- video Från möte 19 oct 2022 - "The European Legislation Identifier (ELI and ELI-DL) – Use cases and implementations" se även Riksdagens shadow backlog punkt 15 att dagens data inte är 5-star data
dom har pratat med Sverige men ingen aktivitet jmf ELI implementation overview
- User case EU ITEC "Directorate-General for Innovation and Technological Support"
- OM ELI At the State level, it will also be applied to all legislation previously published and having a consolidated version._ / Ontologi
- Internationell översikt ELI
- Spanska projekt web:en
- ELI in Spain ELI will be applied, at least, to State and Autonomic legislation published since 1978/12/29. At the State level, it will also be applied to all legislation previously published and having a consolidated version. /
- Ontologi
Exempel Auktoritetstabell - när ser vi detta på svenska nationella minoritetsspråk
- eli:is_about - indicates the subject of the legislation prefferable using the Eurovoc Thesaurus
- eli:transpose - link to the ELI of a directive transposed by an act or an article.
- "Knowledge of the Law in the Big Data Age - The European Legislation Identifier
- ELI website hosted on EUR-Lex
- ELI guides (general and technical) in PDF, Print and ePub.(regularly updated)
- [ELI Ontology: ELI 1.4](https://publications.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/model/- /resource/dataset/eli)
- ELI-DL for Draft Legislation: released