These are guidelines that did not make it to the main document.
Here's a more concrete example of the jQuery.each pattern.
$(function() {
$('[role~="expanding-menu"]').each(function() {
// Some cached lookups.
var $menu = $(this);
var $box = $menu.find('[role~="content"]');
var state = {};
// Bind events via delegation.
.on('click', '[role~="expand"]', expand)
.on('click', '[role~="close"]', close);
// Init: expand it on page load.
if ($'expanded')) expand();
function expand() {
function loadFromAjax() {
if (state.loaded) return;
// TODO: load rows from ajax
state.loaded = true;
Optional: Instead of using document.ready
to bind your events, consider using jQuery event delegation instead.
This allows you to bind behaviors to, say, modal windows, where the element may not be present when the document loads. There are cases wherein document.ready is necessary. If there's no other way to implement it, this should be fine.
$(function () {
$('[role~="sortable-table"]').on('hover', function () {
/* better */
$(document).on('hover', '[role~="sortable-table"]', function () {
These are guidelines to make your JS structure more friendly to Turbolinks. They may still be of benefit even without Turbolinks, however.
Makes things neater, and allows you to trigger them later on. This also makes it easy to unbind them.
$('...').on('click.myevent', function () {
/* later: */
Listen to page:change
(?) to clean up anything to prepare the DOM for the next page.
... // can't think of an example, lol.