diff --git a/R/format_data.R b/R/format_data.R
index f96ed04233..1d6b566b36 100644
--- a/R/format_data.R
+++ b/R/format_data.R
@@ -142,115 +142,102 @@ fmt_number <- function(data,
locale = NULL) {
# Use locale-based marks if a locale ID is provided
- if (!is.null(locale) && locale %in% locales$base_locale_id) {
- sep_mark <- get_locale_sep_mark(locale = locale)
- dec_mark <- get_locale_dec_mark(locale = locale)
- } else if (!is.null(locale) && !(locale %in% locales$base_locale_id)) {
- stop("The supplied `locale` is not available in the list of supported locales.",
- call. = FALSE)
- }
+ sep_mark <- get_locale_sep_mark(locale, sep_mark, use_seps)
+ dec_mark <- get_locale_dec_mark(locale, dec_mark)
- # Provide an empty string for `sep_mark` if we choose
- # to not use digit group separators
- if (!use_seps) {
- sep_mark <- ""
- }
+ # Normalize the `suffixing` input to either return a character vector
+ # of suffix labels, or NULL (the case where `suffixing` is FALSE)
+ suffix_labels <- normalize_suffixing_inputs(suffixing, scale_by)
- # Normalize the `suffixing` input to either return a
- # character vector of suffix labels, or NULL (the
- # case where `suffixing` is FALSE)
- suffix_labels <- normalize_suffixing_inputs(suffixing)
+ # Create a function factory for the `fmt_number()` function
+ fmt_number_factory <- function(context = "html") {
- # If choosing to perform large-number suffixing
- # of numeric values, force `scale_by` to be 1.0
- if (!is.null(suffix_labels)) {
+ function(x) {
- if (!missing(scale_by) && !identical(scale_by, 1.0)) {
- warning("The value for `scale_by` can't be changed if `suffixing` is ",
- "anything other than `FALSE`. The value provided to `scale_by` ",
- "will be ignored.",
- call. = FALSE)
- }
+ # Define the marks by context
+ minus_mark <- context_minus_mark(context)
+ parens_marks <- context_parens_marks_number(context)
- scale_by <- 1.0
- }
+ # Determine which of `x` are not NA
+ non_na_x <- !is.na(x)
- # Capture expression in `rows` and `columns`
- rows <- rlang::enquo(rows)
- columns <- rlang::enquo(columns)
+ # Create a possibly shorter vector of non-NA `x` values
+ x_vals <- x[non_na_x]
- # Pass `data`, `columns`, `rows`, and the formatting
- # functions as a function list to `fmt()`
- fmt(data = data,
- columns = !!columns,
- rows = !!rows,
- fns = list(
- default = function(x) {
+ # Create a tibble with scaled values for `x[non_na_x]`
+ # and the suffix labels to use for character formatting
+ suffix_df <-
+ num_suffix(
+ round(x_vals, decimals),
+ suffixes = suffix_labels,
+ scale_by = scale_by
+ )
- # Determine which of `x` are not NA
- non_na_x <- !is.na(x)
+ # Scale the `x_vals` by the `scale_by` value
+ x_vals <- scale_x_values(x_vals, scale_by = suffix_df$scale_by)
- # Create a tibble with scaled values for
- # `x[non_na_x]` and the suffix labels to
- # use for character formatting
- suffix_df <-
- num_suffix(
- x = round(x[non_na_x], decimals),
- suffixes = suffix_labels
- )
+ # Format all non-NA x values
+ x_str_vals <-
+ format_num_to_str(
+ x_vals, decimals, sep_mark, dec_mark, drop_trailing_zeros
+ )
- # If choosing to perform large-number suffixing
- # of numeric values, replace `scale_by` with
- # a vector of scaling values (of equal length
- # with `x[non_na_x]`)
- if (!is.null(suffix_labels)) {
- scale_by <- suffix_df$scale_by[non_na_x]
- }
+ # Paste vector of suffixes to the right of the `x_str_vals`
+ x_str_vals <- paste_right(x_str_vals, suffix_df$suffix)
- # Create `x_str` with same length as `x`
- x_str <- rep(NA_character_, length(x))
+ # Perform negative value formatting
+ if (any(x_vals < 0)) {
- # Format all non-NA x values
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- formatC(
- x = x[non_na_x] * scale_by,
- digits = decimals,
- mode = "double",
- big.mark = sep_mark,
- decimal.mark = dec_mark,
- format = "f",
- drop0trailing = drop_trailing_zeros)
- # Apply large-number suffixes to scaled and
- # formatted values if that option is taken
- if (!is.null(suffix_labels)) {
- # Apply vector of suffixes
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- paste0(x_str[non_na_x], suffix_df$suffix[non_na_x])
- }
+ # Handle replacement of the minus mark
+ x_str_vals <-
+ x_str_vals %>%
+ tidy_gsub("-", minus_mark, fixed = TRUE)
- # Handle negative values
- if (negative_val == "parens") {
+ # Handle case where negative values are to be placed within parentheses
+ if (negative_val == "parens") {
- # Determine which of `x` are not NA and also negative
- negative_x <- x < 0 & !is.na(x)
+ # Selectively remove minus sign and paste between parentheses
+ x_str_vals[x_vals < 0] <-
+ paste_between(
+ x = gsub(paste0("^", minus_mark), "", x_str_vals[x_vals < 0]),
+ x_2 = parens_marks
+ )
+ }
+ }
- # Apply parentheses to the formatted value and remove
- # the minus sign
- x_str[negative_x] <- paste0("(", gsub("^-", "", x_str[negative_x]), ")")
- }
+ # If in a LaTeX context, remove any double negative
+ # signs in the exponent
+ if (context == "latex") {
+ x_str_vals <- to_latex_math_mode(x_str_vals)
+ }
- # Handle formatting of pattern
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- apply_pattern_fmt_x(
- pattern,
- values = x_str[non_na_x]
- )
+ # Handle formatting of pattern
+ x_str_vals <- apply_pattern_fmt_x(pattern, x_str_vals)
- x_str
- }
- ))
+ # Create `x_str` with the same length as `x`; place the
+ # `x_str_vals` into `str` (at the non-NA indices)
+ x_str <- rep(NA_character_, length(x))
+ x_str[non_na_x] <- x_str_vals
+ x_str
+ }
+ }
+ # Capture expression in `rows` and `columns`
+ rows <- rlang::enquo(rows)
+ columns <- rlang::enquo(columns)
+ # Pass `data`, `columns`, `rows`, and the formatting
+ # functions as a function list to `fmt()`
+ fmt(
+ data = data,
+ columns = !!columns,
+ rows = !!rows,
+ fns = list(
+ html = fmt_number_factory(context = "html"),
+ latex = fmt_number_factory(context = "latex"),
+ default = fmt_number_factory(context = "default")
+ )
+ )
#' Format values to scientific notation
@@ -316,93 +303,82 @@ fmt_scientific <- function(data,
locale = NULL) {
# Use locale-based marks if a locale ID is provided
- if (!is.null(locale) && locale %in% locales$base_locale_id) {
- sep_mark <- get_locale_sep_mark(locale = locale)
- dec_mark <- get_locale_dec_mark(locale = locale)
- } else if (!is.null(locale) && !(locale %in% locales$base_locale_id)) {
- stop("The supplied `locale` is not available in the list of supported locales.",
- call. = FALSE)
- }
+ sep_mark <- get_locale_sep_mark(locale, sep_mark, use_seps = TRUE)
+ dec_mark <- get_locale_dec_mark(locale, dec_mark)
- format_fcn_sci_notn_factory <- function(exp_start_str, exp_end_str) {
+ # Create a function factory for the `fmt_scientific()` function
+ fmt_scientific_factory <- function(context = "html") {
function(x) {
+ # Define the marks by context
+ minus_mark <- context_minus_mark(context)
+ exp_marks <- context_exp_marks(context)
# Determine which of `x` are not NA
non_na_x <- !is.na(x)
- # Determine which of `x` don't require scientific notation
- small_pos <-
- ((x >= 1 & x < 10) |
- (x <= -1 & x > -10) |
- x == 0) & !is.na(x)
+ # Create a possibly shorter vector of non-NA `x` values
+ x_vals <- x[non_na_x]
- # Create `x_str` with same length as `x`
- x_str <- rep(NA_character_, length(x))
+ # Scale the `x_vals` by the `scale_by` value
+ x_vals <- scale_x_values(x_vals, scale_by)
- # Format the number component as a character vector
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- formatC(
- x = x[non_na_x] * scale_by,
- digits = decimals,
- mode = "double",
- big.mark = sep_mark,
- decimal.mark = dec_mark,
- format = "e",
- drop0trailing = drop_trailing_zeros)
+ # Determine which of `x` don't require the (x 10^n)
+ # since their order would be zero
+ small_pos <- has_order_zero(x_vals)
+ # Format all non-NA x values
+ x_str_vals <-
+ format_num_to_str_e(
+ x_vals, decimals, sep_mark, dec_mark,
+ drop_trailing_zeros
+ )
# For any numbers that shouldn't have an exponent, remove
# that portion from the character version
if (any(small_pos)) {
- x_str[small_pos] <-
- split_scientific_notn(x_str[small_pos])$num
+ x_str_vals[small_pos] <-
+ split_scientific_notn(x_str_vals[small_pos])$num
# For any non-NA numbers that do have an exponent, format
# those according to the output context
if (any(!small_pos)) {
- sci_parts <- split_scientific_notn(x_str[non_na_x & !small_pos])
+ sci_parts <- split_scientific_notn(x_str_vals[!small_pos])
- x_str[non_na_x & !small_pos] <-
+ x_str_vals[!small_pos] <-
- sci_parts$num, exp_start_str,
- sci_parts$exp, exp_end_str
+ sci_parts$num, exp_marks[1],
+ sci_parts$exp, exp_marks[2]
+ # Handle replacement of the minus mark in number
+ # and exponent parts
+ x_str_vals <-
+ x_str_vals %>%
+ tidy_gsub("-", minus_mark, fixed = TRUE)
+ # If in a LaTeX context, put formatted numbers
+ # in math mode
+ if (context == "latex") {
+ x_str_vals <- to_latex_math_mode(x_str_vals)
+ }
# Handle formatting of pattern
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- apply_pattern_fmt_x(
- pattern,
- values = x_str[non_na_x]
- )
+ x_str_vals <- apply_pattern_fmt_x(pattern, x_str_vals)
+ # Create `x_str` with the same length as `x`; place the
+ # `x_str_vals` into `str` (at the non-NA indices)
+ x_str <- rep(NA_character_, length(x))
+ x_str[non_na_x] <- x_str_vals
- # Create the default formatting function for scientific notation
- format_fcn_sci_notn_default <-
- format_fcn_sci_notn_factory(
- exp_start_str = " x 10(",
- exp_end_str = ")"
- )
- # Create the HTML formatting function for scientific notation
- format_fcn_sci_notn_html <-
- format_fcn_sci_notn_factory(
- exp_start_str = " × 10",
- exp_end_str = ""
- )
- # Create the LaTeX formatting function for scientific notation
- format_fcn_sci_notn_latex <-
- format_fcn_sci_notn_factory(
- exp_start_str = "$ \\times 10^{",
- exp_end_str = "}$"
- )
# Capture expression in `rows` and `columns`
rows <- rlang::enquo(rows)
columns <- rlang::enquo(columns)
@@ -414,9 +390,10 @@ fmt_scientific <- function(data,
columns = !!columns,
rows = !!rows,
fns = list(
- html = format_fcn_sci_notn_html,
- default = format_fcn_sci_notn_default,
- latex = format_fcn_sci_notn_latex)
+ html = fmt_scientific_factory(context = "html"),
+ latex = fmt_scientific_factory(context = "latex"),
+ default = fmt_scientific_factory(context = "default")
+ )
@@ -492,143 +469,103 @@ fmt_percent <- function(data,
locale = NULL) {
# Use locale-based marks if a locale ID is provided
- if (!is.null(locale) && locale %in% locales$base_locale_id) {
- sep_mark <- get_locale_sep_mark(locale = locale)
- dec_mark <- get_locale_dec_mark(locale = locale)
- } else if (!is.null(locale) && !(locale %in% locales$base_locale_id)) {
- stop("The supplied `locale` is not available in the list of supported locales.",
- call. = FALSE)
- }
- # Provide an empty string for `sep_mark` if we choose
- # to not use digit group separators
- if (!use_seps) {
- sep_mark <- ""
- }
+ sep_mark <- get_locale_sep_mark(locale, sep_mark, use_seps)
+ dec_mark <- get_locale_dec_mark(locale, dec_mark)
- # Capture expression in `rows` and `columns`
- rows <- rlang::enquo(rows)
- columns <- rlang::enquo(columns)
+ # Create a function factory for the `fmt_percent()` function
+ fmt_percent_factory <- function(context = "html") {
- # Pass `data`, `columns`, `rows`, and the formatting
- # functions as a function list to `fmt()`
- fmt(data = data,
- columns = !!columns,
- rows = !!rows,
- fns = list(
- latex = function(x) {
- # Determine which of `x` are not NA
- non_na_x <- !is.na(x)
+ function(x) {
- # Create `x_str` with same length as `x`
- x_str <- rep(NA_character_, length(x))
+ # Define the marks by context
+ minus_mark <- context_minus_mark(context)
+ percent_mark <- context_percent_mark(context)
+ parens_marks <- context_parens_marks(context)
- # Format all non-NA x values
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- formatC(
- x = x[non_na_x] * 100.0,
- digits = decimals,
- mode = "double",
- big.mark = sep_mark,
- decimal.mark = dec_mark,
- format = "f",
- drop0trailing = drop_trailing_zeros)
- if (placement == "right") {
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- paste0(
- x_str[non_na_x],
- ifelse(incl_space, " \\%", "\\%")
- )
- } else {
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- paste0(
- ifelse(incl_space, "\\% ", "\\%"),
- x_str[non_na_x]
- )
- }
+ # Determine which of `x` are not NA
+ non_na_x <- !is.na(x)
- # Handle negative values
- if (negative_val == "parens") {
+ # Create a possibly shorter vector of non-NA `x` values
+ x_vals <- x[non_na_x]
- # Determine which of `x` are not NA and also negative
- negative_x <- x < 0 & !is.na(x)
+ # Scale the `x_vals` by the `scale_by` value
+ x_vals <- scale_x_values(x_vals, scale_by = 100)
- # Apply parentheses to the formatted value and remove
- # the minus sign
- x_str[negative_x] <- paste0("(", gsub("^-", "", x_str[negative_x]), ")")
- }
+ # Format all non-NA x values
+ x_str_vals <-
+ format_num_to_str(
+ x_vals, decimals, sep_mark, dec_mark, drop_trailing_zeros
+ )
- # Handle formatting of pattern
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- apply_pattern_fmt_x(
- pattern,
- values = x_str[non_na_x]
- )
+ # Handle placement of the percent symbol
+ x_str_vals <-
+ x_str_vals %>%
+ paste_on_side(
+ x_side = ifelse(incl_space, " ", ""),
+ direction = placement
+ ) %>%
+ paste_on_side(
+ x_side = percent_mark,
+ direction = placement
+ ) %>%
+ swap_adjacent_text_groups(
+ pattern_1 = percent_mark,
+ pattern_2 = "-"
+ )
- x_str
- },
- default = function(x) {
+ # Perform negative value formatting
+ if (any(x_vals < 0)) {
- # Determine which of `x` are not NA
- non_na_x <- !is.na(x)
+ # Handle replacement of the minus mark
+ x_str_vals <-
+ x_str_vals %>%
+ tidy_gsub("-", minus_mark, fixed = TRUE)
- # Create `x_str` with same length as `x`
- x_str <- rep(NA_character_, length(x))
+ # Handle case where negative values are to be placed within parentheses
+ if (negative_val == "parens") {
- # Format all non-NA x values
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- formatC(
- x = x[non_na_x] * 100.0,
- digits = decimals,
- mode = "double",
- big.mark = sep_mark,
- decimal.mark = dec_mark,
- format = "f",
- drop0trailing = drop_trailing_zeros)
- if (placement == "right") {
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- paste0(
- x_str[non_na_x],
- ifelse(incl_space, " %", "%")
- )
- } else {
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- paste0(
- ifelse(incl_space, "% ", "%"),
- x_str[non_na_x]
- )
- }
+ # Selectively remove minus sign and paste between parentheses
+ x_str_vals[x_vals < 0] <-
+ paste_between(
+ x = gsub(paste0("^", minus_mark), "", x_str_vals[x_vals < 0]),
+ x_2 = parens_marks
+ )
+ }
+ }
- # Handle negative values
- if (negative_val == "parens") {
+ # If in a LaTeX context, remove any double negative
+ # signs in the exponent
+ if (context == "latex") {
+ x_str_vals <- to_latex_math_mode(x_str_vals)
+ }
- # Determine which of `x` are not NA and also negative
- negative_x <- x < 0 & !is.na(x)
+ # Handle formatting of pattern
+ x_str_vals <- apply_pattern_fmt_x(pattern, x_str_vals)
- # Apply parentheses to the formatted value and remove
- # the minus sign
- x_str[negative_x] <- paste0("(", gsub("^-", "", x_str[negative_x]), ")")
- }
+ # Create `x_str` with the same length as `x`; place the
+ # `x_str_vals` into `str` (at the non-NA indices)
+ x_str <- rep(NA_character_, length(x))
+ x_str[non_na_x] <- x_str_vals
+ x_str
+ }
+ }
- # Handle formatting of pattern
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- apply_pattern_fmt_x(
- pattern,
- values = x_str[non_na_x]
- )
+ # Capture expression in `rows` and `columns`
+ rows <- rlang::enquo(rows)
+ columns <- rlang::enquo(columns)
- x_str
- }
- ))
+ # Pass `data`, `columns`, `rows`, and the formatting
+ # functions as a function list to `fmt()`
+ fmt(
+ data = data,
+ columns = !!columns,
+ rows = !!rows,
+ fns = list(
+ html = fmt_percent_factory(context = "html"),
+ latex = fmt_percent_factory(context = "latex"),
+ default = fmt_percent_factory(context = "default")
+ )
+ )
#' Format values as currencies
@@ -742,325 +679,118 @@ fmt_currency <- function(data,
locale = NULL) {
# Use locale-based marks if a locale ID is provided
- if (!is.null(locale) && locale %in% locales$base_locale_id) {
- sep_mark <- get_locale_sep_mark(locale = locale)
- dec_mark <- get_locale_dec_mark(locale = locale)
- } else if (!is.null(locale) && !(locale %in% locales$base_locale_id)) {
- stop("The supplied `locale` is not available in the list of supported locales.",
- call. = FALSE)
- }
+ sep_mark <- get_locale_sep_mark(locale, sep_mark, use_seps)
+ dec_mark <- get_locale_dec_mark(locale, dec_mark)
# Stop function if `currency` does not have a valid value
- if (!is_currency_valid(currency)) {
- stop("The supplied `currency` is not available in the list of supported currencies.",
- call. = FALSE)
- }
- # Get the currency string for the HTML context
- currency_str_html <- get_currency_str(currency)
- # Get the currency string for the non-HTML context
- currency_str <- get_currency_str(currency, fallback_to_code = TRUE)
+ validate_currency(currency)
# Get the number of decimal places
- if (is.null(decimals) & use_subunits) {
- # Get decimal places using `get_currency_exponent()` fcn
- if (currency %in% currency_symbols$curr_symbol) {
- decimals <- 2
- } else {
- decimals <- get_currency_exponent(currency = currency)
- }
- } else if (is.null(decimals) & use_subunits == FALSE) {
- decimals <- 0
- }
- # Provide an empty string for `sep_mark` if we choose
- # to not use digit group separators
- if (!use_seps) {
- sep_mark <- ""
- }
- # Normalize the `suffixing` input to either return a
- # character vector of suffix labels, or NULL (the
- # case where `suffixing` is FALSE)
- suffix_labels <- normalize_suffixing_inputs(suffixing)
- # If choosing to perform large-number suffixing
- # of numeric values, force `scale_by` to be 1.0
- if (!is.null(suffix_labels)) {
- if (!missing(scale_by) && !identical(scale_by, 1.0)) {
- warning("The value for `scale_by` can't be changed if `suffixing` is ",
- "anything other than `FALSE`. The value provided to `scale_by` ",
- "will be ignored.",
- call. = FALSE)
- }
- scale_by <- 1.0
- }
- # Capture expression in `rows` and `columns`
- rows <- rlang::enquo(rows)
- columns <- rlang::enquo(columns)
- # Pass `data`, `columns`, `rows`, and the formatting
- # functions as a function list to `fmt()`
- fmt(data = data,
- columns = !!columns,
- rows = !!rows,
- fns = list(
- default = function(x) {
- # Determine which of `x` are not NA
- non_na_x <- !is.na(x)
- # Determine which of `x` are not NA and also negative
- negative_x <- x < 0 & !is.na(x)
- # Create `x_str` with same length as `x`
- x_str <- rep(NA_character_, length(x))
- # Create a tibble with scaled values for
- # `x[non_na_x]` and the suffix labels to
- # use for character formatting
- suffix_df <-
- num_suffix(
- x = round(x[non_na_x], decimals),
- suffixes = suffix_labels
- )
- # If choosing to perform large-number suffixing
- # of numeric values, replace `scale_by` with
- # a vector of scaling values (of equal length
- # with `x[non_na_x]`)
- if (!is.null(suffix_labels)) {
- scale_by <- suffix_df$scale_by[non_na_x]
- }
- # Format all non-NA x values
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- formatC(
- x = x[non_na_x] * scale_by,
- digits = decimals,
- mode = "double",
- big.mark = sep_mark,
- decimal.mark = dec_mark,
- format = "f",
- drop0trailing = FALSE)
- # Apply large-number suffixes to scaled and
- # formatted values if that option is taken
- if (!is.null(suffix_labels)) {
- # Apply vector of suffixes
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- paste0(x_str[non_na_x], suffix_df$suffix[non_na_x])
- }
- # Handle placement of the currency symbol
- if (placement == "left") {
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- paste0(
- currency_str,
- ifelse(incl_space, " ", ""), x_str[non_na_x]
- )
- } else {
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- paste0(
- x_str[non_na_x],
- ifelse(incl_space, " ", ""), currency_str
- )
- }
- # Handle negative values
- if (negative_val == "parens") {
- # Apply parentheses to the formatted value and remove
- # the minus sign
- x_str[negative_x] <- paste0("(", gsub("-", "", x_str[negative_x]), ")")
- }
- # Handle formatting of pattern
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- apply_pattern_fmt_x(
- pattern,
- values = x_str[non_na_x]
- )
+ decimals <- get_currency_decimals(currency, decimals, use_subunits)
- x_str
- },
- html = function(x) {
- # Determine which of `x` are not NA
- non_na_x <- !is.na(x)
- # Determine which of `x` are not NA and also negative
- negative_x <- x < 0 & !is.na(x)
- # Create `x_str` with same length as `x`
- x_str <- rep(NA_character_, length(x))
+ # Normalize the `suffixing` input to either return a character vector
+ # of suffix labels, or NULL (the case where `suffixing` is FALSE)
+ suffix_labels <- normalize_suffixing_inputs(suffixing, scale_by)
- # Create a tibble with scaled values for
- # `x[non_na_x]` and the suffix labels to
- # use for character formatting
- suffix_df <-
- num_suffix(
- x = round(x[non_na_x], decimals),
- suffixes = suffix_labels
- )
- # If choosing to perform large-number suffixing
- # of numeric values, replace `scale_by` with
- # a vector of scaling values (of equal length
- # with `x[non_na_x]`)
- if (!is.null(suffix_labels)) {
- scale_by <- suffix_df$scale_by[non_na_x]
- }
+ # Create a function factory for the `fmt_currency()` function
+ fmt_currency_factory <- function(context = "html") {
- # Format all non-NA x values
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- formatC(
- x = x[non_na_x] * scale_by,
- digits = decimals,
- mode = "double",
- big.mark = sep_mark,
- decimal.mark = dec_mark,
- format = "f",
- drop0trailing = FALSE)
- # Apply large-number suffixes to scaled and
- # formatted values if that option is taken
- if (!is.null(suffix_labels)) {
- # Apply vector of suffixes
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- paste0(x_str[non_na_x], suffix_df$suffix[non_na_x])
- }
+ function(x) {
- # Handle placement of the currency symbol
- if (placement == "left") {
+ # Define the marks by context
+ negative_currency_mark <- context_negative_currency_mark(context)
+ currency_str <- context_currency_str(context, currency)
+ currency_str_regex <- context_currency_str_regex(context)
+ parens_marks <- context_parens_marks(context)
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- paste0(
- currency_str_html,
- ifelse(incl_space, " ", ""), x_str[non_na_x]
- )
+ # Determine which of `x` are not NA
+ non_na_x <- !is.na(x)
- } else {
+ # Create a possibly shorter vector of non-NA `x` values
+ x_vals <- x[non_na_x]
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- paste0(
- x_str[non_na_x],
- ifelse(incl_space, " ", ""), currency_str_html
- )
- }
+ # Create a tibble with scaled values for `x[non_na_x]`
+ # and the suffix labels to use for character formatting
+ suffix_df <-
+ num_suffix(
+ round(x_vals, decimals),
+ suffixes = suffix_labels,
+ scale_by = scale_by
+ )
- # Handle negative values
- if (negative_val == "parens") {
+ # Scale the `x_vals` by the `scale_by` value
+ x_vals <- scale_x_values(x_vals, scale_by = suffix_df$scale_by)
- # Apply parentheses to the formatted value and remove
- # the minus sign
- x_str[negative_x] <- paste0("(", gsub("-", "", x_str[negative_x]), ")")
- }
+ # Format all non-NA x values
+ x_str_vals <- format_num_to_str_c(x_vals, decimals, sep_mark, dec_mark)
- # Handle formatting of pattern
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- apply_pattern_fmt_x(
- pattern,
- values = x_str[non_na_x]
- )
+ # Paste vector of suffixes to the right of the `x_str_vals`
+ x_str_vals <- paste_right(x_str_vals, suffix_df$suffix)
- x_str
- },
- latex = function(x) {
+ # Handle placement of the currency symbol
+ x_str_vals <-
+ x_str_vals %>%
+ paste_currency_str(currency_str, incl_space, placement)
- # Determine which of `x` are not NA
- non_na_x <- !is.na(x)
+ # Perform negative value formatting
+ if (any(x_vals < 0)) {
- # Determine which of `x` are not NA and also negative
- negative_x <- x < 0 & !is.na(x)
+ # Handle replacement of the minus mark
+ x_str_vals <-
+ x_str_vals %>%
+ tidy_gsub("-", negative_currency_mark, fixed = TRUE)
- # Create `x_str` with same length as `x`
- x_str <- rep(NA_character_, length(x))
+ # Handle case where negative values are to be placed within parentheses
+ if (negative_val == "parens") {
- # Create a tibble with scaled values for
- # `x[non_na_x]` and the suffix labels to
- # use for character formatting
- suffix_df <-
- num_suffix(
- x = round(x[non_na_x], decimals),
- suffixes = suffix_labels
+ # Selectively remove minus sign and paste between parentheses
+ x_str_vals[x_vals < 0] <-
+ paste_between(
+ x = x_str_vals[x_vals < 0] %>%
+ tidy_gsub(
+ negative_currency_mark, "",
+ fixed = TRUE
+ ),
+ x_2 = parens_marks
+ }
+ }
- # If choosing to perform large-number suffixing
- # of numeric values, replace `scale_by` with
- # a vector of scaling values (of equal length
- # with `x[non_na_x]`)
- if (!is.null(suffix_labels)) {
- scale_by <- suffix_df$scale_by[non_na_x]
- }
- # Format all non-NA x values
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- formatC(
- x = x[non_na_x] * scale_by,
- digits = decimals,
- mode = "double",
- big.mark = sep_mark,
- decimal.mark = dec_mark,
- format = "f",
- drop0trailing = FALSE)
- # Apply large-number suffixes to scaled and
- # formatted values if that option is taken
- if (!is.null(suffix_labels)) {
- # Apply vector of suffixes
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- paste0(x_str[non_na_x], suffix_df$suffix[non_na_x])
- }
- # Handle placement of the currency symbol
- if (placement == "left") {
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- paste0(
- markdown_to_latex(currency_str),
- ifelse(incl_space, " ", ""), x_str[non_na_x]
- )
- } else {
+ # If in a LaTeX context, wrap values in math mode
+ if (context == "latex") {
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- paste0(
- x_str[non_na_x], ifelse(incl_space, " ", ""),
- markdown_to_latex(currency_str)
- )
- }
+ x_str_vals <-
+ x_str_vals %>%
+ to_latex_math_mode()
+ }
- # Handle negative values
- if (negative_val == "parens") {
+ # Handle formatting of pattern
+ x_str_vals <- apply_pattern_fmt_x(pattern, x_str_vals)
- # Apply parentheses to the formatted value and remove
- # the minus sign
- x_str[negative_x] <- paste0("(", gsub("-", "", x_str[negative_x]), ")")
- }
+ # Create `x_str` with the same length as `x`; place the
+ # `x_str_vals` into `str` (at the non-NA indices)
+ x_str <- rep(NA_character_, length(x))
+ x_str[non_na_x] <- x_str_vals
+ x_str
+ }
+ }
- # Handle formatting of pattern
- x_str[non_na_x] <-
- apply_pattern_fmt_x(
- pattern,
- values = x_str[non_na_x]
- )
+ # Capture expression in `rows` and `columns`
+ rows <- rlang::enquo(rows)
+ columns <- rlang::enquo(columns)
- x_str
- }
- ))
+ # Pass `data`, `columns`, `rows`, and the formatting
+ # functions as a function list to `fmt()`
+ fmt(
+ data = data,
+ columns = !!columns,
+ rows = !!rows,
+ fns = list(
+ html = fmt_currency_factory(context = "html"),
+ latex = fmt_currency_factory(context = "latex"),
+ default = fmt_currency_factory(context = "default")
+ )
+ )
#' Format values as dates
diff --git a/R/tab_style.R b/R/tab_style.R
index 8105147a8e..fba6e83efd 100644
--- a/R/tab_style.R
+++ b/R/tab_style.R
@@ -80,7 +80,6 @@
#' date <= "2015-12-15"
#' ) %>%
#' dplyr::select(-c(adj_close, volume)) %>%
-#' dplyr::mutate(date = as.character(date)) %>%
#' gt() %>%
#' tab_style(
#' style = cells_styles(
diff --git a/R/utils.R b/R/utils.R
index b858bca870..5ac18e838e 100644
--- a/R/utils.R
+++ b/R/utils.R
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-# Create a tibble containing date formats
+#' Create a tibble containing date formats
#' @importFrom dplyr tribble
#' @noRd
date_formats <- function() {
@@ -21,7 +22,8 @@ date_formats <- function() {
"14", "y.mn.day", "%y/%m/%d")
-# Create a tibble containing time formats
+#' Create a tibble containing time formats
#' @importFrom dplyr tribble
#' @noRd
time_formats <- function() {
@@ -35,7 +37,8 @@ time_formats <- function() {
"5", "h_p", "%I %P")
-# Transform `date_style` to `date_format`
+#' Transform a `date_style` to a `date_format`
#' @importFrom dplyr filter pull
#' @noRd
get_date_format <- function(date_style) {
@@ -59,7 +62,8 @@ get_date_format <- function(date_style) {
-# Transform `time_style` to `time_format`
+#' Transform a `time_style` to a `time_format`
#' @importFrom dplyr filter pull
#' @noRd
get_time_format <- function(time_style) {
@@ -83,18 +87,8 @@ get_time_format <- function(time_style) {
-# Determine if a provided `currency` type is valid
-#' @noRd
-is_currency_valid <- function(currency) {
- ifelse(
- as.character(currency) %in% currency_symbols$curr_symbol |
- as.character(currency) %in% currencies$curr_code |
- as.character(currency) %in% currencies$curr_number,
-# Transform `currency` to currency string
+#' Transform a `currency` code to a currency string
#' @importFrom dplyr filter pull
#' @noRd
get_currency_str <- function(currency,
@@ -149,7 +143,8 @@ get_currency_str <- function(currency,
-# Transform `currency` to a currency exponent
+#' Get a currency exponent from a currency code
#' @importFrom dplyr filter pull
#' @noRd
get_currency_exponent <- function(currency) {
@@ -179,39 +174,13 @@ get_currency_exponent <- function(currency) {
-# Get the `sep_mark` value from a locale
-#' @importFrom dplyr filter pull
-#' @noRd
-get_locale_sep_mark <- function(locale) {
- sep_mark <-
- locales %>%
- dplyr::filter(base_locale_id == locale) %>%
- dplyr::pull(group_sep)
- sep_mark <- ifelse(sep_mark == "", " ", sep_mark)
- sep_mark
-# Get the `dec_mark` value from a locale
-#' @importFrom dplyr filter pull
-#' @noRd
-get_locale_dec_mark <- function(locale) {
- dec_mark <-
- locales %>%
- dplyr::filter(base_locale_id == locale) %>%
- dplyr::pull(dec_sep)
- dec_mark
-# This function processes input text based on the class; if incoming text has
-# the class `from_markdown` (applied by the `md()` helper function), then the
-# text will be sanitized and transformed to HTML from Markdown. If the incoming
-# text has the class `html` (applied by `html()` helper function), then
-# the text will be seen as HTML and it won't undergo sanitization
+#' Process text based on rendering context any applied classes
+#' If the incoming text has the class `from_markdown` (applied by the `md()`
+#' helper function), then the text will be sanitized and transformed to HTML
+#' from Markdown. If the incoming text has the class `html` (applied by `html()`
+#' helper function), then the text will be seen as HTML and it won't undergo
+#' sanitization
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all
#' @importFrom htmltools htmlEscape
#' @importFrom commonmark markdown_html
@@ -305,8 +274,11 @@ process_text <- function(text,
-# Find common HTML entities resulting from HTML escaping and
-# restore them back to ascii characters
+#' Reverse HTML escaping
+#' Find common HTML entities resulting from HTML escaping and restore them back
+#' to ASCII characters
+#' @noRd
unescape_html <- function(text) {
text %>%
@@ -315,7 +287,8 @@ unescape_html <- function(text) {
tidy_gsub("&", "&")
-#' Transform Markdown text to HTML; also performs HTML escaping
+#' Transform Markdown text to HTML and also perform HTML escaping
#' @importFrom commonmark markdown_html
#' @noRd
md_to_html <- function(x) {
@@ -331,8 +304,11 @@ md_to_html <- function(x) {
-# Transform Markdown text to LaTeX; also escapes ASCII
-# characters with special meaning in LaTeX
+#' Transform Markdown text to LaTeX
+#' In addition to the Markdown-to-LaTeX text transformation,
+#' `markdown_to_latex()` also escapes ASCII characters with special meaning in
+#' LaTeX.
#' @importFrom commonmark markdown_latex
#' @noRd
markdown_to_latex <- function(text) {
@@ -360,7 +336,8 @@ markdown_to_latex <- function(text) {
-# Transform Markdown text to plain text
+#' Transform Markdown text to plain text
#' @importFrom commonmark markdown_text
#' @noRd
markdown_to_text <- function(text) {
@@ -411,9 +388,13 @@ apply_pattern_fmt_x <- function(pattern,
+#' Get a vector of indices for large-number suffixing
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @noRd
-non_na_index <- function(values, index, default_value = NA) {
+non_na_index <- function(values,
+ index,
+ default_value = NA) {
if (is.logical(index)) {
index <- is.integer(index)
@@ -467,16 +448,17 @@ non_na_index <- function(values, index, default_value = NA) {
-# This function operates on a vector of numerical
-# values and returns a tibble where each row
-# represents a scaled values for `x` and the
-# correct suffix to use during x's character-based
-# formatting
+#' Get a tibble of scaling values and suffixes
+#' The `num_suffix()` function operates on a vector of numerical values and
+#' returns a tibble where each row represents a scaled value for `x` and the
+#' correct suffix to use during `x`'s character-based formatting
#' @importFrom dplyr tibble
#' @noRd
num_suffix <- function(x,
suffixes = c("K", "M", "B", "T"),
- base = 1000) {
+ base = 1000,
+ scale_by) {
# If `suffixes` is a zero-length vector, we
# provide a tibble that will ultimately not
@@ -485,7 +467,7 @@ num_suffix <- function(x,
- scale_by = rep_len(1, length(x)),
+ scale_by = rep_len(scale_by, length(x)),
suffix = rep_len("", length(x))
@@ -542,19 +524,28 @@ num_suffix <- function(x,
-# Create an `isFALSE`-based helper function that
-# works with earlier versions of R (the `isFALSE()`
-# function was introduced in R 3.5.0)
+#' An `isFALSE`-based helper function
+#' The `is_false()` function is similar to the `isFALSE()` function that was
+#' introduced in R 3.5.0 except that this implementation works with earlier
+#' versions of R.
+#' @param x The single value to test for whether it is `FALSE`.
+#' @noRd
is_false = function(x) {
is.logical(x) && length(x) == 1L && !is.na(x) && !x
-# This function normalizes the `suffixing` input to a
-# character vector which is later appended to scaled
-# numerical values; the input can either be a single
-# logical value or a character vector
-normalize_suffixing_inputs <- function(suffixing) {
+#' Normalize all suffixing input values
+#' This function normalizes the `suffixing` input to a character vector which is
+#' later appended to scaled numerical values; the input can either be a single
+#' logical value or a character vector
+#' @param suffixing,scale_by The `suffixing` and `scale_by` options in some
+#' `fmt_*()` functions.
+#' @noRd
+normalize_suffixing_inputs <- function(suffixing,
+ scale_by) {
if (is_false(suffixing)) {
@@ -565,16 +556,21 @@ normalize_suffixing_inputs <- function(suffixing) {
} else if (isTRUE(suffixing)) {
+ # Issue a warning if `scale_by` is not 1.0 (the default)
+ warn_on_scale_by_input(scale_by)
# If `suffixing` is TRUE, return the default
# set of suffixes
return(c("K", "M", "B", "T"))
} else if (is.character(suffixing)) {
+ # Issue a warning if `scale_by` is not 1.0 (the default)
+ warn_on_scale_by_input(scale_by)
# In the case that a character vector is provided
# to `suffixing`, we first want to check if there
# are any names provided
# TODO: found that the conditional below seems
# better than other solutions to determine whether
# the vector is even partially named
@@ -599,7 +595,22 @@ normalize_suffixing_inputs <- function(suffixing) {
-# Derive a label based on a formula or a function name
+#' If performing large-number suffixing, warn on `scale_by` != 1
+#' @param scale_by The `scale_by` option in some `fmt_*()` functions.
+#' @noRd
+warn_on_scale_by_input <- function(scale_by) {
+ if (scale_by != 1) {
+ warning("The value for `scale_by` cannot be changed if `suffixing` is ",
+ "anything other than `FALSE`. The value provided to `scale_by` ",
+ "will be ignored.",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+#' Derive a label based on a formula or a function name
#' @import rlang
#' @noRd
derive_summary_label <- function(fn) {
@@ -615,21 +626,25 @@ derive_summary_label <- function(fn) {
#nocov start
-# This function is a conveient wrapper for `system.file()` where the `package`
-# refers to this package
+#' A `system.file()` replacement specific to this package
+#' This is a conveient wrapper for `system.file()` where the `package` refers to
+#' this package.
+#' @noRd
system_file <- function(file) {
system.file(file, package = "gt")
#nocov end
-# This function removes entire HTML tags from input text
+#' Remove all HTML tags from input text
+#' @noRd
remove_html <- function(text) {
gsub("<.+?>", "", text)
-# This function transforms a CSS stylesheet to a tibble representation
+#' Transform a CSS stylesheet to a tibble representation
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows tibble filter mutate case_when select pull
#' @importFrom stringr str_remove str_extract str_trim str_detect
#' @noRd
@@ -686,7 +701,8 @@ get_css_tbl <- function(data) {
-# Create an inlined style block from a CSS tibble
+#' Create an inlined style block from a CSS tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr filter select distinct mutate pull
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @noRd
@@ -712,7 +728,8 @@ create_inline_styles <- function(class_names,
-# Transform HTML to inlined HTML using a CSS tibble
+#' Transform HTML to inlined HTML using a CSS tibble
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract str_replace str_match
#' @noRd
inline_html_styles <- function(html, css_tbl) {
@@ -779,6 +796,11 @@ inline_html_styles <- function(html, css_tbl) {
+#' Split any strings that are values in scientific notation
+#' @param x_str The input character vector of values formatted in scientific
+#' notation.
+#' @noRd
split_scientific_notn <- function(x_str) {
exp_parts <- strsplit(x_str, "e|E")
@@ -788,14 +810,25 @@ split_scientific_notn <- function(x_str) {
list(num = num_part, exp = exp_part)
-# This function is wrapper for `gsub()` that uses default argument values and
-# rearranges first three arguments for better pipelining
+#' Wrapper for `gsub()` where `x` is the first argument
+#' This function is wrapper for `gsub()` that uses default argument values and
+#' rearranges first three arguments for better pipelining
+#' @param x,pattern,replacement,fixed Select arguments from the `gsub()`
+#' function.
+#' @noRd
tidy_gsub <- function(x, pattern, replacement, fixed = FALSE) {
gsub(pattern, replacement, x, fixed = fixed)
-# Options setter for the `opts_df` data frame
+#' An options setter for the `opts_df` data frame
+#' @param opts_df The `opts_df` data frame.
+#' @param option The option name; a unique value in the `parameter` column of
+#' `opts_df`.
+#' @param value The value to set for the given `option`.
+#' @noRd
opts_df_set <- function(opts_df, option, value) {
opts_df[which(opts_df$parameter == option), "value"] <- value
@@ -803,13 +836,21 @@ opts_df_set <- function(opts_df, option, value) {
-# Options getter for the `opts_df` data frame
+#' An options getter for the `opts_df` data frame
+#' @inheritParams opts_df_set
+#' @noRd
opts_df_get <- function(opts_df, option) {
opts_df[which(opts_df$parameter == option), "value"]
-# Upgrade `cells_*()` to a list() if a single instance provided
+#' Upgrader function for `cells_*` objects
+#' Upgrade a `cells_*` object to a `list()` if only a single instance is
+#' provided.
+#' @param locations Any `cells_*` object.
+#' @noRd
as_locations <- function(locations) {
if (!inherits(locations, "location_cells")) {
@@ -827,6 +868,9 @@ as_locations <- function(locations) {
+#' Create a vector of glyphs to use for footnotes
+#' @noRd
footnote_glyphs <- function(x,
glyphs) {
@@ -852,9 +896,14 @@ footnote_glyphs <- function(x,
glyphs_val, glyphs_rep,
FUN = function(val_i, rep_i) {
paste(rep(val_i, rep_i), collapse = "")}
- ) %>% unname()
+ ) %>%
+ unname()
+#' Determine whether an object is a `gt_tbl`
+#' @param data A table object that is created using the \code{\link{gt}()}
+#' function.
#' @importFrom checkmate test_class
#' @noRd
is_gt <- function(data) {
@@ -862,6 +911,11 @@ is_gt <- function(data) {
checkmate::test_class(data, "gt_tbl")
+#' Stop any function if object is not a `gt_tbl` object
+#' @param data A table object that is created using the \code{\link{gt}()}
+#' function.
+#' @noRd
stop_if_not_gt <- function(data) {
if (!is_gt(data)) {
diff --git a/R/utils_formatters.R b/R/utils_formatters.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99c548b363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/utils_formatters.R
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+#' Filter an internal table to a single row with filtering expressions
+#' @param table The table to filter down to one row.
+#' @param column The column from which the single value should be obtained.
+#' @param ... The arguments passed to `dplyr::filter()`
+#' @import rlang
+#' @importFrom dplyr filter
+#' @noRd
+filter_table_to_value <- function(table, column, ...) {
+ filter_args_enquos <- rlang::enquos(...)
+ column_enquo <- rlang::enquo(column)
+ filtered_tbl <- dplyr::filter(table, !!!filter_args_enquos)
+ if (nrow(filtered_tbl) != 1) {
+ stop("Internal error in `gt:::filter_table_to_row()`:\n",
+ " * The filtered table doesn't result in a table of exactly one row. ",
+ "Found ", nrow(filtered_tbl), " rows.",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ filtered_tbl %>%
+ dplyr::pull(!!column_enquo)
+#' Validate the user-supplied `locale` value
+#' @param locale The user-supplied `locale` value, found in several `fmt_*()`
+#' functions. This is expected as `NULL` if not supplied by the user.
+#' @noRd
+validate_locale <- function(locale) {
+ # Stop function if the `locale` provided
+ # isn't a valid one
+ if (!(locale %in% locales$base_locale_id)) {
+ stop("The supplied `locale` is not available in the list of supported locales.\n",
+ " * Use the `info_locales()` function to see which locales can be used.",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+#' Validate the user-supplied `currency` value
+#' @param currency The user-supplied `currency` value, found in the
+#' `fmt_currency()` function.
+#' @noRd
+validate_currency <- function(currency) {
+ # Stop function if the `currency` provided
+ # isn't a valid one
+ if (!(
+ as.character(currency) %in% currency_symbols$curr_symbol |
+ as.character(currency) %in% currencies$curr_code |
+ as.character(currency) %in% currencies$curr_number)) {
+ stop("The supplied `currency` is not available in the list of supported currencies.\n",
+ " * Use the `info_currencies()` function to see which currencies can be used.\n",
+ " * See `?fmt_currency` to understand which input types are valid.",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+#' Get the `sep_mark` value based on a locale
+#' @param locale The user-supplied `locale` value, found in several `fmt_*()`
+#' functions. This is expected as `NULL` if not supplied by the user.
+#' @param default The default value for the `sep_mark`.
+#' @param use_seps A logical value for whether to use separators at all.
+#' @importFrom dplyr filter pull
+#' @noRd
+get_locale_sep_mark <- function(locale = NULL,
+ default,
+ use_seps) {
+ # If `use_seps` is FALSE, then force
+ # `sep_mark` to be an empty string
+ if (!use_seps) {
+ return("")
+ }
+ # If `locale` is NULL then return the
+ # default `sep_mark`
+ if (is.null(locale)) {
+ return(default)
+ }
+ # Stop function if the `locale` provided
+ # isn't a valid one
+ validate_locale(locale)
+ # Get the correct `group_sep` value from the
+ # `gt:::locales` lookup table
+ sep_mark <-
+ filter_table_to_value(locales, group_sep, base_locale_id == locale)
+ # TODO: Modify `locales` table to replace `""` with
+ # `" "` in `group_sep` column; once that is done, the
+ # below statement can be safely removed
+ if (sep_mark == "") sep_mark <- " "
+ sep_mark
+#' Get the `dec_mark` value based on a locale
+#' @param locale The user-supplied `locale` value, found in several `fmt_*()`
+#' functions. This is expected as `NULL` if not supplied by the user.
+#' @param default The default value for the `dec_mark`.
+#' @importFrom dplyr filter pull
+#' @noRd
+get_locale_dec_mark <- function(locale = NULL,
+ default) {
+ # If `locale` is NULL then return the
+ # default `dec_mark`
+ if (is.null(locale)) {
+ return(default)
+ }
+ # Stop function if the `locale` provided
+ # isn't a valid one
+ validate_locale(locale)
+ # Get the correct `dec_sep` value from the
+ # `gt:::locales` lookup table
+ filter_table_to_value(locales, dec_sep, base_locale_id == locale)
+#' Determine which numbers in scientific notation would be zero order
+#' @param x A vector of numeric values, including `NA` values
+#' @noRd
+has_order_zero <- function(x) {
+ (
+ (x >= 1 & x < 10) | (x <= -1 & x > -10) | x == 0
+ ) & !is.na(x)
+#' @noRd
+get_currency_decimals <- function(currency,
+ decimals,
+ use_subunits) {
+ # Get the number of decimal places
+ if (is.null(decimals) && use_subunits) {
+ # Get decimal places using `get_currency_exponent()` fcn
+ if (currency %in% currency_symbols$curr_symbol) {
+ return(2)
+ } else {
+ return(get_currency_exponent(currency))
+ }
+ } else if (is.null(decimals) && !use_subunits) {
+ return(0)
+ } else {
+ return(decimals)
+ }
+#' Apply a scaling factor to a vector of numeric values
+#' @param x A vector of numeric values.
+#' @param scale_by A numeric scalar.
+#' @noRd
+scale_x_values <- function(x,
+ scale_by) {
+ checkmate::assert_numeric(
+ scale_by,
+ finite = TRUE,
+ any.missing = FALSE)
+ len <- length(scale_by)
+ # Stop function if the length of `scale_by`
+ # is not 1 of the length of `x`
+ if (!any(len == 1, len == length(x))) {
+ stop("The length of the `scale_by` vector must be 1 or the length of `x`.",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ x * scale_by
+#' A `formatC()` call for `fmt_number()` and `fmt_percent()`
+#' @param x A vector of numeric values.
+#' @param decimals The number of decimal places (`digits`).
+#' @param sep_mark The separator for number groups (`big.mark`).
+#' @param dec_mark The decimal separator mark (`decimal.mark`).
+#' @param format The numeric format for `formatC()`.
+#' @param drop_trailing_zeros Option to exclude trailing decimal zeros.
+#' @noRd
+format_num_to_str <- function(x,
+ decimals,
+ sep_mark,
+ dec_mark,
+ drop_trailing_zeros,
+ format = "f") {
+ formatC(
+ x = x,
+ digits = decimals,
+ mode = "double",
+ big.mark = sep_mark,
+ decimal.mark = dec_mark,
+ format = format,
+ drop0trailing = drop_trailing_zeros
+ )
+#' A `formatC()` call for `fmt_scientific()`
+#' @inheritParams format_num_to_str
+#' @noRd
+format_num_to_str_e <- function(x,
+ decimals,
+ sep_mark,
+ dec_mark,
+ drop_trailing_zeros) {
+ format_num_to_str(
+ x,
+ decimals,
+ sep_mark,
+ dec_mark,
+ format = "e",
+ drop_trailing_zeros)
+#' A `formatC()` call for `fmt_currency()`
+#' @inheritParams format_num_to_str
+#' @noRd
+format_num_to_str_c <- function(x,
+ decimals,
+ sep_mark,
+ dec_mark) {
+ format_num_to_str(
+ x,
+ decimals,
+ sep_mark,
+ dec_mark,
+ format = "f",
+ drop_trailing_zeros = FALSE)
+#' Surround formatted values with `$`s for LaTeX
+#' @noRd
+to_latex_math_mode <- function (x) {
+ x %>%
+ paste_between(x_2 = c("$", "$"))
+context_minus_mark <- function(context) {
+ switch(context,
+ html = "−",
+ "-")
+context_negative_currency_mark <- function(context) {
+ switch(context,
+ html = "−",
+ "-")
+context_parens_marks <- function(context) {
+ switch(context,
+ html = c("(", ")"),
+ latex = c("\\left(", "\\right)"),
+ c("(", ")"))
+context_parens_marks_number <- function(context) {
+ switch(context,
+ html = c("(", ")"),
+ latex = c("(", ")"),
+ c("(", ")"))
+context_exp_marks <- function(context) {
+ switch(context,
+ html = c(" × 10", ""),
+ latex = c(" \\times 10^{", "}"),
+ c(" x 10(", ")"))
+context_percent_mark <- function(context) {
+ switch(context,
+ html = "%",
+ latex = "\\%",
+ "%")
+context_currency_str_regex <- function(context) {
+ switch(context,
+ latex = "\\\\$",
+ "\\$")
+context_currency_str <- function(context, currency) {
+ switch(context,
+ html = {
+ get_currency_str(currency)
+ },
+ latex = {
+ currency %>%
+ get_currency_str(fallback_to_code = TRUE) %>%
+ markdown_to_latex() %>%
+ paste_between(x_2 = c("\\text{", "}"))
+ },
+ {
+ currency %>%
+ get_currency_str(fallback_to_code = TRUE)
+ })
+paste_currency_str <- function(x,
+ currency_str,
+ incl_space,
+ placement) {
+ vapply(FUN.VALUE = character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE, x, function(x) {
+ if (grepl("^-", x)) {
+ x %>%
+ tidy_gsub("^-", "") %>%
+ paste_on_side(
+ x_side = ifelse(incl_space, " ", ""),
+ direction = placement
+ ) %>%
+ paste_on_side(
+ x_side = currency_str,
+ direction = placement
+ ) %>%
+ paste_left("-")
+ } else {
+ x %>%
+ paste_on_side(
+ x_side = ifelse(incl_space, " ", ""),
+ direction = placement
+ ) %>%
+ paste_on_side(
+ x_side = currency_str,
+ direction = placement
+ )
+ }
+ })
diff --git a/R/utils_general_str_formatting.R b/R/utils_general_str_formatting.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d35dfde4c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/utils_general_str_formatting.R
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+# General String Formatters
+#' Flexibly split a string into two pieces
+#' @param x The string to split into a character vector of length 2.
+#' @param before,after Either an exact numeric position for where splitting will
+#' occur, or a regular expression to match on a range of characters. We can
+#' use either `before` or `after` (but not both) with this variable input to
+#' accurately define which side of the match is the split position.
+#' @noRd
+split_string_2 <- function(x,
+ before = NULL,
+ after = NULL) {
+ # Stop function if `x` is not of class character
+ if (!inherits(x, "character")) {
+ stop("Internal error in `gt:::paste_within()`:\n",
+ "* The `x` object must be of class character.",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ # Stop function if the length of `x` is not 1
+ if (length(x) != 1) {
+ stop("Internal error in `gt:::paste_within()`:\n",
+ "* The length of the `x` must be exactly 1.",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ # Get the length of the string `x`
+ x_length <- nchar(x)
+ # If neither of `before` or `after` has a value,
+ # stop the function
+ if (is.null(before) && is.null(after)) {
+ stop("Internal error in `gt:::split_string_2()`:\n",
+ " * Both `before` and `after` cannot be `NULL`.",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ # If both `before` and `after` have values, stop
+ # the function
+ if (!is.null(before) && !is.null(after)) {
+ stop("Internal error in `gt:::split_string_2()`:\n",
+ " * A value must be provided to either `before` or `after`, not both.",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ # Collapse value for either `before` or `after`;
+ # add a class to retain the direction-of-split
+ # information
+ if (!is.null(before)) {
+ input <- before
+ class(input) <- c("before", class(before))
+ } else if (!is.null(after)) {
+ input <- after
+ class(input) <- c("after", class(after))
+ }
+ if (inherits(input, "character")) {
+ # Use the pattern (`input`) with the input string
+ # `x` with `regexpr()` to get the matching output
+ regexpr_out <- regexpr(input, x)
+ # If there is no match, return a character vector
+ # of length 2 (original string, then empty string)
+ if (as.numeric(regexpr_out) == -1) {
+ return(c(x, ""))
+ }
+ # Define the start position for the matched characters
+ split_start <-
+ regexpr_out %>%
+ as.numeric()
+ # Define the stop position for the matched characters
+ split_stop <-
+ attr(regexpr_out, "match.length", exact = TRUE) + split_start - 1
+ } else if (inherits(input, "numeric")) {
+ # Stop function if the index position is not valid
+ if (input > x_length) {
+ stop("Internal error in `gt:::split_string_2()`:\n",
+ "* The numeric value provided cannot be greater than ", x_length, ".",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ # Define the start and stop positions as
+ # the single `input` value
+ split_start <- split_stop <- input %>% as.numeric()
+ }
+ # Perform the split either before the matched characters
+ if (inherits(input, "before")) {
+ x_2 <- c(substr(x, 0, split_start - 1), substr(x, split_start, x_length))
+ } else if (inherits(input, "after")) {
+ x_2 <- c(substr(x, 0, split_stop), substr(x, split_stop + 1, x_length))
+ }
+ x_2
+#' Flexibly split a string into two pieces
+#' @param x A character vector that is to be pasted between the
+#' first and second elements of `x_2`.
+#' @param x_2 A character vector of length 2.
+#' @noRd
+paste_between <- function(x,
+ x_2) {
+ # Stop function if `x_2` is not of class character
+ if (!inherits(x_2, "character")) {
+ stop("Internal error in `gt:::paste_between()`:\n",
+ "* The `x_2` object must be of class character.",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ # Stop function if the length of `x_2` is not 2
+ if (length(x_2) != 2) {
+ stop("Internal error in `gt:::paste_between()`:\n",
+ "* The length of the `x_2` must be exactly 2.",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ # Stop function if `x` is not of class character
+ if (!inherits(x, "character")) {
+ stop("Internal error in `gt:::paste_between()`:\n",
+ "* The `x` object must be of class character.",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ paste0(x_2[1], x, x_2[2])
+#' Paste a string either onto the left or the right of another string
+#' @param x A character vector of length equal to that of `x_side`.
+#' @param x_side Another character vector, with a length equal to that of `x`.
+#' It will be pasted either to the left or to the right of `x` depending on
+#' the `direction`.
+#' @param direction The side that `x_side` will be relative to `x`. This can
+#' be `left` or `right`.
+#' @noRd
+paste_on_side <- function(x,
+ x_side,
+ direction) {
+ # Stop function if `direction` is not valid
+ if (!(direction %in% c("left", "right"))) {
+ stop("Internal error in `gt:::paste_on_side()`:\n",
+ "* The `direction` must be either `left` or `right`.",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ # Stop function if `x` and `x_side` are not both of class character
+ if (any(!inherits(x, "character"), !inherits(x_side, "character"))) {
+ stop("Internal error in `gt:::paste_on_side()`:\n",
+ "* The `x` and `x_side` objects must be of class character.",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ len <- length(x_side)
+ # Stop function if the length of `x_side` is not 1 of the length of `x`
+ if (!any(len == 1, len == length(x))) {
+ stop("The length of the `x_side` vector must be 1 or the length of `x`.",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ if (direction == "left") {
+ return(paste0(x_side, x))
+ } else if (direction == "right") {
+ return(paste0(x, x_side))
+ }
+#' Paste a string onto the left side of another string
+#' @inheritParams paste_on_side
+#' @param x_left Another character vector of length 1 that is to be pasted to
+#' the left of `x`.
+#' @noRd
+paste_left <- function(x, x_left) {
+ paste_on_side(x, x_side = x_left, direction = "left")
+#' Paste a string onto the right side of another string
+#' @inheritParams paste_on_side
+#' @param x_right Another character vector of length 1 that is to be pasted to
+#' the right of `x`.
+#' @noRd
+paste_right <- function(x, x_right) {
+ paste_on_side(x, x_side = x_right, direction = "right")
+#' Swap adjacent text groups
+#' @param x A text string.
+#' @param pattern_1,pattern_2 Regular expression to match on a range of
+#' characters. The order of regex patterns does not need to be in the order of
+#' matching in `x`.
+#' @noRd
+swap_adjacent_text_groups <- function(x,
+ pattern_1,
+ pattern_2) {
+ # Stop function if `x` is not of class character
+ if (!inherits(x, "character")) {
+ stop("Internal error in `gt:::paste_within()`:\n",
+ "* The `x` object must be of class character.",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ vapply(x, function(x) {
+ # Return `x` as is if both patterns aren't present
+ if (is_false(grepl(pattern_1, x)) || is_false(grepl(pattern_2, x))) {
+ return(x)
+ }
+ # Get the start and stop positions for the text groups
+ group_1 <- x %>% get_start_stop_positions(pattern = pattern_1)
+ group_2 <- x %>% get_start_stop_positions(pattern = pattern_2)
+ # Return `x` as is if the patterns don't encompass text ranges
+ # that aren't adjacent
+ if (!is_adjacent_separate(group_1, group_2)) {
+ return(x)
+ }
+ # Obtain a length-two vector of text groups based on the
+ # extracted substrings
+ substr <-
+ c(
+ substring(x, group_1[1], group_1[2]),
+ substring(x, group_2[1], group_2[2])
+ )
+ # Reverse the order of the elements in `substr`
+ # if necessary and paste elements together
+ if (group_1[1] < group_2[1]) {
+ rev_group <- paste0(rev(substr), collapse = "")
+ } else {
+ rev_group <- paste0(substr, collapse = "")
+ }
+ # Get the character indices that the contiguous text
+ # groups encompass
+ group_pos <- min(group_1, group_2):max(group_1, group_2)
+ # Return the reversed set of patterns
+ paste0(
+ substring(x, 0, min(group_pos) - 1),
+ rev_group,
+ substring(x, max(group_pos) + 1, nchar(x)),
+ collapse = ""
+ )
+ },
+ FUN.VALUE = character(1),
+ )
+#' Get the start and stop positions for a text match
+#' @param x A text string.
+#' @param pattern A regular expression pattern.
+#' @noRd
+get_start_stop_positions <- function(x,
+ pattern) {
+ # Use the pattern (`input`) with the input string
+ # `x` with `regexpr()` to get the matching output
+ regexpr_out <- regexpr(pattern, x)
+ # Define the start position for the matched characters
+ start_pos <- regexpr_out %>% as.numeric()
+ # Define the stop position for the matched characters
+ stop_pos <- attr(regexpr_out, "match.length", exact = TRUE) + start_pos - 1
+ # Return a vector of length 2
+ c(start_pos, stop_pos)
+#' Determine if text groups are adjacent and non-overlapping
+#' @param group_1,group_2 Vectors of length 2 with starting and stopping
+#' positions in a text string.
+#' @noRd
+is_adjacent_separate <- function(group_1,
+ group_2) {
+ group_1_expanded <- seq(group_1[1], group_1[2])
+ group_2_expanded <- seq(group_2[1], group_2[2])
+ if (length(base::intersect(group_1_expanded, group_2_expanded)) > 0) {
+ return(FALSE)
+ }
+ if (any(diff(sort(c(group_1_expanded, group_2_expanded))) > 1)) {
+ return(FALSE)
+ }
+ return(TRUE)
diff --git a/R/utils_render_html.R b/R/utils_render_html.R
index 544177b2cc..501a8f8f44 100644
--- a/R/utils_render_html.R
+++ b/R/utils_render_html.R
@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
-# Transform a footnote glyph to an HTML representation as a superscript
+#' Transform a footnote glyph to an HTML representation
+#' @noRd
footnote_glyph_to_html <- function(footnote_glyph) {
+#' Get the spanner column label style from an attribute table
#' @importFrom dplyr filter pull
#' @noRd
get_spanner_style <- function(spanner_style_attrs,
@@ -23,6 +28,8 @@ get_spanner_style <- function(spanner_style_attrs,
+#' Get the column label style from an attribute table
#' @importFrom dplyr filter pull
#' @noRd
get_column_style <- function(column_style_attrs,
@@ -42,6 +49,9 @@ get_column_style <- function(column_style_attrs,
+#' Create a set of inline style attributes
+#' @noRd
create_style_attrs <- function(style_values) {
style_rules <- c()
@@ -58,15 +68,19 @@ create_style_attrs <- function(style_values) {
-# Taking the `body_content` vector, split into list components with one
-# item per row in the output table
+#' Split the body content vector into a list structure
+#' Taking the `body_content` vector, split into list components with one item
+#' per row in the output table
+#' @noRd
split_body_content <- function(body_content,
n_cols) {
split(body_content, ceiling(seq_along(body_content) / n_cols))
-# Apply footnotes to the data rows
+#' Apply footnotes to the data rows
#' @importFrom dplyr filter group_by mutate ungroup select distinct
#' @noRd
apply_styles_to_output <- function(output_df,
@@ -113,7 +127,8 @@ apply_styles_to_output <- function(output_df,
split_body_content(body_content = body_styles, n_cols)
-# Apply footnotes to the data rows
+#' Apply footnotes to the summary data cells
#' @importFrom dplyr filter group_by mutate ungroup select distinct
#' @noRd
apply_styles_to_summary_output <- function(summary_df,
@@ -158,15 +173,18 @@ apply_styles_to_summary_output <- function(summary_df,
split_body_content(body_content = summary_styles, n_cols)
-# Create the opening HTML element of a table
-create_table_start_h <- function(groups_rows_df) {
+#' Create the opening HTML element of a table
+#' @noRd
+create_table_start_h <- function() {
-# Create the heading component of a table, which contains the heading and
-# possibly a subtitle; if there are no heading components defined this
-# function will return an empty string
+#' Create the heading component of a table
+#' The table heading component contains the heading and possibly a subtitle; if
+#' there are no heading components defined this function will return an empty
+#' string.
#' @importFrom dplyr filter group_by mutate ungroup select distinct
#' @noRd
create_heading_component <- function(heading,
@@ -365,7 +383,8 @@ create_heading_component <- function(heading,
-# Create the columns component of a table
+#' Create the columns component of a table (HTML)
#' @import rlang
#' @importFrom dplyr filter group_by mutate ungroup select distinct
#' @noRd
@@ -575,6 +594,8 @@ create_columns_component_h <- function(boxh_df,
+#' Create the table body component (HTML)
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate filter pull
#' @noRd
create_body_component_h <- function(row_splits_body,
@@ -760,6 +781,9 @@ create_body_component_h <- function(row_splits_body,
+#' Create the table source note component (HTML)
+#' @noRd
create_source_note_component_h <- function(source_note,
n_cols) {
@@ -778,6 +802,8 @@ create_source_note_component_h <- function(source_note,
+#' Create the table footnote component (HTML)
#' @importFrom dplyr select distinct filter pull
#' @noRd
create_footnote_component_h <- function(footnotes_resolved,
@@ -815,7 +841,9 @@ create_footnote_component_h <- function(footnotes_resolved,
-# Create the closing HTML element of a table
+#' Create the closing HTML element of a table
+#' @noRd
create_table_end_h <- function() {
diff --git a/R/utils_render_latex.R b/R/utils_render_latex.R
index 649d615cab..c4b8c84893 100644
--- a/R/utils_render_latex.R
+++ b/R/utils_render_latex.R
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Create a vector of LaTeX packages to use as table dependencies
latex_packages <- function() {
- c("longtable", "booktabs", "caption")
+ c("amsmath", "booktabs", "caption", "longtable")
# Transform a footnote glyph to a LaTeX representation as a superscript
diff --git a/man/tab_style.Rd b/man/tab_style.Rd
index 905ae7e825..f9e70af555 100644
--- a/man/tab_style.Rd
+++ b/man/tab_style.Rd
@@ -101,7 +101,6 @@ tab_2 <-
date <= "2015-12-15"
) \%>\%
dplyr::select(-c(adj_close, volume)) \%>\%
- dplyr::mutate(date = as.character(date)) \%>\%
gt() \%>\%
style = cells_styles(
diff --git a/tests/gt-examples/03-latex/latex-04-sleep.Rmd b/tests/gt-examples/03-latex/latex-04-sleep.Rmd
index 3f740399ae..b90e7475e2 100644
--- a/tests/gt-examples/03-latex/latex-04-sleep.Rmd
+++ b/tests/gt-examples/03-latex/latex-04-sleep.Rmd
@@ -19,3 +19,4 @@ gt(data = sleep) %>%
footnote = "This is a footnote",
locations = cells_data(columns = 1, rows = c(2, 3, 4)))
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-conditional_fmt.R b/tests/testthat/test-conditional_fmt.R
index 5f3d2038f1..fb865d5731 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-conditional_fmt.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-conditional_fmt.R
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works with conditional `rows`", {
rows = num_1 < 1000) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["num_1"]],
c("1836.23", "2763.39", "937.2900", "643.0000",
- "212.2320", "0.0000", "-23.2400"))
+ "212.2320", "0.0000", "−23.2400"))
(tab %>%
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works with conditional `rows`", {
c("1836.23", "2763.39", "9.3729 × 102",
"6.4300 × 102",
"2.1223 × 102", "0.0000",
- "-2.3240 × 101")
+ "−2.3240 × 101")
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works with conditional `rows`", {
decimals = 2,
rows = num_1 < 1000) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["num_1"]],
- c("1836.23", "2763.39", "93,729.00%", "64,300.00%",
- "21,223.20%", "0.00%", "-2,324.00%")
+ c("1836.23", "2763.39", "93,729.00%", "64,300.00%",
+ "21,223.20%", "0.00%", "−2,324.00%")
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works with conditional `rows`", {
decimals = 2,
rows = char_2 %in% c("june", "july") & grepl("sa.*", char_1)) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["num_2"]],
- c("3,400.00%", "74", "23", "NA", "35", "NA", "NA")
+ c("3,400.00%", "74", "23", "NA", "35", "NA", "NA")
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works with conditional `rows`", {
rows = num_1 < 1000) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["num_1"]],
c("1836.23", "2763.39", "$937.29", "$643.00", "$212.23",
- "$0.00", "$-23.24")
+ "$0.00", "−$23.24")
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-fmt_currency.R b/tests/testthat/test-fmt_currency.R
index 6b7b721425..bf41ff1f4f 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-fmt_currency.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-fmt_currency.R
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
"october", "november", "december"),
num_1 = c(1836.23, 2763.39, 937.29, 643.00, 212.232, 0, -23.24),
num_2 = c(34, 74, 23, 93, 35, 76, 57),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE
+ )
# Create a `gt_tbl` object with `gt()` and the
# `data_tbl` dataset
@@ -28,7 +29,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
c("names", "class", "row.names",
"boxh_df", "stub_df", "footnotes_df", "styles_df",
"rows_df", "cols_df", "col_labels", "grp_labels",
- "arrange_groups", "data_df", "opts_df", "formats", "transforms")))
+ "arrange_groups", "data_df", "opts_df", "formats", "transforms")
+ )
+ )
# Extract vectors from the table object for comparison
# to the original dataset
@@ -48,12 +51,14 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
# that does not exist
tab %>%
- fmt_currency(columns = "num_3", currency = "USD"))
+ fmt_currency(columns = "num_3", currency = "USD")
+ )
# Expect an error when using a locale that does not exist
tab %>%
- fmt_currency(columns = "num_2", decimals = 2, locale = "aa_bb"))
+ fmt_currency(columns = "num_2", decimals = 2, locale = "aa_bb")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column using defaults (currency of "USD");
# extract `output_df` and compare to expected values
@@ -61,7 +66,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_currency(columns = "num_1") %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["num_1"]],
- c("$1,836.23", "$2,763.39", "$937.29", "$643.00", "$212.23", "$0.00", "$-23.24"))
+ c("$1,836.23", "$2,763.39", "$937.29", "$643.00", "$212.23",
+ "$0.00", "−$23.24")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as USD, use all other defaults;
# extract `output_df` and compare to expected values
@@ -69,7 +76,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_currency(columns = "num_1", currency = "USD") %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["num_1"]],
- c("$1,836.23", "$2,763.39", "$937.29", "$643.00", "$212.23", "$0.00", "$-23.24"))
+ c("$1,836.23", "$2,763.39", "$937.29", "$643.00", "$212.23",
+ "$0.00", "−$23.24")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as USD to 5 decimal places, use all
# other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare to expected values
@@ -78,7 +87,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
fmt_currency(columns = "num_1", currency = "USD", decimals = 5) %>%
c("$1,836.23000", "$2,763.39000", "$937.29000", "$643.00000",
- "$212.23200", "$0.00000", "$-23.24000"))
+ "$212.23200", "$0.00000", "−$23.24000")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as USD, and don't include the subunits;
# use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare to
@@ -87,7 +97,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_currency(columns = "num_1", currency = "USD", use_subunits = FALSE) %>%
- c("$1,836", "$2,763", "$937", "$643", "$212", "$0", "$-23"))
+ c("$1,836", "$2,763", "$937", "$643", "$212", "$0", "−$23")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as USD, don't use digit
# grouping separators, use all other defaults; extract `output_df`
@@ -96,7 +107,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_currency(columns = "num_1", currency = "USD", use_seps = FALSE) %>%
- c("$1836.23", "$2763.39", "$937.29", "$643.00", "$212.23", "$0.00", "$-23.24"))
+ c("$1836.23", "$2763.39", "$937.29", "$643.00", "$212.23",
+ "$0.00", "−$23.24")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, use a single space
# character as digit grouping separators, use all other defaults;
@@ -105,7 +118,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_currency(columns = "num_1", currency = "USD", sep_mark = " ") %>%
- c("$1 836.23", "$2 763.39", "$937.29", "$643.00", "$212.23", "$0.00", "$-23.24"))
+ c("$1 836.23", "$2 763.39", "$937.29", "$643.00", "$212.23",
+ "$0.00", "−$23.24")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as USD, use a period for the digit grouping
# separators and a comma for the decimal mark, use all other defaults;
@@ -116,7 +131,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
columns = "num_1", currency = "USD",
sep_mark = ".", dec_mark = ",") %>%
- c("$1.836,23", "$2.763,39", "$937,29", "$643,00", "$212,23", "$0,00", "$-23,24"))
+ c("$1.836,23", "$2.763,39", "$937,29", "$643,00", "$212,23",
+ "$0,00", "−$23,24")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as USD, apply parentheses to all negative
# values, use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -126,7 +143,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
columns = "num_1", currency = "USD", negative_val = "parens") %>%
- c("$1,836.23", "$2,763.39", "$937.29", "$643.00", "$212.23", "$0.00", "($23.24)"))
+ c("$1,836.23", "$2,763.39", "$937.29", "$643.00", "$212.23",
+ "$0.00", "($23.24)")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as USD, apply parentheses to all negative
# values, use all other defaults; apply the default context, extract
@@ -136,7 +155,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
columns = "num_1", currency = "USD", negative_val = "parens") %>%
- c("$1,836.23", "$2,763.39", "$937.29", "$643.00", "$212.23", "$0.00", "($23.24)"))
+ c("$1,836.23", "$2,763.39", "$937.29", "$643.00", "$212.23",
+ "$0.00", "($23.24)")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as USD to 4 decimal places, scale all values by
# 1/1000, use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -147,7 +168,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
columns = "num_1", currency = "USD",
decimals = 4, scale_by = 1/1000) %>%
- c("$1.8362", "$2.7634", "$0.9373", "$0.6430", "$0.2122", "$0.0000", "$-0.0232"))
+ c("$1.8362", "$2.7634", "$0.9373", "$0.6430", "$0.2122",
+ "$0.0000", "−$0.0232")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as USD, prepend and append all values by 2
# different literals, use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and
@@ -158,7 +181,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
columns = "num_1", currency = "USD", pattern = "a {x} b") %>%
c("a $1,836.23 b", "a $2,763.39 b", "a $937.29 b", "a $643.00 b",
- "a $212.23 b", "a $0.00 b", "a $-23.24 b"))
+ "a $212.23 b", "a $0.00 b", "a −$23.24 b")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as USD to 4 decimal places, scale all values
# by 1/1000 and append a `K` character to the resultant values, use
@@ -170,7 +194,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
scale_by = 1/1000, pattern = "{x}K") %>%
c("$1.8362K", "$2.7634K", "$0.9373K", "$0.6430K",
- "$0.2122K", "$0.0000K", "$-0.0232K"))
+ "$0.2122K", "$0.0000K", "−$0.0232K")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as USD, apply the `en_US` locale and use all
# other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare to expected values
@@ -180,7 +205,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
columns = "num_1", currency = "USD", locale = "en_US") %>%
c("$1,836.23", "$2,763.39", "$937.29", "$643.00",
- "$212.23", "$0.00", "$-23.24"))
+ "$212.23", "$0.00", "−$23.24")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as DKK, apply the `da_DK` locale and use all
# other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare to expected values
@@ -191,7 +217,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
placement = "right", incl_space = TRUE) %>%
c("1.836,23 kr.", "2.763,39 kr.", "937,29 kr.", "643,00 kr.",
- "212,23 kr.", "0,00 kr.", "-23,24 kr."))
+ "212,23 kr.", "0,00 kr.", "−23,24 kr.")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as DKK, apply the `da_DK` locale and use all
# other defaults; use the default context, extract `output_df`, and
@@ -202,7 +229,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
columns = "num_1", currency = "DKK", locale = "da_DK") %>%
c("kr.1.836,23", "kr.2.763,39", "kr.937,29", "kr.643,00",
- "kr.212,23", "kr.0,00", "kr.-23,24"))
+ "kr.212,23", "kr.0,00", "-kr.23,24")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as EUR, apply the `de_AT` locale and use all
# other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare to expected values
@@ -212,7 +240,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
columns = "num_1", currency = "EUR", locale = "de_AT") %>%
c("€1 836,23", "€2 763,39", "€937,29", "€643,00",
- "€212,23", "€0,00", "€-23,24"))
+ "€212,23", "€0,00", "−€23,24")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as EUR, apply the `de_AT` locale and use all
# other defaults; use the default context, extract `output_df`, and
@@ -223,7 +252,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
columns = "num_1", currency = "EUR", locale = "de_AT") %>%
c("EUR1 836,23", "EUR2 763,39", "EUR937,29", "EUR643,00",
- "EUR212,23", "EUR0,00", "EUR-23,24"))
+ "EUR212,23", "EUR0,00", "-EUR23,24")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `et_EE`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -234,7 +264,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
columns = "num_1", currency = "EUR", locale = "et_EE") %>%
c("€1 836,23", "€2 763,39", "€937,29", "€643,00",
- "€212,23", "€0,00", "€-23,24"))
+ "€212,23", "€0,00", "−€23,24")
+ )
test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function can scale/suffix larger numbers", {
@@ -247,7 +278,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function can scale/suffix larger numbers", {
-1.8E15, -1.7E13, -1.6E10, -1.5E8, -1.4E6, -1.3E4, -1.2E3, -1.1E1,
1.1E1, 1.2E3, 1.3E4, 1.4E6, 1.5E8, 1.6E10, 1.7E13, 1.8E15),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE
+ )
# Create a `gt_tbl` object with `gt()` and the
# `data_tbl` dataset
@@ -260,9 +292,12 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function can scale/suffix larger numbers", {
(tab %>%
fmt_currency(columns = "num", decimals = 2, suffixing = TRUE) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["num"]],
- c("$-1,800.00T", "$-17.00T", "$-16.00B", "$-150.00M", "$-1.40M", "$-13.00K",
- "$-1.20K", "$-11.00", "$0.00", "$11.00", "$1.20K", "$13.00K", "$1.40M",
- "$150.00M", "$16.00B", "$17.00T", "$1,800.00T"))
+ c("−$1,800.00T", "−$17.00T", "−$16.00B",
+ "−$150.00M", "−$1.40M", "−$13.00K",
+ "−$1.20K", "−$11.00", "$0.00", "$11.00",
+ "$1.20K", "$13.00K", "$1.40M", "$150.00M", "$16.00B",
+ "$17.00T", "$1,800.00T")
+ )
# Format the `num` column to no decimal places, have the
# `suffixing` option set to TRUE (default labels, all
@@ -271,9 +306,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function can scale/suffix larger numbers", {
(tab %>%
fmt_currency(columns = "num", decimals = 0, suffixing = TRUE) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["num"]],
- c("$-1,800T", "$-17T", "$-16B", "$-150M", "$-1M", "$-13K",
- "$-1K", "$-11", "$0", "$11", "$1K", "$13K", "$1M",
- "$150M", "$16B", "$17T", "$1,800T"))
+ c("−$1,800T", "−$17T", "−$16B", "−$150M",
+ "−$1M", "−$13K", "−$1K", "−$11", "$0",
+ "$11", "$1K", "$13K", "$1M", "$150M", "$16B", "$17T", "$1,800T")
+ )
# Format the `num` column to 2 decimal places, have the
# `suffixing` option set to use custom symbols across the
@@ -284,9 +320,11 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function can scale/suffix larger numbers", {
columns = "num", decimals = 2,
suffixing = c("k", "Mn", "Bn", "Tr")) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["num"]],
- c("$-1,800.00Tr", "$-17.00Tr", "$-16.00Bn", "$-150.00Mn", "$-1.40Mn",
- "$-13.00k", "$-1.20k", "$-11.00", "$0.00", "$11.00", "$1.20k",
- "$13.00k", "$1.40Mn", "$150.00Mn", "$16.00Bn", "$17.00Tr", "$1,800.00Tr"))
+ c("−$1,800.00Tr", "−$17.00Tr", "−$16.00Bn",
+ "−$150.00Mn", "−$1.40Mn", "−$13.00k", "−$1.20k",
+ "−$11.00", "$0.00", "$11.00", "$1.20k", "$13.00k", "$1.40Mn",
+ "$150.00Mn", "$16.00Bn", "$17.00Tr", "$1,800.00Tr")
+ )
# Format the `num` column to 2 decimal places, have the
# `suffixing` option set to use custom symbols for the middle
@@ -297,12 +335,14 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function can scale/suffix larger numbers", {
columns = "num", decimals = 2, currency = "EUR", locale = "de_DE",
suffixing = c(NA, "Mio.", "Mia.", NA)) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["num"]],
- c("€-1.800.000,00Mia.", "€-17.000,00Mia.", "€-16,00Mia.",
- "€-150,00Mio.", "€-1,40Mio.", "€-13.000,00",
- "€-1.200,00", "€-11,00", "€0,00", "€11,00",
- "€1.200,00", "€13.000,00", "€1,40Mio.",
+ c("−€1.800.000,00Mia.", "−€17.000,00Mia.",
+ "−€16,00Mia.", "−€150,00Mio.",
+ "−€1,40Mio.", "−€13.000,00",
+ "−€1.200,00", "−€11,00", "€0,00",
+ "€11,00", "€1.200,00", "€13.000,00", "€1,40Mio.",
"€150,00Mio.", "€16,00Mia.", "€17.000,00Mia.",
- "€1.800.000,00Mia."))
+ "€1.800.000,00Mia.")
+ )
# Format the `num` column to 2 decimal places, have the
# `suffixing` option set to use custom symbols with some NAs
@@ -312,10 +352,12 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function can scale/suffix larger numbers", {
columns = "num", decimals = 2,
suffixing = c("K", NA, "Bn", NA, "Qa", NA, NA)) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["num"]],
- c("$-1.80Qa", "$-17,000.00Bn", "$-16.00Bn", "$-150,000.00K",
- "$-1,400.00K", "$-13.00K", "$-1.20K", "$-11.00", "$0.00", "$11.00",
- "$1.20K", "$13.00K", "$1,400.00K", "$150,000.00K", "$16.00Bn",
- "$17,000.00Bn", "$1.80Qa"))
+ c("−$1.80Qa", "−$17,000.00Bn", "−$16.00Bn",
+ "−$150,000.00K", "−$1,400.00K", "−$13.00K",
+ "−$1.20K", "−$11.00", "$0.00", "$11.00", "$1.20K",
+ "$13.00K", "$1,400.00K", "$150,000.00K", "$16.00Bn",
+ "$17,000.00Bn", "$1.80Qa")
+ )
# Format the `num` column to 2 decimal places, have the
# `suffixing` option set to FALSE (the default option, where
@@ -326,12 +368,13 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function can scale/suffix larger numbers", {
columns = "num", decimals = 2,
suffixing = FALSE) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["num"]],
- c( "$-1,800,000,000,000,000.00", "$-17,000,000,000,000.00",
- "$-16,000,000,000.00", "$-150,000,000.00", "$-1,400,000.00",
- "$-13,000.00", "$-1,200.00", "$-11.00", "$0.00", "$11.00",
- "$1,200.00", "$13,000.00", "$1,400,000.00", "$150,000,000.00",
- "$16,000,000,000.00", "$17,000,000,000,000.00",
- "$1,800,000,000,000,000.00"))
+ c( "−$1,800,000,000,000,000.00", "−$17,000,000,000,000.00",
+ "−$16,000,000,000.00", "−$150,000,000.00",
+ "−$1,400,000.00", "−$13,000.00", "−$1,200.00",
+ "−$11.00", "$0.00", "$11.00", "$1,200.00", "$13,000.00",
+ "$1,400,000.00", "$150,000,000.00", "$16,000,000,000.00",
+ "$17,000,000,000,000.00", "$1,800,000,000,000,000.00")
+ )
# Expect an error if any vector length other than
# four is used for `suffixing`
@@ -404,5 +447,4 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function can scale/suffix larger numbers", {
suffixing = TRUE) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["num"]],
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-fmt_number.R b/tests/testthat/test-fmt_number.R
index 2f0fc092fe..f0541371b3 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-fmt_number.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-fmt_number.R
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["num_1"]],
- c("1,836.23", "2,763.39", "937.29", "643.00", "212.23", "0.00", "-23.24"))
+ c("1,836.23", "2,763.39", "937.29", "643.00", "212.23", "0.00", "−23.24"))
# Format the `num_1` column to 5 decimal places, use all
# other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare to expected values
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 5) %>%
c("1,836.23000", "2,763.39000", "937.29000", "643.00000",
- "212.23200", "0.00000", "-23.24000"))
+ "212.23200", "0.00000", "−23.24000"))
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, drop the trailing
# zeros, use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare to
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2,
drop_trailing_zeros = TRUE) %>%
- c("1,836.23", "2,763.39", "937.29", "643", "212.23", "0", "-23.24"))
+ c("1,836.23", "2,763.39", "937.29", "643", "212.23", "0", "−23.24"))
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, don't use digit
# grouping separators, use all other defaults; extract `output_df`
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, use_seps = FALSE) %>%
- c("1836.23", "2763.39", "937.29", "643.00", "212.23", "0.00", "-23.24"))
+ c("1836.23", "2763.39", "937.29", "643.00", "212.23", "0.00", "−23.24"))
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, use a single space
# character as digit grouping separators, use all other defaults;
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, sep_mark = " ") %>%
- c("1 836.23", "2 763.39", "937.29", "643.00", "212.23", "0.00", "-23.24"))
+ c("1 836.23", "2 763.39", "937.29", "643.00", "212.23", "0.00", "−23.24"))
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, use a period for the
# digit grouping separators and a comma for the decimal mark, use
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2,
sep_mark = ".", dec_mark = ",") %>%
- c("1.836,23", "2.763,39", "937,29", "643,00", "212,23", "0,00", "-23,24"))
+ c("1.836,23", "2.763,39", "937,29", "643,00", "212,23", "0,00", "−23,24"))
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply parentheses to
# all negative values, use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, negative_val = "parens") %>%
- c("1,836.23", "2,763.39", "937.29", "643.00", "212.23", "0.00", "(23.24)"))
+ c("1,836.23", "2,763.39", "937.29", "643.00", "212.23", "0.00", "(23.24)"))
# Format the `num_1` column to 4 decimal places, scale all values by
# 1/1000, use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 4, scale_by = 1/1000) %>%
- c("1.8362", "2.7634", "0.9373", "0.6430", "0.2122", "0.0000", "-0.0232"))
+ c("1.8362", "2.7634", "0.9373", "0.6430", "0.2122", "0.0000", "−0.0232"))
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, prepend and append
# all values by 2 different literals, use all other defaults; extract
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, pattern = "a {x} b") %>%
c("a 1,836.23 b", "a 2,763.39 b", "a 937.29 b", "a 643.00 b",
- "a 212.23 b", "a 0.00 b", "a -23.24 b"))
+ "a 212.23 b", "a 0.00 b", "a −23.24 b"))
# Format the `num_1` column to 4 decimal places, scale all values
# by 1/1000 and append a `K` character to the resultant values, use
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
scale_by = 1/1000, pattern = "{x}K") %>%
c("1.8362K", "2.7634K", "0.9373K", "0.6430K",
- "0.2122K", "0.0000K", "-0.0232K"))
+ "0.2122K", "0.0000K", "−0.0232K"))
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `en_US`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "en_US") %>%
- c("1,836.23", "2,763.39", "937.29", "643.00", "212.23", "0.00", "-23.24"))
+ c("1,836.23", "2,763.39", "937.29", "643.00", "212.23", "0.00", "−23.24"))
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `da_DK`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "da_DK") %>%
- c("1.836,23", "2.763,39", "937,29", "643,00", "212,23", "0,00", "-23,24"))
+ c("1.836,23", "2.763,39", "937,29", "643,00", "212,23", "0,00", "−23,24"))
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `de_AT`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "de_AT") %>%
- c("1 836,23", "2 763,39", "937,29", "643,00", "212,23", "0,00", "-23,24"))
+ c("1 836,23", "2 763,39", "937,29", "643,00", "212,23", "0,00", "−23,24"))
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `et_EE`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "et_EE") %>%
- c("1 836,23", "2 763,39", "937,29", "643,00", "212,23", "0,00", "-23,24"))
+ c("1 836,23", "2 763,39", "937,29", "643,00", "212,23", "0,00", "−23,24"))
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `gl_ES`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "gl_ES") %>%
- c("1.836,23", "2.763,39", "937,29", "643,00", "212,23", "0,00", "-23,24"))
+ c("1.836,23", "2.763,39", "937,29", "643,00", "212,23", "0,00", "−23,24"))
test_that("the `fmt_number()` function can scale/suffix larger numbers", {
@@ -218,9 +218,12 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function can scale/suffix larger numbers", {
(tab %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num", decimals = 2, suffixing = TRUE) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["num"]],
- c("-1,800.00T", "-17.00T", "-16.00B", "-150.00M", "-1.40M", "-13.00K",
- "-1.20K", "-11.00", "0.00", "11.00", "1.20K", "13.00K", "1.40M",
- "150.00M", "16.00B", "17.00T", "1,800.00T"))
+ c("−1,800.00T", "−17.00T", "−16.00B",
+ "−150.00M", "−1.40M", "−13.00K",
+ "−1.20K", "−11.00", "0.00", "11.00",
+ "1.20K", "13.00K", "1.40M", "150.00M", "16.00B",
+ "17.00T", "1,800.00T")
+ )
# Format the `num` column to no decimal places, have the
# `suffixing` option set to TRUE (default labels, all
@@ -229,9 +232,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function can scale/suffix larger numbers", {
(tab %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num", decimals = 0, suffixing = TRUE) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["num"]],
- c("-1,800T", "-17T", "-16B", "-150M", "-1M", "-13K",
- "-1K", "-11", "0", "11", "1K", "13K", "1M",
- "150M", "16B", "17T", "1,800T"))
+ c("−1,800T", "−17T", "−16B", "−150M",
+ "−1M", "−13K", "−1K", "−11", "0", "11",
+ "1K", "13K", "1M", "150M", "16B", "17T", "1,800T"))
# Format the `num` column to 2 decimal places, have the
# `suffixing` option set to use custom symbols across the
@@ -242,9 +245,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function can scale/suffix larger numbers", {
columns = "num", decimals = 2,
suffixing = c("k", "Mn", "Bn", "Tr")) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["num"]],
- c("-1,800.00Tr", "-17.00Tr", "-16.00Bn", "-150.00Mn", "-1.40Mn", "-13.00k",
- "-1.20k", "-11.00", "0.00", "11.00", "1.20k", "13.00k", "1.40Mn",
- "150.00Mn", "16.00Bn", "17.00Tr", "1,800.00Tr"))
+ c("−1,800.00Tr", "−17.00Tr", "−16.00Bn",
+ "−150.00Mn", "−1.40Mn", "−13.00k",
+ "−1.20k", "−11.00", "0.00", "11.00", "1.20k",
+ "13.00k", "1.40Mn", "150.00Mn", "16.00Bn", "17.00Tr", "1,800.00Tr"))
# Format the `num` column to 2 decimal places, have the
# `suffixing` option set to use custom symbols for the middle
@@ -255,8 +259,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function can scale/suffix larger numbers", {
columns = "num", decimals = 2,
suffixing = c(NA, "Mio.", "Mia.", NA)) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["num"]],
- c("-1,800,000.00Mia.", "-17,000.00Mia.", "-16.00Mia.", "-150.00Mio.",
- "-1.40Mio.", "-13,000.00", "-1,200.00", "-11.00", "0.00", "11.00",
+ c("−1,800,000.00Mia.", "−17,000.00Mia.",
+ "−16.00Mia.", "−150.00Mio.", "−1.40Mio.",
+ "−13,000.00", "−1,200.00", "−11.00", "0.00", "11.00",
"1,200.00", "13,000.00", "1.40Mio.", "150.00Mio.", "16.00Mia.",
"17,000.00Mia.", "1,800,000.00Mia."))
@@ -268,10 +273,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function can scale/suffix larger numbers", {
columns = "num", decimals = 2,
suffixing = c("K", NA, "Bn", NA, "Qa", NA, NA)) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["num"]],
- c("-1.80Qa", "-17,000.00Bn", "-16.00Bn", "-150,000.00K",
- "-1,400.00K", "-13.00K", "-1.20K", "-11.00", "0.00", "11.00",
- "1.20K", "13.00K", "1,400.00K", "150,000.00K", "16.00Bn",
- "17,000.00Bn", "1.80Qa"))
+ c("−1.80Qa", "−17,000.00Bn", "−16.00Bn",
+ "−150,000.00K", "−1,400.00K", "−13.00K",
+ "−1.20K", "−11.00", "0.00", "11.00", "1.20K", "13.00K",
+ "1,400.00K", "150,000.00K", "16.00Bn", "17,000.00Bn", "1.80Qa"))
# Format the `num` column to 2 decimal places, have the
# `suffixing` option set to FALSE (the default option, where
@@ -282,9 +287,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function can scale/suffix larger numbers", {
columns = "num", decimals = 2,
suffixing = FALSE) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "html"))[["num"]],
- c("-1,800,000,000,000,000.00", "-17,000,000,000,000.00",
- "-16,000,000,000.00", "-150,000,000.00", "-1,400,000.00", "-13,000.00",
- "-1,200.00", "-11.00", "0.00", "11.00", "1,200.00", "13,000.00",
+ c("−1,800,000,000,000,000.00", "−17,000,000,000,000.00",
+ "−16,000,000,000.00", "−150,000,000.00",
+ "−1,400,000.00", "−13,000.00", "−1,200.00",
+ "−11.00", "0.00", "11.00", "1,200.00", "13,000.00",
"1,400,000.00", "150,000,000.00", "16,000,000,000.00",
"17,000,000,000,000.00", "1,800,000,000,000,000.00"))
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-fmt_percent.R b/tests/testthat/test-fmt_percent.R
index c3b656b612..feb7f42f19 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-fmt_percent.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-fmt_percent.R
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
"october", "november", "december"),
num_1 = c(1836.23, 2763.39, 937.29, 643.00, 212.232, 0, -23.24),
num_2 = c(34, 74, 23, 93, 35, 76, 57),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE
+ )
# Create a `gt_tbl` object with `gt()` and the
# `data_tbl` dataset
@@ -22,12 +23,14 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
# that does not exist
tab %>%
- fmt_percent(columns = "num_3", decimals = 2))
+ fmt_percent(columns = "num_3", decimals = 2)
+ )
# Expect an error when using a locale that does not exist
tab %>%
- fmt_percent(columns = "num_2", decimals = 2, locale = "aa_bb"))
+ fmt_percent(columns = "num_2", decimals = 2, locale = "aa_bb")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, use all
# other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare to expected values
@@ -35,8 +38,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2) %>%
- c("183,623.00%", "276,339.00%", "93,729.00%",
- "64,300.00%", "21,223.20%", "0.00%", "-2,324.00%"))
+ c("183,623.00%", "276,339.00%", "93,729.00%",
+ "64,300.00%", "21,223.20%", "0.00%",
+ "−2,324.00%")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 5 decimal places, use all
# other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare to expected values
@@ -44,8 +49,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 5) %>%
- c("183,623.00000%", "276,339.00000%", "93,729.00000%",
- "64,300.00000%", "21,223.20000%", "0.00000%", "-2,324.00000%"))
+ c("183,623.00000%", "276,339.00000%", "93,729.00000%",
+ "64,300.00000%", "21,223.20000%", "0.00000%",
+ "−2,324.00000%")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, drop the trailing
# zeros, use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare to
@@ -55,8 +62,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2,
drop_trailing_zeros = TRUE) %>%
- c("183,623%", "276,339%", "93,729%", "64,300%",
- "21,223.2%", "0%", "-2,324%" ))
+ c("183,623%", "276,339%", "93,729%", "64,300%",
+ "21,223.2%", "0%", "−2,324%")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, don't use digit
# grouping separators, use all other defaults; extract `output_df`
@@ -65,8 +73,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, use_seps = FALSE) %>%
- c("183623.00%", "276339.00%", "93729.00%", "64300.00%",
- "21223.20%", "0.00%", "-2324.00%"))
+ c("183623.00%", "276339.00%", "93729.00%",
+ "64300.00%", "21223.20%", "0.00%",
+ "−2324.00%")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, use a single space
# character as digit grouping separators, use all other defaults;
@@ -75,8 +85,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, sep_mark = " ") %>%
- c("183 623.00%", "276 339.00%", "93 729.00%", "64 300.00%",
- "21 223.20%", "0.00%", "-2 324.00%"))
+ c("183 623.00%", "276 339.00%", "93 729.00%",
+ "64 300.00%", "21 223.20%", "0.00%",
+ "−2 324.00%")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, use a period for the
# digit grouping separators and a comma for the decimal mark, use
@@ -86,8 +98,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2,
sep_mark = ".", dec_mark = ",") %>%
- c("183.623,00%", "276.339,00%", "93.729,00%", "64.300,00%",
- "21.223,20%", "0,00%", "-2.324,00%"))
+ c("183.623,00%", "276.339,00%", "93.729,00%",
+ "64.300,00%", "21.223,20%", "0,00%",
+ "−2.324,00%")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply parentheses to
# all negative values, use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and
@@ -96,8 +110,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, negative_val = "parens") %>%
- c("183,623.00%", "276,339.00%", "93,729.00%", "64,300.00%",
- "21,223.20%", "0.00%", "(2,324.00%)"))
+ c("183,623.00%", "276,339.00%", "93,729.00%",
+ "64,300.00%", "21,223.20%", "0.00%",
+ "(2,324.00%)")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, prepend and append
# all values by 2 different literals, use all other defaults; extract
@@ -106,8 +122,11 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, pattern = "a {x}:n") %>%
- c("a 183,623.00%:n", "a 276,339.00%:n", "a 93,729.00%:n",
- "a 64,300.00%:n", "a 21,223.20%:n", "a 0.00%:n", "a -2,324.00%:n"))
+ c("a 183,623.00%:n", "a 276,339.00%:n",
+ "a 93,729.00%:n", "a 64,300.00%:n",
+ "a 21,223.20%:n", "a 0.00%:n",
+ "a −2,324.00%:n")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 0 decimal places, place a space between
# the percent sign (on the right) and the value, use all other defaults;
@@ -117,8 +136,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 0,
placement = "right", incl_space = TRUE) %>%
- c("183,623 %", "276,339 %", "93,729 %", "64,300 %",
- "21,223 %", "0 %", "-2,324 %"))
+ c("183,623 %", "276,339 %", "93,729 %",
+ "64,300 %", "21,223 %", "0 %",
+ "−2,324 %")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 0 decimal places, place a space between
# the percent sign (on the left) and the value, use all other defaults;
@@ -128,8 +149,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 0,
placement = "left", incl_space = TRUE) %>%
- c("% 183,623", "% 276,339", "% 93,729", "% 64,300",
- "% 21,223", "% 0", "% -2,324"))
+ c("% 183,623", "% 276,339", "% 93,729",
+ "% 64,300", "% 21,223", "% 0",
+ "% −2,324")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `en_US`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -138,8 +161,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "en_US") %>%
- c("183,623.00%", "276,339.00%", "93,729.00%",
- "64,300.00%", "21,223.20%", "0.00%", "-2,324.00%"))
+ c("183,623.00%", "276,339.00%", "93,729.00%",
+ "64,300.00%", "21,223.20%", "0.00%",
+ "−2,324.00%")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `da_DK`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -148,8 +173,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "da_DK") %>%
- c("183.623,00%", "276.339,00%", "93.729,00%",
- "64.300,00%", "21.223,20%", "0,00%", "-2.324,00%"))
+ c("183.623,00%", "276.339,00%", "93.729,00%",
+ "64.300,00%", "21.223,20%", "0,00%",
+ "−2.324,00%")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `de_AT`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -158,8 +185,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "de_AT") %>%
- c("183 623,00%", "276 339,00%", "93 729,00%",
- "64 300,00%", "21 223,20%", "0,00%", "-2 324,00%"))
+ c("183 623,00%", "276 339,00%", "93 729,00%",
+ "64 300,00%", "21 223,20%", "0,00%",
+ "−2 324,00%")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `et_EE`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -168,8 +197,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "et_EE") %>%
- c("183 623,00%", "276 339,00%", "93 729,00%",
- "64 300,00%", "21 223,20%", "0,00%", "-2 324,00%"))
+ c("183 623,00%", "276 339,00%", "93 729,00%",
+ "64 300,00%", "21 223,20%", "0,00%",
+ "−2 324,00%")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `gl_ES`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -178,6 +209,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "gl_ES") %>%
- c("183.623,00%", "276.339,00%", "93.729,00%",
- "64.300,00%", "21.223,20%", "0,00%", "-2.324,00%"))
+ c("183.623,00%", "276.339,00%", "93.729,00%",
+ "64.300,00%", "21.223,20%", "0,00%",
+ "−2.324,00%")
+ )
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-fmt_scientific.R b/tests/testthat/test-fmt_scientific.R
index 2eb6cc8d3f..ced4f96e51 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-fmt_scientific.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-fmt_scientific.R
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
"october", "november", "december"),
num_1 = c(1836.23, 2763.39, 937.29, 643.00, 2.232, 0, -23.24),
num_2 = c(34, 74, 23, 93, 35, 0.01, NA),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE
+ )
# Create a `gt_tbl` object with `gt()` and the
# `data_tbl` dataset
@@ -25,10 +26,14 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
names(attributes(tab)) %in%
- c("names", "class", "row.names",
+ c(
+ "names", "class", "row.names",
"boxh_df", "stub_df", "footnotes_df", "styles_df",
"rows_df", "cols_df", "col_labels", "grp_labels",
- "arrange_groups", "data_df", "opts_df", "formats", "transforms")))
+ "arrange_groups", "data_df", "opts_df", "formats", "transforms"
+ )
+ )
+ )
# Extract vectors from the table object for comparison
# to the original dataset
@@ -48,12 +53,14 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
# that does not exist
tab %>%
- fmt_scientific(columns = "num_3", decimals = 2))
+ fmt_scientific(columns = "num_3", decimals = 2)
+ )
# Expect an error when using a locale that does not exist
tab %>%
- fmt_scientific(columns = "num_2", decimals = 2, locale = "aa_bb"))
+ fmt_scientific(columns = "num_2", decimals = 2, locale = "aa_bb")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, use all
# other defaults; extract `output_df` in the HTML context
@@ -68,7 +75,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
"9.37 × 102",
"6.43 × 102",
"2.23", "0.00",
- "-2.32 × 101"))
+ "−2.32 × 101"
+ )
+ )
# Format the `num_2` column to 2 decimal places, use all
# other defaults; extract `output_df` in the HTML context
@@ -83,7 +92,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
"2.30 × 101",
"9.30 × 101",
"3.50 × 101",
- "1.00 × 10-2",
+ "1.00 × 10−2",
@@ -97,7 +106,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
"1.84 x 10(3)", "2.76 x 10(3)", "9.37 x 10(2)",
- "6.43 x 10(2)", "2.23", "0.00", "-2.32 x 10(1)"))
+ "6.43 x 10(2)", "2.23", "0.00", "-2.32 x 10(1)"
+ )
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 5 decimal places, use all
# other defaults; extract `output_df` in the HTML context
@@ -112,7 +123,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
"9.37290 × 102",
"6.43000 × 102",
"2.23200", "0.00000",
- "-2.32400 × 101"))
+ "−2.32400 × 101"
+ )
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 5 decimal places, use all
# other defaults; extract `output_df` in the default context
@@ -127,7 +140,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
"9.37290 x 10(2)",
"6.43000 x 10(2)",
"2.23200", "0.00000",
- "-2.32400 x 10(1)"))
+ "-2.32400 x 10(1)"
+ )
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, use a period for the
# digit grouping separators and a comma for the decimal mark, use
@@ -144,7 +159,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
"9,37 × 102",
"6,43 × 102",
"2,23", "0,00",
- "-2,32 × 101"))
+ "−2,32 × 101"
+ )
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, use a period for the
# digit grouping separators and a comma for the decimal mark, use
@@ -157,7 +174,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
"1,84 x 10(3)", "2,76 x 10(3)", "9,37 x 10(2)",
- "6,43 x 10(2)", "2,23", "0,00", "-2,32 x 10(1)"))
+ "6,43 x 10(2)", "2,23", "0,00", "-2,32 x 10(1)"
+ )
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 4 decimal places, scale all values by
# 1/1000, use all other defaults; extract `output_df` in the HTML
@@ -167,12 +186,14 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
fmt_scientific(columns = "num_1", decimals = 4, scale_by = 1/1000) %>%
- "1.8362 × 100",
- "2.7634 × 100",
- "9.3729 × 10-1",
- "6.4300 × 10-1",
- "2.2320", "0.0000",
- "-2.3240 × 10-2"))
+ "1.8362", "2.7634",
+ "9.3729 × 10−1",
+ "6.4300 × 10−1",
+ "2.2320 × 10−3",
+ "0.0000",
+ "−2.3240 × 10−2"
+ )
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 4 decimal places, scale all values by
# 1/1000, use all other defaults; extract `output_df` in the default
@@ -181,8 +202,12 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
(tab %>%
fmt_scientific(columns = "num_1", decimals = 4, scale_by = 1/1000) %>%
- c("1.8362 x 10(0)", "2.7634 x 10(0)", "9.3729 x 10(-1)",
- "6.4300 x 10(-1)", "2.2320", "0.0000", "-2.3240 x 10(-2)"))
+ c(
+ "1.8362", "2.7634", "9.3729 x 10(-1)",
+ "6.4300 x 10(-1)", "2.2320 x 10(-3)",
+ "0.0000", "-2.3240 x 10(-2)"
+ )
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, prepend and append
# all values by 2 different literals, use all other defaults; extract
@@ -197,7 +222,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
"a 9.37 × 102 b",
"a 6.43 × 102 b",
"a 2.23 b", "a 0.00 b",
- "a -2.32 × 101 b"))
+ "a −2.32 × 101 b"
+ )
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, prepend and append
# all values by 2 different literals, use all other defaults; extract
@@ -208,7 +235,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
"a 1.84 x 10(3) b", "a 2.76 x 10(3) b", "a 9.37 x 10(2) b",
- "a 6.43 x 10(2) b", "a 2.23 b", "a 0.00 b", "a -2.32 x 10(1) b"))
+ "a 6.43 x 10(2) b", "a 2.23 b", "a 0.00 b", "a -2.32 x 10(1) b"
+ )
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `en_US`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` in the HTML
@@ -223,7 +252,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
"9.37 × 102",
"6.43 × 102",
"2.23", "0.00",
- "-2.32 × 101"))
+ "−2.32 × 101"
+ )
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `da_DK`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` in the HTML
@@ -238,7 +269,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
"9,37 × 102",
"6,43 × 102",
"2,23", "0,00",
- "-2,32 × 101"))
+ "−2,32 × 101"
+ )
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `de_AT`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` in the HTML
@@ -253,7 +286,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
"9,37 × 102",
"6,43 × 102",
"2,23", "0,00",
- "-2,32 × 101"))
+ "−2,32 × 101"
+ )
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `et_EE`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` in the HTML
@@ -268,7 +303,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
"9,37 × 102",
"6,43 × 102",
"2,23", "0,00",
- "-2,32 × 101"))
+ "−2,32 × 101"
+ )
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `gl_ES`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` in the HTML
@@ -283,7 +320,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
"9,37 × 102",
"6,43 × 102",
"2,23", "0,00",
- "-2,32 × 101"))
+ "−2,32 × 101"
+ )
+ )
test_that("`fmt_scientific()` can handle extremely large and small values", {
@@ -328,13 +367,13 @@ test_that("`fmt_scientific()` can handle extremely large and small values", {
fmt_scientific(columns = "num", decimals = 5) %>%
- "-1.50000 × 10200",
- "-1.50000 × 10100",
- "-2.50000",
- "-3.50000 × 10-100",
- "-3.50000 × 10-200",
- "1.50000 × 10-200",
- "1.50000 × 10-100",
+ "−1.50000 × 10200",
+ "−1.50000 × 10100",
+ "−2.50000",
+ "−3.50000 × 10−100",
+ "−3.50000 × 10−200",
+ "1.50000 × 10−200",
+ "1.50000 × 10−100",
"3.50000 × 10100",
"3.50000 × 10200"
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-l_conditional_fmt.R b/tests/testthat/test-l_conditional_fmt.R
index 26ea18e786..71aa0a9053 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-l_conditional_fmt.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-l_conditional_fmt.R
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ data_tbl <-
"october", "november", "december"),
num_1 = c(1836.23, 2763.39, 937.29, 643.00, 212.232, 0, -23.24),
num_2 = c(34, 74, 23, NA, 35, NA, NA),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE
+ )
# Create a `tbl_latex` object with `gt()` and the
# `data_tbl` dataset
@@ -24,7 +25,8 @@ time_tbl <-
time = c("16:45", "19:23", "01:30", "08:00"),
datetime = c("2010-03-25 19:45", "2015-06-12 09:25",
"2016-01-15 14:38", "2012-08-07 12:31"),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE
+ )
# Create a `tbl_latex_time` object with `gt()` and the
# `data_tbl` dataset
@@ -39,8 +41,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works with conditional `rows`", {
decimals = 4,
rows = num_1 < 1000) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "latex"))[["num_1"]],
- c("1836.23", "2763.39", "937.2900", "643.0000",
- "212.2320", "0.0000", "-23.2400")
+ c("1836.23", "2763.39", "$937.2900$", "$643.0000$",
+ "$212.2320$", "$0.0000$", "$-23.2400$")
@@ -50,7 +52,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works with conditional `rows`", {
decimals = 4,
rows = char_2 %in% c("june", "july") & grepl("sa.*", char_1)) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "latex"))[["num_2"]],
- c("34.0000", "74", "23", "NA", "35", "NA", "NA")
+ c("$34.0000$", "74", "23", "NA", "35", "NA", "NA")
@@ -63,9 +65,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works with conditional `rows`", {
decimals = 4,
rows = num_1 < 1000) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "latex"))[["num_1"]],
- c("1836.23", "2763.39", "9.3729$ \\times 10^{2}$",
- "6.4300$ \\times 10^{2}$", "2.1223$ \\times 10^{2}$", "0.0000",
- "-2.3240$ \\times 10^{1}$")
+ c("1836.23", "2763.39", "$9.3729 \\times 10^{2}$",
+ "$6.4300 \\times 10^{2}$", "$2.1223 \\times 10^{2}$", "$0.0000$",
+ "$-2.3240 \\times 10^{1}$")
@@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works with conditional `rows`", {
decimals = 4,
rows = char_2 %in% c("june", "july") & grepl("sa.*", char_1)) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "latex"))[["num_2"]],
- c("3.4000$ \\times 10^{1}$", "74", "23", "NA", "35", "NA", "NA")
+ c("$3.4000 \\times 10^{1}$", "74", "23", "NA", "35", "NA", "NA")
@@ -88,8 +90,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works with conditional `rows`", {
decimals = 2,
rows = num_1 < 1000) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "latex"))[["num_1"]],
- c("1836.23", "2763.39", "93,729.00\\%", "64,300.00\\%",
- "21,223.20\\%", "0.00\\%", "-2,324.00\\%")
+ c("1836.23", "2763.39", "$93,729.00\\%$", "$64,300.00\\%$",
+ "$21,223.20\\%$", "$0.00\\%$", "$-2,324.00\\%$")
@@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works with conditional `rows`", {
decimals = 2,
rows = char_2 %in% c("june", "july") & grepl("sa.*", char_1)) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "latex"))[["num_2"]],
- c("3,400.00\\%", "74", "23", "NA", "35", "NA", "NA")
+ c("$3,400.00\\%$", "74", "23", "NA", "35", "NA", "NA")
@@ -112,8 +114,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works with conditional `rows`", {
currency = "USD",
rows = num_1 < 1000) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "latex"))[["num_1"]],
- c("1836.23", "2763.39", "\\$937.29", "\\$643.00",
- "\\$212.23", "\\$0.00", "\\$-23.24")
+ c("1836.23", "2763.39", "$\\text{\\$}937.29$", "$\\text{\\$}643.00$",
+ "$\\text{\\$}212.23$", "$\\text{\\$}0.00$", "$-\\text{\\$}23.24$")
@@ -123,7 +125,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works with conditional `rows`", {
currency = "USD",
rows = char_2 %in% c("june", "july") & grepl("sa.*", char_1)) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "latex"))[["num_2"]],
- c("\\$34.00", "74", "23", "NA", "35", "NA", "NA")
+ c("$\\text{\\$}34.00$", "74", "23", "NA", "35", "NA", "NA")
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_currency.R b/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_currency.R
index 5045b1e9f3..8fe17bbdeb 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_currency.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_currency.R
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
"october", "november", "december"),
num_1 = c(1836.23, 2763.39, 937.29, 643.00, 212.232, 0, -23.24),
num_2 = c(34, 74, 23, 93, 35, 76, 57),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE
+ )
# Create a `tbl_latex` object with `gt()` and the
# `data_tbl` dataset
@@ -24,8 +25,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_currency(columns = "num_1", currency = "USD") %>%
render_formats_test(context = "latex"))[["num_1"]],
- c("\\$1,836.23", "\\$2,763.39", "\\$937.29", "\\$643.00",
- "\\$212.23", "\\$0.00", "\\$-23.24"))
+ c("$\\text{\\$}1,836.23$", "$\\text{\\$}2,763.39$", "$\\text{\\$}937.29$",
+ "$\\text{\\$}643.00$", "$\\text{\\$}212.23$", "$\\text{\\$}0.00$",
+ "$-\\text{\\$}23.24$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as USD to 5 decimal places, use all
# other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare to expected values
@@ -33,8 +36,11 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_currency(columns = "num_1", currency = "USD", decimals = 5) %>%
- c("\\$1,836.23000", "\\$2,763.39000", "\\$937.29000", "\\$643.00000",
- "\\$212.23200", "\\$0.00000", "\\$-23.24000"))
+ c("$\\text{\\$}1,836.23000$", "$\\text{\\$}2,763.39000$",
+ "$\\text{\\$}937.29000$", "$\\text{\\$}643.00000$",
+ "$\\text{\\$}212.23200$", "$\\text{\\$}0.00000$",
+ "$-\\text{\\$}23.24000$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as USD, and don't include the subunits;
# use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare to
@@ -43,7 +49,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_currency(columns = "num_1", currency = "USD", use_subunits = FALSE) %>%
- c("\\$1,836", "\\$2,763", "\\$937", "\\$643", "\\$212", "\\$0", "\\$-23"))
+ c("$\\text{\\$}1,836$", "$\\text{\\$}2,763$", "$\\text{\\$}937$",
+ "$\\text{\\$}643$", "$\\text{\\$}212$", "$\\text{\\$}0$",
+ "$-\\text{\\$}23$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as USD, don't use digit
# grouping separators, use all other defaults; extract `output_df`
@@ -52,8 +61,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_currency(columns = "num_1", currency = "USD", use_seps = FALSE) %>%
- c("\\$1836.23", "\\$2763.39", "\\$937.29", "\\$643.00",
- "\\$212.23", "\\$0.00", "\\$-23.24"))
+ c("$\\text{\\$}1836.23$", "$\\text{\\$}2763.39$", "$\\text{\\$}937.29$",
+ "$\\text{\\$}643.00$", "$\\text{\\$}212.23$", "$\\text{\\$}0.00$",
+ "$-\\text{\\$}23.24$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, use a single space
# character as digit grouping separators, use all other defaults;
@@ -62,8 +73,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_currency(columns = "num_1", currency = "USD", sep_mark = " ") %>%
- c("\\$1 836.23", "\\$2 763.39", "\\$937.29", "\\$643.00",
- "\\$212.23", "\\$0.00", "\\$-23.24"))
+ c("$\\text{\\$}1 836.23$", "$\\text{\\$}2 763.39$", "$\\text{\\$}937.29$",
+ "$\\text{\\$}643.00$", "$\\text{\\$}212.23$", "$\\text{\\$}0.00$",
+ "$-\\text{\\$}23.24$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as USD, use a period for the digit grouping
# separators and a comma for the decimal mark, use all other defaults;
@@ -74,8 +87,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
columns = "num_1", currency = "USD",
sep_mark = ".", dec_mark = ",") %>%
- c("\\$1.836,23", "\\$2.763,39", "\\$937,29", "\\$643,00",
- "\\$212,23", "\\$0,00", "\\$-23,24"))
+ c("$\\text{\\$}1.836,23$", "$\\text{\\$}2.763,39$", "$\\text{\\$}937,29$",
+ "$\\text{\\$}643,00$", "$\\text{\\$}212,23$", "$\\text{\\$}0,00$",
+ "$-\\text{\\$}23,24$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as USD, apply parentheses to all negative
# values, use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -85,8 +100,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
columns = "num_1", currency = "USD", negative_val = "parens") %>%
- c("\\$1,836.23", "\\$2,763.39", "\\$937.29", "\\$643.00",
- "\\$212.23", "\\$0.00", "(\\$23.24)"))
+ c("$\\text{\\$}1,836.23$", "$\\text{\\$}2,763.39$", "$\\text{\\$}937.29$",
+ "$\\text{\\$}643.00$", "$\\text{\\$}212.23$", "$\\text{\\$}0.00$",
+ "$\\left(\\text{\\$}23.24\\right)$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as USD, apply parentheses to all negative
# values, use all other defaults; apply the default context, extract
@@ -96,8 +113,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
columns = "num_1", currency = "USD", negative_val = "parens") %>%
- c("\\$1,836.23", "\\$2,763.39", "\\$937.29", "\\$643.00",
- "\\$212.23", "\\$0.00", "(\\$23.24)"))
+ c("$\\text{\\$}1,836.23$", "$\\text{\\$}2,763.39$", "$\\text{\\$}937.29$",
+ "$\\text{\\$}643.00$", "$\\text{\\$}212.23$", "$\\text{\\$}0.00$",
+ "$\\left(\\text{\\$}23.24\\right)$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as USD to 4 decimal places, scale all values by
# 1/1000, use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -108,8 +127,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
columns = "num_1", currency = "USD",
decimals = 4, scale_by = 1/1000) %>%
- c("\\$1.8362", "\\$2.7634", "\\$0.9373", "\\$0.6430",
- "\\$0.2122", "\\$0.0000", "\\$-0.0232"))
+ c("$\\text{\\$}1.8362$", "$\\text{\\$}2.7634$", "$\\text{\\$}0.9373$",
+ "$\\text{\\$}0.6430$", "$\\text{\\$}0.2122$", "$\\text{\\$}0.0000$",
+ "$-\\text{\\$}0.0232$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as USD, prepend and append all values by 2
# different literals, use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and
@@ -119,8 +140,11 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
columns = "num_1", currency = "USD", pattern = "a {x} b") %>%
- c("a \\$1,836.23 b", "a \\$2,763.39 b", "a \\$937.29 b", "a \\$643.00 b",
- "a \\$212.23 b", "a \\$0.00 b", "a \\$-23.24 b"))
+ c("a $\\text{\\$}1,836.23$ b", "a $\\text{\\$}2,763.39$ b",
+ "a $\\text{\\$}937.29$ b", "a $\\text{\\$}643.00$ b",
+ "a $\\text{\\$}212.23$ b", "a $\\text{\\$}0.00$ b",
+ "a $-\\text{\\$}23.24$ b")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as USD to 4 decimal places, scale all values
# by 1/1000 and append a `K` character to the resultant values, use
@@ -131,8 +155,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
columns = "num_1", currency = "USD", decimals = 4,
scale_by = 1/1000, pattern = "{x}K") %>%
- c("\\$1.8362K", "\\$2.7634K", "\\$0.9373K", "\\$0.6430K",
- "\\$0.2122K", "\\$0.0000K", "\\$-0.0232K"))
+ c("$\\text{\\$}1.8362$K", "$\\text{\\$}2.7634$K", "$\\text{\\$}0.9373$K",
+ "$\\text{\\$}0.6430$K", "$\\text{\\$}0.2122$K", "$\\text{\\$}0.0000$K",
+ "$-\\text{\\$}0.0232$K")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as USD, apply the `en_US` locale and use all
# other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare to expected values
@@ -141,8 +167,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
columns = "num_1", currency = "USD", locale = "en_US") %>%
- c("\\$1,836.23", "\\$2,763.39", "\\$937.29", "\\$643.00",
- "\\$212.23", "\\$0.00", "\\$-23.24"))
+ c("$\\text{\\$}1,836.23$", "$\\text{\\$}2,763.39$", "$\\text{\\$}937.29$",
+ "$\\text{\\$}643.00$", "$\\text{\\$}212.23$", "$\\text{\\$}0.00$",
+ "$-\\text{\\$}23.24$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as DKK, apply the `da_DK` locale and use all
# other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare to expected values
@@ -152,19 +180,22 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
columns = "num_1", currency = "DKK", locale = "da_DK",
placement = "right", incl_space = TRUE) %>%
- c("1.836,23 kr.", "2.763,39 kr.", "937,29 kr.", "643,00 kr.",
- "212,23 kr.", "0,00 kr.", "-23,24 kr."))
+ c("$1.836,23 \\text{kr.}$", "$2.763,39 \\text{kr.}$",
+ "$937,29 \\text{kr.}$", "$643,00 \\text{kr.}$", "$212,23 \\text{kr.}$",
+ "$0,00 \\text{kr.}$", "$-23,24 \\text{kr.}$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as DKK, apply the `da_DK` locale and use all
- # other defaults; use the default context, extract `output_df`, and
- # compare to expected values
+ # other defaults; extract `output_df`, and compare to expected values
(tbl_latex %>%
columns = "num_1", currency = "DKK", locale = "da_DK") %>%
- c("kr.1.836,23", "kr.2.763,39", "kr.937,29", "kr.643,00",
- "kr.212,23", "kr.0,00", "kr.-23,24"))
+ c("$\\text{kr.}1.836,23$", "$\\text{kr.}2.763,39$", "$\\text{kr.}937,29$",
+ "$\\text{kr.}643,00$", "$\\text{kr.}212,23$", "$\\text{kr.}0,00$",
+ "$-\\text{kr.}23,24$" )
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as EUR, apply the `de_AT` locale and use all
# other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare to expected values
@@ -173,8 +204,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
columns = "num_1", currency = "EUR", locale = "de_AT") %>%
- c("EUR1 836,23", "EUR2 763,39", "EUR937,29", "EUR643,00",
- "EUR212,23", "EUR0,00", "EUR-23,24"))
+ c("$\\text{EUR}1 836,23$", "$\\text{EUR}2 763,39$", "$\\text{EUR}937,29$",
+ "$\\text{EUR}643,00$", "$\\text{EUR}212,23$", "$\\text{EUR}0,00$",
+ "$-\\text{EUR}23,24$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column as EUR, apply the `de_AT` locale and use all
# other defaults; use the default context, extract `output_df`, and
@@ -184,8 +217,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
columns = "num_1", currency = "EUR", locale = "de_AT") %>%
- c("EUR1 836,23", "EUR2 763,39", "EUR937,29", "EUR643,00",
- "EUR212,23", "EUR0,00", "EUR-23,24"))
+ c("$\\text{EUR}1 836,23$", "$\\text{EUR}2 763,39$", "$\\text{EUR}937,29$",
+ "$\\text{EUR}643,00$", "$\\text{EUR}212,23$", "$\\text{EUR}0,00$",
+ "$-\\text{EUR}23,24$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `et_EE`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -195,6 +230,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_currency()` function works correctly", {
columns = "num_1", currency = "EUR", locale = "et_EE") %>%
- c("EUR1 836,23", "EUR2 763,39", "EUR937,29", "EUR643,00",
- "EUR212,23", "EUR0,00", "EUR-23,24"))
+ c("$\\text{EUR}1 836,23$", "$\\text{EUR}2 763,39$", "$\\text{EUR}937,29$",
+ "$\\text{EUR}643,00$", "$\\text{EUR}212,23$", "$\\text{EUR}0,00$",
+ "$-\\text{EUR}23,24$")
+ )
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_missing.R b/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_missing.R
index 85090c8133..20230353ce 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_missing.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_missing.R
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_missing()` function works correctly", {
) %>%
fmt_missing(columns = TRUE) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "latex"))[["num_1"]],
- c("---", "74.000", "---", "93.000", "---", "76.000", "---"))
+ c("---", "$74.000$", "---", "$93.000$", "---", "$76.000$", "---"))
# Reverse the ordering: use `fmt_missing()` first
# then `fmt_number()`; expect the same output as before
@@ -70,5 +70,5 @@ test_that("the `fmt_missing()` function works correctly", {
decimals = 3
) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "latex"))[["num_1"]],
- c("---", "74.000", "---", "93.000", "---", "76.000", "---"))
+ c("---", "$74.000$", "---", "$93.000$", "---", "$76.000$", "---"))
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_number.R b/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_number.R
index 787f79b290..bb980cafc9 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_number.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_number.R
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
"october", "november", "december"),
num_1 = c(1836.23, 2763.39, 937.29, 643.00, 212.232, 0, -23.24),
num_2 = c(34, 74, 23, 93, 35, 76, 57),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE
+ )
# Create a `tbl_latex` object with `gt()` and the
# `data_tbl` dataset
@@ -24,7 +25,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2) %>%
render_formats_test(context = "latex"))[["num_1"]],
- c("1,836.23", "2,763.39", "937.29", "643.00", "212.23", "0.00", "-23.24"))
+ c("$1,836.23$", "$2,763.39$", "$937.29$", "$643.00$",
+ "$212.23$", "$0.00$", "$-23.24$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 5 decimal places, use all
# other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare to expected values
@@ -32,18 +35,23 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 5) %>%
- c("1,836.23000", "2,763.39000", "937.29000", "643.00000",
- "212.23200", "0.00000", "-23.24000"))
+ c("$1,836.23000$", "$2,763.39000$", "$937.29000$",
+ "$643.00000$", "$212.23200$", "$0.00000$", "$-23.24000$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, drop the trailing
# zeros, use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare to
# expected values
(tbl_latex %>%
- fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2,
- drop_trailing_zeros = TRUE) %>%
+ fmt_number(
+ columns = "num_1", decimals = 2,
+ drop_trailing_zeros = TRUE
+ ) %>%
- c("1,836.23", "2,763.39", "937.29", "643", "212.23", "0", "-23.24"))
+ c("$1,836.23$", "$2,763.39$", "$937.29$", "$643$",
+ "$212.23$", "$0$", "$-23.24$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, don't use digit
# grouping separators, use all other defaults; extract `output_df`
@@ -52,7 +60,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, use_seps = FALSE) %>%
- c("1836.23", "2763.39", "937.29", "643.00", "212.23", "0.00", "-23.24"))
+ c("$1836.23$", "$2763.39$", "$937.29$", "$643.00$",
+ "$212.23$", "$0.00$", "$-23.24$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, use a single space
# character as digit grouping separators, use all other defaults;
@@ -61,17 +71,23 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, sep_mark = " ") %>%
- c("1 836.23", "2 763.39", "937.29", "643.00", "212.23", "0.00", "-23.24"))
+ c("$1 836.23$", "$2 763.39$", "$937.29$", "$643.00$",
+ "$212.23$", "$0.00$", "$-23.24$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, use a period for the
# digit grouping separators and a comma for the decimal mark, use
# all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare to expected values
(tbl_latex %>%
- fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2,
- sep_mark = ".", dec_mark = ",") %>%
+ fmt_number(
+ columns = "num_1", decimals = 2,
+ sep_mark = ".", dec_mark = ","
+ ) %>%
- c("1.836,23", "2.763,39", "937,29", "643,00", "212,23", "0,00", "-23,24"))
+ c("$1.836,23$", "$2.763,39$", "$937,29$", "$643,00$",
+ "$212,23$", "$0,00$", "$-23,24$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply parentheses to
# all negative values, use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and
@@ -80,7 +96,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, negative_val = "parens") %>%
- c("1,836.23", "2,763.39", "937.29", "643.00", "212.23", "0.00", "(23.24)"))
+ c("$1,836.23$", "$2,763.39$", "$937.29$", "$643.00$",
+ "$212.23$", "$0.00$", "$(23.24)$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 4 decimal places, scale all values by
# 1/1000, use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -89,7 +107,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 4, scale_by = 1/1000) %>%
- c("1.8362", "2.7634", "0.9373", "0.6430", "0.2122", "0.0000", "-0.0232"))
+ c("$1.8362$", "$2.7634$", "$0.9373$", "$0.6430$", "$0.2122$",
+ "$0.0000$", "$-0.0232$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, prepend and append
# all values by 2 different literals, use all other defaults; extract
@@ -98,8 +118,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, pattern = "a {x} b") %>%
- c("a 1,836.23 b", "a 2,763.39 b", "a 937.29 b", "a 643.00 b",
- "a 212.23 b", "a 0.00 b", "a -23.24 b"))
+ c("a $1,836.23$ b", "a $2,763.39$ b", "a $937.29$ b", "a $643.00$ b",
+ "a $212.23$ b", "a $0.00$ b", "a $-23.24$ b")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 4 decimal places, scale all values
# by 1/1000 and append a `K` character to the resultant values, use
@@ -109,8 +130,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 4,
scale_by = 1/1000, pattern = "{x}K") %>%
- c("1.8362K", "2.7634K", "0.9373K", "0.6430K",
- "0.2122K", "0.0000K", "-0.0232K"))
+ c("$1.8362$K", "$2.7634$K", "$0.9373$K", "$0.6430$K",
+ "$0.2122$K", "$0.0000$K", "$-0.0232$K")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `en_US`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -119,7 +141,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "en_US") %>%
- c("1,836.23", "2,763.39", "937.29", "643.00", "212.23", "0.00", "-23.24"))
+ c("$1,836.23$", "$2,763.39$", "$937.29$", "$643.00$",
+ "$212.23$", "$0.00$", "$-23.24$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `da_DK`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -128,7 +152,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "da_DK") %>%
- c("1.836,23", "2.763,39", "937,29", "643,00", "212,23", "0,00", "-23,24"))
+ c("$1.836,23$", "$2.763,39$", "$937,29$", "$643,00$",
+ "$212,23$", "$0,00$", "$-23,24$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `de_AT`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -137,7 +163,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "de_AT") %>%
- c("1 836,23", "2 763,39", "937,29", "643,00", "212,23", "0,00", "-23,24"))
+ c("$1 836,23$", "$2 763,39$", "$937,29$", "$643,00$",
+ "$212,23$", "$0,00$", "$-23,24$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `et_EE`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -146,7 +174,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "et_EE") %>%
- c("1 836,23", "2 763,39", "937,29", "643,00", "212,23", "0,00", "-23,24"))
+ c("$1 836,23$", "$2 763,39$", "$937,29$", "$643,00$",
+ "$212,23$", "$0,00$", "$-23,24$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `gl_ES`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -155,5 +185,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_number()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_number(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "gl_ES") %>%
- c("1.836,23", "2.763,39", "937,29", "643,00", "212,23", "0,00", "-23,24"))
+ c("$1.836,23$", "$2.763,39$", "$937,29$", "$643,00$",
+ "$212,23$", "$0,00$", "$-23,24$")
+ )
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_percent.R b/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_percent.R
index f8d64a3ad6..20d7d4c8e5 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_percent.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_percent.R
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
"october", "november", "december"),
num_1 = c(1836.23, 2763.39, 937.29, 643.00, 212.232, 0, -23.24),
num_2 = c(34, 74, 23, 93, 35, 76, 57),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE
+ )
# Create a `tbl_latex` object with `gt()` and the
# `data_tbl` dataset
@@ -24,8 +25,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2) %>%
- c("183,623.00\\%", "276,339.00\\%", "93,729.00\\%",
- "64,300.00\\%", "21,223.20\\%", "0.00\\%", "-2,324.00\\%"))
+ c("$183,623.00\\%$", "$276,339.00\\%$", "$93,729.00\\%$",
+ "$64,300.00\\%$", "$21,223.20\\%$", "$0.00\\%$", "$-2,324.00\\%$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 5 decimal places, use all
# other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare to expected values
@@ -33,19 +35,24 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 5) %>%
- c("183,623.00000\\%", "276,339.00000\\%", "93,729.00000\\%",
- "64,300.00000\\%", "21,223.20000\\%", "0.00000\\%", "-2,324.00000\\%"))
+ c("$183,623.00000\\%$", "$276,339.00000\\%$", "$93,729.00000\\%$",
+ "$64,300.00000\\%$", "$21,223.20000\\%$", "$0.00000\\%$",
+ "$-2,324.00000\\%$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, drop the trailing
# zeros, use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare to
# expected values
(tbl_latex %>%
- fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2,
- drop_trailing_zeros = TRUE) %>%
+ fmt_percent(
+ columns = "num_1", decimals = 2,
+ drop_trailing_zeros = TRUE
+ ) %>%
- c("183,623\\%", "276,339\\%", "93,729\\%", "64,300\\%",
- "21,223.2\\%", "0\\%", "-2,324\\%" ))
+ c("$183,623\\%$", "$276,339\\%$", "$93,729\\%$", "$64,300\\%$",
+ "$21,223.2\\%$", "$0\\%$", "$-2,324\\%$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, don't use digit
# grouping separators, use all other defaults; extract `output_df`
@@ -54,8 +61,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, use_seps = FALSE) %>%
- c("183623.00\\%", "276339.00\\%", "93729.00\\%", "64300.00\\%",
- "21223.20\\%", "0.00\\%", "-2324.00\\%"))
+ c("$183623.00\\%$", "$276339.00\\%$", "$93729.00\\%$", "$64300.00\\%$",
+ "$21223.20\\%$", "$0.00\\%$", "$-2324.00\\%$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, use a single space
# character as digit grouping separators, use all other defaults;
@@ -64,19 +72,23 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, sep_mark = " ") %>%
- c("183 623.00\\%", "276 339.00\\%", "93 729.00\\%", "64 300.00\\%",
- "21 223.20\\%", "0.00\\%", "-2 324.00\\%"))
+ c("$183 623.00\\%$", "$276 339.00\\%$", "$93 729.00\\%$", "$64 300.00\\%$",
+ "$21 223.20\\%$", "$0.00\\%$", "$-2 324.00\\%$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, use a period for the
# digit grouping separators and a comma for the decimal mark, use
# all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare to expected values
(tbl_latex %>%
- fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2,
- sep_mark = ".", dec_mark = ",") %>%
+ fmt_percent(
+ columns = "num_1", decimals = 2,
+ sep_mark = ".", dec_mark = ","
+ ) %>%
- c("183.623,00\\%", "276.339,00\\%", "93.729,00\\%", "64.300,00\\%",
- "21.223,20\\%", "0,00\\%", "-2.324,00\\%"))
+ c("$183.623,00\\%$", "$276.339,00\\%$", "$93.729,00\\%$", "$64.300,00\\%$",
+ "$21.223,20\\%$", "$0,00\\%$", "$-2.324,00\\%$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply parentheses to
# all negative values, use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and
@@ -85,8 +97,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, negative_val = "parens") %>%
- c("183,623.00\\%", "276,339.00\\%", "93,729.00\\%", "64,300.00\\%",
- "21,223.20\\%", "0.00\\%", "(2,324.00\\%)"))
+ c("$183,623.00\\%$", "$276,339.00\\%$", "$93,729.00\\%$", "$64,300.00\\%$",
+ "$21,223.20\\%$", "$0.00\\%$", "$\\left(2,324.00\\%\\right)$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, prepend and append
# all values by 2 different literals, use all other defaults; extract
@@ -95,30 +108,38 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, pattern = "a {x}:n") %>%
- c("a 183,623.00\\%:n", "a 276,339.00\\%:n", "a 93,729.00\\%:n",
- "a 64,300.00\\%:n", "a 21,223.20\\%:n", "a 0.00\\%:n", "a -2,324.00\\%:n"))
+ c("a $183,623.00\\%$:n", "a $276,339.00\\%$:n", "a $93,729.00\\%$:n",
+ "a $64,300.00\\%$:n", "a $21,223.20\\%$:n", "a $0.00\\%$:n",
+ "a $-2,324.00\\%$:n")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 0 decimal places, place a space between
# the percent sign (on the right) and the value, use all other defaults;
# extract `output_df` and compare to expected values
(tbl_latex %>%
- fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 0,
- placement = "right", incl_space = TRUE) %>%
+ fmt_percent(
+ columns = "num_1", decimals = 0,
+ placement = "right", incl_space = TRUE
+ ) %>%
- c("183,623 \\%", "276,339 \\%", "93,729 \\%", "64,300 \\%",
- "21,223 \\%", "0 \\%", "-2,324 \\%"))
+ c("$183,623 \\%$", "$276,339 \\%$", "$93,729 \\%$", "$64,300 \\%$",
+ "$21,223 \\%$", "$0 \\%$", "$-2,324 \\%$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 0 decimal places, place a space between
# the percent sign (on the left) and the value, use all other defaults;
# extract `output_df` and compare to expected values
(tbl_latex %>%
- fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 0,
- placement = "left", incl_space = TRUE) %>%
+ fmt_percent(
+ columns = "num_1", decimals = 0,
+ placement = "left", incl_space = TRUE
+ ) %>%
- c("\\% 183,623", "\\% 276,339", "\\% 93,729", "\\% 64,300",
- "\\% 21,223", "\\% 0", "\\% -2,324"))
+ c("$\\% 183,623$", "$\\% 276,339$", "$\\% 93,729$", "$\\% 64,300$",
+ "$\\% 21,223$", "$\\% 0$", "$\\% -2,324$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `en_US`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -127,8 +148,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "en_US") %>%
- c("183,623.00\\%", "276,339.00\\%", "93,729.00\\%",
- "64,300.00\\%", "21,223.20\\%", "0.00\\%", "-2,324.00\\%"))
+ c("$183,623.00\\%$", "$276,339.00\\%$", "$93,729.00\\%$",
+ "$64,300.00\\%$", "$21,223.20\\%$", "$0.00\\%$", "$-2,324.00\\%$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `da_DK`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -137,8 +159,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "da_DK") %>%
- c("183.623,00\\%", "276.339,00\\%", "93.729,00\\%",
- "64.300,00\\%", "21.223,20\\%", "0,00\\%", "-2.324,00\\%"))
+ c("$183.623,00\\%$", "$276.339,00\\%$", "$93.729,00\\%$",
+ "$64.300,00\\%$", "$21.223,20\\%$", "$0,00\\%$", "$-2.324,00\\%$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `de_AT`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -147,8 +170,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "de_AT") %>%
- c("183 623,00\\%", "276 339,00\\%", "93 729,00\\%",
- "64 300,00\\%", "21 223,20\\%", "0,00\\%", "-2 324,00\\%"))
+ c("$183 623,00\\%$", "$276 339,00\\%$", "$93 729,00\\%$",
+ "$64 300,00\\%$", "$21 223,20\\%$", "$0,00\\%$", "$-2 324,00\\%$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `et_EE`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -157,8 +181,9 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "et_EE") %>%
- c("183 623,00\\%", "276 339,00\\%", "93 729,00\\%",
- "64 300,00\\%", "21 223,20\\%", "0,00\\%", "-2 324,00\\%"))
+ c("$183 623,00\\%$", "$276 339,00\\%$", "$93 729,00\\%$",
+ "$64 300,00\\%$", "$21 223,20\\%$", "$0,00\\%$", "$-2 324,00\\%$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `gl_ES`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` and compare
@@ -167,6 +192,7 @@ test_that("the `fmt_percent()` function works correctly", {
(tbl_latex %>%
fmt_percent(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "gl_ES") %>%
- c("183.623,00\\%", "276.339,00\\%", "93.729,00\\%",
- "64.300,00\\%", "21.223,20\\%", "0,00\\%", "-2.324,00\\%"))
+ c("$183.623,00\\%$", "$276.339,00\\%$", "$93.729,00\\%$",
+ "$64.300,00\\%$", "$21.223,20\\%$", "$0,00\\%$", "$-2.324,00\\%$")
+ )
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_scientific.R b/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_scientific.R
index 572ea2e3dd..de8b210c95 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_scientific.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_scientific.R
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
"october", "november", "december"),
num_1 = c(1836.23, 2763.39, 937.29, 643.00, 2.232, 0, -23.24),
num_2 = c(34, 74, 23, 93, 35, 76, 57),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE
+ )
# Create a `tbl_latex` object with `gt()` and the
# `data_tbl` dataset
@@ -26,9 +27,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
fmt_scientific(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2) %>%
- "1.84$ \\times 10^{3}$", "2.76$ \\times 10^{3}$",
- "9.37$ \\times 10^{2}$", "6.43$ \\times 10^{2}$",
- "2.23", "0.00", "-2.32$ \\times 10^{1}$"))
+ "$1.84 \\times 10^{3}$", "$2.76 \\times 10^{3}$",
+ "$9.37 \\times 10^{2}$", "$6.43 \\times 10^{2}$",
+ "$2.23$", "$0.00$", "$-2.32 \\times 10^{1}$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 5 decimal places, use all
# other defaults; extract `output_df` in the HTML context
@@ -38,9 +40,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
fmt_scientific(columns = "num_1", decimals = 5) %>%
- "1.83623$ \\times 10^{3}$", "2.76339$ \\times 10^{3}$",
- "9.37290$ \\times 10^{2}$", "6.43000$ \\times 10^{2}$",
- "2.23200", "0.00000", "-2.32400$ \\times 10^{1}$"))
+ "$1.83623 \\times 10^{3}$", "$2.76339 \\times 10^{3}$",
+ "$9.37290 \\times 10^{2}$", "$6.43000 \\times 10^{2}$",
+ "$2.23200$", "$0.00000$", "$-2.32400 \\times 10^{1}$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, use a period for the
# digit grouping separators and a comma for the decimal mark, use
@@ -48,13 +51,16 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
# compare to expected values
(tbl_latex %>%
- fmt_scientific(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2,
- sep_mark = ".", dec_mark = ",") %>%
+ fmt_scientific(
+ columns = "num_1", decimals = 2,
+ sep_mark = ".", dec_mark = ","
+ ) %>%
- "1,84$ \\times 10^{3}$", "2,76$ \\times 10^{3}$",
- "9,37$ \\times 10^{2}$", "6,43$ \\times 10^{2}$",
- "2,23", "0,00", "-2,32$ \\times 10^{1}$"))
+ "$1,84 \\times 10^{3}$", "$2,76 \\times 10^{3}$",
+ "$9,37 \\times 10^{2}$", "$6,43 \\times 10^{2}$",
+ "$2,23$", "$0,00$", "$-2,32 \\times 10^{1}$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 4 decimal places, scale all values by
# 1/1000, use all other defaults; extract `output_df` in the HTML
@@ -64,9 +70,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
fmt_scientific(columns = "num_1", decimals = 4, scale_by = 1/1000) %>%
- "1.8362$ \\times 10^{0}$", "2.7634$ \\times 10^{0}$",
- "9.3729$ \\times 10^{-1}$", "6.4300$ \\times 10^{-1}$",
- "2.2320", "0.0000", "-2.3240$ \\times 10^{-2}$"))
+ "$1.8362$", "$2.7634$",
+ "$9.3729 \\times 10^{-1}$", "$6.4300 \\times 10^{-1}$",
+ "$2.2320 \\times 10^{-3}$", "$0.0000$", "$-2.3240 \\times 10^{-2}$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, prepend and append
# all values by 2 different literals, use all other defaults; extract
@@ -76,9 +83,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
fmt_scientific(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, pattern = "a {x} b") %>%
- "a 1.84$ \\times 10^{3}$ b", "a 2.76$ \\times 10^{3}$ b",
- "a 9.37$ \\times 10^{2}$ b", "a 6.43$ \\times 10^{2}$ b",
- "a 2.23 b", "a 0.00 b", "a -2.32$ \\times 10^{1}$ b"))
+ "a $1.84 \\times 10^{3}$ b", "a $2.76 \\times 10^{3}$ b",
+ "a $9.37 \\times 10^{2}$ b", "a $6.43 \\times 10^{2}$ b",
+ "a $2.23$ b", "a $0.00$ b", "a $-2.32 \\times 10^{1}$ b")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `en_US`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` in the HTML
@@ -88,9 +96,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
fmt_scientific(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "en_US") %>%
- "1.84$ \\times 10^{3}$", "2.76$ \\times 10^{3}$",
- "9.37$ \\times 10^{2}$", "6.43$ \\times 10^{2}$",
- "2.23", "0.00", "-2.32$ \\times 10^{1}$"))
+ "$1.84 \\times 10^{3}$", "$2.76 \\times 10^{3}$",
+ "$9.37 \\times 10^{2}$", "$6.43 \\times 10^{2}$",
+ "$2.23$", "$0.00$", "$-2.32 \\times 10^{1}$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `da_DK`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` in the HTML
@@ -100,9 +109,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
fmt_scientific(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "da_DK") %>%
- "1,84$ \\times 10^{3}$", "2,76$ \\times 10^{3}$",
- "9,37$ \\times 10^{2}$", "6,43$ \\times 10^{2}$",
- "2,23", "0,00", "-2,32$ \\times 10^{1}$"))
+ "$1,84 \\times 10^{3}$", "$2,76 \\times 10^{3}$",
+ "$9,37 \\times 10^{2}$", "$6,43 \\times 10^{2}$",
+ "$2,23$", "$0,00$", "$-2,32 \\times 10^{1}$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `de_AT`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` in the HTML
@@ -112,9 +122,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
fmt_scientific(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "de_AT") %>%
- "1,84$ \\times 10^{3}$", "2,76$ \\times 10^{3}$",
- "9,37$ \\times 10^{2}$", "6,43$ \\times 10^{2}$",
- "2,23", "0,00", "-2,32$ \\times 10^{1}$"))
+ "$1,84 \\times 10^{3}$", "$2,76 \\times 10^{3}$",
+ "$9,37 \\times 10^{2}$", "$6,43 \\times 10^{2}$",
+ "$2,23$", "$0,00$", "$-2,32 \\times 10^{1}$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `et_EE`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` in the HTML
@@ -124,9 +135,10 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
fmt_scientific(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "et_EE") %>%
- "1,84$ \\times 10^{3}$", "2,76$ \\times 10^{3}$",
- "9,37$ \\times 10^{2}$", "6,43$ \\times 10^{2}$",
- "2,23", "0,00", "-2,32$ \\times 10^{1}$"))
+ "$1,84 \\times 10^{3}$", "$2,76 \\times 10^{3}$",
+ "$9,37 \\times 10^{2}$", "$6,43 \\times 10^{2}$",
+ "$2,23$", "$0,00$", "$-2,32 \\times 10^{1}$")
+ )
# Format the `num_1` column to 2 decimal places, apply the `gl_ES`
# locale and use all other defaults; extract `output_df` in the HTML
@@ -136,7 +148,8 @@ test_that("the `fmt_scientific()` function works correctly", {
fmt_scientific(columns = "num_1", decimals = 2, locale = "gl_ES") %>%
- "1,84$ \\times 10^{3}$", "2,76$ \\times 10^{3}$",
- "9,37$ \\times 10^{2}$", "6,43$ \\times 10^{2}$",
- "2,23", "0,00", "-2,32$ \\times 10^{1}$"))
+ "$1,84 \\times 10^{3}$", "$2,76 \\times 10^{3}$",
+ "$9,37 \\times 10^{2}$", "$6,43 \\times 10^{2}$",
+ "$2,23$", "$0,00$", "$-2,32 \\times 10^{1}$")
+ )
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-util_functions.R b/tests/testthat/test-util_functions.R
index 1a64c5c680..8905fd7917 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-util_functions.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-util_functions.R
@@ -80,54 +80,46 @@ test_that("the `get_time_format()` function works correctly", {
c("%H:%M:%S", "%H:%M", "%I:%M:%S %P", "%I:%M %P", "%I %P"))
-test_that("the `is_currency_valid()` function works correctly", {
+test_that("the `validate_currency()` function works correctly", {
# Expect that specific currency names supplied to
- # `is_currency_valid()` will all return TRUE
- lapply(currency_symbols$curr_symbol, is_currency_valid) %>%
- unlist() %>%
- all() %>%
- expect_true()
+ # `validate_currency()` will all return NULL
+ expect_null(
+ lapply(currency_symbols$curr_symbol, validate_currency) %>%
+ unlist()
+ )
# Expect that invalid currency names supplied to
- # `is_currency_valid()` will all return FALSE
- lapply(c("thaler", "tetarteron"), is_currency_valid) %>%
- unlist() %>%
- all() %>%
- expect_false()
+ # `validate_currency()` will result in an error
+ expect_error(lapply(c("thaler", "tetarteron"), validate_currency))
# Expect that specific currency codes supplied to
- # `is_currency_valid()` will all return TRUE
- lapply(currencies$curr_code, is_currency_valid) %>%
- unlist() %>%
- all() %>%
- expect_true()
+ # `validate_currency()` will all return NULL
+ expect_null(
+ lapply(currencies$curr_code, validate_currency) %>%
+ unlist()
+ )
# Expect that invalid currency codes supplied to
- # `is_currency_valid()` will all return FALSE
- lapply(c("AAA", "ZZZ"), is_currency_valid) %>%
- unlist() %>%
- all() %>%
- expect_false()
+ # `validate_currency()` will result in an error
+ expect_error(lapply(c("AAA", "ZZZ"), validate_currency))
# Expect that specific currency codes (3-number)
- # supplied to `is_currency_valid()` will all return TRUE
- lapply(currencies$curr_number, is_currency_valid) %>%
- unlist() %>%
- all() %>%
- expect_true()
+ # supplied to `validate_currency()` will return NULL
+ expect_null(
+ lapply(currencies$curr_number, validate_currency) %>%
+ unlist()
+ )
- lapply(as.numeric(currencies$curr_number), is_currency_valid) %>%
- unlist() %>%
- all() %>%
- expect_true()
+ expect_null(
+ lapply(as.numeric(currencies$curr_number), validate_currency) %>%
+ unlist()
+ )
# Expect that invalid currency codes supplied to
- # `is_currency_valid()` will all return FALSE
- lapply(c(999, 998), is_currency_valid) %>%
- unlist() %>%
- all() %>%
- expect_false()
+ # `validate_currency()` will return an error
+ expect_error(lapply(c(999, 998), validate_currency))
test_that("the `get_currency_str()` function works correctly", {
@@ -260,26 +252,6 @@ test_that("the `get_currency_exponent()` function works correctly", {
expect_equal(rep(0, 7))
-test_that("the `get_locale_sep_mark()` function works correctly", {
- # Expect that `get_locale_sep_mark()` will return
- # different group separator symbols with specific locale IDs
- lapply(c("af", "be", "en_GB", "et", "fr_FR", "ru", "th", "de"),
- get_locale_sep_mark) %>%
- unlist() %>%
- expect_equal(c(" ", " ", ",", " ", " ", " ", ",", "."))
-test_that("the `get_locale_dec_mark()` function works correctly", {
- # Expect that `get_locale_dec_mark()` will return
- # different decimal separator symbols with specific locale IDs
- lapply(c("af", "be", "en_GB", "et", "fr_FR", "ru", "th", "de"),
- get_locale_dec_mark) %>%
- unlist() %>%
- expect_equal(c(",", ",", ".", ",", ",", ",", ".", ","))
test_that("the `process_text()` function works correctly", {
# Create the `simple_text` variable, which is text
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-utils_formatters.R b/tests/testthat/test-utils_formatters.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f1639208b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-utils_formatters.R
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+context("Ensuring that the utility functions for the formatters work correctly")
+test_that("the `filter_table_to_value()` function works correctly", {
+ # Expect that filtering the `locales` table with
+ # `filter_table_to_value()` will return a single value
+ # so long as the filtering expressions are well chosen
+ expect_equal(
+ locales %>%
+ filter_table_to_value(lang, base_locale_id == "en_US"),
+ "en"
+ )
+ # Expect an error with `filter_table_to_value()` if the
+ # chosen filtering expressions result in a number of
+ # returned rows not equal to 1
+ expect_error(
+ locales %>%
+ filter_table_to_value(base_locale_id, lang == "en")
+ )
+test_that("the `get_locale_sep_mark()` function works correctly", {
+ # Expect that a `locale` which is `NULL` will return the
+ # default value
+ expect_equal(
+ c(
+ get_locale_sep_mark(locale = NULL, default = ",", use_seps = TRUE),
+ get_locale_sep_mark(locale = NULL, default = ".", use_seps = TRUE),
+ get_locale_sep_mark(locale = NULL, default = " ", use_seps = TRUE)
+ ),
+ c(",", ".", " ")
+ )
+ # Expect that an invalid `locale` will result in
+ # an error
+ expect_error(
+ get_locale_sep_mark(locale = "do_IT", default = ",", use_seps = TRUE)
+ )
+ # Expect that when `use_seps` is `FALSE`, we always
+ # get an empty string `""` returned
+ expect_equal(
+ get_locale_sep_mark(locale = "en_US", default = ",", use_seps = FALSE),
+ get_locale_sep_mark(locale = "do_IT", default = ",", use_seps = FALSE),
+ get_locale_sep_mark(locale = NULL, default = ",", use_seps = FALSE),
+ get_locale_sep_mark(locale = NULL, use_seps = FALSE),
+ get_locale_sep_mark(use_seps = FALSE),
+ ""
+ )
+ # Expect the correct `sep_mark` values for a range of locales
+ expect_equal(
+ c(
+ get_locale_sep_mark(locale = "fr_CF", default = ",", use_seps = TRUE),
+ get_locale_sep_mark(locale = "en_JE", default = ",", use_seps = TRUE),
+ get_locale_sep_mark(locale = "en_KY", default = ",", use_seps = TRUE),
+ get_locale_sep_mark(locale = "ln_CF", default = ",", use_seps = TRUE),
+ get_locale_sep_mark(locale = "en_MO", default = ",", use_seps = TRUE),
+ get_locale_sep_mark(locale = "teo_UG", default = ",", use_seps = TRUE),
+ get_locale_sep_mark(locale = "en_IL", default = ",", use_seps = TRUE),
+ get_locale_sep_mark(locale = "pt_PT", default = ",", use_seps = TRUE),
+ get_locale_sep_mark(locale = "en_DE", default = ",", use_seps = TRUE)
+ ),
+ c(" ", ",", ",", ".", ",", ",", ",", " ", ".")
+ )
+test_that("the `get_locale_dec_mark()` function works correctly", {
+ # Expect that a `locale` which is `NULL` will return the
+ # default value
+ expect_equal(
+ c(
+ get_locale_dec_mark(locale = NULL, default = "."),
+ get_locale_dec_mark(locale = NULL, default = ","),
+ get_locale_dec_mark(locale = NULL, default = " ")
+ ),
+ c(".", ",", " ")
+ )
+ # Expect that an invalid `locale` will result in
+ # an error
+ expect_error(
+ get_locale_dec_mark(locale = "do_IT", default = ".")
+ )
+ # Expect the correct `dec_mark` values for a range of locales
+ expect_equal(
+ c(
+ get_locale_dec_mark(locale = "fr_CF", default = "."),
+ get_locale_dec_mark(locale = "en_JE", default = "."),
+ get_locale_dec_mark(locale = "en_KY", default = "."),
+ get_locale_dec_mark(locale = "ln_CF", default = "."),
+ get_locale_dec_mark(locale = "en_MO", default = "."),
+ get_locale_dec_mark(locale = "teo_UG", default = "."),
+ get_locale_dec_mark(locale = "en_IL", default = "."),
+ get_locale_dec_mark(locale = "pt_PT", default = "."),
+ get_locale_dec_mark(locale = "en_DE", default = ".")
+ ),
+ c(",", ".", ".", ",", ".", ".", ".", ",", ",")
+ )
+test_that("the `has_order_zero()` function works correctly", {
+ # Create numeric vectors, with and without
+ # NA values
+ x <- c(-500, -50, -5, -0.5, -0.05, 0, 0.05, 0.5, 5, 50, 500)
+ x_has_NA <- c(NA_real_, -50, -5, -0.5, -0.05, 0, 0.05, 0.5, 5, 50, NA_real_)
+ # Expect that a vector of numbers introduced
+ # to `has_order_zero()` will result in a equal-
+ # length logical vector (for vectors that have
+ # and don't have NA values)
+ expect_length(
+ x %>% has_order_zero(),
+ length(x)
+ )
+ expect_length(
+ x_has_NA %>% has_order_zero(),
+ length(x_has_NA)
+ )
+ expect_type(
+ x %>% has_order_zero(),
+ "logical"
+ )
+ expect_type(
+ x_has_NA %>% has_order_zero(),
+ "logical"
+ )
+ # Expect the correct logical values for
+ # vectors that have and don't have NA values
+ expect_equal(
+ x %>% has_order_zero(),
+ x_has_NA %>% has_order_zero(),
+ )
+test_that("the `split_string_2()` function works correctly", {
+ test_str <- "-HK$4,299"
+ # Expect certain length 2 character vectors from a series
+ # of `split_string_2()` operations with regex matching
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, before = "HK"), c("-", "HK$4,299"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, after = "HK"), c("-HK", "$4,299"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, before = "\\$"), c("-HK", "$4,299"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, after = "\\$"), c("-HK$", "4,299"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, before = "9"), c("-HK$4,2", "99"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, after = "9"), c("-HK$4,29", "9"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, before = "99"), c("-HK$4,2", "99"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, after = "99"), c("-HK$4,299", ""))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, before = "9"), c("-HK$4,2", "99"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, before = "$"), c("-HK$4,299", ""))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, after = "$"), c("-HK$4,299", ""))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, before = ".$"), c("-HK$4,29", "9"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, after = ".$"), c("-HK$4,299", ""))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, before = "^."), c("", "-HK$4,299"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, after = "^."), c("-", "HK$4,299"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, before = "x"), c("-HK$4,299", ""))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, after = "x"), c("-HK$4,299", ""))
+ # Expect certain length 2 character vectors from a series
+ # of `split_string_2()` operations with numeric positions
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, before = 0), c("", "-HK$4,299"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, before = 1), c("", "-HK$4,299"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, before = 2), c("-", "HK$4,299"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, before = 3), c("-H", "K$4,299"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, before = 4), c("-HK", "$4,299"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, before = 5), c("-HK$", "4,299"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, before = 6), c("-HK$4", ",299"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, before = 7), c("-HK$4,", "299"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, before = 8), c("-HK$4,2", "99"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, before = 9), c("-HK$4,29", "9"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, after = 0), c("", "-HK$4,299"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, after = 1), c("-", "HK$4,299"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, after = 2), c("-H", "K$4,299"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, after = 3), c("-HK", "$4,299"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, after = 4), c("-HK$", "4,299"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, after = 5), c("-HK$4", ",299"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, after = 6), c("-HK$4,", "299"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, after = 7), c("-HK$4,2", "99"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, after = 8), c("-HK$4,29", "9"))
+ expect_equal(split_string_2(x = test_str, after = 9), c("-HK$4,299", ""))
+ # Expect an error if `x` is not of class character
+ expect_error(split_string_2(x = 23432, before = "34"))
+ # Expect an error if the length of `x` is not 1
+ expect_error(split_string_2(x = c("345", "234"), before = "34"))
+ # Expect an error if neither of `before` or `after` has a value
+ expect_error(split_string_2(x = "23432"))
+ # Expect an error if both `before` and `after` have values
+ expect_error(split_string_2(x = "23432", before = "3", after = "2"))
+ # Expect an error if the index position is not valid
+ expect_error(split_string_2(x = "23432", before = 10))
+test_that("the `paste_between()` function works correctly", {
+ # Expect a correctly formed string with `paste_between()`
+ expect_equal(
+ paste_between(x_2 = c("left", "right"), "-between-"),
+ "left-between-right"
+ )
+ # Expect multiple correctly formed strings with `paste_between()`
+ expect_equal(
+ paste_between(x_2 = c("left", "right"), c("-a-", "-b-", "-c-")),
+ c("left-a-right", "left-b-right", "left-c-right")
+ )
+ # Expect an error if the class of `x_2` is not `character`
+ expect_error(paste_between(x_2 = 1:2, "-between-"))
+ # Expect an error if the class of `x_between` is not `character`
+ expect_error(paste_between(x_2 = c("left", "right"), 1))
+ # Expect an error if the length of `x_2` is not 2
+ expect_error(paste_between(x_2 = "left", "between"))
+test_that("the `paste_on_side()` function works correctly", {
+ # Expect a correctly formed string with `paste_on_side()`,
+ # pasting to the left
+ expect_equal(
+ paste_on_side(x = "center", x_side = "left-", direction = "left"),
+ "left-center"
+ )
+ # Expect a correctly formed string with `paste_on_side()`,
+ # pasting to the right
+ expect_equal(
+ paste_on_side(x = "center", x_side = "-right", direction = "right"),
+ "center-right"
+ )
+ # Expect an error if `direction` is not valid
+ expect_error(paste_on_side(x = "center", x_side = "c", direction = "center"))
+test_that("the `paste_left()` function works correctly", {
+ # Expect correctly formed strings with `paste_left()`
+ expect_equal(
+ paste_left(x = "center", "left-"),
+ "left-center"
+ )
+ expect_equal(
+ paste_left(x = c("a", "b", "c"), "left-"),
+ c("left-a", "left-b", "left-c")
+ )
+ expect_equal(
+ paste_left(x = c("c1", "c2", "c3"), c("l1-", "l2-", "l3-")),
+ c("l1-c1", "l2-c2", "l3-c3")
+ )
+ # Expect an error if the class of `x` is not `character`
+ expect_error(paste_left(x = 1, x_left = "left"))
+ # Expect an error if the class of `x_left` is not `character`
+ expect_error(paste_left(x = "center", x_left = 1))
+ # Expect an error if the length of `x_left` is not 1 of the length of `x`
+ expect_error(paste_left(x = "center", x_left = c("l1", "l2", "l3")))
+ expect_error(paste_left(x = c("c1", "c2", "c3"), x_left = c("l1", "l2")))
+test_that("the `paste_right()` function works correctly", {
+ # Expect correctly formed strings with `paste_right()`
+ expect_equal(
+ paste_right(x = "center", "-right"),
+ "center-right"
+ )
+ expect_equal(
+ paste_right(x = c("a", "b", "c"), "-right"),
+ c("a-right", "b-right", "c-right")
+ )
+ expect_equal(
+ paste_right(x = c("c1", "c2", "c3"), c("-r1", "-r2", "-r3")),
+ c("c1-r1", "c2-r2", "c3-r3")
+ )
+ # Expect an error if the class of `x` is not `character`
+ expect_error(paste_right(x = 1, x_right = "right"))
+ # Expect an error if the class of `x_right` is not `character`
+ expect_error(paste_right(x = "center", x_right = 1))
+ # Expect an error if the length of `x_right` is not 1 of the length of `x`
+ expect_error(paste_left(x = "center", x_right = c("r1", "r2", "r3")))
+ expect_error(paste_left(x = c("c1", "c2", "c3"), x_right = c("r1", "r2")))