This project is to build a student volunteer content management system using react.js as front-end and express.js as backend for the beneficiary UPStars.
This system is built using express.js as an API provider. The APIs are consumed by react.js to display. The database used is MongoDB.
- Install Node >= v8.10.x
npm install
- Install MongoDB (v3.4 only)
Type these commands into the shell:
nodemon server/
npm start
Directory | Uses |
/src | React.js stuff |
/server | Express.js stuff |
/server/controllers | All the application backend logic |
/server/models | Schemas and database operations |
/dump | A mongoDB template pre-created for testing purposes |
All API documentation is in the wiki.
All tests could be ran manually by following the steps in the testing guide
bash: nodemon: command not found
Try using:
$ ./node_modules/.bin/nodemon server/
Or use:
$ export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/node_modules/.bin/
$ nodemon server/
Or finally install nodemon as a global package (which is recommended by nodemon docs):
$ npm i nodemon -g
If you face issues of React Scripts not compiling and gives error on dynamic imports:
> Module parse failed: Unexpected token. You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
$ npm i --save-dev acorn-dynamic-import@3
Issue of duplicate or conflicting dependencies such as:
> There might be a problem with the project dependency tree. It is likely not a bug in Create React App, but something you need to fix locally.
Adding SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK=true into .env or .env.development file (of which the .env.development file is committed in the project)
This repository is where we do development and there are many ways you can participate in the project, for example:
- Submit bugs and feature requests
- Review source code changes
- Review the documentation and make pull requests for anything from typos to new content
- Join us in developing upcoming features or tackling bugs and issues
Copyright © R3:C0D3 | Ulu Pandan Stars. All rights reserved.
Currently we do not have a plan to assign any open-source licence. However, you are still free to use the code to develop and contribute freely as long as the code is public.