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File description

rubel75 edited this page Jun 11, 2014 · 4 revisions
  • File Descriptions ** Generate the nearest neighbour list of k points ** Calculate the Berry phase for a particuler direction
  • Calculation of the Berry Phase After getting pathphase(x,y,z), obtain each value is divided by PI Make sure that the values are within the [0, 2PI] ex. -3.2 == 0.8pi normalizing.Then they are presented as Electronic phase/(2pi) ** berrypi The main file to run. It automates the 'entire' berry process ** File used for general shell interaction through python. ** Includes functions for parsing certain wien2k and w2w files. The data being parsed from these files is used to calculate the information needed ** Includes exception handling and background checks on files. Pretty barren right now. ** Important this file is used to change how the berryPyParseAutomation works and needs to be pre-configured on first use ** Includes the necessary classes to carry out the remaining calculations at the end of the automation run ** Used to automate the install process. Can install Python 2.7.4 and Numpy 1.6.2.