Check gruntfile.js
for project configuration.
Here are the main commands:
Run grunt watch-project-server
to watch project.
$ npx grunt watch-project-server
Run grunt build
to compile resources, collect project into /build
and prepare it for deployment.
$ npx grunt build
Run grunt build-fast
to build project without running tests or
$ npx grunt build-fast
Run grunt compile
to generate, optimise and minify images, scripts
(UglifyJS), stylesheets
CSScomb, etc.) and HTML-files.
$ npx grunt compile
Run grunt process-sprites
to compile sprites
$ npx grunt process-sprites
Run grunt quality
to lint project's stylesheets (CSS Colorguard),
scripts (ESLint), HTML-files (HTMLHint).
$ npx grunt quality
Run grunt test
to run unit tests.
$ npx grunt test