The QuantumDividedPowerAlgebra is a graded algebra over a ring R[q]. The component in degree n is the free R[q]-module with basis xn. The multiplication is defined on basis elements by xr.xs = [r+s,r]_q xr+s where [r+s,r]_q is the quantum binomial coefficient.
The DividedPowerAlgebra is a graded algebra over a ring R. The component in degree n is the free R-module with basis xn. The multiplication is defined on basis elements by xr.xs = [r+s,r]_q xr+s where [r+s,r] is the binomial coefficient.
The divided power algebra is a Hopf algebra and is the dual Hopf algebra to R[x]. The coproduct on the divided power Hopf algebra is xk |--> xk x 1 + xk-1 x x + ... 1 x xk (where I have used x as an indeterminate and as a tensor product symbol).