diff --git a/web/client/utils/FilterUtils.jsx b/web/client/utils/FilterUtils.jsx
index 88a33c30a2..8da178ff22 100644
--- a/web/client/utils/FilterUtils.jsx
+++ b/web/client/utils/FilterUtils.jsx
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
* Copyright 2016, GeoSolutions Sas.
* All rights reserved.
@@ -18,77 +19,377 @@ const normalizeVersion = (version) => {
return version;
+var ogcVersion = "2.0";
+var ogcComparisonOperators = {
+ "=": {startTag: "<{namespace}:PropertyIsEqualTo>", endTag: "{namespace}:PropertyIsEqualTo>"},
+ ">": {startTag: "<{namespace}:PropertyIsGreaterThan>", endTag: "{namespace}:PropertyIsGreaterThan>"},
+ "<": {startTag: "<{namespace}:PropertyIsLessThan>", endTag: "{namespace}:PropertyIsLessThan>"},
+ ">=": {startTag: "<{namespace}:PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo>", endTag: "{namespace}:PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo>"},
+ "<=": {startTag: "<{namespace}:PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo>", endTag: "{namespace}:PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo>"},
+ "<>": {startTag: "<{namespace}:PropertyIsNotEqualTo>", endTag: "{namespace}:PropertyIsNotEqualTo>"},
+ "><": {startTag: "<{namespace}:PropertyIsBetween>", endTag: "{namespace}:PropertyIsBetween>"},
+ "like": {startTag: "<{namespace}:PropertyIsLike matchCase=\"true\" wildCard=\"*\" singleChar=\".\" escapeChar=\"!\">", endTag: "{namespace}:PropertyIsLike>"},
+ "ilike": {startTag: "<{namespace}:PropertyIsLike matchCase=\"false\" wildCard=\"*\" singleChar=\".\" escapeChar=\"!\"> ", endTag: "{namespace}:PropertyIsLike>"},
+ "isNull": {startTag: "<{namespace}:PropertyIsNull>", endTag: "{namespace}:PropertyIsNull>"}
+var ogcLogicalOperator = {
+ "AND": {startTag: "<{namespace}:And>", endTag: "{namespace}:And>"},
+ "OR": {startTag: "<{namespace}:Or>", endTag: "{namespace}:Or>"},
+ "AND NOT": {startTag: "<{namespace}:Not>", endTag: "{namespace}:Not>"}
+var ogcSpatialOperator = {
+ "INTERSECTS": {startTag: "<{namespace}:Intersects>", endTag: "{namespace}:Intersects>"},
+ "BBOX": {startTag: "<{namespace}:BBOX>", endTag: "{namespace}:BBOX>"},
+ "CONTAINS": {startTag: "<{namespace}:Contains>", endTag: "{namespace}:Contains>"},
+ "DWITHIN": {startTag: "<{namespace}:DWithin>", endTag: "{namespace}:DWithin>"},
+ "WITHIN": {startTag: "<{namespace}:Within>", endTag: "{namespace}:Within>"}
+var propertyTagReference = {
+ "ogc": {startTag: "", endTag: ""},
+ "fes": {startTag: "", endTag: ""}
+var getCQLGeometryElement = function(coordinates, type) {
+ let geometry = type + "(";
+ switch (type) {
+ case "Point":
+ geometry += coordinates.join(" ");
+ break;
+ case "MultiPoint":
+ coordinates.forEach((position, index) => {
+ geometry += position.join(" ");
+ geometry += index < coordinates.length - 1 ? ", " : "";
+ });
+ break;
+ case "Polygon":
+ coordinates.forEach((element, index) => {
+ geometry += "(";
+ let coords = element.map((coordinate) => {
+ return coordinate[0] + " " + coordinate[1];
+ });
+ geometry += coords.join(", ");
+ geometry += ")";
+ geometry += index < coordinates.length - 1 ? ", " : "";
+ });
+ break;
+ case "MultiPolygon":
+ coordinates.forEach((polygon, idx) => {
+ geometry += "(";
+ polygon.forEach((element, index) => {
+ geometry += "(";
+ let coords = element.map((coordinate) => {
+ return coordinate[0] + " " + coordinate[1];
+ });
+ geometry += coords.join(", ");
+ geometry += ")";
+ geometry += index < polygon.length - 1 ? ", " : "";
+ });
+ geometry += ")";
+ geometry += idx < coordinates.length - 1 ? ", " : "";
+ });
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ geometry += ")";
+ return geometry;
+var processCQLSpatialFilter = function(json) {
+ let cql = json.spatialField.operation + "(" +
+ json.spatialField.attribute + ", ";
+ cql += getCQLGeometryElement(json.spatialField.geometry.coordinates, json.spatialField.geometry.type);
+ return cql + ")";
+var cqlDateField = function(attribute, operator, value) {
+ let fieldFilter;
+ if (operator === "><") {
+ if (value.startDate && value.endDate) {
+ fieldFilter = "(" + attribute + ">='" + value.startDate.toISOString() +
+ "' AND " + attribute + "<='" + value.endDate.toISOString() + "')";
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (value.startDate) {
+ fieldFilter = attribute + operator + "'" + value.startDate.toISOString() + "'";
+ }
+ }
+ return fieldFilter;
+var cqlStringField = function(attribute, operator, value) {
+ let fieldFilter;
+ if (value) {
+ if (operator === "isNull") {
+ fieldFilter = "isNull(" + attribute + ")=true";
+ } else if (operator === "=") {
+ let val = "'" + value + "'";
+ fieldFilter = attribute + operator + val;
+ } else if (operator === "ilike") {
+ let val = "'%" + value.toLowerCase() + "%'";
+ fieldFilter = "strToLowerCase(" + attribute + ") LIKE " + val;
+ } else {
+ let val = "'%" + value + "%'";
+ fieldFilter = attribute + "LIKE " + val;
+ }
+ }
+ return fieldFilter;
+var cqlNumberField = function(attribute, operator, value) {
+ let fieldFilter;
+ if (operator === "><") {
+ if (value && (value.lowBound !== null && value.lowBound !== undefined) && (value.upBound === null || value.upBound === undefined)) {
+ fieldFilter = "(" + attribute + ">='" + value.lowBound + "')";
+ }else if (value && (value.upBound !== null && value.upBound !== undefined) && (value.lowBound === null || value.lowBound === undefined)) {
+ fieldFilter = "(" + attribute + "<='" + value.upBound + "')";
+ } else if (value && (value.upBound !== null && value.upBound !== undefined) && (value.lowBound !== null && value.lowBound !== undefined)) {
+ fieldFilter = "(" + attribute + ">='" + value.lowBound +
+ "' AND " + attribute + "<='" + value.upBound + "')";
+ }
+ } else {
+ let val = value && (value.lowBound !== null && value.lowBound !== undefined) ? value.lowBound : value;
+ if (val ) {
+ fieldFilter = attribute + operator + "'" + val + "'";
+ }
+ }
+ return fieldFilter;
+var findSubGroups = function(root, groups) {
+ let subGroups = groups.filter((g) => g.groupId === root.id);
+ return subGroups;
+var cqlListField = function(attribute, operator, value) {
+ return cqlStringField(attribute, operator, value);
+var processCQLSimpleFilterField = function(field) {
+ let strFilter = false;
+ switch (field.type) {
+ case "date":
+ strFilter = cqlDateField(field.attribute, field.operator, field.values);
+ break;
+ case "number":
+ strFilter = cqlNumberField(field.attribute, field.operator, field.values);
+ break;
+ case "string":
+ strFilter = cqlStringField(field.attribute, field.operator, field.values);
+ break;
+ case "list": {
+ if (field.values.length !== field.optionsValues.length) {
+ let addNull = false;
+ let filter = field.values.reduce((arr, value) => {
+ if (value === null || value === "null") {
+ addNull = true;
+ } else {
+ arr.push( "'" + value + "'");
+ }
+ return arr;
+ }, []);
+ strFilter = filter.length > 0 ? field.attribute + " IN(" + filter.join(",") + ")" : strFilter;
+ if (addNull) {
+ strFilter = (strFilter) ? strFilter + " OR isNull(" + field.attribute + ")=true" : "isNull(" + field.attribute + ")=true";
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return (strFilter && strFilter.length > 0) ? strFilter : false;
+var processCQLFilterFields = function(group, json) {
+ let fields = json.filterFields.filter((field) => field.groupId === group.id);
+ let filter = [];
+ if (fields) {
+ fields.forEach((field) => {
+ let fieldFilter;
+ switch (field.type) {
+ case "date":
+ fieldFilter = cqlDateField(field.attribute, field.operator, field.value);
+ break;
+ case "number":
+ fieldFilter = cqlNumberField(field.attribute, field.operator, field.value);
+ break;
+ case "string":
+ fieldFilter = cqlStringField(field.attribute, field.operator, field.value);
+ break;
+ case "list":
+ fieldFilter = cqlListField(field.attribute, field.operator, field.value);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (fieldFilter) {
+ filter.push(fieldFilter);
+ }
+ });
+ filter = filter.join(" " + group.logic + " ");
+ }
+ return filter;
+var getGmlPolygonElement = function(coordinates, srsName, version) {
+ let gmlPolygon = '' : '>';
+ // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Array of LinearRing coordinate array. The first element in the array represents the exterior ring.
+ // Any subsequent elements represent interior rings (or holes).
+ // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ coordinates.forEach((element, index) => {
+ let coords = element.map((coordinate) => {
+ return coordinate[0] + (version === "1.0.0" ? "," : " ") + coordinate[1];
+ });
+ const exterior = (version === "1.0.0" ? "outerBoundaryIs" : "exterior");
+ const interior = (version === "1.0.0" ? "innerBoundaryIs" : "exterior");
+ gmlPolygon +=
+ (index < 1 ? '' : '') +
+ '' +
+ (version === "1.0.0" ? '' : '') +
+ coords.join(" ") +
+ (version === "1.0.0" ? '' : '') +
+ '' +
+ (index < 1 ? '' : '');
+ });
+ gmlPolygon += '';
+ return gmlPolygon;
+var getGmlPointElement = function(coordinates, srsName, version) {
+ let gmlPoint = '' : '>';
+ // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Array of LinearRing coordinate array. The first element in the array represents the exterior ring.
+ // Any subsequent elements represent interior rings (or holes).
+ // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ coordinates.forEach((element) => {
+ let coords = element.map((coordinate) => {
+ return coordinate[0] + " " + coordinate[1];
+ });
+ if (version === "1.0.0") {
+ gmlPoint += '' + element[0][0] + '' + element[0][1] + '';
+ } else {
+ gmlPoint += '' + coords.join(" ") + '';
+ }
+ });
+ gmlPoint += '';
+ return gmlPoint;
+var getGetFeatureBase = function(version, pagination, hits, format) {
+ let ver = normalizeVersion(version);
+ let getFeature = '';
+ break;
+ case "1.1.0":
+ getFeature += pagination && pagination.maxFeatures ? 'maxFeatures="' + pagination.maxFeatures + '" ' : "";
+ getFeature = hits ? getFeature + ' resultType="hits"' : getFeature;
+ getFeature += 'service="WFS" version="' + ver + '" ' +
+ 'xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" ' +
+ 'xmlns:wfs="http://www.opengis.net/wfs" ' +
+ 'xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc" ' +
+ 'xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ' +
+ 'xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wfs ' +
+ 'http://schemas.opengis.net/wfs/1.1.0/wfs.xsd">';
+ break;
+ default: // default is wfs 2.0
+ getFeature += pagination && pagination.maxFeatures ? 'count="' + pagination.maxFeatures + '" ' : "";
+ getFeature = hits && !pagination ? getFeature + ' resultType="hits"' : getFeature;
+ getFeature += 'service="WFS" version="' + ver + '" ' +
+ 'xmlns:wfs="http://www.opengis.net/wfs/2.0" ' +
+ 'xmlns:fes="http://www.opengis.net/fes/2.0" ' +
+ 'xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" ' +
+ 'xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ' +
+ 'xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wfs/2.0 ' +
+ 'http://schemas.opengis.net/wfs/2.0/wfs.xsd ' +
+ 'http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2 ' +
+ 'http://schemas.opengis.net/gml/3.2.1/gml.xsd">';
+ }
+ return getFeature;
+var processCQLFilterGroup = function(root, json) {
+ let cql = processCQLFilterFields(root, json);
+ let subGroups = findSubGroups(root, json.groupFields);
+ if (subGroups.length > 0) {
+ subGroups.forEach((subGroup) => {
+ cql += " " + root.logic + " (" + this.processFilterGroup(subGroup) + ")";
+ });
+ }
+ return cql;
const FilterUtils = {
- ogcVersion: "2.0",
- ogcLogicalOperator: {
- "AND": {startTag: "<{namespace}:And>", endTag: "{namespace}:And>"},
- "OR": {startTag: "<{namespace}:Or>", endTag: "{namespace}:Or>"},
- "AND NOT": {startTag: "<{namespace}:Not>", endTag: "{namespace}:Not>"}
- },
- ogcComparisonOperators: {
- "=": {startTag: "<{namespace}:PropertyIsEqualTo>", endTag: "{namespace}:PropertyIsEqualTo>"},
- ">": {startTag: "<{namespace}:PropertyIsGreaterThan>", endTag: "{namespace}:PropertyIsGreaterThan>"},
- "<": {startTag: "<{namespace}:PropertyIsLessThan>", endTag: "{namespace}:PropertyIsLessThan>"},
- ">=": {startTag: "<{namespace}:PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo>", endTag: "{namespace}:PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo>"},
- "<=": {startTag: "<{namespace}:PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo>", endTag: "{namespace}:PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo>"},
- "<>": {startTag: "<{namespace}:PropertyIsNotEqualTo>", endTag: "{namespace}:PropertyIsNotEqualTo>"},
- "><": {startTag: "<{namespace}:PropertyIsBetween>", endTag: "{namespace}:PropertyIsBetween>"},
- "like": {startTag: "<{namespace}:PropertyIsLike matchCase=\"true\" wildCard=\"*\" singleChar=\".\" escapeChar=\"!\">", endTag: "{namespace}:PropertyIsLike>"},
- "ilike": {startTag: "<{namespace}:PropertyIsLike matchCase=\"false\" wildCard=\"*\" singleChar=\".\" escapeChar=\"!\"> ", endTag: "{namespace}:PropertyIsLike>"},
- "isNull": {startTag: "<{namespace}:PropertyIsNull>", endTag: "{namespace}:PropertyIsNull>"}
- },
- ogcSpatialOperator: {
- "INTERSECTS": {startTag: "<{namespace}:Intersects>", endTag: "{namespace}:Intersects>"},
- "BBOX": {startTag: "<{namespace}:BBOX>", endTag: "{namespace}:BBOX>"},
- "CONTAINS": {startTag: "<{namespace}:Contains>", endTag: "{namespace}:Contains>"},
- "DWITHIN": {startTag: "<{namespace}:DWithin>", endTag: "{namespace}:DWithin>"},
- "WITHIN": {startTag: "<{namespace}:Within>", endTag: "{namespace}:Within>"}
- },
- propertyTagReference: {
- "ogc": {startTag: "", endTag: ""},
- "fes": {startTag: "", endTag: ""}
- },
toOGCFilter: function(ftName, json, version, sortOptions = null, hits = false, format = null, propertyNames = null) {
- try {
- this.objFilter = (json instanceof Object) ? json : JSON.parse(json);
- } catch(e) {
- return e;
- }
- const versionOGC = normalizeVersion(version || this.ogcVersion);
- this.nsplaceholder = versionOGC === "2.0" ? "fes" : "ogc";
+ const versionOGC = normalizeVersion(version || ogcVersion);
+ FilterUtils.nsplaceholder = versionOGC === "2.0" ? "fes" : "ogc";
- this.setOperatorsPlaceholders("{namespace}", this.nsplaceholder);
+ this.setOperatorsPlaceholders("{namespace}", FilterUtils.nsplaceholder);
- let ogcFilter = this.getGetFeatureBase(versionOGC, this.objFilter.pagination, hits, format);
+ let ogcFilter = getGetFeatureBase(versionOGC, json.pagination, hits, format);
let filters = [];
let attributeFilter;
- if (this.objFilter.filterFields && this.objFilter.filterFields.length > 0) {
- if (this.objFilter.groupFields && this.objFilter.groupFields.length > 0) {
- attributeFilter = this.processOGCFilterGroup(this.objFilter.groupFields[0]);
+ if (json.filterFields && json.filterFields.length > 0) {
+ if (json.groupFields && json.groupFields.length > 0) {
+ attributeFilter = this.processOGCFilterGroup(json.groupFields[0], json);
} else {
- attributeFilter = this.processOGCFilterFields();
+ attributeFilter = this.processOGCFilterFields(json);
- }else if (this.objFilter.simpleFilterFields && this.objFilter.simpleFilterFields.length > 0) {
+ }else if (json.simpleFilterFields && json.simpleFilterFields.length > 0) {
let ogc = "";
- ogc += this.ogcLogicalOperator.AND.startTag;
- this.objFilter.simpleFilterFields.forEach((filter) => {
+ ogc += ogcLogicalOperator.AND.startTag;
+ json.simpleFilterFields.forEach((filter) => {
ogc += this.processOGCSimpleFilterField(filter);
}, this);
- ogc += this.ogcLogicalOperator.AND.endTag;
+ ogc += ogcLogicalOperator.AND.endTag;
let spatialFilter;
- if (this.objFilter.spatialField && this.objFilter.spatialField.geometry && this.objFilter.spatialField.operation) {
- spatialFilter = this.processOGCSpatialFilter(versionOGC);
+ if (json.spatialField && json.spatialField.geometry && json.spatialField.operation) {
+ spatialFilter = this.processOGCSpatialFilter(versionOGC, json);
- if (this.objFilter.crossLayerFilter) {
- let crossLayerFilter = this.objFilter.crossLayerFilter;
+ if (json.crossLayerFilter) {
+ let crossLayerFilter = json.crossLayerFilter;
if (Array.isArray()) {
crossLayerFilter.forEach( f => filters.push(this.processOGCCrossLayerFilter(f)));
} else {
@@ -96,55 +397,55 @@ const FilterUtils = {
- let filter = "<" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Filter>";
+ let filter = "<" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Filter>";
if (filters.length > 1) {
- filter += "<" + this.nsplaceholder + ":And>";
+ filter += "<" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":And>";
filters.forEach((subFilter) => {
filter += subFilter;
- filter += "" + this.nsplaceholder + ":And>";
+ filter += "" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":And>";
} else {
filter += filters[0];
- filter += "" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Filter>";
+ filter += "" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Filter>";
ogcFilter += '';
ogcFilter += filter;
if (propertyNames) {
ogcFilter += propertyNames.map( name => (
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].startTag +
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].startTag +
name +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].endTag )).join("");
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].endTag )).join("");
if (sortOptions && sortOptions.sortBy && sortOptions.sortOrder) {
ogcFilter +=
- "<" + this.nsplaceholder + ":SortBy>" +
- "<" + this.nsplaceholder + ":SortProperty>" +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].startTag +
+ "<" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":SortBy>" +
+ "<" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":SortProperty>" +
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].startTag +
sortOptions.sortBy +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].endTag +
- "<" + this.nsplaceholder + ":SortOrder>" +
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].endTag +
+ "<" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":SortOrder>" +
sortOptions.sortOrder +
- "" + this.nsplaceholder + ":SortOrder>" +
- "" + this.nsplaceholder + ":SortProperty>" +
- "" + this.nsplaceholder + ":SortBy>";
+ "" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":SortOrder>" +
+ "" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":SortProperty>" +
+ "" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":SortBy>";
ogcFilter +=
'' +
- this.setOperatorsPlaceholders(this.nsplaceholder, "{namespace}");
+ this.setOperatorsPlaceholders(FilterUtils.nsplaceholder, "{namespace}");
return ogcFilter;
setOperatorsPlaceholders: function(placeholder, replacement) {
- this.ogcLogicalOperator,
- this.ogcComparisonOperators,
- this.ogcSpatialOperator
+ ogcLogicalOperator,
+ ogcComparisonOperators,
+ ogcSpatialOperator
].forEach((operator) => {
for (let op in operator) {
if (operator.hasOwnProperty(op)) {
@@ -154,77 +455,24 @@ const FilterUtils = {
- getGetFeatureBase: function(version, pagination, hits, format) {
- let ver = normalizeVersion(version);
- let getFeature = '';
- break;
- case "1.1.0":
- getFeature += pagination && pagination.maxFeatures ? 'maxFeatures="' + pagination.maxFeatures + '" ' : "";
- getFeature = hits ? getFeature + ' resultType="hits"' : getFeature;
- getFeature += 'service="WFS" version="' + ver + '" ' +
- 'xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" ' +
- 'xmlns:wfs="http://www.opengis.net/wfs" ' +
- 'xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc" ' +
- 'xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ' +
- 'xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wfs ' +
- 'http://schemas.opengis.net/wfs/1.1.0/wfs.xsd">';
- break;
- default: // default is wfs 2.0
- getFeature += pagination && pagination.maxFeatures ? 'count="' + pagination.maxFeatures + '" ' : "";
- getFeature = hits && !pagination ? getFeature + ' resultType="hits"' : getFeature;
- getFeature += 'service="WFS" version="' + ver + '" ' +
- 'xmlns:wfs="http://www.opengis.net/wfs/2.0" ' +
- 'xmlns:fes="http://www.opengis.net/fes/2.0" ' +
- 'xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" ' +
- 'xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ' +
- 'xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wfs/2.0 ' +
- 'http://schemas.opengis.net/wfs/2.0/wfs.xsd ' +
- 'http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2 ' +
- 'http://schemas.opengis.net/gml/3.2.1/gml.xsd">';
- }
- return getFeature;
- },
- processOGCFilterGroup: function(root) {
+ processOGCFilterGroup: function(root, json) {
let ogc =
- this.ogcLogicalOperator[root.logic].startTag +
- this.processOGCFilterFields(root);
+ ogcLogicalOperator[root.logic].startTag +
+ this.processOGCFilterFields(root, json);
- let subGroups = this.findSubGroups(root, this.objFilter.groupFields);
+ let subGroups = findSubGroups(root, json.groupFields);
if (subGroups.length > 0) {
subGroups.forEach((subGroup) => {
ogc += this.processOGCFilterGroup(subGroup);
- ogc += this.ogcLogicalOperator[root.logic].endTag;
+ ogc += ogcLogicalOperator[root.logic].endTag;
return ogc;
- processOGCFilterFields: function(group) {
- let fields = group ? this.objFilter.filterFields.filter((field) => field.groupId === group.id) : this.objFilter.filterFields;
+ processOGCFilterFields: function(group, json) {
+ let fields = group ? json.filterFields.filter((field) => field.groupId === group.id) : json.filterFields;
let filter = [];
if (fields) {
@@ -274,8 +522,8 @@ const FilterUtils = {
filter = field.values.reduce((ogc, val) => {
let op = (val === null || val === "null") ? "isNull" : "=";
return ogc + this.ogcStringField(field.attribute, op, val);
- }, this.ogcLogicalOperator.OR.startTag);
- filter += this.ogcLogicalOperator.OR.endTag;
+ }, ogcLogicalOperator.OR.startTag);
+ filter += ogcLogicalOperator.OR.endTag;
@@ -289,27 +537,27 @@ const FilterUtils = {
if (operator === "><") {
if (value.startDate && value.endDate) {
fieldFilter =
- this.ogcComparisonOperators[operator].startTag +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].startTag +
+ ogcComparisonOperators[operator].startTag +
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].startTag +
attribute +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].endTag +
- "<" + this.nsplaceholder + ":LowerBoundary>" +
- "<" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" + value.startDate.toISOString() + "" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" +
- "" + this.nsplaceholder + ":LowerBoundary>" +
- "<" + this.nsplaceholder + ":UpperBoundary>" +
- "<" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" + value.endDate.toISOString() + "" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" +
- "" + this.nsplaceholder + ":UpperBoundary>" +
- this.ogcComparisonOperators[operator].endTag;
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].endTag +
+ "<" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":LowerBoundary>" +
+ "<" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" + value.startDate.toISOString() + "" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" +
+ "" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":LowerBoundary>" +
+ "<" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":UpperBoundary>" +
+ "<" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" + value.endDate.toISOString() + "" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" +
+ "" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":UpperBoundary>" +
+ ogcComparisonOperators[operator].endTag;
} else {
if (value.startDate) {
fieldFilter =
- this.ogcComparisonOperators[operator].startTag +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].startTag +
+ ogcComparisonOperators[operator].startTag +
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].startTag +
attribute +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].endTag +
- "<" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" + value.startDate.toISOString() + "" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" +
- this.ogcComparisonOperators[operator].endTag;
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].endTag +
+ "<" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" + value.startDate.toISOString() + "" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" +
+ ogcComparisonOperators[operator].endTag;
return fieldFilter;
@@ -318,12 +566,12 @@ const FilterUtils = {
let fieldFilter;
if (value) {
fieldFilter =
- this.ogcComparisonOperators[operator].startTag +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].startTag +
+ ogcComparisonOperators[operator].startTag +
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].startTag +
attribute +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].endTag +
- "<" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" + value + "" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" +
- this.ogcComparisonOperators[operator].endTag;
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].endTag +
+ "<" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" + value + "" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" +
+ ogcComparisonOperators[operator].endTag;
return fieldFilter;
@@ -332,27 +580,27 @@ const FilterUtils = {
if (value) {
if (operator === "isNull") {
fieldFilter =
- this.ogcComparisonOperators[operator].startTag +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].startTag +
+ ogcComparisonOperators[operator].startTag +
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].startTag +
attribute +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].endTag +
- this.ogcComparisonOperators[operator].endTag;
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].endTag +
+ ogcComparisonOperators[operator].endTag;
}else if (operator === "=") {
fieldFilter =
- this.ogcComparisonOperators[operator].startTag +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].startTag +
+ ogcComparisonOperators[operator].startTag +
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].startTag +
attribute +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].endTag +
- "<" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" + value + "" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" +
- this.ogcComparisonOperators[operator].endTag;
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].endTag +
+ "<" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" + value + "" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" +
+ ogcComparisonOperators[operator].endTag;
}else {
fieldFilter =
- this.ogcComparisonOperators[operator].startTag +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].startTag +
+ ogcComparisonOperators[operator].startTag +
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].startTag +
attribute +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].endTag +
- "<" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>*" + value + "*" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" +
- this.ogcComparisonOperators[operator].endTag;
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].endTag +
+ "<" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>*" + value + "*" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" +
+ ogcComparisonOperators[operator].endTag;
return fieldFilter;
@@ -361,74 +609,74 @@ const FilterUtils = {
let fieldFilter;
if (operator === "><") {
if (value && (value.lowBound !== null && value.lowBound !== undefined) && (value.upBound === null || value.upBound === undefined)) {
- fieldFilter = this.ogcComparisonOperators[">="].startTag +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].startTag +
+ fieldFilter = ogcComparisonOperators[">="].startTag +
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].startTag +
attribute +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].endTag +
- "<" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" + value.lowBound + "" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" +
- this.ogcComparisonOperators[">="].endTag;
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].endTag +
+ "<" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" + value.lowBound + "" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" +
+ ogcComparisonOperators[">="].endTag;
}else if (value && (value.upBound !== null && value.upBound !== undefined) && (value.lowBound === null || value.lowBound === undefined)) {
- fieldFilter = this.ogcComparisonOperators["<="].startTag +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].startTag +
+ fieldFilter = ogcComparisonOperators["<="].startTag +
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].startTag +
attribute +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].endTag +
- "<" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" + value.upBound + "" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" +
- this.ogcComparisonOperators["<="].endTag;
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].endTag +
+ "<" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" + value.upBound + "" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" +
+ ogcComparisonOperators["<="].endTag;
}else if (value && (value.upBound !== null && value.upBound !== undefined) && (value.lowBound !== null && value.lowBound !== undefined)) {
fieldFilter =
- this.ogcComparisonOperators[operator].startTag +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].startTag +
+ ogcComparisonOperators[operator].startTag +
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].startTag +
attribute +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].endTag +
- "<" + this.nsplaceholder + ":LowerBoundary>" +
- "<" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" + value.lowBound + "" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" +
- "" + this.nsplaceholder + ":LowerBoundary>" +
- "<" + this.nsplaceholder + ":UpperBoundary>" +
- "<" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" + value.upBound + "" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" +
- "" + this.nsplaceholder + ":UpperBoundary>" +
- this.ogcComparisonOperators[operator].endTag;
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].endTag +
+ "<" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":LowerBoundary>" +
+ "<" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" + value.lowBound + "" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" +
+ "" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":LowerBoundary>" +
+ "<" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":UpperBoundary>" +
+ "<" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" + value.upBound + "" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" +
+ "" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":UpperBoundary>" +
+ ogcComparisonOperators[operator].endTag;
} else {
let val = value && (value.lowBound !== null && value.lowBound !== undefined) ? value.lowBound : value;
if (val) {
- fieldFilter = this.ogcComparisonOperators[operator].startTag +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].startTag +
+ fieldFilter = ogcComparisonOperators[operator].startTag +
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].startTag +
attribute +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].endTag +
- "<" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" + val + "" + this.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" +
- this.ogcComparisonOperators[operator].endTag;
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].endTag +
+ "<" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" + val + "" + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ":Literal>" +
+ ogcComparisonOperators[operator].endTag;
return fieldFilter;
- processOGCSpatialFilter: function(version) {
- let ogc = this.ogcSpatialOperator[this.objFilter.spatialField.operation].startTag;
+ processOGCSpatialFilter: function(version, json) {
+ let ogc = ogcSpatialOperator[json.spatialField.operation].startTag;
ogc +=
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].startTag +
- this.objFilter.spatialField.attribute +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].endTag;
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].startTag +
+ json.spatialField.attribute +
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].endTag;
- switch (this.objFilter.spatialField.operation) {
+ switch (json.spatialField.operation) {
case "DWITHIN":
case "WITHIN":
case "CONTAINS": {
- switch (this.objFilter.spatialField.geometry.type) {
+ switch (json.spatialField.geometry.type) {
case "Point":
- ogc += this.getGmlPointElement(this.objFilter.spatialField.geometry.coordinates,
- this.objFilter.spatialField.geometry.projection || "EPSG:4326", version);
+ ogc += getGmlPointElement(json.spatialField.geometry.coordinates,
+ json.spatialField.geometry.projection || "EPSG:4326", version);
case "MultiPoint":
- ogc += '';
+ ogc += '';
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Coordinates of a MultiPoint are an array of positions
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- this.objFilter.spatialField.geometry.coordinates.forEach((element) => {
+ json.spatialField.geometry.coordinates.forEach((element) => {
let point = element;
if (point) {
ogc += "";
- ogc += this.getGmlPointElement(point, version);
+ ogc += getGmlPointElement(point, version);
ogc += "";
@@ -436,23 +684,23 @@ const FilterUtils = {
ogc += '';
case "Polygon":
- ogc += this.getGmlPolygonElement(this.objFilter.spatialField.geometry.coordinates,
- this.objFilter.spatialField.geometry.projection || "EPSG:4326", version);
+ ogc += getGmlPolygonElement(json.spatialField.geometry.coordinates,
+ json.spatialField.geometry.projection || "EPSG:4326", version);
case "MultiPolygon":
const multyPolygonTagName = version === "2.0" ? "MultiSurface" : "MultiPolygon";
const polygonMemberTagName = version === "2.0" ? "surfaceMembers" : "polygonMember";
- ogc += '';
+ ogc += '';
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Coordinates of a MultiPolygon are an array of Polygon coordinate arrays
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- this.objFilter.spatialField.geometry.coordinates.forEach((element) => {
+ json.spatialField.geometry.coordinates.forEach((element) => {
let polygon = element;
if (polygon) {
ogc += "";
- ogc += this.getGmlPolygonElement(polygon, version);
+ ogc += getGmlPolygonElement(polygon, version);
ogc += "";
@@ -463,18 +711,18 @@ const FilterUtils = {
- if (this.objFilter.spatialField.operation === "DWITHIN") {
- ogc += '<' + this.nsplaceholder + ':Distance units="m">' + (this.objFilter.spatialField.geometry.distance || 0) + '' + this.nsplaceholder + ':Distance>';
+ if (json.spatialField.operation === "DWITHIN") {
+ ogc += '<' + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ':Distance units="m">' + (json.spatialField.geometry.distance || 0) + '' + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ':Distance>';
case "BBOX": {
- let lowerCorner = this.objFilter.spatialField.geometry.extent[0] + " " + this.objFilter.spatialField.geometry.extent[1];
- let upperCorner = this.objFilter.spatialField.geometry.extent[2] + " " + this.objFilter.spatialField.geometry.extent[3];
+ let lowerCorner = json.spatialField.geometry.extent[0] + " " + json.spatialField.geometry.extent[1];
+ let upperCorner = json.spatialField.geometry.extent[2] + " " + json.spatialField.geometry.extent[3];
ogc +=
- '' +
+ '' +
'' + lowerCorner + '' +
'' + upperCorner + '' +
@@ -485,7 +733,7 @@ const FilterUtils = {
- ogc += this.ogcSpatialOperator[this.objFilter.spatialField.operation].endTag;
+ ogc += ogcSpatialOperator[json.spatialField.operation].endTag;
return ogc;
@@ -514,11 +762,11 @@ const FilterUtils = {
* }
processOGCCrossLayerFilter: function(crossLayerFilter) {
- let ogc = this.ogcSpatialOperator[crossLayerFilter.operation].startTag;
+ let ogc = ogcSpatialOperator[crossLayerFilter.operation].startTag;
ogc +=
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].startTag +
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].startTag +
crossLayerFilter.attribute +
- this.propertyTagReference[this.nsplaceholder].endTag;
+ propertyTagReference[FilterUtils.nsplaceholder].endTag;
// only collectGeometries is supported now
if (crossLayerFilter.collectGeometries) {
ogc += `` +
@@ -530,80 +778,24 @@ const FilterUtils = {
if (crossLayerFilter.operation === "DWITHIN") {
- ogc += '<' + this.nsplaceholder + ':Distance units="m">' + (crossLayerFilter.distance || 0) + '' + this.nsplaceholder + ':Distance>';
+ ogc += '<' + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ':Distance units="m">' + (crossLayerFilter.distance || 0) + '' + FilterUtils.nsplaceholder + ':Distance>';
- ogc += this.ogcSpatialOperator[crossLayerFilter.operation].endTag;
+ ogc += ogcSpatialOperator[crossLayerFilter.operation].endTag;
return ogc;
- getGmlPointElement: function(coordinates, srsName, version) {
- let gmlPoint = '' : '>';
- // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Array of LinearRing coordinate array. The first element in the array represents the exterior ring.
- // Any subsequent elements represent interior rings (or holes).
- // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- coordinates.forEach((element) => {
- let coords = element.map((coordinate) => {
- return coordinate[0] + " " + coordinate[1];
- });
- if (version === "1.0.0") {
- gmlPoint += '' + element[0][0] + '' + element[0][1] + '';
- } else {
- gmlPoint += '' + coords.join(" ") + '';
- }
- });
- gmlPoint += '';
- return gmlPoint;
- },
- getGmlPolygonElement: function(coordinates, srsName, version) {
- let gmlPolygon = '' : '>';
- // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Array of LinearRing coordinate array. The first element in the array represents the exterior ring.
- // Any subsequent elements represent interior rings (or holes).
- // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- coordinates.forEach((element, index) => {
- let coords = element.map((coordinate) => {
- return coordinate[0] + (version === "1.0.0" ? "," : " ") + coordinate[1];
- });
- const exterior = (version === "1.0.0" ? "outerBoundaryIs" : "exterior");
- const interior = (version === "1.0.0" ? "innerBoundaryIs" : "exterior");
- gmlPolygon +=
- (index < 1 ? '' : '') +
- '' +
- (version === "1.0.0" ? '' : '') +
- coords.join(" ") +
- (version === "1.0.0" ? '' : '') +
- '' +
- (index < 1 ? '' : '');
- });
- gmlPolygon += '';
- return gmlPolygon;
- },
toCQLFilter: function(json) {
- try {
- this.objFilter = (json instanceof Object) ? json : JSON.parse(json);
- } catch(e) {
- return e;
- }
let filters = [];
let attributeFilter;
- if (this.objFilter.filterFields && this.objFilter.filterFields.length > 0) {
- attributeFilter = this.processCQLFilterGroup(this.objFilter.groupFields[0]);
+ if (json.filterFields && json.filterFields.length > 0) {
+ attributeFilter = processCQLFilterGroup(json.groupFields[0], json);
- }else if (this.objFilter.simpleFilterFields && this.objFilter.simpleFilterFields.length > 0) {
- let simpleFilter = this.objFilter.simpleFilterFields.reduce((cql, field) => {
+ }else if (json.simpleFilterFields && json.simpleFilterFields.length > 0) {
+ let simpleFilter = json.simpleFilterFields.reduce((cql, field) => {
let tmp = cql;
- let strFilter = this.processCQLSimpleFilterField(field);
+ let strFilter = processCQLSimpleFilterField(field);
if (strFilter !== false) {
tmp = cql.length > 0 ? cql + " AND (" + strFilter + ")" : "(" + strFilter + ")";
@@ -614,211 +806,12 @@ const FilterUtils = {
let spatialFilter;
- if (this.objFilter.spatialField && this.objFilter.spatialField.geometry && this.objFilter.spatialField.operation) {
- spatialFilter = this.processCQLSpatialFilter();
+ if (json.spatialField && json.spatialField.geometry && json.spatialField.operation) {
+ spatialFilter = processCQLSpatialFilter(json);
return "(" + (filters.length > 1 ? filters.join(") AND (") : filters[0]) + ")";
- },
- processCQLFilterGroup: function(root) {
- let cql = this.processCQLFilterFields(root);
- let subGroups = this.findSubGroups(root, this.objFilter.groupFields);
- if (subGroups.length > 0) {
- subGroups.forEach((subGroup) => {
- cql += " " + root.logic + " (" + this.processFilterGroup(subGroup) + ")";
- });
- }
- return cql;
- },
- processCQLFilterFields: function(group) {
- let fields = this.objFilter.filterFields.filter((field) => field.groupId === group.id);
- let filter = [];
- if (fields) {
- fields.forEach((field) => {
- let fieldFilter;
- switch (field.type) {
- case "date":
- fieldFilter = this.cqlDateField(field.attribute, field.operator, field.value);
- break;
- case "number":
- fieldFilter = this.cqlNumberField(field.attribute, field.operator, field.value);
- break;
- case "string":
- fieldFilter = this.cqlStringField(field.attribute, field.operator, field.value);
- break;
- case "list":
- fieldFilter = this.cqlListField(field.attribute, field.operator, field.value);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (fieldFilter) {
- filter.push(fieldFilter);
- }
- });
- filter = filter.join(" " + group.logic + " ");
- }
- return filter;
- },
- processCQLSimpleFilterField: function(field) {
- let strFilter = false;
- switch (field.type) {
- case "date":
- strFilter = this.cqlDateField(field.attribute, field.operator, field.values);
- break;
- case "number":
- strFilter = this.cqlNumberField(field.attribute, field.operator, field.values);
- break;
- case "string":
- strFilter = this.cqlStringField(field.attribute, field.operator, field.values);
- break;
- case "list": {
- if (field.values.length !== field.optionsValues.length) {
- let addNull = false;
- let filter = field.values.reduce((arr, value) => {
- if (value === null || value === "null") {
- addNull = true;
- } else {
- arr.push( "'" + value + "'");
- }
- return arr;
- }, []);
- strFilter = filter.length > 0 ? field.attribute + " IN(" + filter.join(",") + ")" : strFilter;
- if (addNull) {
- strFilter = (strFilter) ? strFilter + " OR isNull(" + field.attribute + ")=true" : "isNull(" + field.attribute + ")=true";
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- return (strFilter && strFilter.length > 0) ? strFilter : false;
- },
- cqlListField: function(attribute, operator, value) {
- return this.cqlStringField(attribute, operator, value);
- },
- cqlStringField: function(attribute, operator, value) {
- let fieldFilter;
- if (value) {
- if (operator === "isNull") {
- fieldFilter = "isNull(" + attribute + ")=true";
- } else if (operator === "=") {
- let val = "'" + value + "'";
- fieldFilter = attribute + operator + val;
- } else if (operator === "ilike") {
- let val = "'%" + value.toLowerCase() + "%'";
- fieldFilter = "strToLowerCase(" + attribute + ") LIKE " + val;
- } else {
- let val = "'%" + value + "%'";
- fieldFilter = attribute + "LIKE " + val;
- }
- }
- return fieldFilter;
- },
- cqlNumberField: function(attribute, operator, value) {
- let fieldFilter;
- if (operator === "><") {
- if (value && (value.lowBound !== null && value.lowBound !== undefined) && (value.upBound === null || value.upBound === undefined)) {
- fieldFilter = "(" + attribute + ">='" + value.lowBound + "')";
- }else if (value && (value.upBound !== null && value.upBound !== undefined) && (value.lowBound === null || value.lowBound === undefined)) {
- fieldFilter = "(" + attribute + "<='" + value.upBound + "')";
- } else if (value && (value.upBound !== null && value.upBound !== undefined) && (value.lowBound !== null && value.lowBound !== undefined)) {
- fieldFilter = "(" + attribute + ">='" + value.lowBound +
- "' AND " + attribute + "<='" + value.upBound + "')";
- }
- } else {
- let val = value && (value.lowBound !== null && value.lowBound !== undefined) ? value.lowBound : value;
- if (val ) {
- fieldFilter = attribute + operator + "'" + val + "'";
- }
- }
- return fieldFilter;
- },
- cqlDateField: function(attribute, operator, value) {
- let fieldFilter;
- if (operator === "><") {
- if (value.startDate && value.endDate) {
- fieldFilter = "(" + attribute + ">='" + value.startDate.toISOString() +
- "' AND " + attribute + "<='" + value.endDate.toISOString() + "')";
- }
- } else {
- if (value.startDate) {
- fieldFilter = attribute + operator + "'" + value.startDate.toISOString() + "'";
- }
- }
- return fieldFilter;
- },
- processCQLSpatialFilter: function() {
- let cql = this.objFilter.spatialField.operation + "(" +
- this.objFilter.spatialField.attribute + ", ";
- cql += this.getCQLGeometryElement(this.objFilter.spatialField.geometry.coordinates, this.objFilter.spatialField.geometry.type);
- return cql + ")";
- },
- getCQLGeometryElement: function(coordinates, type) {
- let geometry = type + "(";
- switch (type) {
- case "Point":
- geometry += coordinates.join(" ");
- break;
- case "MultiPoint":
- coordinates.forEach((position, index) => {
- geometry += position.join(" ");
- geometry += index < coordinates.length - 1 ? ", " : "";
- });
- break;
- case "Polygon":
- coordinates.forEach((element, index) => {
- geometry += "(";
- let coords = element.map((coordinate) => {
- return coordinate[0] + " " + coordinate[1];
- });
- geometry += coords.join(", ");
- geometry += ")";
- geometry += index < coordinates.length - 1 ? ", " : "";
- });
- break;
- case "MultiPolygon":
- coordinates.forEach((polygon, idx) => {
- geometry += "(";
- polygon.forEach((element, index) => {
- geometry += "(";
- let coords = element.map((coordinate) => {
- return coordinate[0] + " " + coordinate[1];
- });
- geometry += coords.join(", ");
- geometry += ")";
- geometry += index < polygon.length - 1 ? ", " : "";
- });
- geometry += ")";
- geometry += idx < coordinates.length - 1 ? ", " : "";
- });
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- geometry += ")";
- return geometry;
- },
- findSubGroups: function(root, groups) {
- let subGroups = groups.filter((g) => g.groupId === root.id);
- return subGroups;