python SDK for ThePeer payment infrastructure
pip install python-thepeer requests dataclasses schema
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
from ThePeer.client import Client
client = Client(api_key="YOUR PRIVATE KEY")
returns all indexed users for your business
Index/create users
data = {"name" : "", "identifier" : "", "email" : ""}
Update indexed user
the method requires two arguments, the user's ReferenceId and the user's new identifier
referenceId = ""
data = {"identifier" : ""}
client.update_user(referenceId, data=data)
Delete indexed user
this methods allows you to delete an indexed user on your business profile
referenceId = ""
# Transactions
returns all the details of a particuar transaction
transactionId = ""
This method refunds a specific transaction back to its origin (business & user of that business)
it requires two arguments by default transactionId and refund details, alternatively, you can
pass in only the transactionId and we'd use the default refund data i.e data = {"reason": "possible fraud"}
This returns all linked accounts associated with a user, It returns the user's account details along with he business the account resides on.
pass in the linkId to identify and get user's links
Similarly the method returns a linked account details by passing its ID.
This method enables you to charge your user's linked account
where data = {
"amount": ,
"remark": ""
client.charge(linkId, data)
This method allows you simulate receiving money
data = {
"amount": ,
"currency": "",
"user_reference": ""