This fix tests that could run using packages not available on CRAN.
- Package suggested but not available for checking: ‘rnaturalearthhires’
We checked 37 reverse dependencies, comparing R CMD check results across CRAN and dev versions of this package.
- We saw 0 new problems
- We failed to check 0 packages
The package was tested on:
- os: macos-latest with r: 'release'
- os: windows-latest with r: 'release'
- os: ubuntu-latest with r: 'devel'
- os: ubuntu-latest with r: 'release'
- os: ubuntu-latest with r: 'oldrel-1'
The package was tested on rhub and on winbuilder.
There are two notes:
- Package suggested but not available for checking: 'rnaturalearthhires'.
- Found 416 marked Latin-1 strings because some files contains counfry names.