diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json index 58c9bc7af2b..65a3dcbacb8 100644 --- a/.vscode/settings.json +++ b/.vscode/settings.json @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ "python.linting.enabled": true, // The following pycodestyle arguments are the same as the pycodestyle-minimal // tox environnment, see the file SAGE_ROOT/src/tox.ini - "python.linting.pycodestyleArgs": ["--select=E111,E306,E401,E701,E702,E703,W291,W391,W605,E711,E712,E713,E721,E722"], + "python.linting.pycodestyleArgs": ["--select= E111,E211,E271,E303,E306,E401,E502,E701,E702,E703,E714,W291,W293,W391,W605,E711,E712,E713,E721,E722"], "cSpell.words": [ "furo", "Conda", diff --git a/src/sage/algebras/fusion_rings/fusion_double.py b/src/sage/algebras/fusion_rings/fusion_double.py index 4904c5b13e7..c1633e2f414 100644 --- a/src/sage/algebras/fusion_rings/fusion_double.py +++ b/src/sage/algebras/fusion_rings/fusion_double.py @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ def _char_cache(self, i, g): TESTS:: sage: D = FusionDouble(SymmetricGroup(4)) - + sage: all(D._char_cache(b.support_of_term(), b.g()) == b.char()(b.g()) ....: for b in D.basis()) True diff --git a/src/sage/combinat/designs/difference_family.py b/src/sage/combinat/designs/difference_family.py index b5db491644e..52a95805ea5 100644 --- a/src/sage/combinat/designs/difference_family.py +++ b/src/sage/combinat/designs/difference_family.py @@ -1525,11 +1525,12 @@ def relative_difference_set_from_homomorphism(q, N, d, check=True, return_group= if check: H = _get_submodule_of_order(G2, (q-1) // d) assert is_relative_difference_set(second_diff_set, G2, H, ((q**N-1) // (q-1), (q-1) // d, q**(N-1), q**(N-2) * d)) - + if return_group: return G2, second_diff_set return second_diff_set + def is_relative_difference_set(R, G, H, params, verbose=False): r""" Check if ``R`` is a difference set of ``G`` relative to ``H``, with the given parameters. diff --git a/src/sage/manifolds/differentiable/diff_form.py b/src/sage/manifolds/differentiable/diff_form.py index 8375bb61716..d5d817ab404 100644 --- a/src/sage/manifolds/differentiable/diff_form.py +++ b/src/sage/manifolds/differentiable/diff_form.py @@ -782,7 +782,7 @@ def hodge_dual( p = self.tensor_type()[1] # For performance reasons, we raise the indicies of the volume form - # and not of the differential form; in the symplectic case this is wrong by + # and not of the differential form; in the symplectic case this is wrong by # a factor of (-1)^p, which will be corrected below eps = nondegenerate_tensor.volume_form(p) if p == 0: diff --git a/src/sage/rings/function_field/drinfeld_modules/drinfeld_module.py b/src/sage/rings/function_field/drinfeld_modules/drinfeld_module.py index 7a37cf013f3..271f608c258 100644 --- a/src/sage/rings/function_field/drinfeld_modules/drinfeld_module.py +++ b/src/sage/rings/function_field/drinfeld_modules/drinfeld_module.py @@ -1349,7 +1349,6 @@ def coeff_log(k): return self._base.zero() return L(coeff_log, valuation=1) - def morphism(self): r""" Return the morphism object that defines the Drinfeld module. diff --git a/src/sage_docbuild/builders.py b/src/sage_docbuild/builders.py index f1262eddb25..323c9247252 100644 --- a/src/sage_docbuild/builders.py +++ b/src/sage_docbuild/builders.py @@ -145,7 +145,6 @@ def f(self, *args, **kwds): else: options += ' -D multidoc_first_pass=1' - build_command = '-b %s -d %s %s %s %s' % (type, self._doctrees_dir(), options, self.dir, output_dir) diff --git a/src/sage_setup/autogen/giacpy-mkkeywords.py b/src/sage_setup/autogen/giacpy-mkkeywords.py index 3e8ddac9be9..b62f5ca2dc0 100644 --- a/src/sage_setup/autogen/giacpy-mkkeywords.py +++ b/src/sage_setup/autogen/giacpy-mkkeywords.py @@ -29,21 +29,15 @@ toremove = ['!', '!=', '#', '$', '%', '/%', '%/', '%{%}', '&&', '&*', '&^', "'", '()', '*', '*=', '+', '-', '+&', '+=', '+infinity', '-<', '-=', '->', '-infinity', '.*', '.+', '.-', './', '.^', '/=', ':=', '<', '<=', '=', '=<', '==', '=>', '>', '>=', '?', '@', '@@', 'ACOSH', 'ACOT', 'ACSC', 'ASEC', 'ASIN', 'ASINH', 'ATAN', 'ATANH', 'COND', 'COS', 'COSH', 'COT', 'CSC', 'CST', 'Celsius2Fahrenheit', 'ClrDraw', 'ClrGraph', 'ClrIO', 'CyclePic', 'DIGITS', 'DOM_COMPLEX', 'DOM_FLOAT', 'DOM_FUNC', 'DOM_IDENT', 'DOM_INT', 'DOM_LIST', 'DOM_RAT', 'DOM_STRING', 'DOM_SYMBOLIC', 'DOM_int', 'DelFold', 'DelVar', 'Det', 'Dialog', 'Digits', 'Disp', 'DispG', 'DispHome', 'DrawFunc', 'DrawInv', 'DrawParm', 'DrawPol', 'DrawSlp', 'DropDown', 'DrwCtour', 'ERROR', 'EXP', 'EndDlog', 'FALSE', 'False', 'Fahrenheit2Celsius', 'Fill', 'Gcd', 'GetFold', 'Graph', 'IFTE', 'Input', 'InputStr', 'Int', 'Inverse', 'LN', 'LQ', 'LSQ', 'NORMALD', 'NewFold', 'NewPic', 'Nullspace', 'Output', 'Ox_2d_unit_vector', 'Ox_3d_unit_vector', 'Oy_2d_unit_vector', 'Oy_3d_unit_vector', 'Oz_3d_unit_vector', 'Pause', 'PopUp', 'Quo', 'REDIM', 'REPLACE', 'RclPic', 'Rem', 'Resultant', 'RplcPic', 'Rref', 'SCALE', 'SCALEADD', 'SCHUR', 'SIN', 'SVD', 'SVL', 'SWAPCOL', 'SWAPROW', 'SetFold', 'Si', 'StoPic', 'Store', 'TAN', 'TRUE', 'True', 'TeX', 'Text', 'Title', 'Unarchiv', 'WAIT', '^', '_(cm/s)', '_(ft/s)', '_(ft*lb)', '_(m/s)', '_(m/s^2)', '_(rad/s)', '_(rad/s^2)', '_(tr/min)', '_(tr/s)', '_A', '_Angstrom', '_Bq', '_Btu', '_Ci', '_F', '_F_', '_Fdy', '_G_', '_Gal', '_Gy', '_H', '_Hz', '_I0_', '_J', '_K', '_Kcal', '_MHz', '_MW', '_MeV', '_N', '_NA_', '_Ohm', '_P', '_PSun_', '_Pa', '_R', '_REarth_', '_RSun_', '_R_', '_Rankine', '_Rinfinity_', '_S', '_St', '_StdP_', '_StdT_', '_Sv', '_T', '_V', '_Vm_', '_W', '_Wb', '_Wh', '_a', '_a0_', '_acre', '_alpha_', '_angl_', '_arcmin', '_arcs', '_atm', '_au', '_b', '_bar', '_bbl', '_bblep', '_bu', '_buUS', '_c3_', '_c_', '_cal', '_cd', '_chain', '_cm', '_cm^2', '_cm^3', '_ct', '_cu', '_d', '_dB', '_deg', '_degreeF', '_dyn', '_eV', '_epsilon0_', '_epsilon0q_', '_epsilonox_', '_epsilonsi_', '_erg', '_f0_', '_fath', '_fbm', '_fc', '_fermi', '_flam', '_fm', '_ft', '_ft*lb', '_ftUS', '_ft^2', '_ft^3', '_g', '_g_', '_ga', '_galC', '_galUK', '_galUS', '_gf', '_gmol', '_gon', '_grad', '_grain', '_h', '_h_', '_ha', '_hbar_', '_hp', '_in', '_inH20', '_inHg', '_in^2', '_in^3', '_j', '_kWh', '_k_', '_kg', '_kip', '_km', '_km^2', '_knot', '_kph', '_kq_', '_l', '_lam', '_lambda0_', '_lambdac_', '_lb', '_lbf', '_lbmol', '_lbt', '_lep', '_liqpt', '_lm', '_lx', '_lyr', '_m', '_mEarth_', '_m^2', '_m^3', '_me_', '_mho', '_miUS', '_miUS^2', '_mi^2', '_mil', '_mile', '_mille', '_ml', '_mm', '_mmHg', '_mn', '_mol', '_mp_', '_mph', '_mpme_', '_mu0_', '_muB_', '_muN_', '_oz', '_ozUK', '_ozfl', '_ozt', '_pc', '_pdl', '_ph', '_phi_', '_pk', '_psi', '_ptUK', '_q_', '_qe_', '_qepsilon0_', '_qme_', '_qt', '_rad', '_rad_', '_rd', '_rem', '_rod', '_rpm', '_s', '_sb', '_sd_', '_sigma_', '_slug', '_sr', '_st', '_syr_', '_t', '_tbsp', '_tec', '_tep', '_tex', '_therm', '_ton', '_tonUK', '_torr', '_tr', '_tsp', '_twopi_', '_u', '_yd', '_yd^2', '_yd^3', '_yr', '_\xc2\xb5', '_µ', 'assert', 'affichage', 'alors', 'animate', 'animate3d', 'animation', 'approx_mode', 'archive', 'args', 'as_function_of', 'asc', 'asec', 'assign', 'backquote', 'begin', 'black', 'blanc', 'bleu', 'bloc', 'blue', 'breakpoint', 'by', 'c1oc2', 'c1op2', 'cache_tortue', 'cap', 'cap_flat_line', 'cap_round_line', 'cap_square_line', 'case', 'cat', 'catch', 'cd', 'choosebox', 'click', 'close', 'complex_mode', 'de', 'del', 'debug', 'default', 'div', 'double', 'ecris', 'efface', 'elif', 'end', 'end_for', 'end_if', 'end_while', 'epaisseur', 'epaisseur_ligne_1', 'epaisseur_ligne_2', 'epaisseur_ligne_3', 'epaisseur_ligne_4', 'epaisseur_ligne_5', 'epaisseur_ligne_6', 'epaisseur_ligne_7', 'epaisseur_point_1', 'epaisseur_point_2', 'epaisseur_point_3', 'epaisseur_point_4', 'epaisseur_point_5', 'epaisseur_point_6', 'epaisseur_point_7', 'erase', 'erase3d', 'est_cocyclique', 'est_inclus', 'et', 'faire', 'faux', 'feuille', 'ffaire', 'ffonction', 'fi', 'filled', 'fin_enregistrement', 'float', 'fonction', 'fopen', 'format', 'fpour', 'frame_3d', 'frames', 'fsi', 'ftantque', 'func', 'function', 'gauche', 'gl_ortho', 'gl_quaternion', 'gl_rotation', 'gl_shownames', 'gl_texture', 'gl_x', 'gl_x_axis_color', 'gl_x_axis_name', 'gl_x_axis_unit', 'gl_xtick', 'gl_y', 'gl_y_axis_color', 'gl_y_axis_name', 'gl_y_axis_unit', 'gl_ytick', 'gl_z', 'gl_z_axis_color', 'gl_z_axis_name', 'gl_z_axis_unit', 'gl_ztick', 'gnuplot', 'goto', 'graph2tex', 'graph3d2tex', 'graphe', 'graphe3d', 'graphe_probabiliste', 'graphe_suite', 'green', 'grid_paper', 'hidden_name', 'identifier', 'ifft', 'ifte', 'inputform', 'intersect', 'is_included', 'jusqu_a', 'jusqua', 'jusque', 'keep_algext', 'kill', 'label', 'labels', 'len', 'leve_crayon', 'line_width_1', 'line_width_2', 'line_width_3', 'line_width_4', 'line_width_5', 'line_width_6', 'line_width_7', 'lis', 'local', 'minus', 'mod', 'noir', 'nom_cache', 'non', 'od', 'option', 'otherwise', 'ou', 'pas', 'point_arret', 'point_carre', 'point_croix', 'point_div', 'point_etoile', 'point_invisible', 'point_losange', 'point_milieu', 'point_plus', 'point_point', 'point_polaire', 'point_triangle', 'point_width_1', 'point_width_2', 'point_width_3', 'point_width_4', 'point_width_5', 'point_width_6', 'point_width_7', 'pour', 'proc', 'program', 'quadrant1', 'quadrant2', 'quadrant3', 'quadrant4', 'range', 'redim', 'repeat', 'repete', 'repeter', 'replace', 'restart', 'rouge', 'saisir', 'saisir_chaine', 'sauve', 'save_history', 'scale', 'scaleadd', 'si', 'sinon', 'size', 'stack', 'step', 'switch', 'tantque', 'test', 'textinput', 'then', 'thiele', 'time', 'to', 'union', 'until', 'var', 'vector', 'vers', 'vert', 'vrai', 'watch', 'when', 'white', 'with_sqrt', 'write', 'wz_certificate', 'xor', 'yellow', '{}', '|', '||','expression'] +# basekeywords=['sin', 'cos', 'exp', 'tan', 'solve'] - -#basekeywords=['sin', 'cos', 'exp', 'tan', 'solve'] - - -#usualvars=['x','y','z','t','u','v'] +# usualvars=['x','y','z','t','u','v'] moremethods=['type','zip'] # append seems fixed with current giac. - - - # the file aide_cas.txt should contain one line by keywords+ its synonyms. You can create it from th file aide_cas # provided in giac source archive or installled in share/giac/doc like this: #grep -E '^#' share/giac/doc/aide_cas |sed -e 's/^# //' >aide_cas.txt diff --git a/src/sage_setup/command/sage_build_ext.py b/src/sage_setup/command/sage_build_ext.py index 9cca775693b..1a66d520903 100644 --- a/src/sage_setup/command/sage_build_ext.py +++ b/src/sage_setup/command/sage_build_ext.py @@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ def build_extensions(self): print("self.compiler.linker_so (after fixing library dirs):") print(self.compiler.linker_so) - # First, sanity-check the 'extensions' list self.check_extensions_list(self.extensions) diff --git a/src/tox.ini b/src/tox.ini index ed50850b1ad..6c479f086df 100644 --- a/src/tox.ini +++ b/src/tox.ini @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ description = # W605: invalid escape sequence ‘x’ # See https://pycodestyle.pycqa.org/en/latest/intro.html#error-codes deps = pycodestyle -commands = pycodestyle --select E111,E211,E271,E306,E401,E502,E701,E702,E703,W291,W391,W605,E711,E712,E713,E721,E722 {posargs:{toxinidir}/sage/} +commands = pycodestyle --select E111,E211,E271,E303,E306,E401,E502,E701,E702,E703,E714,W291,W293,W391,W605,E711,E712,E713,E721,E722 {posargs:{toxinidir}/sage/} pycodestyle --select E111,E306,E401,E703,W293,W391,W605,E712,E713,E714,E721,E722 --filename *.pyx {posargs:{toxinidir}/sage/} [pycodestyle]