// Temporal
let dateTimeAnywhere = new CivilDateTime(2000, 12, 31, 23, 59)
let instantInChicago = dateTimeAnywhere.withZone('America/Chicago');
let instantInSydney = new ZonedDateTime(instantInChicago.instant, 'Australia/Sydney')
let calendarClockDateTimeFromSydney = instantInSydney.toCivilDateTime()
dateTimeAnywhere.toString() // 2000-12-31T23:59:00.000000000
calendarClockDateTimeFromSydney.toString() // 2001-01-01T16:59:00.000000000
// Date
// A time zone is not supported, so an offset must be used instead.
// Whatever provides the offset needs to know when to provide -05:00 vs -06:00 for Chicago.
let timestampInChicago = Date.parse("2000-12-31T23:59:00-06:00")
let dateInLocalTimeZone = new Date(timestampInChicago)
let formatterInSydney = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US', { timeZone: 'Australia/Sydney', year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', second: 'numeric' }
let formatterInChicago = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US', { timeZone: 'America/Chicago', year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', second: 'numeric' }))
dateInLocalTimeZone.toISOString() // 2001-01-01T05:59:00.000Z
formatterInSydney.format(dateInLocalTimeZone) // 1/1/2001, 4:59:00 PM
formatterInChicago.format(dateInLocalTimeZone) // 12/31/2000, 11:59:00 PM
// Performing calendar operations such as finding the start of month
dateTimeAnywhere.with({ day: 1 }).toString() // 2000-12-01T23:59:00.000000000
calendarClockDateTimeFromSydney.with({ day: 1 }).toString() // 2001-01-01T16:59:00.000000000
dateInLocalTimeZone.toISOString() // dependent on local time zone
// A Date object is unable to perform calendar operations in time zones other than local time or UTC.
Represents a whole day, as a date on the proleptic Gregorian calendar.
new CivilDate(year, month, day)
: Integer value representing the year.month
: Integer value representing the month, from1
: Integer value representing the day, from1
through the number of days for the givenmonth
, which may be28
, or31
let year = civilDate.year;
let month = civilDate.month;
let day = civilDate.day;
let dayOfWeek = civilDate.dayOfWeek;
let dayOfYear = civilDate.dayOfYear;
let weekOfYear = civilDate.weekOfYear;
let civilDate2 = civilDate1.plus({months: 1});
let civilDateTime = civilDate.withTime(time);
let civilDate2.with({ day: 1 });
let iso8601 = civilDate1.toString(); // 2000-12-31
let json_rep = civilDate1.toJSON(); // "2000-12-31"
let iso8601_1 = civilDate1.toDateString(); // 2000-12-31
let iso8601_2 = civilDate1.toWeekDateString(); // 2000-W52-7
let iso8601_3 = civilDate1.toOrdinalDateString(); // 2000-366
Represents a position on a 24-hour clock.
new CivilTime(hour, minute[, second[, millisecond[, microsecond, [, nanosecond]]]])
: Integer value representing the hour of the day, from0
: Integer value representing the minute within the hour, from0
: Optional. Integer value representing the second within the minute, from0
: Optional. Integer value representing the millisecond within the second, from0
: Optional. Integer value representing the microsecond within the millisecond, from0
: Optional. Integer value representing the nanosecond within the microsecond, from0
let hour = civilTime.hour;
let minute = civilTime.minute;
let second = civilTime.second;
let millisecond = civilTime.millisecond;
let microsecond = civilTime.microsecond;
let nanosecond = civilTime.nanosecond;
let civilTime2 = civilTime1.plus({hours: 2, minutes: 4});
let civilDateTime = civilTime.withDate(date);
Represents a whole day, and the position within that day.
new CivilDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute[, second[, millisecond[, microsecond, [, nanosecond]]]])
: Integer value representing the year.month
: Integer value representing the month, from1
: Integer value representing the day, from1
through the number of days for the givenmonth
, which may be28
, or31
: Integer value representing the hour of the day, from0
: Integer value representing the minute within the hour, from0
: Optional. Integer value representing the second within the minute, from0
: Optional. Integer value representing the millisecond within the second, from0
: Optional. Integer value representing the microsecond within the millisecond, from0
: Optional. Integer value representing the nanosecond within the microsecond, from0
let year = civilDateTime.year;
let month = civilDateTime.month;
let day = civilDateTime.day;
let hour = civilDateTime.hour;
let minute = civilDateTime.minute;
let second = civilDateTime.second;
let millisecond = civilDateTime.millisecond;
let microsecond = civilDateTime.microsecond;
let nanosecond = civilDateTime.nanosecond;
let dayOfWeek = civilDateTime.dayOfWeek;
let dayOfYear = civilDateTime.dayOfYear;
let weekOfYear = civilDateTime.weekOfYear;
let civilDateTime2 = civilDateTime1.plus({days: 3, hours: 4, minutes: 2, seconds: 12});
let civilDate = civilDateTime.toCivilDate();
let civilTime = civilDateTime.toCivilTime();
let zonedDateTime = civilDateTime.withZone(timeZone[, options]);
let civilDateTime = CivilDateTime.fromZonedDateTime(zonedDateTime);
let dateTimeString = civilDateTime.toString(); // 1976-11-18T15:23:30.000000000
let dateTimeString = civilDateTime.toDateTimeString(); // 1976-11-18T15:23:30.000000000
let civilDateTime = CivilDateTime.fromDateTimeString(dateTimeString); // only accepts the format produced by .toDateTimeString()
let weekDateString = civilDateTime.toWeekDateTimeString(); // 1976-W47-4T15:23:30.000000000
let civilDateTime = CivilDateTime.fromWeekDateTimeString(weekDateString); // only accepts the format produced by .toWeekDateTimeString()
let ordinalDateString = civilDateTime.toOrdinalDateTimeString(); // 1976-323T15:23:30.000000000
let civilDateTime = CivilDateTime.fromWeekDateTimeString(ordinalDateString); // only accepts the format produced by .toOrdinalDateTimeString()
let civilDateTime = CivilDateTime.fromString(isoDateTimeString); // accepts only the formats from .toDateTimeString() .toWeekDateTimeString() and .toOrdinalDateTimeString()
Represents an absolute point in time.
Counted as number of nanoseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000000Z
new Instant(nanoseconds)
: BigInt value representing the number of nanoseconds elapsed from 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000 UTC, without regarding leap seconds. The constructor throws unless the parameter is a valid BigInt.
The constructor is very strict and can only be called with a BigInt
. To construct Instant
objects one would generically use one of the from
methods which allow for clear and explicit construction.
let seconds = instant.epochSeconds; // number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000Z
let milliseconds = instant.epochMilliseconds; // number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000Z
let microseconds = instant.epochMicroseconds; // bigint of microseocnds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000Z
let nanoseconds = instant.epochNanoseconds; // bigint of nanoseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000Z
let zonedDateTime = instant.withZone(timeZone);
let instant_1 = Instant.fromString("1976-11-18T15:23:30.123456789Z"); // 1976-11-18T15:23:30.123456789Z
let instant_2 = Instant.fromSeconds(217178610000); // 1976-11-18T15:23:30.000000000Z - the argument is cast to a Number
let instant_3 = Instant.fromMilliseconds(217178610000123); // 1976-11-18T15:23:30.123000000Z - the argument is cast to a Number
let instant_4 = Instant.fromMicroseconds(217178610000123456n); // 1976-11-18T15:23:30.123456000Z - the argument is NOT cast and has to be BigInt
let instant_5 = Instant.fromNanoseconds(217178610000123456789n); // 1976-11-18T15:23:30.123456789Z - the argument is NOT cast and has to be BigInt
let instant_6 = Instant.fromUTC(1976, 11, 18, 15, 23, 30, 123, 456, 789);
Represents an absolute point in time, with an associated time zone.
new ZonedDateTime(instant, timeZone)
: anInstant
object tying the instance to a specific point in timetimeZone
: a string that is a valid IANA Name/Link
let instant = zonedDateTime.instant;
let offset = zonedDateTime.offsetSeconds; // seconds offset from UTC
let ianaZone = zonedDateTime.ianaZone; // only present if created with a Zone-Name/Link
let offsetString = zoneDateTime.offsetString; // the hour:minute offset from UTF
let timeZone = zonedDateTime.timeZone; // the ianaZone if present the offset-steing otherwise
let year = zonedDateTime.year;
let month = zonedDateTime.month;
let day = zonedDateTime.day;
let hours = zonedDateTime.hours;
let minutes = zonedDateTime.minutes;
let seconds = zonedDateTime.seconds;
let millisecond = zonedDateTime.milliseconds;
let microsecond = zonedDateTime.microseconds;
let nanosecond = zonedDateTime.nanoseconds;
let dayOfWeek = zonedDateTime.dayOfWeek;
let dayOfYear = zonedDateTime.dayOfYear;
let weekOfYear = zonedDateTime.weekOfYear;
let civilDateTime = zonedDateTime.toCivilDateTime();
let civilDate = zonedDateTime.toCivilDate();
let civilTime = zonedDateTime.toCivilTime();
let iso8601 = zonedDateTime.toString(); // 2000-12-31T23:59:00.000000000-06:00[America/Chicago]
let json = zonedDateTime.toJSON(); // "2000-12-31T23:59:00.000000000-06:00[America/Chicago]"
Allows the user to create a new instance of any temporal object with new date-part values.
let myCivilDate = new CivilDate(2016, 2, 29);
let newCivilDate = myCivilDate.with({year: 2017, month: 3});
//results in civil date with value 2017-03-29
Returns a new temporal object with the specified date parts added. Units will be added in order of size, descending.
let myCivilDate = new CivilDate(2016, 2, 29);
let newCivilDate = myCivilDate.plus({years: 1, months: 2});
//results in civil date with value 2017-04-28