Coinpaign is a Python Remote Administration Tool With GUI.
This program can be used by individuals & professionals to connect to a computer via the Internet or across a local network remotely. This tool is based on the server and client technology. The server(Controled) part runs on a controlled computer and receives commands from the client(Controler).
-A Client/Server Sockets
Controler is able to established LAN or WAN Connexion with the remote machine. The controled listenning intructions from the controler which going to send it back.
-B PowerShell
Send/Receive OS Commands.
-C File Manager - A dual-panel file manager ( Inspire from fman ) - Coming Soon
Download file from the remote machine. Saved into the Software Directory
Upload file to the remote machine.
Drag & Drop
-D Geolocalise IP/Get Server IP
whois : Geolocate IP with +5 arguments
getservip : Get the Server IP adress from domain name
-E Remote Live Desktop
Remote Live Desktop with mouse action
(Optionnal) Take auto-screenshots ( Set x in second to setup the interval ) from the remote machine. Saved into the Software Directory
-F IP/ARP Scan
Discover the network with IP Scan ( set subnet/subnet mask ) When success, display IP + MAC Address & save infomrations in text file ( devices.txt)
-G Port Scan
Discover the Port Open ( Set number of port to scan ).
-H MacVendor
Display MacVendor from input Address MAC
Into this GUI we'r going to quick view the target(s) machine(s) infos and take action on it with the features mentionned above :
#1 Flag of country from WAN IP
#2 Country/City
#4 Active Session Name ( Name of the OS Session )
#5 Operating System
#6 System informations : Processor / Ram use ( in % for example 20% Core I7 3,2 Ghz & 55% 8Gb Ram)
#7 Ping in MS ( 20 ms )
File Manager ( Fman Inspire) | SSH Client (Paramiko) & TELNET Client (telnetlib) ( Accross Public IP or from controled computer )