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Descent 3 Console

A cross-platform utility for managing a Descent 3 server via remote console implemented in node.js.


This is the minimum required code to connected to a Descent 3 server

var Console = require("descent3console"),
    d3console = new Console();

d3console.options.server = "";
d3console.options.port = 2093;
d3console.options.password = "testing";


Here are the steps required to connect to a Descent 3 server:

  • First, you must require the descent3console module.
  • Next, create a new console from the Console object.
  • Set the server, port, and password required to connect to the server.
  • Call the connect method to connect to the server.

This merely gets you connected to the server, which alone isn't very exciting. The power of this module comes from the ability to listen to events and send commands to the server. For instance, you could listen to the kill event and perform an action on the server based on that:

d3console.on("kill", function(killer, killed, weapon) {
    if (weapon === "lasers") {
        d3console.say("Wow, " + killed + ", you got wrecked by those blue lasers!");


d3console.options.server - This is the IP address of the server you wish to connect to.

d3console.options.port - This is the port number of the server you wish to connect to, defaulting to 2092.

d3console.options.password - This is the password required to connect to the server.


The instantiated console object is an EventEmitter, and will emit events when it receives data from the server. These are the events that you can listen to, along with the parameters sent with each event.

balancing - The server is forcefully balancing teams.

banlist (banNum, player) - An entry in the ban list. banNum is the number of the banned player, and player is the name of the player.

banned (player) - A player got banned from the game. player is the name of the player who got banned.

banremoved (successful) - The previous attempt to remove a ban was successful. successful is a boolean that indicates a successful ban remove.

close - The connection was closed.

command (command) - A command that was sent. command is the input that you sent.

death (player) - A player died to the environment, for instance to an exploding crate. player is the name of the player who died.

disconnected (player) - A player disconnected from the game. player is the name of the player who disconnected.

end - The server is closing the connection.

endlevel - The level has ended.

entropybase (player, team, room) - A player took over a base in entropy. player is the name of the player who took over the base, team is the name of the team who lost the base (NOT the name of the team the player belongs to!), and room is the name of the room that was taken over.

error (error) - There was an error with the connection. error indicates what the error was.

flagpickup (player, team, flag) - A player picked up a flag. player is the name of the player who picked up the flag, team is the name of the team the player belongs to, and flag is the name of the team the flag belongs to.

flagreturn (player, team) - A player returned a flag. player is the name of the player who returned the flag, and team is the nme of the team the player belongs to.

flagscore (player, team, flag1, flag2, flag3) - A player scored one or more flags. player is the name of the player who scored, team is the name of the team the player belongs to, and flag1, flag2, and flag3 is the name of the team each of the flags that got scored belong to, with unknown being sent for flag2 and flag3 if less than 2 or 3 flags respectively were scored.

gameinfo (info) - Game information was received. info is an object that contains one or more key-value pairs. See the Game Info section for more details.

guidebot (text) - The guidebot said something. text is what the guidebot said.

hattrick (player, first) - A player scored a hat trick. player is the name of the player who scored the hat trick, and first is a boolean that represents whether it was the game's first hat trick.

hoardscore (player, score, totalScore) - A player scored in a horde game. player is the name of the player who scored, score is how many points they just scored, and totalScore is their total score.

hyperorb (player) - A player picked up the HyperOrb. player is the name of the player who picked up the HyperOrb.

hyperorblost (player) - A player lost the HyperOrb. player is the name of the player who lost the HyperOrb.

hyperorbscore (player, points) - A player gained extra points for making a kill with the HyperOrb. player is the name of the player who gained the extra points, and points is the number of points they received in total. Note that the kill event is still sent with this message, so if you see a player scored 2 bonus points and a kill message in roughly the same instant, they actually scored 2 points.

invalid (error) - Input that was recently sent to the server is invalid. error is what about the input was invalid.

invalidpassword (ip) - An invalid password was sent to the server from another remote connection. ip is the IP address of the remote user who attempted to login. Note that this is not sent when you send an invalid password, only for other remote connections.

joined (player) - A player joined the game. player is the name of the player who joined.

kicked (player) - A player got kicked from the server. player is the name of the player who got kicked.

kill (killer, killed, weapon) - A player was killed. killer is the name of the player who got the kill, killed is the name of the player who was killed, and weapon is the weapon that got the killing blow. Note the weapon argument is often not passed, so do not rely on this information being available. It is only available, and even then only randomly, if the kill message filter is set to full.

left (player) - A player left the game. player is the name of the player who left.

loggedin (ip) - A remote host has logged in. ip is the IP address of the remote user who logged in.

monsterballblunder (player, team) - A player committed an own goal in monsterball. player is the name of the player who committed the own goal, and team is the name of the team the player scored for (NOT the name of the team the player belongs to!).

monsterballpoint (player, team) - A player scored a goal in monsterball. player is the name of the player who scored, and team is the name of the team the player scored for.

monsterballscore (player, points, blunders, kills, deaths, suicides, ping) - A player's current monsterball score. player is the name of the player, points is the number of points they have, blunders is the number of blunders they have committed (unreliable when their blunders exceed 99), kills is the number of kills they have, deaths is the number of deaths they have, suicides is the number of suicides they have committed, and ping is their ping to the server in milliseconds.

observing (player) - A player began observing the game. player is the name of the player observing.

player (playerNum, name) - A player and their player number. playerNum is the number of the player, and name is the name of the player.

playerinfo (info) - Player information was received. info is an object that contains one or more key-value pairs. See the Player Info section for more details.

playerscore (player, points, kills, deaths, suicides, ping) - A player's current score. player is the name of the player, points is the number of points they have, kills is the number of kills they have (unreliable in some modes when their kills exceed 9), deaths is the number of deaths they have (unreliable in some modes when their deaths exceed 9), suicides is the number of suicides they have (unreliable in some modes when their suicides exceed 9), and ping is their ping to the server in milliseconds.

raw (line) - Data was received from the server. line is the data that was received.

rehashed - The hosts.allow and hosts.deny files were rehashed.

remoteadmin (loginId, player) - A player who is remotely logged in. loginId indicates the login ID number of the player, and player is the name of the player who is remotely logged in.

remoteadmincommand (player, command) - A player has issued a command as a remote admin. player is the name of the player who issued the command, and command is the input that was sent.

remoteadminloggedin (player) - A player has logged in as a remote admin. player is the name of the player who logged in.

remoteadminloggedout (player) - A player has been logged out as a remote admin. player is the name of the player who as logged out.

remoteadminpasswordset - The remote admin password was changed.

remotecommand (ip, command) - A command that was sent by a remote connection. ip is the IP address of the remote user who issued the command, and command is the input that was sent.

remoteconnection (ip) - A remote connection was received by the server. ip is the IP address of the remote user who connected.

remoteconnectionclosed (ip) - A remote connection was closed to the server. ip is the IP address of the remote user that was disconnected.

remoteinvalidpassword (ip) - An invalid password was provided by a remote connection. ip is the IP address of the remote user that sent the invalid password.

robotdeath (player) - A player died to a robot. player is the name of the player who died.

say (player, text) - Someone said something. player is who said it, and text was what they said.

setteamname (fromTeam, toTeam)- A team name was changed. fromTeamis the team's old name, andtoTeam` is the team's new name.

setwait (time) - The server will make clients wait in place for a set time before playing. time is the amount of time in seconds after the level begins before players will be able to play.

shutdown - The server is shutting down.

startlevel - The level has started.

statdeathinterval (killed, time) - A player's first death in a while. killed is the name of the player who got killed, and time is the amount of time since their last death in seconds.

statdeathstreak (player, deaths) - A player is on a dying streak. player is the name of the player on the streak, and deaths is the number of deaths in the streak.

statefficiency (player, efficiency) - A player's efficiency. player is the name of the player, and efficiency is their efficiency.

statkillinterval (killer, time) - A player's first kill in a while. killer is the name of the player who got the kill, and time is the amount of time since their last kill in seconds.

statkills (killer, killed, kills) - A player has killed another player a number of times. killer is the name of the player who got the kill, killed is the name of the player who was killed, and kills is the number of kills killer has gotten on killed.

statkillstreak (player, kills) - A player is on a killing streak. player is the name of the player on the streak, and kills is the number of kills in the streak.

statrevenge (killer, killed) - A player got revenge on another player. killer is the name of the player who got the kill, and killed is the name of the player who was killed.

statssaved - Stats have been saved to the netgames folder in the Descent 3 directory.

suicide (player) - A player killed themselves. player is the name of the person who suicided.

teamchange (player, team) - A player changed teams. player is the name of the player who changed teams, and team is the name of the team they changed to.

teamplayerscore (player, teamName, points, kills, deaths, suicides, ping) - A player's current score in a team game. player is the name of the player, teamName is the name of the team, kills is the number of kills they have (unreliable in some modes when their kills exceed 9), deaths is the number of deaths they have (unreliable in some modes when their deaths exceed 9), suicides is the number of suicides they have (unreliable in some modes when their suicides exceed 9), and ping is their ping to the server in milliseconds.

teamscore (teamName, score) - A team's current score. teamName is the name of the team and score is the team's score.

timeout - The connection to the server has timed out.

unknown (line) - descent3console could not determine the purpose of the data sent by the server. line is the data that was sent by the server.

unobserving (player) - A player stopped observing. player is the name of the player who stopped observing.

waitexpired - The server is no longer forcing clients to wait in place, because the wait time expired.

waitoff - The server is no longer forcing clients to wait in place.

waiton - The server is forcing clients to wait in place.

Game Information

When the server sends game information, it does so via the gameinfo event, and includes an info parameter that is an object that contains the game information it is sending. The keys and possible values this may contain include:

  • accurateCollisions - A boolean indicating whether accurate weapon collisions are turned on.
  • allowTeamChange - A boolean indicating whether players are allowed to change teams.
  • autoBalance - A boolean indicating whether the server is assigning new players that join to teams in an effort to balance the teams.
  • autoSaveDisconnect - A boolean indicating whether the server is saving stats to the netgames folder in the Descent 3 directory when the server disconnects.
  • autoSaveLevel - A boolean indicating whether the server is saving stats to the netgames folder in the Descent 3 directory when the level ends.
  • gameName - The name of the game.
  • killGoal - The number of points required to end the level, or null if there is no kill goal.
  • killMsgFilter - The kill message filter level. Either "None", "Simple", or "Full".
  • maxPlayers - The maximum number of players allowed in the game, including the server.
  • missionName - The name of the mission.
  • networkModel - The network model being used in the game.
  • pps - The maximum PPS allowed by the server.
  • remoteAdmin - A boolean indicating that remote administration is possible.
  • respawnTime - The weapon respawn time in seconds.
  • scriptName - The type of game being played, ie: "anarchy".
  • sendRotVel - A boolean indicating whether rotational velocity is sent by the server.
  • serverHudNames - The maximum HUD name level allowed in the game.
  • statMsgs - A boolean indicating whether random statistical messages are displayed.
  • timeLeft - The amount of time remaining in the game in seconds.
  • timeLimit - The time limit of the game in minutes, or null if there is no time limit.

Player Information

When the server sends player information, it does so via the playerinfo event, and includes an info parameter that is an object that contains the player information it is sending. The keys and possible values this may contain include:

  • ip - The IP address the player is playing from.
  • player - The name of the player.
  • playerNum - The number of the player.
  • port - The port the player is connecting from.
  • role - The role of the player, either "Client" or "Server".
  • ship - The ship the player is flying.
  • team - The team the player is on.
  • totalTimeInGame - The amount of time the player has been in the game in seconds.

Instance Methods

Note that all instance methods return nothing. Any output from these methods is received via events. See the Events section for a list of events that can be received.

d3console.allowTeamChange(allowTeamChange) - Changes the setting to allow team changes. allowTeamChange is a boolean.

d3console.autoBalance(autoBalance) - Changes the setting to auto balance teams. autoBalance is a boolean.

d3console.autoSaveDisconnect(autoSaveDisconnect) - Changes the setting to automatically save stats when the server is disconnected. autoSaveDisconnect is a boolean.

d3console.autoSaveLevel(autoSaveLevel) - Changes the setting to automatically save stats when the level ends. autoSaveLevel is a boolean.

d3console.balance() - Forces the server to balance teams immediately.

d3console.ban(playerNum) - Bans a player. playerNum is a player number. You can get a player's number using the d3console.players() command.

d3console.banList() - Retrieves the ban list from the server.

d3console.changeTeam(playerNum, team) - Force a player to change teams. playerNum is a player number, and team is the name of the team to switch them to. You can get a player's number using the d3console.players() command.

d3console.close() - Closes the connection.

d3console.connect() - Attempts to connect to the server. See the Options section on how to set the server to connect to.

d3console.isConnected(callback) - Runs the callback function if you are connected to the server, but emits an error event if not.

d3console.kick(playerNum) - Kicks a player. playerNum is a player number. You can get a player's number using the d3console.players() command.

d3console.killMsgFilter(killMsgFilter) - Changes the setting for the kill message filter. killMsgFilter is either "none", "simple", or "full".

d3console.netgameInfo() - Gets general game information.

d3console.playerInfo(playerNum) - Gets player information for a player. playerNum is a player number. You can get a player's number using the d3console.players() command.

d3console.players() - Gets the list of players.

d3console.quit() - Quits the server.

d3console.rehash() - Rehashes the hosts.allow and hosts.deny files.

d3console.remoteAdmin(remoteAdmin) - Changes the setting to allow remote administration. remoteAdmin is a boolean.

d3console.remoteAdminLogout() - Sends the list of players logged in remotely.

d3console.remoteAdminLogout(loginId) - Logs out a remote player. loginId is the player's login ID. You can get a player's login ID using the d3console.remoteAdminLogout() command.

d3console.remoteAdminPass(password) - Changes the remote administration password. password is the new password.

d3console.removeBan(banNum) - Removes a ban. banNum is the player's ban number. You can get a player's ban number using the d3console.banList() command.

d3console.saveStats() - Saves stats to the netgames folder off the server's Descent 3 directory.

d3console.say(text) - Makes the client say the text.

d3console.scores() - Gets the scores of the game.

d3console.send(data, callback) - Sends the string data to the server, and calls an optional callback function if completed successfully.

d3console.serverHudNames(serverHudNames) - Changes the setting for maximum server HUD names. serverHudNames is either "none", "team", or "full".

d3console.setGoalLimit(goalLimit) - Changes the goal limit of the game. goalLimit is the new goal limit in points, or null to disable the limit.

d3console.setMaxPlayers(maxPlyers) - Changes the maximum number of players allowed in the game, including the server. maxPlayers is the maximum number of players.

d3console.setPps(maxPps) - Changes the maximum packets per second of the game. maxPps is the maximum allowed packets per second.

d3console.setRespawnTime(respawnTime) - Changes the weapon respawn time. respawnTime is the new weapon respawn time in seconds.

d3console.setTeamName(teamNum, teamName) - Sets the team name. teamNum is the number of the team, and 'teamName' is the new name of the team. Team numbers are 0 for the red team, 1 for the blue team, 2 for the green team, and 3 for the yello team.

d3console.setTimeLimit(timeLimit) - Changes the game's time limit. timeLimit is the new time limit in minutes, or null to disable the limit.

d3console.statMsgs(statMsgs) - Changes the setting for random statistical messages. statMsgs is a boolean.

d3console.wait(time) - Forces clients to wait. time can be "on" to force clients to wait indefinitely, "off" to have clients stop waiting, or a time in seconds to force clients to wait for the specified amount of time from the start of the level.

d3console.warp(level) - Ends the level immediately and starts the specified level number.

Static Methods

Console.getColorString(red, green, blue) - Get the four character string required to change the color of the console line. red, green, and blue must each be an integer between 1 and 255.


Version 0.1.9 - 1/30/2017

  • Fixed a bug with the timeLeft detection.

Version 0.1.8 - 7/26/2015

  • Fixed another bug with the safeexec RegExp extension.

Version 0.1.7 - 7/9/2015

  • Removed playertotalscore due to bugs with the display.
  • Added documentation warnings about playerscore values for kills, deaths, and suicides being incorrect for values above 9. Users should track these values on their own.

Version 0.1.6 - 7/8/2015

  • Fixed bug with anarchy scores being processed as monsterball scores.

Version 0.1.5 - 7/7/2015

  • Added netgameinfo method.
  • Fixed a bug with the safeexec RegExp extension.
  • Fixed a bug with timeLimit detection.
  • Removed setgaollimit, setmaxplayers, setpps, setrespawntime, and settimelimit events in favor of gameinfo events.

Version 0.1.4 - 7/6/2015

  • Fixed a bug with trying to close a console that's not connected.

Version 0.1.3 - 7/6/2015

  • Added invalidpassword event.

Version 0.1.2 - 7/1/2015

  • Fixed memory leak with console routing.

Version 0.1.1 - 6/24/2015

  • Added documentation.
  • Added the players method.
  • Removed serverhudnames and statmsgs events in favor of gameinfo events.

Version 0.1 - 6/22/2015

  • Initial version.