What | Notes | Score 0-3 (0 = none, 1 = a litte, 2 = somewhat, 3 = a lot |
Misc | Group members attended Tutorial sessions | 3 |
Distrbuted dev model: | Decisions made by unanmyous vote | 3 |
Group meetings had a round robin speaking order | 3 | |
Group meetings had a moderator that managed the Round Robin | 3 | |
Group meeting moderator rotated among the group | 3 | |
Code conforms to some packaging standard | 2 | |
Code can be downloaded from some standard package manager | 1 | |
Workload is spread over the whole team (one team member is often Xtimes more productive than the others... but nevertheless, here is a track record that everyone is contributing a lot) | 3 | |
Number of commits | 2 | |
Number of commits: by different people | 3 | |
Issues reports: there are many | 3 | |
Issues are being closed | 3 | |
License: Exists | 3 | |
DOI badge: exists | 3 | |
Docs: Doco generated , format not ugly | 2 | |
Docs: What: Point descriptions of each class/function (in isolation) | 2 | |
Docs: How: for common use cases X,Y,Z mini-tutorials showing worked examples on how to do X,Y,Z | 3 | |
Docs: Why: Docs tell a story, Motivate the whole thing, deliver a punchline that makes you want to rush out and use the thing | 3 | |
Docs: 3 minute video, posted to YouTube. That convinces people why they want to work on your code. | 0 | |
Tools Matter | Use of version control tools | 3 |
Extensive use of version control tools | 3 | |
Repo has an up-to-date requirements.txt file | 3 | |
Use of style checkers | 3 | |
Use of code formatters. | 3 | |
Use of syntax checkers. | 3 | |
Use of code coverage | 3 | |
Other automated analysis tools | 3 | |
Test cases exist | 3 | |
Test cases are routinely executed | 3 | |
Consensus-Oriented Model | The files CONTRIBUTING.md and CODEOFCONDUCT.md has had multiple edits by multiple people | 3 |
The files CONTRIBUTING.md lists coding standards and lots of tips on how to extend the system without screwing things up | 3 | |
Multiple people contribute to discussions | 3 | |
Issues are discussed before they are closed | 3 | |
Chat channel: Exists | 3 | |
Chat channel: Is Active | 3 | |
Test Cases: A large proportion of the issues related to handling failing cases. | 3 | |
Zero internal boundaries | Evidence that the whole team is using the same tools: Everyone can get to all tools and files | 3 |
Evidence that the whole team is using the same tools (e.g. config files in the repo, updated by lots of different people) | 3 | |
Evidence that the whole team is using the same tools (e.g. tutor can ask anyone to share screen, they demonstrate the system running on their computer) | 3 | |
Evidence that the members of the team are working across multiple places in the code base | 3 | |
Short release cycles | (hard to see in short projects) project members are committing often enough so that everyone can get your work | 1 |