0.3.0 (2023-02-23)
- add event layers for 2 level building damage (f300586)
- add people affected percentage to event object (e1b61b7)
0.2.1 (2023-02-21)
- use validation pipes for path params (4f34e5e)
0.2.0 (2023-01-25)
- remove building damage and population affected layers (ab638fa)
0.1.1 (2023-01-05)
- remove image name from local image (5f41fe2)
0.1.0 (2023-01-04)
- add env variables to docker file, catch missing bearer error (ee58291)
- date and version columns should not be overwritten during update (049e85a)
- delete event should cascade delete event code (58e1c70)
- delete event should cascade delete event layers (05552a0)
- event layers should have many to one relationship with event (2ec9963)
- lint and test issues (b8d7d86)
- modify percentage damage to float type (3c75d47)
- put update and delete events behind admin guard (0e8fb14)
- remove console log statements (4178cea)
- throw unauthorized for private event access without auth (f882c4c)
- update version if event layer is updated (8442a7f)
- updating accessed time should not change the event code (8ce9ae9)
- add event layer entity and service (64d9f08)
- add event layer table (9d7f423)
- add geometry column to event entity (09e98f4)
- add get endpoint to list all event layers (41c7045)
- allow admins to bypass event guard (4e86a1a)
- check public events before checking private event token (fa39e06)
- create nestjs app with migrations and event (97e6ed8)
- event codes (7d419fa)
- increase payload limit size to 100mb (41f889a)
- jwt (4074b11)
- rename enums and use json instead of strings (8910cb6)
- update event types (7f5fb76)
- upgrade typeorm (369b267)