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VisualFSM is a Kotlin Multiplatform library for implements an FSM-based (Finite-state machine)[2] MVI pattern (Model-View-Intent)[1] and a set of tools for visualization and analysis of FSM's diagram of states.

The graph is being built from source code of FSM's implementation. There is no need of custom written configurations for FSM, you can just create new State and Action classes, they would be automatically added to the graph of States and Transitions.

Source code analysis and the graph built are being performed with reflection and declared as a separate module that would allow it to be connected to testing environment.


Overview of library modules


VisualFSM Pros

Structure of VisualFSM

Samples of usage

Overview of library modules

Base classes for Android, JVM and KMM projects (Feature and AsyncWorker coroutines edition)


Support of RxJava 3 (FeatureRx, AsyncWorkerRx and dependent classes)


Support of RxJava 2 (FeatureRx, AsyncWorkerRx and dependent classes)


Code generation


Classes for easy getting generated code


Graph creation and analysis



See in Quickstart

VisualFSM Pros

Visualization of FSM graph

Visualization lets you spend less time on understanding complex business process and makes it easier for debugging, adding new features, and refactoring old ones.


A simplified FSM graph sample of user authorization and registration.

Visualization customization

To increase the readability of the graph, you can control the rendering rules using the 'DotAttributes' object when generating the graph. You can use 'DotAttributesDefaultPreset' class or create own preset for your project.

graph with attributes

Sample of usage DotAttributes


Validation on reachability for all states, on set of terminal states and lack of unexpected dead-end states, custom graph checks in unit tests.

Managing asynchronous operations

Every async work can be represented by separate states, because of this we can have a common set of states that are lining up to a directed graph.

An AsyncWorker allows you to simplify the processing of states with asynchronous work.

Structure of VisualFSM

The main entities are State, Action, Transition, Feature, AsyncWorker, TransitionCallbacks.

State of VisualFSM

State is an interface to mark State classes.

Action of VisualFSM

Action is a base class for action, used as an input object for FSM and describes the transition rules to other states by Transition classes. A state is being selected depending of the current FSM's State and provided predicate (the predicate function). There are two scenarios that would say the transition rules were set wrong:

  1. If there are several Transitions that would fit the specified conditions: a State the FSM was in is inside a Transition and a predicate returns true — there would be an error passed to a TransitionCallbacks, onMultipleTransitionError would be called, and the first suitable Transition would be executed.
  2. In case no Transtion will do, an error would be passed to a TransitionCallbacks, onNoTransitionError would be called, and a State won't be changed.

Transition of VisualFSM

Transition is a base transition class and is declared as an inner class in an Action. There must be two generic States for every Transition: a State, the one the transition is going from, and a State that is going to be current for FSM after a transofrm execution.

For the inherited classes of Transition you need to override a transform method and a predicate method, but predicate must be overridden only if you have more than one Transition with similar start States.

The predicate and transform functions of Transition

  • predicate describes the conditions of a Transition's choice depending on input data that was passed to an Action's constructor. It is a one of conditions for the choice of Transition. The first condition is that the current State has to be the same as the Transition's start State which was specified in generic. You might not to override predicate if you don't have more than one Transition with matching start States.
  • transform creates a new State for a Transition.

AsyncWorker of VisualFSM


AsyncWorker controls the start and stop of async tasks. AsyncWorker starts async requests or stops them it it gets specified State via a subscription. As long as the request completes with either success or error, the Action will be called and the FSM will be set with a new State. For convenience those states that are responsible for async tasks launch, it is recommended to join them in AsyncWorkState.

To subscribe to State, you need to override the onNextState method, and for each state to construct AsyncWorkerTask for processing in the AsyncWorker. For each operation result (success and error) you must call the proceed method and pass Action to handle the result. Don't forget to handle each task's errors in onNextState method, if an unhandled exception occurs, then fsm may stuck in the current state and the onStateSubscriptionError method will be called.

There might be a case when we can get a State via a subscription that is fully equivalent to current running async request, so for this case there are two type of AsyncWorkTask:

  • AsyncWorkerTask.ExecuteIfNotExist - launch only if operation with equals state is not currently running (priority is given to a running operation with equals state object)
  • AsyncWorkerTask.ExecuteIfNotExistWithSameClass - launch only if operation with same state class is not currently running (priority is given to a running operation with same state class, used for tasks that deliver the result in several stages)
  • AsyncWorkerTask.ExecuteAndCancelExist - relaunch async work (priority is for the new on).

To handle a state change to state without async work, you must use a task:

  • AsyncWorkerTask.Cancel - stop asynchronous work, if running

Feature of VisualFSM

Feature is the facade for FSM, provides subscription on current State, and proceeds incoming Actions.

TransitionCallbacks of VisualFSM

TransitionCallbacks gives access to method callbacks for third party logic. They are great for logging, debugging, metrics, etc. on five available events: when Action is launched, when Transition is selected, a new State had been reduced, and two error events — no Transitions or multiple Transitions available.

Tools of VisualFSM

Static tools for graph construction and verification

  • VisualFSM.generateDigraph(...): String - generate a FSM DOT graph for visualization in Graphviz (graphviz cli on CI or in browser). Transition class name used as the edge name, you can use the @Edge("name") annotation on the Transition class to set a custom edge name. For customization entire graph, colors and shapes of nodes or edges you can use the attributes argument to graph rendering customization.

  • VisualFSM.getUnreachableStates(...): List<KClass<out STATE>> - get all unreachable states from initial state

  • VisualFSM.getFinalStates(...): List<KClass<out STATE>> - get all final states

  • VisualFSM.getEdgeListGraph(...): List<Triple<KClass<out STATE>, KClass<out STATE>, String>> - builds an Edge List

  • VisualFSM.getAdjacencyMap(...): Map<KClass<out STATE>, List<KClass<out STATE>>> - builds an Adjacency Map of states

Code generation tools

File with all transitions

To analyze FSM using third-party tools, it is possible to generate a csv file with all transitions. To generate a file, you need to pass the generateAllTransitionsCsvFiles parameter with the value true to the ksp parameters.

ksp {
    arg("generateAllTransitionsCsvFiles", "true")

In the package that contains the Feature, a file called [Base State Name]AllTransitions.csv will be generated with lines in the manner:

[Name of the transition],[Name of the State from which the transition executes],[Name of the State to which the transition executes]


Samples of usage

A tests sample for FSM of user authorization and registration: AuthFSMTests.kt

The DOT visualization graph for graphviz is being generated using the VisualFSM.generateDigraph(...) method.

For CI visualization use graphviz, for the local visualization (on your PC) use edotor, webgraphviz, or other DOT graph visualization tool.


    // Use Feature with Kotlin Coroutines or FeatureRx with RxJava
@GenerateTransitionsFactory // Use this annotation for generation TransitionsFactory
class AuthFeature(initialState: AuthFSMState) : Feature<AuthFSMState, AuthFSMAction>(
    initialState = initialState,
    asyncWorker = AuthFSMAsyncWorker(AuthInteractor()),
    transitionCallbacks = TransitionCallbacksImpl(), // Tip - use DI
    transitionsFactory = provideTransitionsFactory(), // Get an instance of the generated TransitionsFactory
    // Getting an instance of a generated TransitionsFactory for KMM projects:
    // Name generated by mask Generated[FeatureName]TransitionsFactory()
    // transitionsFactory = GeneratedAuthFeatureTransitionsFactory(), // Until the first start of code generation, the class will not be visible in the IDE.

val authFeature = AuthFeature(
    initialState = AuthFSMState.Login("", "")

// Observe states on Feature
authFeature.observeState().collect { state -> }

// Observe states on FeatureRx
authFeature.observeState().subscribe { state -> }

// Proceed Action
authFeature.proceed(Authenticate("", ""))


All States are listed in a sealed class. For the convenience States that call async work is recommended to group inside inner AsyncWorkState sealed class.

sealed class AuthFSMState : State {
    data class Login(
        val mail: String,
        val password: String,
        val errorMessage: String? = null
    ) : AuthFSMState()

    data class Registration(
        val mail: String,
        val password: String,
        val repeatedPassword: String,
        val errorMessage: String? = null
    ) : AuthFSMState()

    data class ConfirmationRequested(
        val mail: String,
        val password: String
    ) : AuthFSMState()

    sealed class AsyncWorkState : AuthFSMState() {
        data class Authenticating(
            val mail: String,
            val password: String
        ) : AsyncWorkState()

        data class Registering(
            val mail: String,
            val password: String
        ) : AsyncWorkState()

    data class UserAuthorized(val mail: String) : AuthFSMState()


AsyncWorker subscribes on state changes, starts async tasks for those in AsyncWorkState group, and calls Action to process the result after the async work is done.

class AuthFSMAsyncWorker(private val authInteractor: AuthInteractor) : AsyncWorker<AuthFSMState, AuthFSMAction>() {
    override fun onNextState(state: AuthFSMState): AsyncWorkerTask<AuthFSMState> {
        return when (state) {
            is AsyncWorkState.Authenticating -> {
                AsyncWorkerTask.ExecuteAndCancelExist(state) {
                    val result = authInteractor.check(state.mail, state.password)
            is AsyncWorkState.Registering -> {
                AsyncWorkerTask.ExecuteIfNotExist(state) {
                    val result = authInteractor.register(state.mail, state.password)
            else -> AsyncWorkerTask.Cancel()


HandleRegistrationResult is one of Actions of the sample authorization and registration FSM that is called from AsyncWorker after the result of registration is received. It consists of two Transitions, the necessary Transition is chosen after predicate function result.

class HandleRegistrationResult(val result: RegistrationResult) : AuthFSMAction() {

    inner class Success : Transition<AsyncWorkState.Registering, Login>() {
        override fun predicate(state: AsyncWorkState.Registering) =
            result == RegistrationResult.SUCCESS

        override fun transform(state: AsyncWorkState.Registering): Login {
            return Login(state.mail, state.password)

    inner class BadCredential : Transition<AsyncWorkState.Registering, Registration>() {
        override fun predicate(state: AsyncWorkState.Registering) =
            result == RegistrationResult.BAD_CREDENTIAL

        override fun transform(state: AsyncWorkState.Registering): Registration {
            return Registration(state.mail, state.password, "Bad credential")

    inner class ConnectionFailed : Transition<AsyncWorkState.Registering, Registration>() {
        override fun predicate(state: AsyncWorkState.Registering) =
            result == RegistrationResult.NO_INTERNET

        override fun transform(state: AsyncWorkState.Registering): Registration {
            return Registration(state.mail, state.password, state.password, "No internet")


class AuthFSMTests {

    fun generateDigraph() {
                baseAction = AuthFSMAction::class,
                baseState = AuthFSMState::class,
                initialState = AuthFSMState.Login::class,

    fun allStatesReachableTest() {
        val notReachableStates = VisualFSM.getUnreachableStates(
            baseAction = AuthFSMAction::class,
            baseState = AuthFSMState::class,
            initialState = AuthFSMState.Login::class,

            "FSM have unreachable states: ${notReachableStates.joinToString(", ")}"

    fun oneFinalStateTest() {
        val finalStates = VisualFSM.getFinalStates(
            baseAction = AuthFSMAction::class,
            baseState = AuthFSMState::class,

            finalStates.size == 1 && finalStates.contains(AuthFSMState.UserAuthorized::class),
            "FSM have not correct final states: ${finalStates.joinToString(", ")}"



What is MVI

MVI stands for Model-View-Intent. It is an architectural pattern that utilizes unidirectional data flow. The data circulates between Model and View only in one direction - from Model to View and from View to Model.

More on hannesdorfmann

What is FSM

A finite-state machine (FSM) is an abstract machine that can be in exactly one of a finite number of states at any given time. The FSM can change from one state to another in response to some inputs.

More on wikipedia