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User manual

Galry is a high-performance interactive visualization library in Python.

It offers a high-level interface for quickly visualizing large datasets.

The low-level interface allows to create a fully customized GUI for interactive visualization. It integrates with Qt, through either PyQt4 or PySide. Integration with other GUI systems may be considered at some point (wx, etc.).

This manual gives a high-level introduction to both interfaces. The user interested in the practical details can go through the tutorials.

Important note

Major changes to the library are to be expected in the coming months. The API will probably change, especially the low-level interface. Galry is not ready to be used in production yet, but can already be advantageously used as a fast and efficient visualization toolkit capable of handling large datasets, using the high-level interface.

High-level interface

This interface is similar to the one offered by matplotlib. Only a very small portion of matplotlib's features are currently implemented, because Galry is not meant to generate publication-ready figures (it can merely export the raw window as a PNG image).

Here are the available rendering functions.

  • plot: draw curves or scatter plot.
  • text: draw one or multiple strings of text with custom positions and colors.
  • rectangles: draw one or multiple rectangles.
  • imshow: draw an image.
  • graph: draw a graph with nodes and edges and custom colors.
  • mesh: draw a 3D mesh.
  • barplot: draw one or multiple bar plots.
  • visual: draw a custom visual.

Here are the available axes functions:

  • axes: specify the axes boundaries.
  • xlim: specify the x limits.
  • ylim: specify the y limits.
  • grid: display the grid by default.

Here are the available interaction functions:

  • animate: update the scene at regular intervals by calling a specified callback function.
  • event: bind an event to a callback method.
  • action: bind an action to an event or directly a callback method.
  • figure: create a new figure.
  • show: show the figure.

The details of these functions can be found in the tutorials/examples or directly in the doc strings (in galry/, the API reference is not done yet).

Low-level interface

The low-level interface contains two parts: a rendering module, and an interactivity module. The rendering module should be thought as a module on top of OpenGL, which hides low-level implementation details about OpenGL and exposes functions related to data and rendering. The basic principles of OpenGL should however be understood in order to customize all aspects of rendering.

THe low-level interface is meant to be used in script mode rather than in interactive mode. It allows to plot simple figures (scatter plots, curves, etc.) in less than 10 lines of code. But it also gives you the opportunity to customize plots as much as you want. The integration of the plot within the GUI window can also be fully customized (thanks to Qt).

Here, we give a high-level overview of this interface and, consequently, of the internal architecture of Galry.

The GalryWidget class

The main class that Galry provides is GalryWidget. It is a Qt widget deriving from QGLWidget which is defined in Qt (available in PyQt and Pyside). The GalryWidget displays an OpenGL context entirely controlled by Galry through OpenGL.

First, some technical details about the internals of GalryWidget. This widget inherits three important OpenGL-related methods from QGLWidget:

  • initializeGL: this method implements all OpenGL-related initialization, including uploading data on graphics card memory, compiling shaders, initializing OpenGL rendering engine.

  • paintGL: this method is called as soon as the widget view needs to be updated. It renders everything on the screen, starting from a black background (the color can be customized). This means that everything is rendered again every frame: this is the standard way of rendering things with a graphics card. However, it is possible to upload data only once in GPU memory at initialization, so that rendering is fast. If needed, data stored in GPU memory can also be changed at any time, during the lifetime of the widget.

  • resizeGL: this method is called as soon as the widget is resized. It automatically triggers a new rendering call. The OpenGL viewport size is also updated.

These methods are implemented in GalryWidget and should not be overriden. However, they call special Galry methods that are meant to be overriden if needed, and which are defined in companion classes, as we'll see later.

From the user point of view, the most important method of GalryWidget among those that can be overriden is initialize(). This method is called in the widget constructor. Widget initialization (in particular, specification of the companion classes) happens there.

Companion classes

By default, the GalryWidget class displays just a black empty rectangle. The whole logic of the widget is implemented in several companion classes that all handle a specific aspect of the widget. This allows to separate the code into separate modules.

By default, there are three companion classes. These classes are meant to be derived in order to implement the logic of the widget. In addition, new companion classes implementing specific features can also be defined. For example, one could implement a SelectionManager to handle selection of objects with the mouse. This custom companion class can then be reused in different widgets. It should make modularity easier.

Any companion instance has access to all other companion instances. The set of all companion instances can then be seen as a complete graph, where each instance has access to all other instances.

The three default companion classes are:

  • PaintManager. This class handles everything related to rendering: data processing, uploading data on the GPU, initializing OpenGL objects, compiling shaders, etc.

  • InteractionManager. This class handles everything related to user interactions, and how they interfere with rendering.

  • BindingManager. This class handles the links between physical user actions with the mouse and keyboard, and interaction events. The association can be changed statically or dynamically. In addition, several interaction modes can be defined with different associations between actions and events (e.g. a navigation mode and a selection mode).

We'll go through the relevant methods of those classes later.

The creation of a new, custom Galry widget then involves the following steps:

  • Deriving one or several companion classes (e.g. MyPaintManager) by overriding key methods.

  • Deriving the GalryWidget and overriding initialize to specify the custom companion classes.

Also, helper functions are provided in order to directly show a window with an automatically-created custom widget by specifying the companion classes, without the need of explicitely creating a new class (see show_basic_window).

The PaintManager companion class

The PaintManager class is the most important companion class. It specifies what to render in the widget.


The main method to override is initialize. This is where visuals are created. A visual is a particular plot object, such as a set of points, of curves, of rectangles, one image, one text string, etc. The key point is that several primitives can be contained in a visual: several points in a scatter plot, several line segments in a curve, etc. So, a visual is a homogeneous set of primitives. Primitives are defined in OpenGL and include pixels, line segments, and triangles. The full list of primitives can be found for example here. Those primitives are described by a set of vertices. A vertex is a vector of length 2, 3 or 4.

A visual is rendered with a single call to an OpenGL command, so that rendering is fast. This explains why there is the need for homogeneity within a visual. Also, let's note that within a visual, objects can be drawn independently (for example, different curves that are not physically connected).

In conclusion, a visual is meant to be a big object in general. It is not a good idea to define too many visuals since that can really hurt performance.

Very technical note: actually, it may happen that several OpenGL commands are issued for a single visual. It occurs when the number of vertices is high, typically higher than 65,000. The reason is that the OpenGL buffers cannot always be bigger than that. The set of vertices is then automatically and transparently cut by Galry into multiple buffers, which are rendered in sequence at each frame.

Visual creation

A visual can either be created from scratch, or by specializing an existing visual. Galry comes with a set of predefined visuals to plot curves, points, images, point sprite textures, text, 3D meshes, etc. The user interested in creating its own custom visual should look the code of the existing visuals.

Technically, a visual is defined by:

  • a set of variables, or fields, that have a name, a type, and various characteristics,
  • vertex shader and fragment shader source codes, that describe how data contained in the different fields will be eventually transformed into pixels.

A vertex shader is a small program in a C-like language called GLSL that is executed once per vertex. Vertex shaders execute in parallel across all vertices, using the high computational power of the GPU. A vertex shader takes some Visual fields as inputs, and returns the final position of the current vertex. Execution of shaders can be extremely fast thanks to the highly parallel architecture of the graphics card.

A fragment shader is also written in GLSL, but executes after the vertex shader, and once per pixel. It takes some variables as inputs, as well as (possibly) some outputs of the vertex shader. It returns the final color of the current pixel.

Visual fields

There are different types of visual fields:

  • attributes: an attribute is an array variable of size N. All attributes in a given Visual share the same number N. This number N is essentially the number of vertices. Also, there is one execution of the vertex shader per vertex (so N executions), at every rendering call (so every frame). Examples of attributes: the position (coordinates of the points to render), the color of the points (if each point needs to have its own color), etc. Every variable that has one specific value per vertex is an attribute.

    When using indexed rendering, it is possible to use one vertex several times during rendering in order to save memory, so that the number of rendered vertices can be different from the number of vertices in the buffer (typically higher, since vertices are used several times).

  • uniforms: an uniform is a global variable, shared by all vertices. It may change at every frame, but it is global to the vertex and fragment shaders.

  • varyings: during the rendering process, the vertex shader is executed once per vertex. Then, the fragment shader is executed once per pixel (pixel of the rendered primitives). Since the fragment shader always executes after the vertex shader, the vertex shader can pass information to the fragment shader through varying variables. They can be automatically interpolated when the pixels are between 2 or 3 vertices (hence their names).

  • textures: a texture variable holds a texture data as a 3D array (with RGB(A) components) and can be accessed in the fragment shader in order to display it.

  • indices: an index variables holds a buffer of integer values which target vertices in all attributes. The number of rendered points is then the length of the index buffer rather than the length of the vertex buffer.

  • compounds: a particular type of variable that has no counterpart in the shaders. A compound variable allows to automatically change several visual variables according to a high-level value. They exist only for convenience for the user. For example, in the TextVisual, where characters are individually positioned on the screen, the text variable is a compound variable that affects the texture of the characters (i.e. the points), their particular position, etc.

Predefined visuals

Galry comes with a set of predefined visuals for convenient use. More visuals may be added as the development of the package goes along. Currently, available visuals are:

  • PlotVisual: generic visual for basic or advanced plotting. Any GL primitive is possible:

    • LINES: independent line segments,
    • LINE_STRIP: continuous signal as successive line segments,
    • LINE_LOOP: like LineStrip but as a closed polygon,
    • POINTS: pixels with arbitrary size,
    • TRIANGLES: independent triangles,
    • TRIANGLE_STRIP: successive triangles, two consecutive triangles sharing one side, useful for rendering any filled polygon,
    • TRIANGLE_FAN: successive triangles, all sharing the very first vertex. Useful for rendering discs.

    In addition, multiple independent primitives of the same type can be rendered in the same visual (example: multiple signals as multiple LineStrip). Indexed rendering is also possible.

  • RectanglesVisual: multiple rectangles in a single visual.

  • SpriteVisual: one texture at multiple positions (e.g. scatter plot with special markers).

  • TextVisual: a single line of text.

  • TextureVisual: a single textured rectangle. It can accept filtering options and mipmapping. Non power-of-two and non-square textures are supported if the graphics card support them.

  • MeshVisual: visual example for 3D rendering, implementing 3D/4D transformation matrices, basic lighting, etc. The developer interested in 3D rendering should take this visual as an example and customize it. This visual is well adapted for displaying a 3D mesh and move it around in 3D.

  • GraphVisual: a planar graph.

  • BarVisual: a set of bar plots/histograms.

Vertex shader example: particle system

Let's give an example of a particle system, where there is a number of independent particles, defined at any time by a position, a velocity, and a color. To achieve the highest performance possible, we want to execute this system on the GPU. It means that vertex shaders are responsible for updating the position of the particles at any time. So the visual could contain:

  • an attribute variable with the initial position of each particle,
  • an attribute variable with the initial velocity of each particle,
  • an attribute variable with the creation time of that particle,
  • an uniform variable with the current time,
  • etc.

For each particle, the vertex shader then gets the values of these variables as inputs, and computes the current position of the particle with a formula involving the initial position and velocity, and the current time. The execution of this system is fast since the expensive part executes entirely on the GPU. The graphics card is used optimally since the execution of shaders is an embarrassingly parallel problem, with no communication between threads.

This example is implemented in examples/

Fragment shader example: fractal viewer

Let's give an example of a fractal viewer, where a blank texture is rendered, and the fragment shader computes the final color using an algorithm. In the example of the Mandelbrot fractal, every pixel corresponds to a point $z_0 \in E \subset \mathbb C$, and the color of that pixel depends on the asymptotic behavior of a discrete-time dynamical system defined by a recursive function: $z_{n+1} = f(z_n)$. The fragment shader retrieves the coordinates of the current pixel, then executes the dynamical system, and finally returns the adequate color depending on the outcome of the system. Once again, the execution of this example is optimal since it is an embarrassingly parallel problem.

This example is implemented in examples/


Vertex and fragment shaders are widely used in real-time 3D video games, but not so much in scientific applications, particulary when it concerns 2D rendering. Yet, they are extremely powerful for 2D rendering of huge visuals with millions of points. They considerably widen the plotting possibilities of Galry.

To learn the OpenGL shading language, GLSL, a great, freely available reference book is Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming. Also, here is an introduction to shaders.

The InteractionManager companion class

The InteractionManager class implements the logic of the interaction events that are raised by user actions.

Some definitions first. An user action is an action performed by the user through an input device such as a keyboard, a mouse, or through touch (the latter is not implemented yet). An interaction event is any dynamic event that conveys some logic in the widget. An interaction event can interfere with the rendering process. For example, zooming into the displayed data is an interaction event. The associated user action is, for example, moving the mouse while pressing the right button.

The implemented user actions are for now:

  • Move
  • LeftClick
  • MiddleClick
  • RightClick
  • LeftClickMove
  • MiddleClickMove
  • RightClickMove
  • DoubleClick
  • Wheel
  • KeyPress

At any time, an user action comes with some associated parameters, like the relative displacement of the mouse for Move, or the pressed key for KeyPress. In addition, all those actions can be modified by a keyboard modifier such as Control, Shift or Alt.

A binding is a link between one user action and one interaction event. More precisely, it links a pair (action, key modifier) to an interaction event (there's also the pressed key for KeyPress). In addition, a binding comes with a function that returns the action parameters (such as the displacement of the mouse or the position of the cursor) that are relevant to the associated interaction event. The result of this function is passed to the interaction processor (see below).

An interaction mode is a set of bindings. For example, one could imagine a navigation mode where moving the mouse while pressing the left button corresponds to panning, whereas the same action corresponds to selection in the selection mode.

The implemented interaction events are:

  • SwitchInteractionMode
  • Pan
  • Zoom
  • ZoomBox
  • Reset
  • ResetZoom

New interaction events can be defined.

As soon as an user action happens during the lifetime of the widget, Galry finds the associated interaction event according to the current interaction mode. Then, that interaction event and the relevant action parameters (returned by the function specified in the binding) are passed to the InteractionManager. This manager contains one or several EventProcessor, which define handlers for different events. A handler for an event is a method of the processor, which takes a parameter as an input and perform some action in response to that event. Possible actions only include changing the parameters of visuals for now, which already captures most scenarios.

Processors can be reused in an a modular fashion. Each processor has access to all other processors (every processor has a name, unique within a given InteractionManager).

The BindingManager companion class

The BindingManager companion class defines one or several interaction modes, each mode being specified by a set of bindings between user actions and interaction events.

This companion class does not need to be derived. Rather, a list of interaction modes can be directly passed to GalryWidget. An interaction mode is implemented in a class deriving from ActionEventBindingSet. This class offers an initialize method that can be overriden in order to set all the bindings. A binding is set by the set method that accepts an UserAction, an InteractionEvent, optionally, a keyboard modifier and the pressed key for the KeyPressAction, and a function that returns the parameters related to the user action and that are to be passed to the interaction processor.