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Updating King Phisher

Spencer McIntyre edited this page Mar 15, 2015 · 17 revisions

How To Update From Git

King Phisher uses the git version control system which is also the preferred method for updating. The following example will update users in between stable releases.

From the directory where King Phisher is installed:

[user@localhost king-phisher]$ git fetch origin
[user@localhost king-phisher]$ git pull
[user@localhost king-phisher]$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

If everything is up to date, the git pull command will exit with the message "Already up-to-date." and no further action is required.

Version Compatibility

For best results, both the client and server should be updated at the same time to ensure RPC API compatibility. If only one is updated, the client may display a dialog that the versions are incompatible if a major change has been introduced. Changes which break version compatibility exist but are not very common.

Beta Testing

King Phisher releases it's latest stable versions to the master branch. For users that are interested in beta-testing the latest features, the dev branch can be checked out instead. Any issues found with the dev branch should be reported by opening an issue.

Thank you for beta testing!

The procedure to checkout the dev branch for the first time is:

[user@localhost king-phisher]$ git fetch origin
[user@localhost king-phisher]$ git checkout -b dev origin/dev
[user@localhost king-phisher]$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

After the dev branch has been checked out, it can be updated using the same procedure described in the updating from git section.