name,source,categories,homepage_url,gitter_url,description,repository,homepage ChariotEngine/Chariot,github,engines,,,A cross-platform open-source reimplementation of the Age of Empires (1997) engine,, Gigoteur/UnicornConsole,github,engines,,,Unicorn Console: create quick game !,, Hossein-Noroozpour/vulkust,github,engines,,,"An engine for Vulkan in Rust, tries to implement modern graphic features. (suspended for now)",, I3ck/rust-3d,github,math,,,3D/2D library written in Rust,, Siebencorgie/jakar-engine,github,engines,,,"Formerly ""Ori-Engine"" is an hobby project of mine. Target is an Rust/Vulkan engine for games and visualization software.",, ab_glyph,crates,textrendering,,,"API for loading, scaling, positioning and rasterizing OpenType font glyphs.",, alto,crates,audio,,,Idiomatic interface for OpenAL 1.1 and extensions (including EFX),, ambisonic,crates,audio,,,Compose and play 3D audio.,, amethyst,crates,engines,,,Data-oriented game engine written in Rust,, amethyst/naia,github,networking,,,a cross-platform (including Wasm!) networking engine built in Rust. Intended to make multiplayer game development dead-simple & lightning-fast ,, amethyst_network,crates,networking,,,Amethyst networking crate,, aseprite,crates,tools,,,A crate to load files from the aseprite sprite editor.,, ash,crates,3drendering,,,Vulkan bindings for Rust,, assets_manager,crates,tools,,,"Conveniently load, cache, and reload external resources",, audir,crates,audio,,,Low-level audio library,, beehive,crates,tools,,,Utilities and collections for 3D hexagonal maps,, beryllium,crates,2drendering,,,An opinionated set of high level wrappers for the `fermium` SDL2 bindings.,, bevy,crates,engines,,,A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine and app framework,, big-brain,crates,ai,,,Rusty Utility AI library,, blend,crates,3dformatloaders,,,A parser and runtime for Blender's .blend files.,, blit,crates,2drendering,,,Blit sprites on a buffer with a mask,, building-blocks,crates,tools:mesh,,,"Data types, collections, and algorithms for working with maps on 2D and 3D integer lattices. Commonly known as voxel data.",, bvh,crates,math,,,A fast BVH using SAH,, calx-ecs,crates,ecs,,,Serializable entity component system for games,, caper,crates,engines,,,Minimalist game framework,, cgmath,crates,math,,,A linear algebra and mathematics library for computer graphics.,, claxon,crates,audio,,,A FLAC decoding library,, coffee,crates,engines,,,"An opinionated 2D game engine focused on simplicity, explicitness, and type-safety",, collada,crates,3dformatloaders,,,"A library for parsing COLLADA documents for mesh, skeletal and animation data",, collider,crates,physics,,,A library for continuous 2D collision detection for game developement,, conrod_core,crates,ui,,,"An easy-to-use, 100% Rust, extensible 2D GUI library.",, console_engine,crates,engines:tools,,,A simple terminal framework to draw things and manage user input,, const-tweaker,crates,tools,,,Tweak constant variables live from a web GUI,, corange-rs,crates,engines,,," Rust interface to the Corange game engine, written in Pure C, SDL and OpenGL by Daniel Holden. Features include: deferred rendering, UI rendering, text rendering, multiple lights, post-processing effects, SSAO, shadow mapping, color correction, skeletal animation, inverse kinematics, collision detection, OpenCL support, asset management, entity management, terrain, file loaders including .dds, .wav, .bmp, .obj, .smd, 3D math. ",, cpal,crates,audio,,,Low-level cross-platform audio I/O library in pure Rust.,, crayon,crates,engines,,,"A small, portable and extensible game framework.",, crevice,crates,shader,,,Create GLSL-compatible versions of structs with explicitly-initialized padding,, crow,crates,2drendering,,,A pixel perfect 2D rendering engine,, datachannel,crates,networking,,,Rust wrappers for libdatachannel.,, dces,crates,ecs,,,DCES entity component system,, density-mesh-core,crates,tools:mesh,,,Core module for density mesh generator,, density-mesh-image,crates,tools:mesh,,,Image module for density mesh generator,, doryen-rs,crates,engines,,,Pure rust OpenGL accelerated roguelike console API with native/wasm support,, dot_vox,crates,3dformatloaders,,,A Rust library for loading MagicaVoxel .vox files.,, dotrix,crates,3drendering:engines:ecs,,,3D Game Engine,, dual_quaternion,crates,math,,,A type-agnostic dual-quaternion math library,, duysqubix/MuOxi,github,engines,,,"MuOxi, a modern mud game engine written in Rust.",, dyon,crates,scripting,,,A rusty dynamically typed scripting language,, ears,crates,audio,,,Easy Rust API to play audio using OpenAL,, egui,crates,ui,,,"Simple, portable immediate mode GUI library for Rust",, enet,crates,networking,,,"High-level, rust-y bindings to the ENet library",, euc,crates,3drendering,,,A software rendering crate that lets you write shaders with Rust,, euclid,crates,math,,,Geometry primitives,, euler,crates,math,,,Mathematics library for 3D computer graphics,, ezing,crates,tools,,,Easing functions,, fbxcel-dom,crates,3dformatloaders,,,FBX DOM library,, fermium,crates,2drendering,,,An opinionated crate of SDL2 bindings.,, fmod,crates,audio,,,A rust binding for the FMOD library,, fontdue,crates,textrendering,,,A simple no_std font parser and rasterizer.,, froggy,crates,ecs,,,"Froggy is a prototype for the Component Graph System programming model. It aims to combine the convenience of composition-style Object-Oriented Programming with the performance close to Entity-Component Systems. ",, fungui,crates,ui,,,A user interface layout system,, gate,crates,engines,,,A specialized 2D game library,, gdnative,crates,engines,,,The Godot game engine's gdnative bindings.,, generic-matrix,crates,math,,,Manipulations and data types that represent 2d matrix.,, gfx,crates,3drendering,,,"A high-performance, bindless graphics API",, gfx-hal,crates,3drendering,,,gfx-rs hardware abstraction layer,, ggez,crates,engines,,,"A lightweight game framework for making 2D games with minimum friction, inspired by Love2D.",, gilrs,crates,input,,,Game Input Library for Rust,, gl,crates,3drendering,,,OpenGL bindings,, glam,crates,math,,,A simple and fast 3D math library for games and graphics,, glfw,crates,3drendering:windowing,,,GLFW3 bindings and idiomatic wrapper for Rust.,, glium,crates,3drendering,,,"Elegant and safe OpenGL wrapper. Glium is an intermediate layer between OpenGL and your application. You still need to manually handle the graphics pipeline, but without having to use OpenGL's old and error-prone API. Its objectives: - Be safe to use. Many aspects of OpenGL that can trigger a crash if misused are automatically handled by glium. - Provide an API that enforces good pratices such as RAII or stateless function calls. - Be compatible with all OpenGL versions that support shaders, providing unified API when things diverge. - Avoid all OpenGL errors beforehand. - Produce optimized OpenGL function calls, and allow the user to easily use modern OpenGL techniques. ",, glow,crates,3drendering,,,"GL on Whatever: a set of bindings to run GL (Open GL, OpenGL ES, and WebGL) anywhere, and avoid target-specific code.",, glsp,crates,scripting,,,The GameLisp scripting language,, gltf,crates,3dformatloaders,,,glTF 2.0 loader,, gluon,crates,scripting,,,"A static, type inferred programming language for application embedding",, glutin,crates,3drendering:windowing,,,Cross-platform OpenGL context provider.,, gme,crates,audio,,,Rust bindings for Game Music Emu,, graco,crates,ai,,,Generalized Rust Ant Colony Optimization,, grr,crates,3drendering,,,Bare metal OpenGL 4.5+ wrapper,, hecs,crates,ecs,,,"A fast, minimal, and ergonomic entity-component-system",, hex2d,crates,tools,,,Helper library for working with 2d hex-grid maps,, hexasphere,crates,tools:mesh,,,"A library to evenly tile hexagons on a sphere. ",, hlua,crates,scripting,,,Zero-cost high-level wrapper for Lua,, hound,crates,audio,,,A wav encoding and decoding library,, huxingyi/dust3d,github,tools,,,":dromedary_camel: Dust3D is a cross-platform open-source 3D modeling software. Auto UV unwrapping, auto rigging with PBR Material support, pose and motion authoring all in one.",, iced,crates,ui,,,A cross-platform GUI library inspired by Elm,, image,crates,2drendering,,,Imaging library written in Rust. Provides basic filters and decoders for the most common image formats.,, imgui,crates,ui,,,High-level Rust bindings to dear imgui,, imgui-ext,crates,ui,,,A crate to build debug UIs on structs using a derive macro (based on the imgui crate),, imgui-inspect,crates,ui,,,Traits and default implementations for inspecting values with imgui.,, immi,crates,ui,,,Immediate mode user interface toolkit.,, include-merkle,crates,shader,,,"Functionality for generating a Merkle-tree of a given text file with include references, replacing includes paths with a deterministic versioned identity, and also functionality for flattening include directives into a single file. The primary motivation is compiling shaders for various graphics APIs, but the the functionality can apply to a variety of source code parsing use cases.",, inline-spirv,crates,shader,,,Compile GLSL/HLSL and inline SPIR-V right inside your crate.,, keeshond,crates,engines,,,A fast and fun 2D game engine for Rust,, keeshond_datapack,crates,tools,,,A simple framework for loading and caching game assets,, ketos,crates,scripting,,,Lisp dialect scripting and extension language,, keyframe,crates,tools,,,A simple library for animation in Rust,, kira,crates,audio,,,Dynamic audio library for games,, kiss3d,crates,3drendering,,,3D graphics engine for Rust.,, laminar,crates,networking,,,A simple semi-reliable UDP protocol for multiplayer games,, legion,crates,ecs,,,High performance entity component system (ECS) library,, lewton,crates,audio,,,Pure Rust vorbis decoder,, libovr,crates,vr,,, Rust bindings for LibOVR (Oculus Rift SDK).,, lichen,crates,scripting,,,"Scripting DSL (for Dialogue Graphs, et al)",, liquidfun,crates,physics,,,Rust bindings for LiquidFun.,, luajit,crates,scripting,,,Rust crate for calling LuaJIT from Rust,, luminance,crates,3drendering,,,Stateless and type-safe graphics framework,, lyon,crates,2drendering,,,2D Graphics rendering on the GPU using tessellation.,, macroquad,crates,engines,,,"Simple and easy to use graphics library ",, meshopt,crates,mesh,,,Rust ffi bindings and idiomatic wrapper for mesh optimizer,, mgf,crates,physics,,,A 3D collision and physics framework for video games.,, minifb,crates,windowing,,,Cross-platform window setup with optional bitmap rendering,, minimp3,crates,audio,,,Rust bindings for the minimp3 library.,, miniquad,crates,2drendering:3drendering,,,"Cross-platform window context and rendering library. ",, mint,crates,math,,,Math interoperability standard types,, mod_player,crates,audio,,,A library for parsing and playing mod music files,, modio,crates,tools,,,Rust interface for integrating - a modding API for game developers,, modulator,crates,tools,,,"A trait for abstracted, decoupled modulation sources",, mold2d,crates,engines,,,A simple platformer game library in Rust,, mun-lang/mun,github,scripting,,,Source code for the Mun language and runtime.,, nalgebra,crates,math,,,Linear algebra library with transformations and statically-sized or dynamically-sized matrices.,, navmesh,crates,ai,,,Nav-Mesh navigation system,, ncollide2d,crates,physics,,,2 and 3-dimensional collision detection library in Rust.,, ncollide3d,crates,physics,,,2 and 3-dimensional collision detection library in Rust.,, noise,crates,tools,,,Procedural noise generation library.,, nphysics2d,crates,physics,,,2-dimensional physics engine in Rust.,, nphysics3d,crates,physics,,,3-dimensional physics engine in Rust.,, nuklear-rust,crates,2drendering,,,Rust wrapper for Nuklear 2D GUI library (,, nuklear-rust,crates,ui,,,Rust wrapper for Nuklear 2D GUI library (,, obj,crates,3dformatloaders,,,A package for loading Wavefront .obj files,, obj-rs,crates,3dformatloaders,,,"Wavefront obj parser for Rust. It handles both 'obj' and 'mtl' formats. ",, ogmo3,crates,tools,,,A Rust crate for reading and writing Ogmo Editor 3 projects and levels,, olson-sean-k/plexus,github,mesh,,,Polygonal mesh processing.,, openvr,crates,vr,,,A high-level binding for OpenVR.,, openxr,crates,vr,,,"High-level, mostly-safe OpenXR bindings",, optimath,crates,math,,,Linear Algebra using const generics for no_std and specialization to enable SIMD.,, oxygen_quark,crates,math,,,Oxygen Quark is a maths library mainly developed for the Oxygen Engine. ,, oxygengine,crates,engines,,,Oxygen Engine,, palette,crates,math,,,Makes linear color calculations and conversion easy and accessible for anyone.,, pareen,crates,animation,,,A small library for parameterized inbetweening,, pathfinding,crates,ai,,,"Pathfinding, flow, and graph algorithms",, peacock,crates,engines,,,A game engine for making beautiful games.,, physme,crates,physics,,,A simple 2d and 3d physics engine for bevy,, physx,crates,physics,,,High-level Rust interface for Nvidia PhysX,, piston,crates,engines,,,The Piston game engine core libraries,, piston-ai_behavior,crates,ai,,,AI behavior tree,, piston2d-graphics,crates,2drendering,,,A library for 2D graphics that works with multiple back-ends,, piston_window,crates,windowing,,,The official Piston window wrapper for the Piston game engine,, pixels,crates,2drendering,,,A tiny library providing a GPU-powered pixel frame buffer.,, polyhedron-ops,crates,mesh,,,Conway/Hart Polyhedron Operations,, polystrip,crates,2drendering,,,A 2D accelerated graphics rendering library,, portmidi,crates,audio,,,High-level PortMidi bindings for Rust,, profiling,crates,tools,,,This crate provides a very thin abstraction over other profiler crates.,, pyro,crates,ecs,,,Entity component system,, pyxel,crates,tools,,,Pyxel is a library for loading [PyxelEdit]( documents in Rust,, quaternion,crates,math,,,A simple and type agnostic quaternion math library designed for reexporting,, quicksilver,crates,engines,,,A simple game framework for 2D games in pure Rust,, quinn,crates,networking,,,QUIC transport protocol implementation for Tokio,, rapier2d,crates,physics,,,2-dimensional physics engine in Rust.,, rapier3d,crates,physics,,,3-dimensional physics engine in Rust.,, raylib,crates,engines,,,Safe Rust bindings for Raylib.,, rectangle-pack,crates,tools,,,"A general purpose, deterministic bin packer designed to conform to any two or three dimensional use case.",, rendology,crates,3drendering,,,Rendology is a Glium-based 3D rendering library,, rendy,crates,3drendering,,,Higher-level graphics abstrations based on gfx-hal,, rg3d,crates,engines,,,3D Game engine,, rg3d-sound,crates,audio,,,Sound library for games.,, rhai,crates,scripting,,,Embedded scripting for Rust,, rhusics,crates,physics,,,Physics library for use with `specs`,, rltk,crates,engines,,,"A CP437/ASCII terminal library and helpers to make creating roguelike games in Rust easy. Similar to libtcod, but aiming to be Rust-native.",, rlua,crates,scripting,,,High level bindings to Lua 5.3,, rodio,crates,audio,,,Audio playback library,, rotsprite,crates,2drendering,,,Rotate sprites using the rotsprite algorithm,, rovr,crates,vr,,,A VR headset library for Rust programs targeting the Oculus Rift.,, rsaarelm/vitral,github,ui,,,Backend-agnostic immediate mode GUI library in Rust,, rsoundio,crates,audio,,,libsoundio bindings for Rust,, rune,crates,scripting,,,"An embeddable dynamic programming language for Rust. ",, rust-webvr,crates,vr,,,"Safe rust API that provides a way to interact with Virtual Reality headsets and integration with vendor specific SDKs like OpenVR and Oculus. The API is inspired on the easy to use WebVR API but adapted to Rust design patterns",, rustpython,crates,scripting,,,A python interpreter written in rust.,, rusttype,crates,textrendering,,,"A pure Rust alternative to libraries like FreeType. RustType provides an API for loading, querying and rasterising TrueType fonts. It also provides an implementation of a dynamic GPU glyph cache for hardware font rendering. ",, rusty_engine,crates,engines,,,A fun way to learn Rust using a simple 2D game engine.,, salva2d,crates,physics,,,2-dimensional particle-based fluid dynamics in Rust.,, salva3d,crates,physics,,,3-dimensional particle-based fluid dynamics in Rust.,, sciter-rs,crates,ui,,,Rust bindings for Sciter - Embeddable HTML/CSS/script engine (cross-platform desktop GUI toolkit). Also capable with DirectX / OpenGL.,, screen-13,crates,3drendering:engines,,,"An easy-to-use 2D/3D rendering engine in the spirit of QBasic. ",, sdl2,crates,2drendering:audio:engines:input:windowing,,,SDL2 bindings for Rust,, sfml,crates,2drendering:engines,,,Rust binding for sfml,, sfxr,crates,audio,,,Reimplementation of DrPetter's 'sfxr' sound effect generator,, shaderc,crates,shader,,,Rust bindings for shaderc,, sharecart1000,crates,tools,,,For use with the Sharecart1000 system.,, shipyard,crates,ecs,,,Entity Component System,, skulpin,crates,2drendering,,,This crate provides an easy option for drawing hardware-accelerated 2D by combining Vulkan and Skia.,, soloud,crates,audio,,,Rust bindings for the soloud audio engine,, specs,crates,ecs,,,"Specs is an Entity-Component-System library written in Rust. ",, spirq,crates,shader,,,Light weight SPIR-V query utility for graphics.,, spirv-reflect,crates,shader,,,"Reflection API in rust for SPIR-V shader byte code, intended for Vulkan applications.",, splines,crates,math,,,Spline interpolation made easy,, sprite,crates,tools,,,Procedurally generate pixel sprites and save them in different formats,, steering,crates,ai,,,Steering calculations for autonomous agents,, superluminal-perf,crates,tools,,,Superluminal Performance API for adding user events to profiler captures,, tcod,crates,tools,,,The Rust bindings for the Doryen library (a.k.a. libtcod).,, tessellation,crates,mesh,,,3d tessellation library.,, tetra,crates,engines,,,A simple 2D game framework written in Rust,, texture-synthesis,crates,tools,,,"Multiresolution Stochastic Texture Synthesis, a non-parametric example-based algorithm for image generation",, three,crates,3drendering,,,Three.js inspired 3D engine in Rust,, tiled,crates,tools,,,A rust crate for loading in maps created by the Tiled editor,, tiny-skia,crates,2drendering,,,A tiny Skia subset ported to Rust.,, tobj,crates,3dformatloaders,,,A lightweight OBJ loader in the spirit of tinyobjloader,, torchbear,crates,scripting,,,Lua programming environment in Rust,, turbine,crates,engines,,,A 3D game engine with built-in editor,, tuzz/game-loop,github,tools,,,A Rust crate that implements a frame-rate-independent game loop.,, ultraviolet,crates,math,,,"A crate to do linear algebra, fast.",, uniform-cubic-splines,crates,math,,,Simple uniform cubic spline evaluation and inversion.,, usfx,crates,audio,,,Realtime procedurally generated sound effects,, vecmath,crates,math,,,A simple and type agnostic library for vector math designed for reexporting,, vek,crates,math,,,"Generic 2D-3D math swiss army knife for game engines, with SIMD support and focus on convenience.",, vk-mem,crates,3drendering,,,Rust ffi bindings and idiomatic wrapper for AMD Vulkan Memory Allocator (VMA),, vk-sync,crates,3drendering,,,Simplification of core Vulkan synchronization mechanisms such as pipeline barriers and events.,, vorbis,crates,audio,,,High-level bindings for the official libvorbis library.,, voronator,crates,tools:mesh,,,Implements the Voronoi diagram construction as a dual of the Delaunay triangulation for a set of points and the construction of a centroidal tesselation of a Delaunay triangulation.,, vulkano,crates,3drendering,,,Safe wrapper for the Vulkan graphics API,, wavefront_obj,crates,3dformatloaders,,,A parser for the Wavefront .obj file format.,, weasel,crates,tools,,,A customizable battle system for turn-based games.,, wgpu,crates,3drendering,,,Rusty WebGPU API wrapper,, winit,crates,windowing,,,Cross-platform window creation library.,, wlambda,crates,scripting,,,WLambda is an embeddable scripting language for Rust,, wrapped2d,crates,physics,,,Rust binding for Box2D,, wrapping_coords2d,crates,tools,,,Translate between 1D indices and 2D coordinates with wrapping,,