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Standalone Tool Documentation


The script simulates the InstructLab workflow within a Kubernetes environment, replicating the functionality of a KubeFlow Pipeline. This allows for distributed training and evaluation of models without relying on centralized orchestration tools like KubeFlow.

The tool provides support for fetching generated SDG (Synthetic Data Generation) data from an AWS S3 compatible object store. While AWS S3 is supported, alternative object storage solutions such as Ceph, Nooba, and MinIO are also compatible.


The script is designed to run within a Kubernetes environment. The following requirements must be met:

  • A Kubernetes cluster with the necessary resources to run the InstructLab workflow.
  • A Kubernetes configuration that allows access to the Kubernetes cluster.
    • Both cluster and in-cluster configurations are supported.
  • SDG data generated and uploaded to an object store.


The script can be run outside of the cluster from the command-line, but it requires that the user is currently logged into a Kubernetes cluster.


Check the show command to display an example of a Kubernetes Job that runs the script. Run ./ show.


  • Run any part of the InstructLab workflow in a standalone environment independently or a full end-to-end workflow:
    • Fetch SDG data, model, and taxonomy from an object store with sdg-data-fetch subcommand.
      • Support for AWS S3 and compatible object storage solutions.
      • Configure S3 details via CLI options, environment variables, or Kubernetes secret.
    • Train model with train subcommand.
    • Evaluate model by running MT_Bench with evaluation subcommand along with --eval-type mt-bench option.
    • Final model evaluation with evaluation subcommand along with --eval-type final option.
      • Final evaluation runs both MT Bench_Branch and MMLU_Branch
    • Push the final model back to the object store - same location as the SDG data with upload-trained-model subcommand.


Read about InstructLab model evaluation in the instructlab/eval repository.


The script includes a main command to execute the full workflow, along with subcommands to run individual parts of the workflow separately. The full workflow includes fetching SDG data from S3, training, and evaluating a model. To view all available commands, use ./ --help.

The script requires information regarding the location and method for accessing the SDG data/model/taxonomy tree and the evaluation Judge model serving endpoint. This information can be provided in two main ways:

  1. CLI Options or/and Environment Variables: Supply all necessary information via CLI options or environment variables.
    • See CLI Options for full list. In particular --sdg-object-store-* and --judge-serving-model-* options.
  2. Kubernetes Secret: Provide the name of a Kubernetes secret that contains all relevant details using the --sdg-object-store-secret option and --judge-serving-model-secret option.

The examples below assume there is a secret in my-namespace named sdg-data that holds information about the S3 bucket and judge-serving-details secret that includes information about the judge server model. A judge server model is assumed to run external to the script. See Judge Model Details for required information.

Usage Examples

./ run \
  --namespace my-namespace \
  --judge-serving-model-secret judge-serving-details \
  --sdg-object-store-secret sdg-data

Now let's say you only want to fetch the SDG data, you can use the sdg-data-fetch subcommand:

./ run sdg-data-fetch \
  --namespace my-namespace \
  --judge-serving-model-secret judge-serving-details \
  --sdg-object-store-secret sdg-data

Other subcommands are available to run the training and evaluation steps:


CLI Options


CLI options MUST be positioned AFTER the run command and BEFORE any subcommands.

  • --namespace: The namespace in which the Kubernetes resources are located - Required
  • --storage-class: The storage class to use for the PVCs - Optional - Default: cluster default storage class.
  • --nproc-per-node: Number of GPU to use per node - for training only - Optional - Default: 1.
  • --sdg-object-store-secret: The name of the Kubernetes secret containing the SDG object store credentials. Optional - If not provided, the script will expect the provided CLI options to fetch the SDG data.
  • --sdg-object-store-endpoint: The endpoint of the object store. SDG_OBJECT_STORE_ENDPOINT environment variable can be used as well. Optional
  • --sdg-object-store-bucket: The bucket name in the object store. SDG_OBJECT_STORE_BUCKET environment variable can be used as well. Required - If --sdg-object-store-secret is not provided.
  • --sdg-object-store-access-key: The access key for the object store. SDG_OBJECT_STORE_ACCESS_KEY environment variable can be used as well. Required - If --sdg-object-store-secret is not provided.
  • --sdg-object-store-secret-key: The secret key for the object store. SDG_OBJECT_STORE_SECRET_KEY environment variable can be used as well. Required - If --sdg-object-store-secret is not provided.
  • --sdg-object-store-data-key: The key for the SDG data in the object store. e.g., data.tar.gz.SDG_OBJECT_STORE_DATA_KEY environment variable can be used as well. Required - If --sdg-object-store-secret is not provided.
  • --sdg-object-store-verify-tls: Whether to verify TLS for the object store endpoint (default: true). SDG_OBJECT_STORE_VERIFY_TLS environment variable can be used as well. Optional
  • --sdg-object-store-region: The region of the object store. SDG_OBJECT_STORE_REGION environment variable can be used as well. Optional
  • --judge-serving-model-endpoint: Serving endpoint for evaluation. e.g: http://serving.kubeflow.svc.cluster.local:8080/v1 - Optional
  • --judge-serving-model-name: The name of the model to use for evaluation. Optional
  • --judge-serving-model-api-key: The API key for the model to evaluate. JUDGE_SERVING_MODEL_API_KEY environment variable can be used as well. Optional
  • --judge-serving-model-secret: The name of the Kubernetes secret containing the judge serving model API key. Optional - If not provided, the script will expect the provided CLI options to evaluate the model.
  • --force-pull: Force pull the data (sdg data, model and taxonomy) from the object store even if it already exists in the PVC. Optional - Default: false.
  • --training-1-epoch-num: The number of epochs to train the model for phase 1. Optional - Default: 7.
  • --training-2-epoch-num: The number of epochs to train the model for phase 2. Optional - Default: 10.
  • --eval-type: The evaluation type to use. Optional - Default: mt-bench. Available options: mt-bench, final.

Example Workflow with Synthetic Data Generation (SDG)

Generating and Uploading SDG Data

The following example demonstrates how to generate SDG data, package it as a tarball, and upload it to an object store. This assumes that AWS CLI is installed and configured with the necessary credentials. In this scenario the name of the bucket is sdg-data and the tarball file is data.tar.gz.

ilab data generate
mv generated data
tar -czvf data.tar.gz data model taxonomy
aws cp data.tar.gz s3://sdg-data/data.tar.gz


SDG data must exist in a directory called "data". The model to train must exist in a directory called "model". The taxonomy tree used to generate the SDG data must exist in a directory called "taxonomy". The tarball must contain three top-level directories: data, model and taxonomy.


The tarball format must be .tar.gz.

Alternative Method to AWS CLI

Alternatively, you can use the standalone/ script to upload the SDG data to the object store.

./ upload \
  --object-store-bucket sdg-data \
  --object-store-access-key $ACCESS_KEY \
  --object-store-secret-key $SECRET_KEY \
  --sdg-data-archive-file-path data.tar.gz

Run ./ upload --help to see all available options.

Creating the Kubernetes Secret for S3 Details

The simplest method to supply the script with the required information for retrieving SDG data is by creating a Kubernetes secret. In the example below, we create a secret called sdg-data within the my-namespace namespace, containing the necessary credentials. Ensure that you update the access key and secret key as needed. The data_key field refers to the name of the tarball file in the object store that holds the SDG data. In this case, it's named data.tar.gz, as we previously uploaded the tarball to the object store using this name.

cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: sdg-data
  namespace: my-namespace
type: Opaque
  bucket: sdg-data
  access_key: *****
  secret_key: *****
  data_key: data.tar.gz


The secret must be part of the same namespace as the resources that the script interacts with. It's inherented from the --namespace option.

The list of all supported keys:

  • bucket: The bucket name in the object store - Required
  • access_key: The access key for the object store - Required
  • secret_key: The secret key for the object store - Required
  • data_key: The key for the SDG data in the object store - Required
  • verify_tls: Whether to verify TLS for the object store endpoint (default: true) - Optional
  • endpoint: The endpoint of the object store, e.g: https://s3.openshift-storage.svc:443 - Optional
  • region: The region of the object store - Optional

A similar operation can be performed for the evaluation judge model serving service. Currently, the script expects the Judge serving service to be running and accessible from within the cluster. If it is not present, the script will not create this resource.

cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: judge-serving-details
  namespace: my-namespace
type: Opaque
  JUDGE_API_KEY: ********
  JUDGE_NAME: mistral

The list of all mandatory keys:

  • JUDGE_API_KEY: The API key for the model to evaluate - Required
  • JUDGE_ENDPOINT: Serving endpoint for evaluation - Required
  • JUDGE_NAME: The name of the model to use for evaluation - Required


Mind the upper case of the keys, as the script expects them to be in upper case.

Running the Script Without Kubernetes Secret

Alternatively, you can provide the necessary information directly via CLI options or environment, the script will use the provided information to fetch the SDG data and create its own Kubernetes Secret named sdg-object-store-credentials in the same namespace as the resources it interacts with (in this case, my-namespace).


./ run \
  --namespace my-namespace \
  --judge-serving-model-endpoint http://serving.kubeflow.svc.cluster.local:8080/v1 \
  --judge-serving-model-name my-model \
  --sdg-object-store-access-key key \
  --sdg-object-store-secret-key key \
  --sdg-object-store-bucket sdg-data \
  --sdg-object-store-data-key data.tar.gz

Judge Model Details

A judge model is assumed to be running external to the script. This is used for model evaluation.

  • The --judge-serving-model-endpoint and --judge-serving-model-name values will be stored in a ConfigMap named judge-serving-details in the same namespace as the resources that the script interacts with.
  • --judge-serving-model-api-key or environment variable JUDGE_SERVING_MODEL_API_KEY value will be stored in a secret named judge-serving-details in the same namespace as the resources that the script interacts with.
  • In all examples, the JUDGE_SERVING_MODEL_API_KEY environment variable is exported rather than setting the CLI option.

Advanced Configuration Using an S3-Compatible Object Store

If you don't use the official AWS S3 endpoint, you can provide additional information about the object store:


./ run \
  --namespace my-namespace \
  --judge-serving-model-endpoint http://serving.kubeflow.svc.cluster.local:8080/v1 \
  --judge-serving-model-name my-model \
  --sdg-object-store-access-key key \
  --sdg-object-store-secret-key key \
  --sdg-object-store-bucket sdg-data \
  --sdg-object-store-data-key data.tar.gz \
  --sdg-object-store-verify-tls false \
  --sdg-object-store-endpoint https://s3.openshift-storage.svc:443


The --sdg-object-store-endpoint option must be provided in the format scheme://host:<port>, the port can be omitted if it's the default port.


If you don't want to run the entire workflow and only want to fetch the SDG data, you can use the run sdg-data-fetch command