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Const promotion

"Promotion" is the act of splicing a part of a MIR computation out into a separate self-contained MIR body which is evaluated at compile-time like a constant. This mechanism has been introduced by RFC 1414 with the goal of equipping some references-to-temporaries with a 'static lifetime, which is sometimes called "lifetime extension".

Promotion / lifetime extension affects code like &3: Instead of putting it on the stack, the 3 is allocated in global static memory and a reference with lifetime 'static is provided. This is essentially an automatic transformation turning &EXPR into { const _PROMOTED = &EXPR; _PROMOTED }, but only if EXPR qualifies. Topmost projections are not promoted, so &EXPR.proj1.proj2 turns into { const _PROMOTED = &EXPR; &(*_PROMOTED).proj1.proj2 }.

Note that promotion happens on the MIR, not on surface-level syntax. This is relevant when discussing e.g. handling of panics caused by overflowing arithmetic.

Promotion and fallability of const-evaluation

On top of what applies to consts, promoteds suffer from the additional issue that the user did not ask for them to be evaluated at compile-time. Thus, if CTFE fails but the code would have worked fine at run-time, we broke the user's code for no good reason. Even if we are sure we found an error in the user's code, we are only allowed to emit a warning, not a hard error.

For example:

fn foo() {
    if false {
        let x = &(1/0);

If we performed promotion here, this would turn into

fn foo() {
    if false {
        const _PROMOTED = &(1/0);
        let x = _PROMOTED;

When compiling this function, we have to evaluate all constants that occur inside the function body, even if they might only be used in dead code. This means we have to evaluate _PROMOTED, which will error -- and now what, should we halt compilation? That would be wrong since there is no problem with this code, the "bad" division never actually happens as it occurs in dead code. (Note that the considerations would be the same even if foo were a const fn.)

As a consequence, we only promote code that can never fail to evaluate (see RFC 3027). This ensures that even if promotion happens inside dead code, this will not turn a "runtime error in dead code" (which is not an error at all) into a compile-time error. In particular, we cannot promote calls to arbitrary const fn, as discussed in detail in rust-lang/const-eval#19. Thus, only functions marked #[rustc_promotable] are promotable.

There is one exception to this rule: the bodies of const/static initializers. This code is never compiled, so we do not actually have to evaluate constants that occur in dead code. If we are careful enough during compilation, we can ensure that only constants whose value is actually needed are evaluated. We thus can be more relaxed about promotion; in practice, what this means is that we will promote calls to arbitrary const fn, not just those marked #[rustc_promotable].

See below for another special case in promotion analysis: accesses and references to statics are only promoted inside other statics.

"enclosing scope" rule

Notice that some code involving & looks like it relies on promotion / lifetime extension but actually does not:

const EMPTY_BYTES: &Vec<u8> = &Vec::new(); // Ok without lifetime extension

Vec::new() cannot get promoted because it needs dropping. And yet this compiles. Why that? The reason is that the reference obtains the lifetime of the "enclosing scope", similar to how let x = &mut x; creates a reference whose lifetime lasts for the enclosing scope. This is decided during MIR building already, and does not involve lifetime extension.

In contrast, this does not compile:

const OPT_EMPTY_BYTES: Option<&Vec<u8>> = Some(&Vec::new());

The "enclosing scope" rule only fires for outermost &, just like in fn bodies.


We have described the circumstances where promotion is desirable, but what expressions are actually eligible for promotion? We refer to eligible expressions as "promotable" and describe the restrictions on such expressions below.

First of all, expressions have to be allowed in constants. The restrictions described there are needed because we want const to behave the same as copying the const initializer everywhere the constant is used; we need the same property when promoting expressions. But we need more.

Note that there is no point in doing additional dynamic checks to ensure that we do get these restrictions right. The entire point of the promotion restrictions is to avoid failing compilation for code that would have been fine without promotion. The best a dynamic check could do is tell us after the fact that we should not have promoted something, but then it is already too late -- and the dynamic checks for that are exactly the ones we are already doing for constants and statics.

Panics, overflow and bounds checks

Let us look at what happens when we promote &(0_usize - 1) in a debug build. This code is promoted even though we cannot promote code that could fail, and this code will fail with an overflow error! What is happening? We have to look at the underlying MIR representation of this code to explain what happens:

_tmp1 = CheckedSub (const 0usize) (const 1usize)
assert(!_tmp1.1) -> [success: bb2; unwind: ..]

_tmp2 = tmp1.0
_res = &_tmp2

Both _tmp1 and _tmp2 are promoted. _tmp1 evaluates to (~0, true), so the assertion will always fail at run-time. Computing _tmp2 evaluates to ~0.

In other words, the actually failing check is not promoted, only the computation that serves as input to the check is promoted.

An earlier version of Miri used to error on arithmetic overflow even in release mode. This breaks promotion, because now promoting code like _tmp1 would introduce promotes that fail to evaluate, which is not acceptable as explained above!

Something similar but more subtle happens when promoting array accesses: the bounds check is not promoted, but the array access is. However, before accepting a temporary for promotion, we ensure that array accesses are definitely in-bounds. This leads to MIR without bounds checks, but we know the array access will always succeed.

Const safety

We have explained how we ensure that evaluating a promoted does not panic, but what about other kinds of failure -- what about hitting an unsupported operation or undefined behavior? To make sure this does not happen, only const safe code gets promoted. The exact details for const safety are discussed in here.

An example of this would be &(&1 as *const i32 as usize % 16 == 0). The actual location is not known at compile-time, so we cannot promote this. Generally, we can guarantee const-safety by not promoting when an unsafe or unconst operation is performed -- if our const safety checker is correct, that has to cover everything, so the only possible remaining failure are panics.

However, things get more tricky when const and const fn are involved.

For const, based on the const safety check described here, we can rely on there not being const-unsafe values in the const, so we should be able to promote freely. For example:

union Foo { x: &'static i32, y: usize }
const A: usize = unsafe { Foo { x: &1 }.y };
const B: usize = unsafe { Foo { x: &2 }.y };
let x: &bool = &(A < B);

Promoting x would lead to a compile failure because we cannot compare pointer addresses. However, we do not even get there -- computing A or B fails with a const safety check error because these are values of type usize that contain a Scalar::Ptr.

For const fn, however, there is no way to check anything in advance. We can either just not promote, or we can move responsibility to the const fn and promote if all function arguments pass the const safety check. So, foo(42usize) would get promoted, but foo(&1 as *const i32 as usize) would not. When this call panics, compilation proceeds and we just hard-code a panic to happen as well at run-time. However, when const evaluation fails with another error (unsupported operation or undefined behavior), we have no choice but to abort compilation of a program that would have compiled fine if we would not have decided to promote. It is the responsibility of foo to not fail this way when working with const-safe arguments.

For this reason, only const fn that were explicitly marked with the #[rustc_promotable] attribute are subject to promotion. Those functions must be manually reviewed to never raise CTFE errors.


Expressions returning "needs drop" types can never be promoted. If such an expression were promoted, the Drop impl would never get called on the value, even though the user did not explicitly request such behavior by using an explicit const or static item.

As expression promotion is essentially the silent insertion of a static item, and static items never have their Drop impl called, the Drop impl of the promoted value would never get called.

While it is sound to std::mem::forget any value and thus not call its Drop impl, it is unlikely to be the desired behavior in most cases and very likey to be confusing to the user. If such behavior is desired, the user can still use an explicit static or const item and refer to that.

Dynamic check. The Miri engine could dynamically check this by ensuring that the result of computing a promoted is a value that does not need dropping.

Access to a const or static

When accessing a const in a promotable context, its value gets computed at compile-time anyway, so we do not have to check the initializer. However, the restrictions described above still apply for the result of the promoted computation: in particular, it must be a valid const (i.e., it cannot introduce interior mutability) and it must not require dropping.

For instance the following would be legal even though calls to do_it are not eligible for implicit promotion:

const fn do_it(x: i32) -> i32 { 2*x }
const ANSWER: i32 = {
  let ret = do_it(21);

let x: &'static i32 = &ANSWER;

An access to a static, including just taking references to a static, is only promotable within the initializer of another static. This is for the same reason that const initializers cannot access statics.

Crucially, however, the following is not legal:

const X: Cell<i32> = Cell::new(5); // ok
const XREF: &Cell<i32> = &X; // not ok
fn main() {
    let x: &'static _ = &X; // not ok

Just like allowing XREF would be a problem because, by the inlining semantics, every user of XREF should get their own Cell; it would also be a problem to promote here because if that code gets executed multiple times (e.g. inside a loop), it should get a new Cell each time.

Named locals

Promotable expressions cannot refer to named locals. This is not a technical limitation with the CTFE engine. While writing let x = {expr} outside of a const context, the user likely expects that x will live on the stack and be initialized at run-time. Although this is not (to my knowledge) guaranteed by the language, we do not wish to violate the user's expectations here.

Note that constant-folding still applies: the optimizer may compute x at compile-time and even inline it everywhere if it can show that this does not observably alter program behavior. Promotion is very different from constant-folding as promotion can introduce observable differences in behavior (if const-evaluation fails) and as it is guaranteed to happen in some cases (and thus exploited by the borrow checker). This is reflected in the fact that promotion affects lifetimes, but constant folding does not.

Single assignment

We only promote temporaries that are assigned to exactly once. For example, the lifetime of the temporary whose reference is assigned to x below will not be extended.

let x: &'static i32 = &if cfg!(windows) { 0 } else { 1 };

Once again, this is not a fundamental limitation in the CTFE engine; we are perfectly capable of evaluating such expressions at compile time. However, determining the promotability of complex expressions would require more resources for little benefit.

Open questions

  • There is a fourth kind of CTFE failure -- resource exhaustion. What do we do when that happens while evaluating a promoted?