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roobbb edited this page Oct 5, 2021 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the wiki for the docker container project "roobbb/owserver"

  • Home of owfs (owserver etc.) is
  • This container is based on debian-slim:stable and installs owserver, owhttpd and owftpd via apt-get - no sourcecode changes
  • Dev-version is always for testing purposes only and Latest will always come from main-branch.
  • intended to use together with SmartHome systems like FHEM, OpenHAB, Home Assistant, ioBroker or on a Raspberry-PI or any other machine (may even work in other SmartHome scenarios, but not all can be tested)
  • the access from an IoT System to this OW-server docker container may change in the future or possibly do not work in complex network scenarios --> please place Issues here if you have any - the people supporting a SmartHome system are not responsible for this docker

Variables declared inside docker-file for setting defaults:

WEB_PORT 2121 sets value inside /etc/owfs.conf for http port
OWFS_PORT 4304 sets value inside /etc/owfs.conf for owserver's port
FTP_PORT 2120 sets value inside /etc/owfs.conf for ftp port
OW_DEVICE onewire sets value inside /etc/owfs.conf for mapped device
OW_SERVER sets value inside /etc/owfs.conf for owserver's adress
use when a locally installed service should have access
set a name or alias when another container should get access see examples for more details

Those variables can be overwritten when starting the container. The new value from cli will be put inside the containers /etc/owfs.conf again and substitute the defaults.

Variables evaluated by main script ( when starting the container

CUSTOM_CONFIG_ENABLED 1 starts with full custom config file, other than 1 means disabled
CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE /path/filename set the full path and filename of the custom config
make sure you mapped it in there (e.g. -v /mypath/to_my_config:/root/.local/share)
SERVICES_LVL 1, 2 or 3 1 starts owserver only, no owhttpd or owftpd
2 starts owserver and owhttpd, no owftpd
3 start all 3 services
leaving this away or giving any other value than 1-3 means use the default: 3