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TU solutions


S.N. Question Source File Link
1 Add two matrices using array QN001
2 Reads data from a file "input.txt" and writes to "output.txt" file QN002
3 Demonstrate the use of logical operators QN003
4 Check whether a number entered is even or odd QN004
5 Calculate sum of first 10 odd numbers QN005
6 Calculate the sum of n numbers entered by the user by allocating memory QN006
7 Create a structure rectangle with data members length and breadth QN007


S.N. Question Source File Link
1 Relate two integers using =, > and < by using if-else ladder QN001
2 Create structure student and print students name if their percentage is greater than or equal to 60 QN002
3 Computes the sum of digits of given integer number QN003
4 Find the sum and average of 10 integer numbers stored in an array QN004
5 Read and print data stored in a file input.txt QN005


S.N. Question Source File Link
1 Use switch statement to print as per the user input QN001
2 Print Floyd's triangle QN002
3 Find the sum of each row of 3 x 2 matrix QN003
4 Find sum and average of n numbers using dynamic memory allocation QN004
5 Read n numbers into the file and store only even numbers in output file QN005


S.N. Question Source File Link
1 Accept 10 numbers and print sum of these numbers through function QN001
2 Accept 10 numbers and sort them using pointer QN002
3 Read data file QN003


S.N. Question Source File Link
1 Find least number between any two number using ternary operator QN001
2 Read the marks of four subjects then find total, percentage and division QN002
3 Print Floyd's triangle QN003
4 Input any 10 numbers then find out greatest and smallest number QN004
5 Add two 3 x 3 matrix using function QN005
6 Find the factorial of given number using recursion QN006
7 Sort n numbers in ascending order using dynamic memory allocation QN007
8 Read lines of text then count no. of vowels, digits and spaces QN008
9 Create a file to store details of student QN009


S.N. Question Source File Link
1 Convert a lowercase character string into uppercase QN001
2 Find the sum of all elements of an array using pointer QN002
3 Accept record of 15 person and display them QN003


S.N. Question Source File Link
1 Find factorial of a given number QN001
2 Find the largest and smallest among the given elements in an array QN002
3 Accept two numbers and sort them using pointer QN003
4 Compute the sum of digits of given integer number using recursive function QN004


S.N. Question Source File Link
1 Find the transpose of a matrix QN001
2 Use a do-while loop to compute and prints the sum of squares of given n numbers QN002
3 Count the numbers of words in a sentence QN003
4 Use pointer to copy an array of integer QN004
5 Define a structure of student and find total marks QN005
6 Create a text file and replace the words QN006


S.N. Question Source File Link
1 Use a while loop to compute and prints the sum of a given numbers of squares QN001
2 Calculate the product of two 3 x 3 matrices QN002
3 Calculate power of a number using function QN003
4 Use pointer to search for the address of a given integer in a given array QN004
5 Make a program using structure of booklist QN005
6 Create a text file which contains reverse of text from another text file QN006


S.N. Question Source File Link
1 Use a "for" loop to compute and prints the sum of a given numbers of squares QN001
2 Calculate the product of two matrices QN002
3 Add, subtract, multiply and divide two complex numbers QN003
4 Read a line and delete from it all occurrences of the word "that" QN004
5 Use pointer to copy an array of double QN005
6 Pass an array of n pointers to the maximum of the n floats QN006
7 Define a structure employee and find average salary QN007