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Guard - Design Decisions

This document explains the motives behind the Guard's API design.

To Fluent or Not to Fluent

A fluent API is much more readable for validating arguments, especially when testing the same argument against multiple preconditions like the following example:

Guard.Argument(arg, nameof(arg)).NotNull().NotEmpty();
// vs
Guard.ValidateStringNotNull(arg, nameof(arg));
Guard.ValidateStringNotEmpty(arg, nameof(arg));

Notice that the argument name and value is passed only once in the first sample where they are passed for each validation in the second sample. The throwback of the fluent API is that in order to chain validations like that, we need to return something after each validation. A class means at least one heap allocation per argument. Albeit cheap, I dislike the idea to force a user to create an allocation every time they need to guard an argument.

An alternative is to return a struct but this time, the value type semantics cause it to be copied for each validation and that too may not be desirable. Fortunately we can use the in parameters, ref readonly returns, readonly structs and ref/in extensions that are introduced with C# 7.2. So given a readonly struct ArgumentInfo<T>, we can now write extension methods like the following:

public static ref readonly ArgumentInfo<T> Test(
    in this ArgumentInfo<T> argument) // Accept by reference.
    // [Validate the argument]
    return ref argument; // Return by reference.

This takes away all the usability of Guard for people using the previous versions of C# but it is somewhat acceptable because a) there is no other way that provides this level of readability with so little performance impact and b) as far as the binary compatibility is concerned, people can use Guard with C# 7.2 and still be able to target down to .NET Standard 1.0.

A compile-time symbol to toggle byref arguments/returns may be added in the future, so a version that doesn't take advantage of the new features can be compiled with copy-by-value semantics and live as a separate package.

Initializing a Guarded Argument

Guard needs to know the argument's value to test it against preconditions and its name to include in a potential exception. There are three ways to initialize a guarded argument:

// First, by specifying the argument value and name separately.
Guard.Argument(arg, nameof(arg));

// Second, omitting the optional argument name.

// Third, creating a MemberExpression via a lambda expression.
Guard.Argument(() => arg);
  • The first sample initializes a guarded argument by specifying both the argument's value and name.
  • The second sample does not specify the argument name. This is allowed but not recommended since the argument name proves a valuable piece of information when you try to identify the error cause from logs or crash dumps.
  • The third sample initializes a MemberExpression that provides both the argument's value and name. Although compiling an expression tree is an expensive operation, it is a convenient alternative that can be used in applications that are not performance-critical.

Implicit Conversion to Value's Type

Most constructors consist of code that first, validate the arguments and second, assign them to their corresponding fields/properties. So it seems convenient to allow the guarded arguments to be assigned directly as argument values like this:

public Person(string name)
    => Name = Guard.Argument(() => name).NotNull().NotEmpty();

Optional Preconditions

I opted to ignore preconditions when the argument value is null. This allows us to specify more complex preconditions like "Allow the argument to be unspecified (null), but if it is specified (non-null), then require it to be a non-empty string."

// Throws if arg is null or empty.
Guard.Argument(() => arg).NotNull().NotEmpty();

// Ignored if arg is null but throws if it's an empty string.
Guard.Argument(() => arg).NotEmpty());

Exception Types

Each validation in Guard has a specific exception type it throws when its precondition is not satisfied. NotNull throws an ArgumentNullException. The validations on IComparable<T> arguments like MinValue and NotZero throw ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptions. Most others throw ArgumentExceptions. (See Modifying Arguments for exceptional cases.)

Throwing custom exceptions from standard validations seems counter-intuitive and right now, the only way to do so is to use the generic Require<TException> validation.

Guard.Argument(() => arg).Require<KeyNotFoundException>(a => a != 0);

The above code throws a KeyNotFoundException if the arg is passed 0.

Exception Messages

Guard creates a meaningful exception message that contains the argument name and a description specific to the validation when a precondition can't be satisfied. Additionaly, every validation in Guard accepts an optional parameter letting the user specify a custom error message.

// Throws an ArgumentException if the arg is not null.
Guard.Argument(() => arg).Null(a => "The argument must be null but it is: " + a);

// Throws an ArgumentNullException if the arg is null.
Guard.Argument(() => arg).NotNull("The argument cannot be null.");

In the first example above, we specify a factory that will create the error message if the validation fails. arg is passed to the factory as a so it can be used in the error message. We could of course use arg directly but that would cause it to be captured by the lambda expression, thus prevent the expression from being cached. We could make the Null validation accept a string parameter instead of a Func<T, string>, but that would require the error message to be initialized even when the precondition is satisfied, i.e. when the argument is null.

In the second example, we see that the NotNull validation accepts the error message as a string instead of a factory. This is because it only throws an exception if the argument value is null. Therefore the only possible value that can be passed to a factory would be null.

Secure Arguments

Exceptions thrown for failed Guard validations contain very descriptive messages.

// Throws with message: "token must be a2C-p."
Guard.Argument("abc", "token").Equal("a2C-p");

// Throws with message: "number must be one of the following: 1, 2, 3"
Guard.Argument(0, "number").In(1, 2, 3);

There may be cases where you don't want to expose that additional data to the caller. For these scenarios, you can specify the optional "secure" flag when you initialize the argument.

// Throws with message: "token is invalid."
Guard.Argument("abc", "token", true).Equal("a2C-p");

// Throws with message: "number is invalid."
Guard.Argument(0, "number", true).In(1, 2, 3);

Things to note:

  • Parameter names are never secured.
  • Min/Max values of range checks are never secured.
  • Type names are never secured.
  • Exceptions that are not directly thrown by the library are never secured.
  • When in doubt, see the source that provides the default messages.

Automatic Nullable Value Conversions

Using the NotNull validation on a nullable value type would convert the ArgumentInfo<T?> to an ArgumentInfo<T> since the validation being successful means that the argument is not null.

public class SomeService
    public SomeService(int? timeout)
        // Guard.Argument creates an ArgumentInfo<int?> but NotNull converts it to an
        // ArgumentInfo<int>, so it can be assigned to a non-nullable Int32.
        Timeout = Guard.Argument(() => timeout).NotNull();

    public int Timeout { get; }

Modifying Arguments

A method that validates its arguments can also apply some normalization routines before using them. Trimming a string before assigning it to a field/property is a good example for that. Guard provides the Modify overloads that can be used for normalizing argument values.

public Person(string name)
    Name = Guard.Argument(() => name)
        .Modify(s => s.Trim())
        .MinLength(3); // Validates the trimmed version.

Since the arguments can be modified to have any value, including null, NotNull validations applied to modified arguments shouldn't throw ArgumentNullExceptions.

public Person GetOwner(Car car)
    return Guard.Argument(() => car)
        .Modify(c => c.Owner)

The first call to NotNull in the above example throws an ArgumentNullException if car is null but the second call to NotNull should throw an ArgumentException. This is because throwing an ArgumentNullException there would indicate that car is null when in fact its Owner is null.

The same goes for ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptions. If the original argument is modified, an ArgumentException is thrown instead of a more specialized exception. For validations to detect whether the argument is modified, ArgumentInfo<T> contains a boolean Modified flag along with the argument's name and value.

Validating Argument Members

Some arguments may contain fields/properties that we want to validate individually. Guard provides Member overloads that can be used to validate these members without modifying the arguments.

public void BuyCar(Person buyer, Car car)
    Guard.Argument(() => buyer)
        .Member(p => p.Age, a => a.Min(18))
        .Member(p => p.Address.City, c => c.NotNull().NotEmpty());

    Guard.Argument(() => car)
        .Member(c => c.Owner, o => o.Null());

    car.Owner = buyer;

What makes Member overloads powerful is that they provide members as guarded arguments so you can directly start chaining validations. What's better is when a member validation fails, the exception is still thrown for the original argument (same ParamName) but also with a clear error message that contains the actual member's name.

var address = new Address { City = null };
var buyer = new Person { Age = 18, Address = address };
var car = new Car("Dodge", "Power Wagon");
BuyCar(buyer, car);

The above code throws an ArgumentException with the parameter name "buyer" and message "Address.City cannot be null.".

Keep in mind that member validations require building MemberExpressions. Even though the compiled delegates get cached and reused, creating expression trees may still be expensive for your particular application.

State Guards

Along with its arguments, a method may also need to validate the state of the instance it belongs to. Guard currently provides three validations to handle these cases:


  • Throws an InvalidOperationException when the first parameter (valid) is passed false.
  • A custom message can be specified using the second parameter (message).
  • A third parameter marked with [CallerMemberName] exists to retrieve the invoked method's name.
// Throws an InvalidOperationException with the message:
// "TestOperation call is not valid due to the current state of the object."

// Throws an InvalidOperationException with the message:
// "Custom message."
Guard.Operation(false, "Custom message.");


  • Throws a NotSupportedException when the first parameter (supported) is passed false.
  • A custom message can be specified using the second parameter (message).
  • A third parameter marked with [CallerMemberName] exists to retrieve the invoked method's name.
// Throws a NotSupportedException with the message:
// "TestSupport is not supported"

// Throws a NotSupportedException with the message:
// "Custom message."
Guard.Support(false, "Custom message.");


  • Throws an ObjectDisposedException when the first parameter (disposed) is passed true.
  • The object name can be specified using the second parameter (objectName).
  • A custom message can be specified using the third parameter (message).
// Throws an ObjectDisposedException with the message:
// "Cannot access a disposed object."

// Throws an ObjectDisposedException with the message:
// "Cannot access a disposed object.\r\nObject name: 'TestClass'."
Guard.Disposal(true, nameof(TestClass));

// Throws an ObjectDisposedException with the message:
// "Custom message."
Guard.Disposal(true, nameof(TestClass), "Custom message.");

Guarding Scopes

Scopes can be created to intercept exceptions that are caused by failed validations.

void Foo()
    using (Guard.BeginScope((ex, stackTrace) => _logger.Log(stackTrace)))

void Print(string message)
    Guard.Argument(() => message).NotNull();

In the above example we create a scope with an exception interceptor that logs the stack traces of failed validations. When we call Print with a null argument, NotNull validation fails and an ArgumentNullException is created. This exception is passed to the interceptor right before it is thrown.

Since the exception hasn't been thrown yet, its StackTrace property is null at the point of interception. This is why the stack trace is passed as a separate argument to the interceptor delegate.

  • Scopes are implemented using AsyncLocal<T>, so they are bound to the execution context. This makes them available to use on asynchronous code.
  • The existence of a scope is checked only when a validation fails, so this has no performance overhead for successful validations.
  • Scopes can be nested and by default, the exceptions bubble-up to parent scopes. BeginScope accepts a second, optional parameter that can be used to disable this behavior.
  • Scopes do not have to end. You can create one in Main and not dispose it to provide an application-wide scope; or in the BeginRequest of an ASP.NET application to provide a request-wide scope.

This is the first Guard feature that is requested and implemented by the community, thanks Radek Adamec!