmark)
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 114) { ; F3
- If (ShiftP) {
- GoSub FindPrev
- } Else {
- GoSub FindNext
- }
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 0x2D) { ; Insert
- If (CtrlP) {
- InsertCalltip()
- Return False
- } Else {
- g_Insert := !g_Insert
- If (g_Insert) {
- SB_SetText(" Insert", 4)
- } Else {
- SB_SetText("Overstrike", 4)
- }
- }
- } Else If (wParam == 27) { ; Esc
- n := TabEx.GetSel()
- If (g_AutoCEnabled && Sci[n].AutoCActive()) {
- Sci[n].CallTipCancel() ; ?
- g_AutoCEnabled := False
- SetTimer SuspendAutoComplete, -3000
- Return False
- }
- hCursor := DllCall("GetCursor", "Ptr")
- If (hCursor == hCursorDragMove) {
- DllCall("ReleaseCapture")
- }
- }
- ; Preview window
- } Else If (hActiveWnd == hChildWnd) {
- If (ShiftP) {
- If (wParam == 37) { ; Shift + Left
- ResizeByKey("Left")
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 38) { ; Shift + Up
- ResizeByKey("Up")
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 39) { ; Shift + Right
- ResizeByKey("Right")
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 40) { ; Shift + Down
- ResizeByKey("Down")
- Return False
- }
- }
- If (wParam == 37) { ; Left
- MoveByKey("Left")
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 38) { ; Up
- MoveByKey("Up")
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 39) { ; Right
- MoveByKey("Right")
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 40) { ; Down
- MoveByKey("Down")
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 46) { ; Del
- DeleteSelectedControls()
- } Else If (wParam == 65 && CtrlP) { ; ^A
- SelectAllControls()
- } Else If (wParam == 113) { ; F2
- Gosub ChangeText
- } Else If (wParam == 114) { ; F3
- BlinkBorder(g_Control)
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 93) { ; AppsKey
- Menu WindowContextMenu, Show
- }
- } Else If (hActiveWnd == hAddMenuItemDlg) {
- ControlGetFocus FocusedControl, ahk_id %hAddMenuItemDlg%
- If (FocusedControl == "msctls_hotkey321") {
- ReservedKeys := {8: "Backspace", 13: "Enter", 27: "Esc", 32: "Space", 46: "Del"}
- If ReservedKeys.HasKey(wParam) {
- GuiControl,, msctls_hotkey321, % ReservedKeys[wParam]
- Return False
- }
- Return
- }
- } Else If (hActiveWnd == hFindReplaceDlg) {
- ;If (CtrlP && wParam == 86) { ; ^V
- } Else If (hActiveWnd == hVarListWnd) {
- If (wParam == 13) {
- GoSub ModifyVariable
- Return False
- }
- }
- ; Any window
- If (CtrlP) {
- If (wParam == 120) { ; ^F9
- GoSub RunSelectedText
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 80) { ; ^P
- ScriptDirectives()
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 78) { ; ^N
- NewTab()
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 87) { ; ^W
- GoSub CloseTab
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 79) { ; ^O
- Open()
- Return False
- } Else If (ShiftP && wParam == 83) { ; ^+S
- SaveAs(TabEx.GetSel())
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 83) { ; ^S
- Save(TabEx.GetSel())
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 73) { ; ^I
- GoSub ImportGUI
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 0x74) { ; ^F5
- ;GoSub DebugRunToCursor
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 71) { ; ^G
- ShowGoToLineDialog()
- Return False
- }
- }
- If (ShiftP && wParam == 117) { ; Shift + F6
- GoSub StepOut
- Return False
- }
- If (wParam == 120) { ; F9
- RunScript()
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 116) { ; F5
- DebugRun()
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 117) { ; F6
- GoSub StepInto
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 0x70) { ; F1
- OpenHelpFile(GetSelectedText())
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 0x7A) { ; F11
- ShowChildWindow()
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 0x7B) { ; F12
- If (g_DesignMode) {
- GoSub SwitchToEditorMode
- } Else {
- GoSub SwitchToDesignMode
- }
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 0x77) { ; F8
- GoSub DebugStop
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 115) { ; F4
- ToggleBreakpoint()
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 19) { ; Pause/Break
- GoSub DebugBreak
- Return
- }
-OnWM_SYSKEYDOWN(wParam, lParam, msg, hWnd) {
- If (WinExist() == hAddMenuItemDlg) {
- Return
- }
- If (wParam == 120) { ; Alt+F9
- RunScript(4)
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 116) { ; Alt+F5
- DebugRun(1)
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 0x79) { ; F10
- If (IsWindowVisible(hPropWnd)) {
- ShowWindow(hPropWnd, 0)
- } Else {
- GoSub ShowProperties
- }
- Return False
- } Else If (wParam == 71) { ; Alt+G
- GoSub NewGUI
- Return False
- }
-OnWM_KEYUP(wParam) {
- If (WinExist() == hChildWnd) {
- If (g_Cross && wParam == 17) { ; Ctrl
- g_Cross := False
- DllCall("SetCursor", "Ptr", DllCall("LoadCursor", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 32512, "Ptr")) ; IDC_ARROW
- }
- ; Restore the selection after moving controls with the arrow keys
- If (wParam >= 37 && wParam <= 40) {
- GenerateCode()
- UpdateSelection()
- }
- }
- g_DesignMode := False
- ShowChildWindow(0)
- ShowWindow(hGUIToolbar, 0)
- ShowWindow(hLVToolbox, 0)
- ShowWindow(hMainToolbar, 1)
- GetClientSize(hAutoWnd, WindowW, WindowH)
- GuiControl Auto: MoveDraw, %hTab%, x0 w%WindowW%
- Sci_GetIdealSize(SciX, SciY, SciW, SciH)
- Loop % Sci.Length() {
- SetWindowPos(Sci[A_Index].hWnd, SciX, SciY, SciW, SciH, 0, 0x14)
- }
- Repaint(hAutoWnd)
- Sci[TabEx.GetSel()].GrabFocus()
- SetStatusBar() ; ?
- CheckMenuRadioItem(MenuGetHandle("AutoViewMenu"), 0, 0, 1)
- Try {
- Menu AutoMenuBar, Delete, &Control
- Menu AutoMenuBar, Delete, &Layout
- Menu AutoMenuBar, Delete, &Window
- }
- g_DesignMode := True
- If (g_GuiTab == TabEx.GetSel()) {
- ShowWindow(hChildWnd, 1)
- }
- ShowWindow(hLVToolbox, 1)
- ShowWindow(hMainToolbar, 0)
- ShowWindow(hGUIToolbar, 1)
- SendMessage TB_CHECKBUTTON, 1060, 1,, ahk_id %hGUIToolbar%
- Gui Auto: Default
- GetClientSize(hAutoWnd, WindowW, WindowH)
- GuiControlGet ToolBox, Pos, %hLVToolbox%
- SplitterW := (g_TabBarStyle == 1 ? g_SplitterW : g_SplitterW - 2)
- GuiControl MoveDraw, %hTab%, % "x" . (ToolBoxW + SplitterW) . " w" . (WindowW - ToolboxW - SplitterW)
- Sci_GetIdealSize(SciX, SciY, SciW, SciH)
- Loop % Sci.Length() {
- SetWindowPos(Sci[A_Index].hWnd, SciX, SciY, SciW, SciH, 0, 0x14)
- }
- Repaint(hAutoWnd)
- CheckMenuRadioItem(MenuGetHandle("AutoViewMenu"), 1, 0, 1)
- Menu AutoMenuBar, Insert, 5&, &Window, :AutoWindowMenu
- Menu AutoMenuBar, Insert, 5&, &Layout, :AutoLayoutMenu
- Menu AutoMenuBar, Insert, 5&, &Control, :AutoControlMenu
-Open(Files := "", Flag := 0) {
- If (!Files.Length()) {
- n := TabEx.GetSel()
- If (Sci[n].FullName != "") {
- SplitPath % Sci[n].FullName,, StartPath
- } Else {
- StartPath := g_OpenDir
- }
- Gui Auto: +OwnDialogs
- FileSelectFile Files, M3, %StartPath%, Open
- If (ErrorLevel) {
- Return 0
- } Else {
- TempList := StrSplit(Files, "`n")
- BasePath := RTrim(TempList.RemoveAt(1), "\") ; RTrim for root folders
- Files := []
- For Each, FileName in TempList {
- Files.Push(BasePath . "\" . FileName)
- }
- }
- }
- For Each, File in Files {
- ;OutputDebug %A_ThisFunc%: %File%
- n := IsFileOpened(File)
- If (n && Flag != 2) { ; 2 = reopen
- TabEx.SetSel(n)
- Continue
- }
- _Open:
- Try {
- fOpen := FileOpen(File, "r")
- fRead := fOpen.Read()
- ;fEncoding := fOpen.Encoding
- fOpen.Close()
- } Catch e {
- MsgBox 0x16
- , Error %A_LastError%
- , % ((File != "") ? File . "`n" : "") . e.Message . "`n" . e.Extra
- IfMsgBox TryAgain, {
- GoTo _Open
- } Else IfMsgBox Continue, {
- Continue
- } Else {
- Return 0
- }
- }
- SplitPath File, FileName, g_OpenDir, FileExt
- If (Flag == 1 && FileExt = "ahk") {
- Gosub NewGUI
- ParseScript(fRead) ; Import GUI
- } Else {
- n := TabEx.GetSel()
- If (Flag == 0 && (Sci[n].FileName != "" || Sci[n].GetModify() || n == g_GuiTab)) {
- n := NewTab()
- } Else {
- SetWindowTitle(File)
- }
- TabEx.SetText(n, FileName)
- If (FileExt = "ahk") {
- TabEx.SetIcon(n, 2)
- } Else {
- Sci[n].SetLexer(0)
- }
- /*
- */
- Runtime := A_ScriptDir "\convert\runtime.txt"
- Temp := A_ScriptDir "\convert\temp.txt"
- Logs := A_ScriptDir "\convert\log.txt"
- empty := A_ScriptDir "\convert\empty.txt"
- if FileExist(Runtime){
- FileMove, %Runtime%, %Temp%, 1
- }
- FileAppend, %Runtime%, %Logs%, %Encoding%
- if FileExist(Logs){
- FileMove, %Logs%, %temp%, 1
- }
- Loop 50
- {
- if FileExist(Runtime)
- {
- FileRead, fRead, %Runtime%
- if (fRead == "")
- {
- sleep, 50
- continue
- }
- else
- {
- break
- }
- }
- else {
- Sleep, 50
- continue
- }
- }
- Sci[n].FullName := File
- Sci[n].FileName := FileName
- Sci[n].SetText("", fRead, 1)
- Sci[n].SetSavePoint()
- ;Sci[n].Encoding := fEncoding
- If (Flag == 0) {
- Sci[n].EmptyUndoBuffer()
- }
- FileGetTime Timestamp, %File%
- Sci[n].LastWriteTime := Timestamp
- }
- fRead := ""
- AddToRecentFiles(File)
- }
- Return n
- }
- SaveAs:
- SaveAs(TabEx.GetSel())
- Return
- SaveAs(n) {
- ; Show a file selection dialog box and return the selected file path
- FileSelectFile, SelectedFile, S, , Select a file to write code to, AutoHotKey (*.ahk)
- ; Check if a file was selected
- if (SelectedFile != "") {
- ; Open the selected file for writing
- SplitPath, SelectedFile, FileName
- if !InStr(FileName, ".ahk") {
- SelectedFile := SelectedFile . ".ahk"
- }
- OutputFile := FileOpen(SelectedFile, "w")
- FileRead, Code, %A_ScriptDir%\convert\lastv2.txt
- ; Write some sample code to the file
- OutputFile.Write(Code)
- ; Close the file
- OutputFile.Close()
- }
- }
- Save:
- Save(TabEx.GetSel())
- Return
- Save(n) {
- If (Sci[n].Filename == "") {
- Return SaveAs(n)
- }
- SciText := GetText(n)
- FullPath := Sci[n].FullName
- Encoding := GetSaveEncoding(FullPath)
- ; Backup a copy of the file before saving
- If (g_BackupOnSave) {
- If (BackupDirCreated()) {
- TempName := GetTempFileName(g_BackupDir, "ahk.tmp")
- If (FileExist(FullPath)) {
- FileCopy %FullPath%, %TempName%, 1
- } Else {
- FileAppend %SciText%, %TempName%, %Encoding%
- }
- }
- }
- FileDelete %FullPath%
- FileAppend %SciText%, %FullPath%, %Encoding%
- run_listener(FullPath)
- If (ErrorLevel) {
- ErrorMsgBox("Error saving """ . FullPath . """.`n`n" . GetErrorMessage(A_LastError), "Auto", g_AppName)
- SetWindowTitle("Error saving file: " . FullPath)
- Return 0
- }
- Sci[n].SetSavePoint()
- SetDocumentStatus(n)
- SetTabIcon(n)
- SplitPath FullPath,, g_SaveDir
- If (n == g_GuiTab) {
- CopyLibraries(g_SaveDir)
- }
- AddToRecentFiles(FullPath)
- Repaint(Sci[n].hWnd) ; ?
- FileGetTime Timestamp, %FullPath%
- Sci[n].LastWriteTime := Timestamp
- SciText := GetText(n)
- Encoding := GetSaveEncoding(FullPath)
- Return 1
- }
- SaveAll:
- Loop % Sci.Length() {
- If (Sci[A_Index].GetModify()) {
- Save(A_Index)
- }
- }
- Return
- SaveCopy:
- n := TabEx.GetSel()
- If (Sci[n].FileName != "") {
- SplitPath % Sci[n].FullName,, Dir, Extension, NameNoExt
- StartPath := Dir . "\" . NameNoExt . " - Copy." . Extension
- } Else {
- StartPath := g_SaveDir
- }
- Gui Auto: +OwnDialogs
- FileSelectFile SelectedFile, S16, %StartPath%, Save a Copy, AutoHotkey Scripts (*.ahk)
- If (ErrorLevel) {
- Return
- }
- SplitPath SelectedFile,,, FileExt
- If (FileExt == "" && Sci[n].GetLexer() == 200 && !FileExist(SelectedFile . ".ahk")) {
- SelectedFile .= ".ahk"
- }
- Log := A_ScriptDir "\convert\log.txt"
- SciText := GetText(n)
- Encoding := GetSaveEncoding(SelectedFile)
- WriteFile(SelectedFile, SciText, Encoding)
- run_listener(SelectedFile)
- AddToRecentFiles(SelectedFile)
- Return
- CopyLibraries(Dir) {
- If (g.Anchor) {
- Source := A_ScriptDir . "\Lib\AutoXYWH.ahk"
- Destination := Dir . "\AutoXYWH.ahk"
- FileCopy %Source%, %Destination%
- }
- If (ToolbarExist()) {
- Source := A_ScriptDir . "\Lib\Toolbar.ahk"
- Destination := Dir . "\Toolbar.ahk"
- If (Dir == A_Temp) {
- FileGetSize Size, %Dir%\Toolbar.ahk
- Overwrite := (Size > 40000) ? 1 : 0
- } Else {
- Overwrite := 0
- }
- FileCopy %Source%, %Destination%, %Overwrite%
- }
- If (g.ControlColor) {
- Source := A_ScriptDir . "\Lib\ControlColor.ahk"
- Destination := Dir . "\ControlColor.ahk"
- FileCopy %Source%, %Destination%
- }
- }
- RunScript:
- RunScript(A_ThisMenuItemPos)
- Return
- RunScript(Mode := 1) {
- n := TabEx.GetSel()
- Size := Sci[n].GetLength()
- If (Size == 0) {
- Return
- }
- AhkPath := (GetKeyState("Shift", "P") || Mode == 2) ? g_AhkPath3264 : A_AhkPath
- SciText := GetText(n)
- ; Run Selected Text (Ctrl+F9)
- If (Mode == 5) {
- Text := GetSelectedText()
- If (Text == "") {
- Text := SciText
- }
- if (FileExist(A_ScriptDir . "\runscript.ahk")) {
- FileMove, A_ScriptDir . "\runscript.ahk", A_ScriptDir . "\trash.txt", 1
- }
- FileAppend, %SciText%, %A_ScriptDir% . "\runscript.ahk"
- Return
- }
- ; Alternative run (Alt+F9)
- If (Mode == 4) {
- if (FileExist(A_ScriptDir . "\runscript.ahk")) {
- FileMove, A_ScriptDir . "\runscript.ahk", A_ScriptDir . "\trash.txt", 1
- }
- FileAppend, %SciText%, %A_ScriptDir% . "\runscript.ahk"
- }
- If (Sci[n].Filename != "") {
- If (Sci[n].GetModify()) {
- If (!Save(n)) {
- Return
- }
- }
- FullPath := Sci[n].FullName
- SplitPath FullPath,, WorkingDir
- } Else {
- ; Unsaved scripts run from the Temp folder
- if (FileExist(A_ScriptDir . "\runscript.ahk")) {
- FileMove, A_ScriptDir . "\runscript.ahk", A_ScriptDir . "\trash.txt", 1
- }
- FileAppend, %SciText%, %A_ScriptDir% . "\runscript.ahk"
- }
- If (g_CaptureStdErr) {
- AhkRunGetStdErr(n, AhkPath, FullPath, g_parameters, WorkingDir)
- } Else {
- if (FileExist(A_ScriptDir . "\runscript.ahk")) {
- FileMove, A_ScriptDir . "\runscript.ahk", A_ScriptDir . "\trash.txt", 1
- }
- FileAppend, %SciText%, %A_ScriptDir% . "\runscript.ahk"
- }
- }
- RunSelectedText:
- RunScript(5)
- Return
- GetAltRun() {
- If (FileExist(g_AltAhkPath)) {
- Return g_AltAhkPath
- } Else {
- FileSelectFile g_AltAhkPath, 3, %A_AhkPath%, Browse, Executable Files (*.exe)
- If (ErrorLevel) {
- Return
- }
- Return g_AltAhkPath
- }
- }
- ShowParamsDlg:
- Info := "Parameters are stored in the variables %1%, %2%, and so on.`n"
- . "They are also stored as an array in the built-in variable A_Args.`n"
- . "See the online help topic for details."
- Params := InputBoxEx("Script Parameters", Info, "Command Line Parameters", g_Parameters, "", "", hAutoWnd, 440, "", IconLib, 91)
- If (!ErrorLevel) {
- g_Parameters := Params
- }
- Return
- RunFileDlg() {
- hModule := DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "Str", "shell32.dll", "Ptr")
- RunFileDlg := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", hModule, "UInt", 61, "Ptr")
- DllCall(RunFileDlg, "Ptr", hAutoWnd, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "UInt", 0)
- }
- Compile() {
- SplitPath A_AhkPath,, AhkDir
- Ahk2ExePath := AhkDir . "\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe"
- Run %Ahk2ExePath%,, UseErrorLevel, PID
- If (ErrorLevel) {
- ErrorMsgBox(GetErrorMessage(A_LastError), "Auto")
- Return
- }
- n := TabEx.GetSel()
- AhkScript := Sci[n].FullName
- If (AhkScript && !Sci[n].GetModify()) {
- SplitPath AhkScript,, ScriptDir,, NameNoExt
- SetBatchLines 20ms
- Sleep 100
- WinWait Ahk2Exe ahk_pid %PID%
- WinGet hWnd, ID, Ahk2Exe ahk_pid %PID%
- WinActivate ahk_id %hWnd%
- WinWaitActive ahk_id %hWnd%
- ControlSetText Edit1, %AhkScript%, ahk_id %hWnd%
- If (!FileExist(ExeFile := ScriptDir . "\" . NameNoExt . ".exe")) {
- ControlSetText Edit2, %ExeFile%, ahk_id %hWnd%
- }
- SetBatchLines -1
- }
- }
- AddMenu(MenuName, MenuItemName := "", Subroutine := "MenuHandler", Icon := "", IconIndex := 0) {
- Menu, %MenuName%, Add, %MenuItemName%, %Subroutine%
- If (Icon != "") {
- Menu, %MenuName%, Icon, %MenuItemName%, %Icon%, %IconIndex%
- }
- }
- MenuHandler:
- Gui Auto: +OwnDialogs
- MsgBox 0x40, AutoGUI, Not implemented yet.
- Return
- AddToRecentFiles(FileName) {
- Static RecentFilesMenu := 0, MaxItems := 15
- If (!FileExist(FileName)) {
- Return
- }
- ; Determine the handle of the Recent Files menu
- If !(RecentFilesMenu) {
- hAutoMenu := GetMenu(hAutoWnd)
- hFileMenu := GetSubMenu(hAutoMenu, 0)
- FileMenuCount := GetMenuItemCount(hFileMenu)
- Loop %FileMenuCount% {
- If (GetMenuString(hFileMenu, A_Index - 1) = "Recent &Files") {
- RecentFilesMenu := GetSubMenu(hFileMenu, A_Index - 1)
- Break
- }
- }
- }
- MaxIndex := RecentFiles.Length()
- Loop %MaxIndex% {
- ; The drive letter may be uppercase or lowercase
- If (FileName = RecentFiles[A_Index]) {
- Try {
- Menu AutoRecentMenu, Delete, %FileName%
- }
- RecentFiles.RemoveAt(A_Index)
- Break
- }
- }
- RecentFiles.Push(FileName)
- Menu AutoFileMenu, Enable, Recent &Files
- Menu AutoRecentMenu, Insert, 1&, %FileName%, OpenRecentFile
- Try {
- Menu AutoRecentMenu, Icon, %FileName%, % "HICON:" . GetFileIcon(FileName)
- }
- Menu AutoFileMenu, Add, Recent &Files, :AutoRecentMenu
- ItemCount := GetMenuItemCount(RecentFilesMenu)
- If (ItemCount > MaxItems) {
- DeleteMenu(RecentFilesMenu, ItemCount - 1)
- RecentFiles.Remove(1)
- }
- }
- OpenRecentFile:
- Open([A_ThisMenuItem])
- Return
- LoadRecentFiles() {
- IniRead Recent, %IniFile%, Recent
- If (Recent != "ERROR") {
- Loop Parse, Recent, `n
- {
- RecentFile := SubStr(A_LoopField, InStr(A_LoopField, "=") + 1)
- AddToRecentFiles(RecentFile)
- }
- }
- }
- HelpMenuHandler:
- If (A_ThisMenuItem == "AutoHotkey &Help File`tF1") {
- Run %g_HelpFile%
- Return
- }
- Node := g_HelpMenuXMLObj.selectSingleNode("//MenuItem[@name=""" . A_ThisMenuItem . """]")
- URL := Node.getAttribute("url")
- If (SubStr(URL, 1, 1) == "/") {
- Run HH mk:@MSITStore:%g_HelpFile%::%URL%
- } Else {
- Try {
- Run %URL%
- }
- }
- Return
- ShowAbout:
- Gui About: New, LabelAbout -MinimizeBox OwnerAuto
- Gui Color, White
- Gui Add, Picture, x9 y10 w64 h64, %IconLib%
- Gui Font, s20 W700 Q4 c00ADEF, Verdana
- Gui Add, Text, x80 y8 w200, Adventure
- Gui Font
- Gui Font, s9, Segoe UI
- Gui Add, Text, x245 y23, v%g_Version%
- FileGetVersion SciVer, %SciLexer%
- Gui Add, Text, x81 y41, Scintilla %SciVer%
- Gui Add, Text, x81 y58 w365 +0x4000, % "AutoHotkey " . A_AhkVersion . " " . (A_IsUnicode ? "Unicode" : "ANSI") . " " . (A_PtrSize == 8 ? "64-bit" : "32-bit")
- Gui Add, Link, x81 y102 w200 h16, SourceForge Project Page
- Gui Add, Link, x81 y124 w200 h16, AutoGUI in the AHK Forum
- Gui Add, Link, x81 y146 w200 h16, Credits
- Gui Add, Text, x0 y189 w463 h1 +0x5
- Gui Add, Text, x0 y190 w463 h48 -Background
- Gui Add, Link, x16 y206 w87 h16 -Background,
- Gui Add, Button, gAboutClose x371 y203 w80 h24 Default, OK
- Gui Show, w463 h239, About
- ControlFocus Button1, About
- Gui +LastFound
- SendMessage 0x80, 0, DllCall("LoadIcon", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 32516, "Ptr") ; WM_SETICON, OIC_INFORMATION
- SetModalWindow(1)
- Return
- AboutEscape:
- AboutClose:
- SetModalWindow(0)
- Gui About: Destroy
- Return
- ShowTabContextMenu() {
- Action := FileExist(Sci[g_TabIndex].FullName) ? "Enable" : "Disable"
- Menu TabContextMenu, %Action%, Open Folder in Explorer
- Menu TabContextMenu, %Action%, Copy Path to Clipboard
- Menu TabContextMenu, %Action%, Open in a New Window
- Menu TabContextMenu, %Action%, File Properties
- Menu TabContextMenu, Show
- }
- OpenFolder() {
- Filename := Sci[g_TabIndex].FullName
- If (FileExist(Filename)) {
- Run *open explorer.exe /select`,"%Filename%"
- }
- }
- CopyFilePath:
- Clipboard := Sci[g_TabIndex].FullName
- Return
- ShowFileProperties:
- Run % "Properties " . Sci[g_TabIndex].FullName
- Return
- ; SetMainWindowTitle
- SetWindowTitle(Filename := "") {
- If (FileName != "") {
- WinSetTitle ahk_id%hAutoWnd%,, % g_AppName . " v" . g_Version . " - " . Filename
- } Else {
- WinSetTitle ahk_id%hAutoWnd%,, %g_AppName% v%g_Version%
- }
- }
- OnWM_CTLCOLORSTATIC(wParam, lParam) {
- If (IsResizer(lParam)) {
- DllCall("SetBkColor", "Ptr", wParam, "UInt", 0)
- Return g_ResizerBrush
- }
- }
- OnWM_SETCURSOR(wParam, lParam, Msg, hWnd) {
- If (g_Cursors[wParam]) {
- hCursor := DllCall("LoadCursor", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", g_Cursors[wParam], "Ptr")
- DllCall("SetCursor", "Ptr", hCursor)
- Return True
- }
- If (g_Cross && hWnd == hChildWnd) {
- DllCall("SetCursor", "Ptr", hCursorCross)
- Return True
- }
- If (!g_Adding) {
- If (hWnd == hChildWnd && wParam != hChildWnd && GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
- hCursor := DllCall("LoadCursor", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 32646, "Ptr") ; IDC_SIZEALL
- DllCall("SetCursor", "Ptr", hCursor)
- Return True
- }
- }
- }
- OnWM_LBUTTONUP(wParam, lParam, msg, hWnd) {
- g_LButtonDown := 0
- g_Adding := False
- }
- SetModalWindow(Modal := True) {
- Global
- If (Modal) {
- Gui Auto: +Disabled
- Gui %Child%: +Disabled
- Gui Properties: +Disabled
- OnMessage(0x100, "")
- OnMessage(0x104, "")
- } Else {
- Gui Auto: -Disabled
- Gui %Child%: -Disabled
- Gui Properties: -Disabled
- OnMessage(0x100, "OnWM_KEYDOWN")
- OnMessage(0x104, "OnWM_SYSKEYDOWN")
- }
- }
- SuspendAutoComplete:
- g_AutoCEnabled := True
- Return
- SendFile(Filename, hPrevInst) {
- Loop 10 {
- If (SendData(Filename, hPrevInst) == True) {
- Break
- } Else {
- Sleep 100
- }
- }
- }
- SendData(ByRef String, ByRef hWnd) {
- VarSetCapacity(COPYDATASTRUCT, 3 * A_PtrSize, 0)
- cbSize := (StrLen(String) + 1) * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1)
- NumPut(cbSize, COPYDATASTRUCT, A_PtrSize)
- NumPut(&String, COPYDATASTRUCT, 2 * A_PtrSize)
- SendMessage 0x4A, 0, ©DATASTRUCT,, ahk_id %hWnd%
- Return ErrorLevel
- }
- OnWM_COPYDATA(wParam, lParam, msg, hWnd) {
- Data := StrGet(NumGet(lParam + 2 * A_PtrSize)) ; COPYDATASTRUCT lpData
- Open([Data])
- Return True
- }
- ShowImportGUIDialog:
- Gui ImportGUIDlg: New, LabelImportGUIDlg hWndhImportGUIDlg -MinimizeBox OwnerAuto
- SetWindowIcon(hImportGUIDlg, IconLib, 40)
- Gui Color, 0xFAFAFA
- Gui Font, s12 c0x003399, Segoe UI
- Gui Add, Text, x12 y12 w409 h21, Select the Import Method
- Gui Font
- Gui Font, s9, Segoe UI
- Gui Add, Text, x12 y39 w498 h23 +0x200
- , Warning: none of these methods preserve the entire script. Do not overwrite the original file.
- Gui Add, Radio, vClone x22 y73 w368 h23 Checked, Clone Window
- Gui Add, Radio, vParse x22 y105 w368 h23, Parse Script (Not Recommended)
- Gui Add, Text, x-1 y146 w525 h48 Border -Background
- Gui Add, Button, gImportGUIDlgOK x343 y158 w80 h23 +Default, &OK
- Gui Add, Button, gImportGUIDlgClose x429 y158 w80 h23, &Cancel
- Gui Show, w523 h193, Import GUI
- Return
- ImportGUIDlgEscape:
- ImportGUIDlgClose:
- Gui ImportGUIDlg: Cancel
- Return
- ImportGUIDlgOK:
- Gui ImportGUIDlg: Submit
- If (Clone) {
- GoSub ShowCloneDialog
- } Else {
- FileSelectFile FileName, 1, %g_OpenDir%, Open, AutoHotkey Scripts (*.ahk)
- If (!ErrorLevel) {
- Open([FileName], 1)
- }
- }
- Return
- Return 1 ; Prevent repainting problems on XP?
- }
- OnWM_INITMENU(wParam) {
- ; OutputDebug % MenuGetName(wParam) ; Always returns "AutoMenuBar"
- Menu AutoFileMenu, % Sci[TabEx.GetSel()].Filename != "" ? "Enable" : "Disable", Open Included File...
- LoadSessionMenu()
- }
- OnWM_ACTIVATEAPP(wParam, lParam, msg, hWnd) {
- If (wParam) {
- CheckModified()
- }
- Return 0
- }
- RestoreWindow() {
- WinGet WinState, MinMax, ahk_id %hAutoWnd%
- If (WinState == -1) { ; Minimized
- WinRestore ahk_id %hAutoWnd%
- }
- }
- CheckModified() {
- n := TabEx.GetSel()
- If (Sci[n].LastWriteTime == "" || Sci[n].ChangedOutside) {
- Sci[n].ChangedOutside := False
- Return 0
- }
- If (g_CheckTimestamp) {
- ; Check if the file exists
- If (Sci[n].FileName != "" && !FileExist(Sci[n].FullName)) {
- OnMessage(0x1C, "")
- RestoreWindow()
- Gui Auto: +OwnDialogs
- MsgBox 0x40030, AutoGUI, % "File not found: " . Sci[n].FullName
- Sci[n].LastWriteTime := ""
- OnMessage(0x1C, "OnWM_ACTIVATEAPP")
- Return
- }
- Filename := Sci[n].FullName
- FileGetTime Timestamp, %Filename%
- ; Check if the file has been modified outside
- If (Timestamp != Sci[n].LastWriteTime) {
- Sci[n].ChangedOutside := True
- OnMessage(0x1C, "")
- RestoreWindow()
- Gui Auto: +OwnDialogs
- MsgBox 0x34, AutoGUI, % Sci[n].Filename . " was modified outside.`nShould the file be reloaded?"
- IfMsgBox Yes, {
- CurrentPos := Sci[n].GetCurrentPos()
- Open([Filename], 2)
- Sci[n].GoToPos(CurrentPos)
- } Else {
- Sci[n].ChangedOutside := False
- Return 0
- }
- OnMessage(0x1C, "OnWM_ACTIVATEAPP")
- }
- }
- }
- AutoSizeWindow:
- Gui %Child%: Margin, 8, 8
- Gui %Child%: Show, AutoSize
- GenerateCode()
- Return
- LoadToolsMenu() {
- If (FileExist(A_AppData . "\AutoGUI\Tools.ini")) {
- g_IniTools := A_AppData . "\AutoGUI\Tools.ini"
- } Else {
- g_IniTools := A_ScriptDir . "\Tools\Tools.ini"
- If (!FileExist(g_IniTools)) {
- FileCopy %A_ScriptDir%\Tools\DefaultTools.ini, %A_ScriptDir%\Tools\Tools.ini
- If (ErrorLevel) {
- FileCreateDir %A_AppData%\AutoGUI
- FileCopy %A_ScriptDir%\Tools\DefaultTools.ini, %A_AppData%\AutoGUI\Tools.ini
- g_IniTools := A_AppData . "\AutoGUI\Tools.ini"
- }
- }
- }
- IniRead IniSections, %g_IniTools%
- Loop Parse, IniSections, `n, `r
- {
- IniRead Icon, %g_IniTools%, %A_LoopField%, Icon, %A_Space%
- IniRead IconIndex, %g_IniTools%, %A_LoopField%, IconIndex, 1
- Try {
- AddMenu("AutoToolsMenu", A_LoopField, "RunTool", GetToolIconPath(Icon), IconIndex)
- }
- }
- Menu AutoToolsMenu, Add
- AddMenu("AutoToolsMenu", "Configure Tools...", "ShowToolsDialog", IconLib, 43)
- }
- RunTool() {
- IniRead File, %g_IniTools%, %A_ThisMenuItem%, File, %A_Space%
- If (!FileExist(File)) {
- If (FileExist(A_ScriptDir . "\Tools\" . File)) {
- File = %A_ScriptDir%\Tools\%File%
- }
- }
- IniRead WorkingDir, %g_IniTools%, %A_ThisMenuItem%, WorkingDir, %A_Space%
- If (WorkingDir == "") {
- SplitPath File,, WorkingDir
- }
- Params := ReadIni(g_IniTools, A_ThisMenuItem, "Params", "")
- If (Params != "") {
- n := TabEx.GetSel()
- If (InStr(Params, "{FILENAME}")) {
- Params := StrReplace(Params, "{FILENAME}", Sci[n].FullName)
- }
- If (InStr(Params, "{FILEDIR}")) {
- SplitPath % Sci[n].FullName,, FileDir
- Params := StrReplace(Params, "{FILEDIR}", FileDir)
- }
- If (InStr(Params, "{SELECTEDTEXT}")) {
- Params := StrReplace(Params, "{SELECTEDTEXT}", GetSelectedText())
- }
- If (InStr(Params, "{AUTOGUIDIR}")) {
- Params := StrReplace(Params, "{AUTOGUIDIR}", A_ScriptDir)
- }
- }
- Try {
- Run "%File%" %Params%, %WorkingDir%
- } Catch {
- ErrorMsgBox("Error executing """ . File . """.", "Auto", g_AppName)
- GoSub ShowToolsDialog
- }
- }
- ShowIncludesDialog:
- Gui IncludesDlg: New, LabelIncludesDlg hWndhIncludesDlg -MinimizeBox OwnerAuto
- SetWindowIcon(hIncludesDlg, IconLib, 101)
- Gui Color, White
- Gui Font, s12 cNavy, Segoe UI
- Gui Add, Text, x8 y9 w120 h22 +0x200, List of Includes
- Gui Font
- Gui Font, s9, Segoe UI
- Gui Add, Text, x8 y32 w285 h20 +0x200, Select the files to be opened.
- Gui Add, ListView, hWndhLVIncludes x0 y60 w620 h294 +LV0x114004, Filename|Path
- Gui Add, Text, x0 y355 w620 h48 -Background
- Gui Add, Button, gOpenIncludes x433 y366 w84 h24 +Default, &Open
- Gui Add, Button, gIncludesDlgClose x525 y366 w84 h24, &Cancel
- Gui Font
- Gui Show, w620 h402, Open Included File
- LV_ModifyCol(1, 174)
- LV_ModifyCol(2, 425)
- SetExplorerTheme(hLVIncludes)
- FullName := Sci[TabEx.GetSel()].FullName
- If (FullName != "") {
- Try {
- EnumIncludes(FullName, Func("EnumIncludesCallback"))
- }
- }
- Return
- EnumIncludesCallback(Param) {
- SplitPath Param, Filename, FilePath
- LV_Add("", Filename, FilePath)
- Return True ; must return true to continue enumeration
- }
- IncludesDlgEscape:
- IncludesDlgClose:
- Gui IncludesDlg: Destroy
- Return
- OpenIncludes() {
- Files := []
- Row := 0
- Loop {
- Row := LV_GetNext(Row, "Checked")
- If (!Row) {
- Break
- }
- LV_GetText(Filename, Row, 1)
- LV_GetText(FilePath, Row, 2)
- Files.Push(FilePath . "\" . Filename)
- }
- If (Files.Length()) {
- Open(Files)
- }
- Gui IncludesDlg: Destroy
- }
- SetSessionsDir() {
- If (g_SessionsDir == "ERROR" || !FileExist(g_SessionsDir)) {
- If (FileExist(A_AppData . "\AutoGUI\Sessions\*.session")) {
- g_SessionsDir := A_AppData . "\AutoGUI\Sessions"
- } Else {
- g_SessionsDir := A_ScriptDir . "\Sessions"
- FileCreateDir %g_SessionsDir%
- If (ErrorLevel) { ; No permission to write in the application folder
- g_SessionsDir := A_AppData . "\AutoGUI\Sessions"
- FileCreateDir %g_SessionsDir%
- }
- }
- }
- }
- LoadSessionMenu() {
- hMenu := MenuGetHandle("AutoSessionMenu")
- If (hMenu) {
- Loop % GetMenuItemCount(hMenu) {
- Menu AutoSessionMenu, Delete, 1&
- }
- }
- MostRecentFile := ""
- MostRecentDate := 0
- ItemCount := 0
- Loop %g_SessionsDir%\*.session
- {
- SplitPath A_LoopFileName,,,, NameNoExt
- If (A_LoopFileTimeModified > MostRecentDate) {
- MostRecentDate := A_LoopFileTimeModified
- MostRecentFile := NameNoExt
- }
- Menu AutoSessionMenu, Add, %NameNoExt%, M_LoadSession
- ItemCount++
- }
- If (ItemCount > 1) {
- Menu AutoSessionMenu, Delete, %MostRecentFile%
- Menu AutoSessionMenu, Insert, 1&, %MostRecentFile%, M_LoadSession
- }
- If (ItemCount) {
- Menu AutoSessionMenu, Default, %MostRecentFile%
- Menu AutoSessionMenu, Add
- }
- AddMenu("AutoSessionMenu", "Open Sessions Folder", "OpenSessionsFolder", IconLib, 9)
- If (!FileExist(g_SessionsDir . "\*.session")) {
- Menu AutoSessionMenu, Disable, Open Sessions Folder
- }
- Menu AutoFileMenu, Add, &Load Session, :AutoSessionMenu
- }
- M_LoadSession() {
- SessionFile = %g_SessionsDir%\%A_ThisMenuItem%.session
- LoadSession(SessionFile)
- }
- LoadSession(SessionFile) {
- Files := []
- Active := 1
- If (FileExist(SessionFile)) {
- FileRead Session, %SessionFile%
- Loop Parse, Session, `n, `r
- {
- Fields := StrSplit(A_LoopField, "|")
- If (FileExist(Fields[1])) {
- Files.Push(Fields[1])
- }
- If (Fields[2]) {
- Active := A_Index
- }
- }
- }
- If (Files.Length()) {
- If (Sci[TabEx.GetSel()].GetModify()) {
- Active += TabEx.GetCount()
- } Else {
- Active += TabEx.GetCount() - 1
- }
- Open(Files)
- Sleep -1
- TabEx.SetSel(Active)
- FileSetTime %A_Now%, %SessionFile%
- }
- }
- LoadLastSession() {
- MostRecentFile := ""
- MostRecentDate := 0
- Loop %g_SessionsDir%\*.session
- {
- If (A_LoopFileTimeModified > MostRecentDate) {
- MostRecentDate := A_LoopFileTimeModified
- MostRecentFile := A_LoopFileLongPath
- }
- }
- LoadSession(MostRecentFile)
- }
- SaveSessionOnExit:
- SaveSession:
- n := TabEx.GetSel()
- Session := ""
- Loop % Sci.Length() {
- Active := n == A_Index ? 1 : 0
- Filename := Sci[A_Index].FullName
- If (FileExist(Filename)) {
- Session .= Filename . "|" . Active . CRLF
- }
- }
- Session := RTrim(Session, CRLF)
- If (A_ThisLabel == "SaveSession") {
- Filename := g_SessionsDir . "\Session Name.session"
- FileSelectFile Filename, S16, %Filename%, Save Session, Session Files (*.session)
- If (ErrorLevel) {
- Return
- }
- SplitPath Filename,,, Ext
- If (!(Ext = "session") && !FileExist(Filename . ".session")) {
- Filename .= ".session"
- }
- } Else {
- Filename := g_SessionsDir . "\Session Saved on Exit.session"
- }
- FileDelete %Filename%
- FileAppend %Session%, %Filename%
- If (ErrorLevel) {
- ErrorMsgBox("Error saving """ . Filename . """.", "Auto", g_AppName)
- }
- Return
- OpenSessionsFolder:
- Run %g_SessionsDir%
- Return
- OpenNewInstance() {
- Filename := Sci[g_TabIndex].FullName
- Run "%A_AhkPath%" "%A_ScriptFullPath%" /new "%Filename%"
- }
- Sci_GetIdealSize(ByRef X, ByRef Y, ByRef W, ByRef H) {
- GetClientSize(hAutoWnd, WindowW, WindowH)
- GuiControlGet, ToolBox, Auto: Pos, %hLVToolbox%
- GuiControlGet, TabCtl, Auto: Pos, %hTab%
- If (g_TabBarPos == 1) { ; Top
- Y := TabCtlY + TabCtlH
- H := WindowH - g_StatusBarH - Y
- } Else {
- Y := g_ToolbarH
- H := WindowH - g_StatusBarH - TabCtlH - Y
- }
- X := (g_DesignMode) ? ToolBoxW + g_SplitterW : -1
- W := (g_DesignMode) ? WindowW - ToolBoxW - g_SplitterW : WindowW + 1
- }
- CreateTabControl:
- GetClientSize(hAutoWnd, WindowW, WindowH)
- If (g_DesignMode) {
- GuiControlGet, ToolBox, Auto: Pos, %hLVToolbox%
- SplitterW := (g_TabBarStyle == 1 ? g_SplitterW : g_SplitterW - 2)
- TabX := ToolboxW + SplitterW
- TabW := WindowW - ToolboxW - SplitterW
- } Else {
- TabX := 0
- TabW := WindowW
- }
- Style := "+AltSubmit -Wrap -TabStop +0x2008000" . (g_TabBarStyle == 1 ? " +Theme" : " +Buttons")
- If (g_TabBarPos == 1) {
- Gui Add, Tab2, hWndhTab gTabHandler x%TabX% y%g_ToolbarH% w%TabW% h25 %Style%, Untitled 1
- } Else {
- TabY := WindowH - g_StatusBarH - 25
- Gui Add, Tab2, hWndhTab gTabHandler x%TabX% y%TabY% w%TabW% h25 %Style%, Untitled 1
- }
- SendMessage 0x1329, 0, 0x00180055,, ahk_id %hTab% ; TCM_SETITEMSIZE (0x18 = 24)
- Ptr := A_PtrSize == 8 ? "Ptr" : ""
- Global OldTabProc := DllCall("GetWindowLong" . Ptr, "Ptr", hTab, "Int", -4, "Ptr") ; GWL_WNDPROC
- NewTabProc := RegisterCallback("NewTabProc", "", 4) ;
- DllCall("SetWindowLong" . Ptr, "Ptr", hTab, "Int", -4, "Ptr", NewTabProc, "Ptr")
- TabEx := New GuiTabEx(hTab)
- TabExIL := IL_Create(3)
- IL_Add(TabExIL, IconLib, 3) ; Unsaved file
- IL_Add(TabExIL, A_AhkPath, 2) ; AHK default icon
- IL_Add(TabExIL, IconLib, 5) ; GUI icon
- TabEx.SetImageList(TabExIL)
- TabEx.SetIcon(1, 1)
- TabEx.SetPadding(5, 4)
- Gui Tab
- Return
- ; Adapted from AkelPad
- NewTabProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam) {
- Static s_MouseMove := 0
- If (msg == 0x201) { ; WM_LBUTTONDOWN
- TabIndex := TabHitTest(hWnd, lParam & 0xFFFF, lParam >> 16)
- If (TabIndex) {
- s_MouseMove := 4
- If (!g_MouseCapture) {
- g_MouseCapture := 1
- DllCall("SetCapture", "Ptr", hWnd)
- }
- If (TabIndex != TabEx.GetSel()) {
- TabEx.SetSel(TabIndex)
- }
- }
- Return True
- } Else If (msg == 0x200) { ; WM_MOUSEMOVE
- If (g_MouseCapture) {
- If (s_MouseMove > 0) {
- If (--s_MouseMove == 0) {
- DllCall("SetCursor", "Ptr", hCursorDragMove)
- }
- }
- Return True
- }
- } Else If (msg == 0x202) { ; WM_LBUTTONUP
- If (g_MouseCapture) {
- g_MouseCapture := 0
- DllCall("ReleaseCapture")
- If (s_MouseMove == 0) {
- DropItem := TabHitTest(hWnd, lParam & 0xFFFF, lParam >> 16)
- DragItem := TabEx.GetSel()
- If (DropItem && DropItem != DragItem) {
- SwapTabs(DragItem, DropItem)
- }
- }
- Return True
- }
- } Else If (msg == 0x215) { ; WM_CAPTURECHANGED
- If (g_MouseCapture) {
- g_MouseCapture := 0
- DllCall("ReleaseCapture")
- }
- } Else If (msg == 0x207) { ; WM_MBUTTONDOWN
- CloseTab(TabHitTest(hWnd, lParam & 0xFFFF, lParam >> 16))
- Return True
- }
- Return DllCall("CallWindowProcA", "Ptr", OldTabProc, "Ptr", hWnd, "UInt", msg, "Ptr", wParam, "Ptr", lParam, "Ptr")
- }
- ; nTab := TabHitTest(hTab, lParam & 0xFFFF, lParam >> 16)
- TabHitTest(hWnd, x, y) {
- VarSetCapacity(TCHITTESTINFO, 16, 0)
- SendMessage 0x130D, 0, &TCHITTESTINFO,, ahk_id %hWnd% ; TCM_HITTEST
- Return Int(ErrorLevel) + 1
- }
- ; Drag: source. Drop: destination.
- SwapTabs(DragItem, DropItem) {
- If (g_GuiTab) {
- If (DragItem == g_GuiTab) {
- g_GuiTab := DropItem
- } Else If (DragItem < g_GuiTab && DropItem >= g_GuiTab) {
- g_GuiTab--
- } Else If (DragItem > g_GuiTab && DropItem <= g_GuiTab) {
- g_GuiTab++
- }
- }
- ObjSci := Sci.RemoveAt(DragItem)
- Sci.InsertAt(DropItem, ObjSci)
- Loop % Sci.Length() {
- SetDocumentStatus(A_Index)
- SetTabIcon(A_Index)
- }
- TabEx.SetSel(DropItem)
- }
- SetTabBarPos:
- If (A_ThisMenuItem == "Top") {
- TabCtlY := g_ToolbarH
- g_TabBarPos := 1
- Menu AutoViewTabBarMenu, Uncheck, Bottom
- } Else {
- GetClientSize(hAutoWnd, WindowW, WindowH)
- TabCtlY := WindowH - g_StatusBarH - 25 ; 25 = TabCtlH
- g_TabBarPos := 2
- Menu AutoViewTabBarMenu, Uncheck, Top
- }
- Control ExStyle, ^0x200,, ahk_id %hMainToolbar% ; Toggle WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
- Control ExStyle, ^0x200,, ahk_id %hGUIToolbar%
- SetWindowPos(hMainToolbar, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x37)
- SetWindowPos(hGUIToolbar, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x37)
- GuiControl MoveDraw, %hTab%, y%TabCtlY%
- Sci_GetIdealSize(SciX, SciY, SciW, SciH)
- Loop % Sci.Length() {
- SetWindowPos(Sci[A_Index].hWnd, SciX, SciY, 0, 0, 0, 0x15) ; SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE
- }
- Menu AutoViewTabBarMenu, Check, %A_ThisMenuItem%
- Return
- SetTabBarStyle:
- If (A_ThisMenuItem == "Standard") {
- GuiControl Auto: -Buttons, %hTab%
- DllCall("UxTheme.dll\SetWindowTheme", "Ptr", hTab, "WStr", "Explorer", "Ptr", 0)
- g_TabBarStyle := 1
- Menu AutoViewTabBarMenu, Uncheck, Buttons
- } Else {
- DllCall("UxTheme.dll\SetWindowTheme", "Ptr", hTab, "Str", " ", "Str", " ")
- GuiControl Auto: +Buttons, %hTab%
- g_TabBarStyle := 2
- Menu AutoViewTabBarMenu, Uncheck, Standard
- }
- If (g_DesignMode) {
- GuiControlGet, TabCtl, Pos, %hTab%
- TabCtlX := A_ThisMenuItem == "Standard" ? TabCtlX + 2 : TabCtlX - 2
- GuiControl MoveDraw, %hTab%, x%TabCtlX%
- }
- Menu AutoViewTabBarMenu, Check, %A_ThisMenuItem%
- Return
- SetTabIcon(n) {
- TabEx.SetIcon(n, (n == g_GuiTab) ? 3 : (Sci[n].FileName != "" && SubStr(Sci[n].FileName, -2) = "AHK") ? 2 : 1)
- }
- ShowBackupDialog:
- Gui BackupDlg: New, LabelBackupDlg hWndhBackupDlg -MinimizeBox OwnerAuto
- SetWindowIcon(hBackupDlg, IconLib, 10)
- Gui Color, White
- Gui Add, Radio, x0 y0 w0 h0
- Gui Add, Progress, x-1 y0 w526 h49 -Smooth +Background008EBC +Border, 0
- Gui Font, s12 cWhite, Segoe UI
- Gui Add, Text, x11 y12 w297 h23 +0x200 +BackgroundTrans, Auto-save and Backup Settings
- Gui Font
- Gui Font, s9, Segoe UI
- Gui Add, Text, x12 y57 w69 h23 +0x200, Directory:
- Gui Add, Edit, vg_BackupDir x84 y58 w347 h21, %g_BackupDir%
- Gui Add, Button, gChooseBackupDir x436 y56 w80 h23, &Choose...
- Gui Add, CheckBox, vg_BackupOnSave x12 y88 w237 h23 +Checked%g_BackupOnSave%
- , Backup a copy of the file before saving
- Gui Add, GroupBox, x8 y117 w509 h114, Auto-save
- Gui Add, Text, x20 y136 w139 h23 +0x200, Save automatically after
- Gui Add, Edit, vg_AutoSaveInterval x162 y137 w42 h21 +Number +Right, %g_AutoSaveInterval%
- Gui Add, Text, x212 y136 w58 h23 +0x200, minutes
- Gui Add, CheckBox, vg_AutoSaveInLoco x20 y168 w237 h23 +Checked%g_AutoSaveInLoco%
- , Save the file in its current location
- Gui Add, CheckBox, vg_AutoSaveInBkpDir x20 y199 w237 h23 +Checked%g_AutoSaveInBkpDir%
- , Save the file in the backup directory
- Gui Add, Text, x12 y238 w183 h23 +0x200, Delete backup copies older than
- Gui Add, Edit, vg_BackupDays x197 y240 w42 h21 +Number +Right, %g_BackupDays%
- Gui Add, Text, x245 y238 w45 h23 +0x200, days
- Gui Add, Text, x-1 y275 w526 h48 -Background +Border
- Gui Add, Button, gBackupDlgOK x341 y287 w84 h24 +Default, &OK
- Gui Add, Button, gBackupDlgClose x432 y287 w84 h24, &Cancel
- Gui Show, w524 h322, Auto-save and Backup Settings
- Return
- BackupDlgEscape:
- BackupDlgClose:
- Gui BackupDlg: Destroy
- Return
- BackupDlgOK:
- Gui BackupDlg: Submit
- g_BackupDir := RTrim(g_BackupDir, "\")
- If (g_AutoSaveInterval < 1) {
- g_AutoSaveInterval := 3 ; Default
- }
- DeleteOldBackups()
- ResetAutoSave()
- Return
- ChooseBackupDir:
- Gui BackupDlg: +OwnDialogs
- FileSelectFolder SelectedFolder,,, Select Folder
- If (!ErrorLevel) {
- GuiControl, BackupDlg:, g_BackupDir, %SelectedFolder%
- }
- Return
- AutoSaveTimer() {
- Critical
- If (g_AutoSaveInLoco) {
- Loop % Sci.Length() {
- ; Only for documents with name
- If (Sci[A_Index].FullName != "" && Sci[A_Index].GetModify()) {
- Save(A_Index)
- }
- }
- }
- If (g_AutoSaveInBkpDir) {
- Loop % Sci.Length() {
- If (Sci[A_Index].FullName != "" && !Sci[A_Index].GetModify()) {
- Continue ; The file has not been modified
- }
- ; Generate backup name for named documents
- If (Sci[A_Index].FullName != "") {
- If (!InStr(Sci[A_Index].BackupName, "[")) {
- CRC32 := CRC32(Sci[A_Index].FullName)
- SplitPath % Sci[A_Index].FullName, Filename,, FileExt
- FileExt := "." . FileExt . ".tmp"
- Sci[A_Index].BackupName := g_BackupDir . "\" . Filename . " [" . CRC32 . "]" . FileExt
- }
- ; For unnamed documents
- } Else If (Sci[A_Index].BackupName == "") {
- Sci[A_Index].BackupName := GetTempFileName(g_BackupDir, "tmp")
- }
- SciText := GetText(A_Index)
- If (SciText != "") {
- If (BackupDirCreated()) {
- BackupName := Sci[A_Index].BackupName
- Encoding := (SubStr(BackupName, -7, 4) = ".INI") ? "UTF-16" : A_FileEncoding
- FileDelete %BackupName%
- FileAppend %SciText%, %BackupName%, %Encoding%
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ; Credits to jNizM
- CRC32(String, Encoding = "UTF-8") {
- Local ChrLength, Length, Data, hMod, CRC32
- ChrLength := (Encoding = "CP1200" || Encoding = "UTF-16") ? 2 : 1
- Length := (StrPut(String, Encoding) - 1) * ChrLength
- VarSetCapacity(Data, Length, 0)
- StrPut(String, &Data, Floor(Length / ChrLength), Encoding)
- hMod := DllCall("Kernel32.dll\LoadLibrary", "Str", "Ntdll.dll", "Ptr")
- CRC32 := DllCall("Ntdll.dll\RtlComputeCrc32", "UInt", 0, "UInt", &Data, "UInt", Length, "UInt")
- DllCall("Kernel32.dll\FreeLibrary", "Ptr", hMod)
- Return Format("{:08X}", CRC32)
- }
- GetTempFileName(Dir, Ext := "tmp") {
- Local Num, Filename
- Static Attempts := 0
- Random Num, 1, 2147483647
- Filename := Dir . "\" . Num . "." . Ext
- If (FileExist(Filename)) {
- Attempts++
- If (Attempts > 10) {
- Attempts := 0
- Filename := Dir . "\" . A_Now . " " . Num . "." . Ext
- Return Filename
- }
- GetTempFileName(Dir, Ext)
- }
- Attempts := 0
- Return Filename
- }
- DeleteOldBackups(Ext := "tmp") {
- Loop %g_BackupDir%\*.%Ext% {
- Now := A_Now
- EnvSub Now, %A_LoopFileTimeModified%, Days
- If (Now >= g_BackupDays) {
- FileDelete %A_LoopFileLongPath%
- }
- }
- }
- BackupDirCreated() {
- If (!FileExist(g_BackupDir)) {
- FileCreateDir %g_BackupDir%
- Return !ErrorLevel
- }
- Return True
- }
- StartAutoSave() {
- If (g_AutoSaveInLoco || g_AutoSaveInBkpDir) {
- SetTimer AutoSaveTimer, % g_AutoSaveInterval * 60000
- }
- }
- ResetAutoSave() {
- Try {
- SetTimer AutoSaveTimer, Off
- }
- StartAutoSave()
- }
- CustomMessage(wParam, lParam) {
- n := TabEx.GetSel()
- If (wParam == 1) { ; Integration with Find in Files
- If (WinExist("ahk_id " . lParam)) {
- ControlGetText Params,, ahk_id %lParam%
- Params := StrSplit(Params, "|")
- If (FileExist(Params[1])) {
- Open([Params[1]])
- Sleep -1
- n := TabEx.GetSel()
- GoToLineEx(n, Params[2] - 1)
- WinActivate ahk_id %hAutoWnd%
- }
- }
- } Else If (wParam == 2) { ; Request all open file names
- Filenames := ""
- If (Sci[n].FullName != "") {
- Filenames .= Sci[n].FullName . ";"
- }
- Loop % Sci.Length() {
- If (A_Index == n) {
- Continue ; ?
- }
- If (Sci[A_Index].FullName != "") {
- Filenames .= Sci[A_Index].FullName . ";"
- }
- }
- GuiControl,, %g_hHiddenEdit%, %Filenames%
- Sleep -1
- SendMessage 10000, 2, %g_hHiddenEdit%,, ahk_id %lParam%
- } Else If (wParam == 3) { ; Script Directives
- If (WinExist("ahk_id " . lParam)) {
- ControlGetText Params,, ahk_id %lParam%
- Sci[n].InsertText(0, Params, 1)
- SendMessage 0x10, 0, 0,, % "ahk_id" . GetParent(lParam) ; WM_CLOSE
- }
- }
- }
- ScriptDirectives() {
- Run %A_ScriptDir%\Tools\Directives.ahk /AutoGUI
- }
- OnWM_SHOWWINDOW(wParam, lParam, msg, hWnd) {
- If (hWnd == hChildWnd) {
- SetStatusBar(g_GuiVis := wParam)
- }
- }
- FormatAhkStdErr(AhkStdErr, ByRef File := "", ByRef Line := 0) {
- If (RegExMatch(AhkStdErr, "Us)^(.*) \((\d+)\) : ==> (.*)\s*(?:Specifically: (.*))?$", Match)) {
- Message := "File: """ . (File := Match1) . """."
- Message .= "`n`nError at line " . (Line := Match2) . "."
- If (Match4 != "") {
- Message .= "`n`nSpecifically: " . Match4
- }
- Message .= "`n`nError: " . Match3
- Return Message
- } Else {
- Return AhkStdErr
- }
- }
- ToggleCaptureStdErr:
- g_CaptureStdErr := !g_CaptureStdErr
- Menu AutoRunMenu, ToggleCheck, Capture Standard &Error
- Return
- AhkRunGetStdErr(n, AhkPath, AhkScript, Parameters, WorkingDir, AhkDbgParams := "") {
- CmdLine := """" . AhkPath . """ /ErrorStdOut " . AhkDbgParams . " """ . AhkScript . """ " . Parameters
- StdErr := RunGetStdOut(CmdLine, "CP0", WorkingDir, ExitCode)
- If (ExitCode == 2) {
- Marked := 0
- AhkStdErr := FormatAhkStdErr(StdErr, File, Line)
- If (Line) {
- If (AhkScript != File && File != g_TempFile) {
- n := IsFileOpened(File)
- If (n) {
- TabEx.SetSel(n)
- Sleep 1
- } Else {
- n := Open([File])
- }
- }
- If (n) {
- --Line
- GoToLineEx(n, Line)
- If (g_ShowErrorSign) {
- If !(Sci[n].MarkerGet(Line) & (1 << g_MarkerError)) {
- Sci[n].MarkerAdd(Line, g_MarkerError)
- Marked := 1
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ErrorMsgBox(AhkStdErr, "Auto")
- If (g_ShowErrorSign == -1 && Marked) {
- Sci[n].MarkerDelete(Line, g_MarkerError)
- }
- ; Debug
- If (AhkDbgParams) {
- GoSub DebugError
- }
- }
- }
- run_listener(SelectedFile){
- /*
- q := """"
- exe := q . A_ScriptDIr . "\AutoHotKey Exe\AutoHotkeyV2.exe" . q . " "
- script := q . A_ScriptDIr . "\listener.ahk" . q
- com := exe . script
- */
- Logs := A_ScriptDir "\convert\log.txt"
- if FileExist(Logs){
- FileDelete, %Logs%
- }
- FileAppend, %SelectedFile%, %Logs%, %Encoding%
- }
- GetSaveEncoding(Filename) {
- Return (SubStr(Filename, -2) = "INI") ? "UTF-16" : A_FileEncoding
- }
- WriteFile(Filename, String, Encoding := "UTF-8") {
- f := FileOpen(Filename, "w", Encoding)
- If (!IsObject(f)) {
- ErrorMsgBox("Error saving """ . Filename . """.`n`n" . GetErrorMessage(A_LastError), "Auto")
- Return -1
- }
- Bytes := f.Write(String)
- f.Close()
- Return Bytes
- }
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\CommonDialogs.ahk
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\GuiButtonIcon.ahk
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\RunGetStdOut.ahk
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\ExecScript.ahk
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\EnumIncludes.ahk
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\DBGp.ahk
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\LV_GroupView.ahk
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Tools\MagicBox\Functions\InputBoxEx.ahk
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Tools\MagicBox\Functions\SoftModalMessageBox.ahk
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\ParseImport.ahk
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Include\Editor.ahk
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Include\Designer.ahk
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Include\Properties.ahk
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Include\FontDialog.ahk
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Include\MenuEditor.ahk
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Include\ToolbarEditor.ahk
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Include\CloneWindow.ahk
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Include\Settings.ahk
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Include\Parser.ahk
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Include\ContextHelp.ahk
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Include\GenerateCode.ahk
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Include\FindReplace.ahk
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Include\ToolsDialog.ahk
- #Include %A_ScriptDir%\Include\Debug.ahk