- FreeBSD
- FreeBSD Port - maintained by jyyou
- Linux
- Arch Linux Official
- Arch Linux Nightly Build Repository
- Fedora Copr - (instructions) maintained by fabiand
- Ubuntu PPA
- Gentoo, overlay rust
- Mac
- Fink Also available through fink's apt at
deb http://brendan.users.finkproject.org/10.8 stable main
- maintained by bcully - Homebrew
- Homebrew Cask
- Fink Also available through fink's apt at
- NetBSD
- Windows
- NuGet package for nightly builds
- [[How to install an unofficial nightly for Windows|Doc how to install an unofficial nightly for Windows]]
- NuGet package for nightly builds
- BBEdit
- Erik Rose's BBEdit plugin - Plugin for BBEdit. Probably quite out of date.
- Eclipse
- ianb's Eclipse plugin - Eclipse! (dead)
- Reidar Sollid's Eclipse plugin - A newer Eclipse plugin.
- Emacs
- rust-mode.
- Flycheck has support for on-the-fly syntax error detection. Use the Package Manager (ELPA) to install
- Geany
- Since 1.24. Nightly builds or the git master may have additional improvements.
- Gedit
- included, see
- included, see
- Intellij
- [Vektah's Intellij plugin] (http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7438) - Can be installed from Plugins settings in app
- Kate
- Rust Kate Config (the file can be copied or linked to ~/.kde/share/apps/katepart/syntax/ for KDE4 or ~/.local/share/katepart5/syntax/ for KF5)
- Netbeans
- Rust NetBeans 8+ Plugin - Forked drrb's NetBeans Plugin
- drrb's NetBeans Plugin - Rust NetBeans Plugin
- SublimeText
- kib2's SublimeText2 language file - Highlighting for SublimeText 2
- dbp's SublimeText2 (now maintained by jhasse) - Probably more up to date than the above.
- SublimeLinter plugin
- TextMate
- tomgrohl's textmate bundle - TextMate 1
- elia's textmate bundle - TextMate 2
- Textadept
- Vim
- rust.vim plugin. Syntastic has syntax error matching based on rustc.
- NEdit
- Notepad++
- Brackets
- Atom
- cargo-lite - A simple package manager
- Prism's pastebin - A pastebin instance that support Rust syntax highlighting using the Prism library
- startling's pygments plugin - Pygments syntax highlighting
- GitHub linguist - GitHub's language detection supports Rust
- lkuper's PLT Redex model - An (out-of-date) model of Rust in PLT Redex
- highlight.js - Highlight Rust code in your blog by adding a single line of JavaScript to your pages
- bstrie's map of Rust contributors
- "Is Rust fast yet?" - graphs of the build/test times of each merge into incoming