- Levenshtein distance to figure out if two artist/song/album tags are different or they can be considered the same song
- Analytics: number of mp3, untagged, genres, artists, albums, etc
- Export tagged music as Artist/Album/Song.mp3
- Export all music, tagged and untagged
- Find untagged music
- Find similar songs (by content blobs), i.e. slightly modified songs (presumably updated id3 tags) will be listed
- Curses UI
- Systray (notification area) player
- Fetch album cover and display it using something like https://github.com/trashhalo/imgcat
- Research https://github.com/YouROK/SRadio, using GOTK3 y libmpv
- Audio visualizer https://github.com/noriah/catnip
- Research https://github.com/diamondburned/aqours