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384 lines (329 loc) · 16.9 KB

Updated on 2021/07/23


Deep Graph Library (DGL) is a Python package built for easy implementation of graph neural network model family, on top of existing DL frameworks (currently supporting PyTorch, MXNet and TensorFlow). It offers a versatile control of message passing, speed optimization via auto-batching and highly tuned sparse matrix kernels, and multi-GPU/CPU training to scale to graphs of hundreds of millions of nodes and edges. —— DGL team @

More recently, there are a lot of new deep learning researches based on graph-structured data. And DGL has become one of the best GNN frameworks that researcher used to fulfill their works. The researchers leverage DGL to solve some conventional graph related problems, like social networks, chemical molecules and recommender systems. The DGL eco-system also has many high-leveled packages, which are developed for domain applications, such as DGL-KE, DGL-LifeSci and DGL-RecSys. In Qihoo 360, some ML/DL teams would like to do experiments with DGL and DGL-KE framework, so we just kicked off the project on distributed DGL training.

Native DGL distributed training is based on data parallelism, and we (360 AI Infra team) applied this fully distributed approach on operator/controller philosophy for Kubernetes. This proposal is aimed at defining what the DGL Operator should behave, and add it to Kubeflow.

Explanation of Terms

  1. Partition: A phase in DGL workflow, used to do partitioning on a large graph and then generate sub-graphs. DGL has 2 approaches to partition, one is single-thread (DGL built-in API), the other one is multi-process (ParMETIS, not in DGL). In the K8s & Operator context, DGL Operator wants to apply these and support 3 partition modes
    1. Single-Pod, single-thread partitioning, will call SSP or DGL-API later
    2. Single-Pod, multi-process partitioning (native ParMETIS version), will call SMP or ParMETIS later
    3. Multi-Pod, single-thread partitioning (may need some adoptions in ParMETIS), will call MSP or DistParMETIS later
  2. Working Pod definitions:
    1. Launcher: A very light weight Pod traces the whole DGL workflow on the Pod level.
    2. Partitioner: A Pod does the graph partitioning.
    3. Worker: One of the Pods does the DGL training.
  3. dglrun: A DGL workflow script file, used to take the control of graph partitioning, distributed training and some utils on the container level.
  4. watcher-loop: A variant of kubectl-delivery, which can track not only the readiness of all workloads and also the completion of all workloads. Moreover, kubectl part is removed.
  5. kubectl-download: A tiny image that only does kubectl part of kubectl-delivery, downloading the kubectl binary file.
  6. ipconfig: A text file lists the worker pods' name, ip, port (used in training phase of dgl server) and the available slots (GPUs) in each pod.
  7. A helper shell script that can invoke kubectl exec for remote execution


A Kubeflow user should be able to run training using DGL as easily as then can using Tensorflow or PyTorch. This proposal is centered around a Kubernetes operator for DGL. A user should be able to run single worker job with DGL (1 launcher, 1 partitioner and 1 worker), distributed training jobs with DGL and DGL-API partitioning mode (1 launcher, 1 partitioner and multiple workers), distributed training jobs with DGL and ParMETIS partitioning mode (1 launcher, 1 partitioner and multiple workers), and distributed training jobs with DGL and DistParMETIS partitioning mode (1 launcher and multiple workers).

This proposal defines the following:

  • A DGL operator
  • A way to deploy the DGL Operator
  • A single worker DGL example
  • A distributed DGL example with DGL-API partitioning mode
  • A distributed DGL example with ParMETIS partitioning mode
  • A distributed DGL example with DistParMETIS partitioning mode


Currently, for the scope of this proposal, we won't be addressing the method for serving the model.


Container Image

  • A requirement on user's container image is that it includes DGL, related libraries, and our workflow scripts (dglrun and utils).
  • SSH is not needed (or used).

Custom Resource Definition

The CRD yaml example is as following:

kind: DGLJob
  name: dgl-graphsage
  namespace: dgl-operator
  cleanPodPolicy: Running
  partitionMode: DGL-API
      replicas: 1
          - image: dgloperator/graphsage:v0.1.0
            name: dgl-graphsage
            - dglrun
            - --graph-name
            - graphsage
            # partition arguments
            - --partition-entry-point
            - code/
            - --num-partitions
            - "2"
            # training arguments
            - --train-entry-point
            - code/
            - --num-epochs
            - "1"
            - --batch-size
            - "1000"
      replicas: 2
          - image: dgloperator/graphsage:v0.1.0
            name: dgl-graphsage
  • The cleanPodPolicy can be optionally configured as Running / None / All, indicating whether to delete the pod when the task is terminated.

  • The content of Launcher and Worker are followed the PodTemplateSpec. Users can be free to add more native key-values according to the spec.

  • The partitionMode can be configured as DGL-API / ParMETIS / DistParMETIS, indicating how to partition the graph. DGL-API is default, because of the better precision.

    1. DGL-API uses DGL API dgl.distributed.partition_graph
    2. ParMETIS uses DGL recommended work-around solution ParMETIS.
    3. DistParMETIS uses multi-Pod version of ParMETIS, still in research.

Resulting Launcher

The resulting launcher resembles ones in MPI Operator very much. Like, kubectl-download downloads the kubectl binary file and watcher-loop makes sure all the working pods are ready or finished.

kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
  name: dgl-graphsage-launcher
    - name: kube-volume
      emptyDir: {}
    - name: dataset-volume
      emptyDir: {}
    - name: config-volume
        name: dgl-graphsage-config
          - key:
            mode: 365
          - key: hostfile
            path: hostfile
            mode: 292
          - key: partfile
            path: partfile
            mode: 292
    - name: kubectl-download
      image: 'dgloperator/kubectl-download:v0.1.0'
        - name: kube-volume
          mountPath: /opt/kube
      imagePullPolicy: Always
    - name: watcher-loop-partitioner
      image: 'dgloperator/watcher-loop:v0.1.0'
        - name: WATCHERFILE
          value: /etc/dgl/partfile
        - name: WATCHERMODE
          value: finished
        - name: config-volume
          mountPath: /etc/dgl
        - name: dataset-volume
          mountPath: /dgl_workspace/dataset
      imagePullPolicy: Always
    - name: watcher-loop-worker
      image: 'dgloperator/watcher-loop:v0.1.0'
        - name: WATCHERFILE
          value: /etc/dgl/hostfile
        - name: WATCHERMODE
          value: ready
        - name: config-volume
          mountPath: /etc/dgl
      imagePullPolicy: Always
    - name: dgl-graphsage
      image: 'dgloperator/graphsage:v0.1.0'
        - dglrun
        - '--graph-name'
        - graphsage
        - '--partition-entry-point'
        - code/
        - '--num-partitions'
        - '2'
        - '--balance-train'
        - '--balance-edges'
        - '--train-entry-point'
        - code/
        - '--num-epochs'
        - '1'
        - '--batch-size'
        - '1000'
        - '--num-trainers'
        - '1'
        - '--num-samplers'
        - '4'
        - '--num-servers'
        - '1'
        - name: kube-volume
          mountPath: /opt/kube
        - name: config-volume
          mountPath: /etc/dgl
        - name: dataset-volume
          mountPath: /dgl_workspace/dataset
      imagePullPolicy: Always
  restartPolicy: Never

Resulting Partitioner

The resulting partitioner is auto-generated by DGL Operator, and users cannot modify this.

kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
  name: dgl-graphsage-partitioner
    - name: config-volume
        name: dgl-graphsage-config
          - key:
            mode: 365
          - key: hostfile
            path: hostfile
            mode: 292
          - key: partfile
            path: partfile
            mode: 292
          - key: leadfile
            path: leadfile
            mode: 292
    - name: kube-volume
      emptyDir: {}
    - name: kubectl-download
      image: 'dgloperator/kubectl-download:v0.1.0'
        - name: kube-volume
          mountPath: /opt/kube
      imagePullPolicy: Always
    - name: dgl-graphsage
      image: 'dgloperator/graphsage:v0.1.0'
        - name: DGL_OPERATOR_PHASE_ENV
          value: Partitioner
        - name: config-volume
          mountPath: /etc/dgl
        - name: kube-volume
          mountPath: /opt/kube
      imagePullPolicy: Always
  restartPolicy: Never

Resulting Workers

kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
  name: dgl-graphsage-worker-0
    - name: shm-volume
        medium: Memory
        sizeLimit: 10G # sizeLimit will auto set as the half of limited memory amount
    - name: config-volume
        name: dgl-graphsage-config
          - key:
            mode: 365
          - key: hostfile
            path: hostfile
            mode: 292
          - key: partfile
            path: partfile
            mode: 292
          - key: leadfile
            path: leadfile
            mode: 292
    - name: dgl-graphsage
      image: 'dgloperator/graphsage:v0.1.0'
        - sleep
        - 365d
        - name: dglserver
          containerPort: 30050
          protocol: TCP
        - name: shm-volume
          mountPath: /dev/shm
        - name: config-volume
          mountPath: /etc/dgl
      imagePullPolicy: Always
  restartPolicy: Never



This part is mainly about operator-wise workflow on the Pod level

DGL-API or ParMETIS partitioning and distributed training

  1. Create a ConfigMap that contains and ipconfig.
  2. Create the RBAC resources (Role, ServiceAccount, RoleBinding) to allow remote execution (pods/exec).
  3. Create kubectl-download (an initContainer of Partitioner Pod). It takes the responsibility to download kubectl binary, and move it to an emptyDir volume.
  4. Create Partitioner Pod to do the DGL-API or ParMETIS partitioning.
  5. Create watcher-loop-partitioner (an initContainer of Partitioner Pod). It takes the responsibility to wait for Partitioner Pod is finished, and continue.
  6. Create Worker Pods that reaches the desired replicas. The command is set to sleep forever.
  7. Create watcher-loop-worker (an initContainer of Partitioner Pod). It takes the responsibility to wait for all Worker Pods are ready.
  8. Take off main container of the Launcher Pod, and run the dglrun command and arguments.
  9. When DGLJob finishes, it will clean all workers.

DGL Operator-wise Diagram for DGL-API or ParMETIS partitioning and distributed training

DistParMETIS partitioning and distributed training

  1. Create a ConfigMap that contains and ipconfig.
  2. Create the RBAC resources (Role, ServiceAccount, RoleBinding) to allow remote execution (pods/exec).
  3. Create kubectl-download (an initContainer of Partitioner Pod). It takes the responsibility to download kubectl binary, and move it to an emptyDir volume.
  4. Create Worker Pods that reaches the desired replicas. The command is set to sleep forever.
  5. Create watcher-loop-worker (an initContainer of Partitioner Pod). It takes the responsibility to wait for all Worker Pods are ready.
  6. Take off main container of the Launcher Pod, and run the dglrun command and arguments. DistParMETIS partitioning will be executed in dglrun scope.
  7. When DGLJob finishes, it will clean all workers.

DGL Operator-wise Diagram for DistParMETIS partitioning and training


This part is mainly about training-wise workflow (dglrun), which is executed in the main container of Launcher/Partitioner Pod

Default communication backend: gloo

How does DGL implement distributed training

  • data parallelism: partitioned sub-graph is like the divided data
  • the allreduce way: updating dense parameters is used DDP in PyTorch

How do we leverage DGL to run DGL-API or ParMETIS partitioning and distributed training on Kubernetes

Prerequisite: the raw dataset must be included in Partitioner Pod image, like OGB.

  1. In the main container of Partitioner Pod,
    1. dglrun runs user-defined partioning code or ParMETIS commond, and saves the partitioned sub-graphs.
    2. dglrun invokes a kubectl cp commond to copy all sub-graphs from Partitioner Pod to the Launcher Pod.
  2. And then Partitioner Pod will be completed.
  3. In the main container of Launcher Pod,
    1. dglrun invokes a kubectl cp commond to copy each sub-graphs from Launcher Pod to the specific Worker Pod.
    2. After finished graph dispatching, dglrun invokes distributed training on every Worker Pod. Guide here.
  4. Finally, Launcher Pod will be completed and Worker Pods will be deleted.

How do we leverage DGL to run DistParMETIS partitioning and training on Kubernetes

Prerequisite: the dataset must be included in Worker Pod image, like OGB.

  1. In the main container of Launcher Pod,
    1. dglrun invokes a partition commond to do DistParMETIS partitioning on every Worker Pod.
    2. After finished DistParMETIS partitioning, dglrun invokes distributed training on every Worker Pod. Guide here.
  2. Finally, Launcher Pod will be completed and Worker Pods will be deleted.

Alternatives Considered

DGL Operator vs MPI Operator

Currently, for distributed partitioning, DGL uses DistParMETIS to split big graphs up and store in parallel on each Worker Pods, which is empowered by MPI. For distributed training, DGL uses PyTorch's DDP in dense parameters updating, and self-developed methods in other scenarios.

So in this manner, a fully-informed user, who understand any details about DGL and Operator philosophy, can hack some DGL workloads using MPI Operator. But this hack approach is not a good idea, because

  1. User need to revise ipconfig processing in DGL library to adapt MPI Operator's hostfile.
  2. User may need involve intrusive code in partition and train script.

However, there is a way to reuse MPI Operator as much as possible, MPI Operator may need,

  1. Imporve the customerization of the hostfile generating formats. DGL Operator's ipconfig format: [ip] [dgl server port] [worker num] [host/pod name] [gpu num]
  2. Improve the customization of the path of config_volume
  3. Improve the customization of the initContainers to support DGL-API partitioning, and this should not involve intrusive code or YAML.

In my opinion, these customizations will not only include tons of work to do, and also lower the specificity of MPI Operator things. We should have a trade-off on this.

Appreciate you guys any feedback on this topic. In general, DGL Operator will follow the community, to provide native DGL distributed training experience. There is no need for users to change any code, transferring the workload from physical machines (VMs) to Kubernetes.