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A Rust-powered 🦀 chess engine in a terminal


🚀 Why I Built This

As I was preparing for a chess competition, I wanted to become more proficient with chess notation so I could write down my moves quickly. Instead of using an existing tool, I decided to build my own chess engine from scratch in Rust—just because

Unlike many other projects that integrate with existing chess engines like Stockfish, I wanted to build everything from scratch for the learning experience. My goal was not to create a Stockfish-level engine but rather a decent, performant, and functional chess engine that enforces strict PGN notation and helps me improve my notation skills

This project also served as an opportunity to:

  • Learn terminal UI (TUI) development – I had never really work with TUI before so it was a great learning experience
  • Dive deep into chess engine implementation – I initially thought it would be simple, but handling castling, pins, en passant, and stalemate detection turned out to be incredibly complex
  • Enforce strict PGN notation – chessterm only allows moves via PGN input, forcing me to get better at writing notation
  • Understand move generation & validation – Building a chess engine required dealing with bitboard-based move generation, attack masks, and legal move enforcement

Building a chess engine was far harder than expected—handling pins, checks, and legal move validation was an absolute nightmare. But in the end, it was an incredibly rewarding experience, and I gained a much deeper understanding of how chess engines work

🎮 Human vs Human Only

chessterm is strictly designed for 2-player, human-vs-human chess

  • ❌ No AI Opponent – moves must be manually entered using PGN notation
  • ✅ Ideal for Chess Study – Useful for notation practice, replaying games, and move visualization
  • 🚫 No Plans for AI Integration – The goal of this project was to improve notation practice and understand chess engine mechanics, not to create a competitive AI

🚫 Known Limitations

chessterm enforces all standard chess rules, but does not implement the following draw conditions:

  • Threefold Repetition Rule – The game does not check if a position has repeated three times
  • 50-Move Rule – The engine does not track move count for automatic draws

There are no plans to implement these, as the primary goal of chessterm is notation practice, not full rule enforcement

⚠️Compatibility Notice

Only tested on macOS.

  • ✅ Best Experience: Kitty (renders perfectly).
  • ⚠️ Usable with Issues: iTerm2 (flickering may occur).
    • Flickering in iTerm2

    • Use `--halfblocks` mode to reduce flickering

  • ❌ Not Supported: Mac’s default (images do not render correctly).

📦 Installation

You can download the latest release and extract the package

tar -xzvf chessterm-<os>-<version>.tar.gz    

And run the binary either



chessterm --halfblocks

to use halfblocks rendering (for iTerm2)

Make sure your terminal size is at least 132x46 for proper rendering

If you are interested to build and compile, ensure that you have Rust 1.8 and above installed

Run in debug mode

cargo run

Optionally you can also run using halfblocks rendering

cargo run -- --halfblocks

Run unit tests

cargo test

Build and run


cargo build --release

To run the binary


Optionally you can also run using halfblocks rendering

target/release/chessterm --halfblocks

🛠️ Key Technical Highlights

Bitboard-based data structure

When researching chess engines, I discovered Bitboard data structure which is a highly efficient way to represent chess positions and commonly used in other chess engines

Instead of using a 2D array for the chessboard, pieces positions are represented using bitboard (u64) where each bit corresponds to a square

For example, this is how a white pawn at d2 (square 11 in 0-based indexing) is represented:

00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000000

Using bitwise operations, chessterm can:

  • Quickly shift bits to generate potential pawn moves (board.white_pawns << 8 for a single advance)
  • Use AND masks to detect if a move is blocked
  • Compute attack masks for sliding pieces using precomputed moves and rays
pub fn compute_pawns_moves(board: &Board, is_white: bool) -> (u64, u64) {
    let mut moves = 0u64;
    let mut attack_moves = 0u64;
    let own_pieces: u64;
    let mut pawns: u64;
    let precomputed_moves: [[u64; 2]; 64];

    if is_white {
        pawns = board.white_pawns;
        own_pieces = board.white_pieces;
        precomputed_moves = WHITE_PAWN_MOVES;
    } else {
        pawns = board.black_pawns;
        own_pieces = board.black_pieces;
        precomputed_moves = BLACK_PAWN_MOVES;

    while pawns != 0 {
        let index = pawns.trailing_zeros() as usize;

        // add pawn's precomputed moves and exclude own piece
        moves |= precomputed_moves[index][0] & !own_pieces;
        attack_moves |= precomputed_moves[index][1] & !own_pieces;

        // additional check for double move only for rank 2 for white
        if is_white && index >= 8 && index <= 15 {
            // Check if both rank 3 and rank 4 squares are free
            let rank3_free = (1u64 << (index + 8)) &;
            let rank4_free = (1u64 << (index + 16)) &;
            if rank3_free == 0 {
                // if rank3 is blocked, remove rank 3 and rank 4
                moves &= !(1u64 << (index + 8));
                moves &= !(1u64 << (index + 16));
            } else if rank4_free == 0 {
                // if only rank 4 is blocked, remove rank 4
                moves &= !(1u64 << (index + 16));
        } else if !is_white && index >= 48 && index <= 55 {
            // Check if both rank 6 and rank 5 squares are free
            let rank6_free = (1u64 << (index - 8)) &;
            let rank5_free = (1u64 << (index - 16)) &;
            if rank6_free == 0 {
                // if rank 6 is blocked, remove both rank 6 and 5
                moves &= !(1u64 << (index - 16));
                moves &= !(1u64 << (index - 8));
            } else if rank5_free == 0 {
                // If rank 5 is blocked, remove only the rank 5 move from precomputed moves
                moves &= !(1u64 << (index - 16));

        // Remove the processed pawns (use lsb approach)
        pawns &= pawns - 1;

    (moves, attack_moves)

Bitboard challenges

While efficient, it makes computation a lot trickier and challenging, dealing with move generation, blocking piece, castling, stalemate, etc were hard to implement

Another reason why this is challenging is that bitboard bit position is on the reversed order compared to actual chessboard

Bitboard representation

In bitboard this is how we the bits are represented where least significant bit (LSB) is all the way to the right and that corresponds to A1

63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56
55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48
47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40
39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
15 14 13 12 11 10  9  8
 7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0

How the bitboard corresponds to the chess position

H8 G8 F8 E8 D8 C8 B8 A8
H7 G7 F7 E7 D7 C7 B7 A7
H6 G6 F6 E6 D6 C6 B6 A6
H5 G5 F5 E5 D5 C5 B5 A5
H4 G4 F4 E4 D4 C4 B4 A4
H3 G3 F3 E3 D3 C3 B3 A3
H2 G2 F2 E2 D2 C2 B2 A2
H1 G1 F1 E1 D1 C1 B1 A1

Ordering of actual chess board position is reversed horizontally

A8 B8 C8 D8 E8 F8 G8 H8
A7 B7 C7 D7 E7 F7 G7 H7
A6 B6 C6 D6 E6 F6 G6 H6
A5 B5 C5 D5 E5 F5 G5 H5
A4 B4 C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 H4
A3 B3 C3 D3 E3 F3 G3 H3
A2 B2 C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 H2
A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 H1

Finally, there are plenty of edge cases that needs to be taken care of such as double pawn resolving, en passant capture, simulate king move can't enter into attack mask, pawn has separate attack mask, etc

Precomputed attack and move masks

To avoid generating moves for every piece, chessterm does precompute moves (including attack masks) for every position and piece types which are then further trimmed into pseudolegal moves before finally validating legality

How It Works

  • Knights and Kings → Use lookup tables for fast move retrieval
  • Sliding Pieces (Bishops, Rooks, Queens) → Use ray-based attack masks
  • Pawns → Separate move masks (for advancing) and attack masks (for capturing diagonally)
pub const KNIGHT_MOVES: [u64; 64] = precompute_moves!(precompute_knight_moves);
// precompute all the moves available for knights at each bit index in the bitboard
const fn precompute_knight_moves(index: u8) -> u64 {
    let bitboard = 1u64 << index;
    // use mask to avoid wrap around
    ((bitboard << 17) & !MASK_FILE_A) // UP 2 + RIGHT 1
        | ((bitboard << 15) & !MASK_FILE_H) // UP 2 + LEFT 1
        | ((bitboard << 10) & !(MASK_FILE_A | MASK_FILE_B)) // UP 1 + RIGHT 2
        | ((bitboard << 6) & !(MASK_FILE_G | MASK_FILE_H)) // UP 1 + LEFT 2
        | ((bitboard >> 17) & !MASK_FILE_H) // DOWN 2 + LEFT 1
        | ((bitboard >> 15) & !MASK_FILE_A) // DOWN 2 + RIGHT 1
        | ((bitboard >> 10) & !(MASK_FILE_G | MASK_FILE_H)) // DOWN 1 + LEFT 2
        | ((bitboard >> 6) & !(MASK_FILE_A | MASK_FILE_B)) // DOWN 1 + RIGHT 2

Once we have precomputed move, we can then generate the pseudolegal moves

pub fn compute_knights_moves(board: &Board, is_white: bool) -> u64 {
    let mut moves = 0u64;
    let own_pieces: u64;
    let mut knights: u64;
    if is_white {
        knights = board.white_knights;
        own_pieces = board.white_pieces;
    } else {
        knights = board.black_knights;
        own_pieces = board.black_pieces;

    while knights != 0 {
        let index = knights.trailing_zeros();

        // Add the knight's precomputed moves, excluding occupied by own
        moves |= KNIGHT_MOVES[index as usize] & !own_pieces;

        // Remove the processed knight (use lsb approach)
        knights &= knights - 1;


Move Validation Performance

While bitboards make move generation and checking for attacked piece is really fast, checking for checkmate/stalemate is expensive in the current implementation

To detect stalemate or checkmate

  • The engine checks all possible legal moves
  • Next it then simulate each move to check if the king is still in check
  • When simulating the move, the pieces moves and attack masks have to be recomputed because moving piece may block check or capture attackign piece
  • If no legal moves exists, it's either checkmate or stalemate

PGN-Only Input with Robust Parsing

  • Parses PGN moves instead of allowing GUI selection
  • Handles ambiguous moves (Nbd2 vs Nfd2) correctly
  • Validates special cases like castling and en passant

Preloaded Images & Audio for Performance

  • Chess piece images are preloaded in memory to prevent I/O lag
  • Move sounds are buffered and played instantly

Terminal UI with ratatui and ratatui-image for image rendering

  • Optional unicode-based fallback (halfblocks)
  • Scrollbar integration for move history

Debugging and Helper functions

  • render_bitboard allow to render bitboard in terminal with custom character, useful for debugging
  • Board::from_fen() allow to setup the chess piece using FEN notation (only the first part of the notation, to setup the pieces)
  • bitboard_single to return bitboard of a single position (rank and file)
  • PositionBuilder to help create bitboard given multiple positions

🏆 Acknowledgements

📜 License

MIT License. See LICENSE for details.