Rob Tweed
30 November 2019, M/Gateway Developments Ltd
Twitter: @rtweed
Google Group for discussions, support, advice etc:
This document provides a detailed Tutorial on the fundamentals of QEWD-JSdb.
It explains how to start the Node.js REPL Explorer environment for QEWD-JSdb, within which you'll be able to try out the database for yourself.
Once you've completed this tutorial, you'll be able to understand and appreciate how the other database models supported by QEWD-JSdb work and have been constructed, and, if you wish, you'll be armed with the information you'll need to develop your own custom database models.
For the IRIS / AWS Version of QEWD-JSdb, see these instructions.
However, the quickest way to try out QEWD-JSdb is using the pre-built Docker version which will run on any Linux system or even on a Raspberry Pi.
Here's all you need to do to install it:
cd ~
git clone
cd qewd-jsdb
Simply answer the sefl-explanatory questions and within a few minutes you'll have it all ready to run.
Don't worry if you don't have Docker installed (which is the only dependency) - the installer will also install Docker if necessary (though you'll need to start a new process and re-run the installer after it installs Docker).
When the installer has completed you have two options for starting the Docker container:
without database persistence between Container restarts:
cd ~/qewd-jsdb ./start
with database persistence between Container restarts:
cd ~/qewd-jsdb ./start_p
To stop the Docker Container, you should always use the command:
cd ~/qewd-jsdb
This cleanly and safely shuts down the database-connected QEWD Worker Processes
To use the QEWD-JSdb REPL Explorer, you first need to shell into the jsdb container:
docker exec -it jsdb bash
Once you're in the container's bash shell, switch to the mapped folder:
cd mapped
You can now start the Node.js REPL:
You'll see this:
root@f300aaeefa1e:/opt/qewd/mapped# node
Welcome to Node.js v12.13.0.
Type ".help" for more information.
Now start up the QEWD-JSdb shell:
var jsdb = require('./jsdb_shell');
You'll see this:
> var jsdb = require('./jsdb_shell')
The jsdb object provides you with access to QEWD-JSdb.
You can exit the Node.js REPL in the usual way, by pressing the CTRL & C keys twice.
Behind the scenes, the jsdb_shell module makes use of event handlers that fire every time you create or delete data in the database. Specifically, these event handlers have now been set up to update the viewer application.
So, make sure you now start the viewer application in your browser! You'll be able to see, in real-time, the effect to the physical database of your interactions with QEWD-JSdb. This facility really brings the whole thing to life!
To start the viewer application, use the URL:
Initially it won't show much, but don't worry, it will automatically spring into life as soon as you start using QEWD-JSdb commands!
For those interested to know how the viewer application manages to work the way it does, it's all done by the magic of WebSockets. Whenever the QEWD-JSdb event handlers fire (which happens every time you set or delete a database record), they send a REST request to the running jsdb QEWD instance which, in turn, triggers a handler method that locates any active QEWD sessions and sends them the QEWD-JSdb reference information as a WebSocket message. The viewer application's browser-side JavaScript has an event handler that waits for such incoming WebSocket messages and updates the display with the information in the message.
QEWD makes such applications very simple to create. You can explore the source code as follows:
- browser-side HTML
- browser-side JavaScript
- server-side REST message handler
- server-side module that gets the information and updates all viewer browsers with it
There's also a keepAlive mechanism that just ensures the QEWD Session for the viewer application never times out. You'll see in the browser-side JavaScript (see link above) a setInterval() that sends out a keepAlive message every minute. This just invokes a "do nothing" back-end handler method. That has the effect of updating the QEWD Session timeout.
You're now ready to try something out. In the REPL, type the following:
var doc = jsdb.use('demo', 'x')
doc.value = 123
As soon as you entered the second line, you should have seen the viewer page update!
In its left-hand panel you should see:
Global Reference: ^demo(*)
while in the right-hand panel you'll see:
JSDB Document Reference: doc = this.documentStore.use('demo')
JSDB Retrieval Command: doc.getDocument(true)
"x": 123
The left-hand panel is showing you how the so-called Global Storage of YottaDB (or IRIS) has physically stored the data you created when you invoked that second command.
As this is probably the first time you've seen a Global Storage database in action, it's worth providing some background information.
Global Storage uses a hierarchical database structure. The "unit of storage" is known as a Global to which you assign a name - an alphanumeric value that must start with a letter. You can have as many differently named Globals as you want in the database, and it's up to you what you name them.
The data in each global is stored in what's known as a Global Node, which is defined by:
- the Global name (by convention denoted by a prefixed ^ character)
- a list of subscripts, each of which can be strings or numbers
- a value which can be a string or a number
You've just created a node: ^demo("x")=123:
- Global Name = demo
- Just a single subscript: "x"
- a value of 123
Think persistent associative arrays and you're in the right ball-park conceptually. You can set or delete Global Nodes. So you can delete that node now by typing:
and you'll see it disappear in the viewer.
Amazingly, that's pretty much it in terms of how a Global Storage database works!
Global Storage is schema-free. There's nothing to pre-declare, no schema to define up-front or to modify down-stream. Just like JavaScript objects, they are completely dynamic and free-form - which actually makes them a perfect companion to JavaScript!
A key piece is those subscripts, which can be used to define a hierarchical tree structure of any depth or complexity you like.
Global Storage comes with little else built-in. There's no automatic indexing, for example. However, both YottaDB and IRIS support record locking and transactions. That's beyond the scope of what this showcase / demo / exploration will get into. For advanced, business-critical applications, just be aware that they are supported if you need them in future.
If it seems like this is an incredibly basic, low-level database management system, that's exactly what it is! But in that deceptive simplicity lies an incredibly flexible and powerful database for you to harness. Its power comes from being able to implement all manner of database model abstractions on top of that basic hiearchical structure, and QEWD-JSdb allows those abstractions to be implemented in JavaScript itself. It's like a "proto-database" just waiting to be built upon.
QEWD-JSdb comes with several ready-to-use, pre-created database models, each of which is showcased in this repository. However, to be honest, they simply scratch the surface of what's possible. If you spend some time familiarising yourself with QEWD-JSdb and the underlying Global Storage, you'll be rewarded with a new world of possibilities!
All that might sound like a lot of hype at this stage, and is probably difficult to appreciate on the basis of the single record we've managed to create thus far, so let's proceed with some further exploration.
One of the easiest and simplest abstractions of Global Storage is its mapping to and from JSON. If you think about it, a JSON document is simply a hierarchical structure, with data values at its leaf-nodes: just like a Global Node in fact!
As a JavaScript developer, you're probably more used to envisioning a hierarchical structure in JSON terms, so what the viewer's right-hand panel is doing is using the QEWD-JSdb getDocument() method to display the Global hierarchy as a corresponding JSON structure.
In this respect, you can regard QEWD-JSdb as providing you with persistent JSON storage. Everything stored in QEWD-JSdb, regardless of the database model abstraction you use, can also (and simultaneously) be represented and handled as a persistent JSON document. As we continue exploring QEWD-JSdb, that should begin to become clear as you watch what's displayed in that right-hand JSON View panel.
The first thing we typed was this line:
var doc = jsdb.use('demo', 'x')
So let's explain what that is all about.
The use() method instantiates what, in QEWD-JSdb, we refer to as a Document Node Object. It provides an object that represents a physical Global node. It's your fundamental starting point for QEWD-JSdb.
The use() method's arguments are:
- 1st argument: the physical Global name (without any prefixed ^)
- optionally the 2nd and subsequent arguments specify the subscripts for the Global Node
Note that the use() method does NOT create a corresponding physical Global node. However, the Document Node object that it returns provides you with a range of properties and methods that allow you to manipulate that phsyical Global Node and also to navigate from it to any other related Global Nodes.
The properties of a Document Node Object are:
exists: Does the corresponding Global Node physically exists in the database? (true | false)
hasValue: Is the corresponding Global Node a leaf node with a value? (true | false)
hasChildren: Is the corresponding Global Node an intermediate node within the hierarchy? (true | false)
value: a read/write property that either sets a value for the Document Node, or returns its value. If the Node does not exist, an empty string value is returned. Note that it is quite valid for a Global Node to also have an empty string as a value.
parent: returns a Document Node Object representing the hierarchical parent of the current Document Node.
firstChild: returns a Document Node Object representing the first child Node (if it exists) of the current Document Node.
lastChild: returns a Document Node Object representing the last child Node (if it exists) of the current Document Node.
nextSibling: returns a Document Node Object representing the current Document Node's next sibling node (if it exists).
previousSibling: returns a Document Node Object representing the current Document Node's previous sibling node (if it exists).
path: returns an array of the subscripts for this Document Node
documentName: returns the documentName, aka the corresponding Global name
name: the Node's property name, ie the last subscript for this Node
The methods of a Document Node Object are:
- delete(): deletes the corresponding Global Node from the physical database. The Document Node Object will, however, continue to exist
- increment(by): increments the value of the Document Node by the amount specified in the argument (default = 1). Useful for counters or automatic assignment of identifiers
- countChildren(): returns the number of Child Document Nodes that physically exist in the database below the current Document Node
- $(subscript) or $(arrayOfSubscripts): returns a new Document Node object that represents the additional level of Global Node subscripting below the current Node
- getDocument(useArrays): retrieves the data represented in the sub-tree starting with the current Document Node as a JSON document. If useArrays is true, it will attempt to retrieve arrays where consecutive numeric subsript values exist in the physical Global storage. Unless you're sure that the stored data did not include arrays, it is best to use true. However, getDocument(false) is faster to execute, but will return numeric subscript as properties in the returned JSON.
- setDocument(object): Stores the specified JavaScript object/JSON as a sub-tree of Global Nodes beneath the current Document Node.
- forEachChild(): allows you to iterate through the child subscripts of the current Document Node.
- forEachleafNode: allows you to iterate through any leaf nodes that are descendents of the current Document Node.
- lock(timeout): attempts to set a lock on the Document Node. If unable to within the specified timeout (seconds), it returns false, otherwise true if successful. Once locked, any other process attempting to apply a lock() to the same Document Node will be unsuccessful.
- unlock(): removes a previously set lock on the Document Node.
Now that we've run through the underlying concepts and documented the various method and properties you can use in QEWD-JSdb, we can begin exploring it in earnest.
Return, if necessary, to the section above that summarises the properties and methods of the Document Node Object. They provide the basic building blocks for everything else in QEWD-JSdb. You'll see how most of the work and are used throughout the rest of this tutorial.
So back to the REPL, and remember to keep that viewer browser page open and available to watch!
So let's start with that first node again:
doc.value = 123
You should see in the viewer that this caused this Global Node to be stored in the database:
That's because doc is a Document Node Object we defined using:
var doc = jsdb.use('demo', 'x')
which meant a Document Object Node representing a physical Global named demo with a single subscript: x
We then applied its value setter property to assign the value 123
We can now retrieve its value from the database using value as a getter property:
and you'll see 123 displayed
You can change its value to something else:
and you'll immediately see that new value appearing in the viewer.
Now let's create another Document Node Object. We can do that in several ways:
- using an absolute reference with use();
- using a reference relative to the current Document Node using the $() function.
Try the first way:
var doc2 = jsdb.use('demo', 'y', 'z')
doc2.value = "xyz"
The viewer's Global Storage view will now be showing:
and in its left-hand panel, the corresponding JSON view:
"x": "abcdef",
"y": {
"z": "xyz"
In fact we can retrieve that JSON for ourselves in the repl, but we'll need to use a Document Node object that represents the top of the hierarchy - ie just using the Global name and no subscripts:
var topDoc = jsdb.use('demo')
var obj = topDoc.getDocument()
Then display it using, for example:
console.log(JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2))
So what was returned was a JavaScript object corresponding to the data we saved into those Global Storage nodes, so, for example, we could now refer to:
and get the value xyz.
Very often, having instantiated one Document Node Object, we'll want to access or manipulate other nodes that are descendents of it.
For example, we used this above:
var doc2 = jsdb.use('demo', 'y', 'z')
Let's first delete its value:
and now we'll instantiate a child Document Node:
var child1 = doc2.$('child1')
Now if you set a value for this, see what happens in the viewer:
child1.value = 'hello world'
Now you'll see this was created in the database:
^demo("y","z","child1")="hello world"
Of course, we could have achieved exactly the same thing using the absolute reference approach:
var child1 = jsdb.use('demo', 'y', 'z', 'child1')
Which you use is up to you, but the relative technique using $() is very convenient, particularly if you're repetitively creating child Nodes of a parent Node. So, for example, we can now create another child:
var child2 = doc2.$('child2')
child2.value = "another world"
and let's create one more:
var child3 = doc2.$('child3')
child3.value = "last world"
Hopefully what's been appearing in the viewer as you've been doing this is beginning to make sense!
So now let's go back to doc2 which represented ^demo("y","z") and look at some of its properties:
That's true because, although no data physically exists at that Node - ie it's an intermediate, rather than a leaf node, a value does physically exist in the database for at least one of its descendents.
How about:
That's false because it's an intermediate node with no actual data of its own.
Then try:
That is true because it's an intermediate Node, and at least one of its Child Nodes has a value physically stored in the database.
Compare those results with what you see for a leaf node such as child3:
If we take the child3 Node, which represents ^demo("y","z","child3"), then see what happens if we do this:
console.log(JSON.stringify(child3.parent.getDocument(), null, 2))
You should see:
"child1": "hello world",
"child2": "another world",
"child3": "last world"
Because child3.parent represents ^demo("y","z"), the previous level up the hieararchy.
Of course we could further chain up the parents:
console.log(JSON.stringify(child3.parent.parent.getDocument(), null, 2))
and now we see this:
"z": {
"child1": "hello world",
"child2": "another world",
"child3": "last world"
Now let's start with doc2 which, if you remember, represented ^demo("y","z")
This returns "hello world" as the first child node of doc2 represents ^demo("y","z","child1")
This returns "last world" as the last child node of doc2 represents ^demo("y","z","child3")
This returns "another world" because:
- doc2.firstChild represents ^demo("y","z","child1")
- and its nextSibling Node represents ^demo("y","z","child2")
Hopefully you can understand why we get the same result if we do this:
By the way, if, rather than getting the value of a node, you want to know the property name (aka Global Subscript name), you can use the Node's name property, eg:
will return child3, because this is the node's property name
So far we've seen how you can assign a value to a single Document Node. However, you can save entire Javacript objects / JSON documents into a Document Node with the single command setDocument(). It begins to show the real power of this database, so let's take a look at it in operation:
We'll create a new Document Node:
var jsonNode = jsdb.use('demo', 'json')
Now let's create a JavaScript Object, eg:
var obj = {hello: {world: 123, there: 'xyz', you: 'abc123'}}
So that's an in-memory JavaScript object. Now we'll persist it into that Document Node we instantiated:
In the viewer Global Storage view you'll see this has been created:
and in the JSON view:
"json": { "hello": { "there": "xyz", "world": 123, "you": "abc123" } },
and its added it into the rest of the data in that physical database Global.
So that previously in-memory JSON object is now also physically in the database.
Of course you can retrieve it again as an in-memory object using getDocument():
var objCopy = jsonNode.getDocument()
So now you can get to the same values either via in-memory:
or directly from disk (ie from the database):
Note that instead of using two chained $() methods, we could alternatively have done this:
console.log(jsonNode.$(['hello', 'world']).value)
which is less verbose and also more efficient as it has instantiated just one resulting Document Node object rather than two (one for each $() invocation).
Also one further little trick to be aware of: when you invoke the $() method for a specific node value, a shortcut property is created in the parent Document Node. This shortcut property name is created from $ followed by the property name.
So having done this:
I could now do the same thing using this notation:
demonstrating how much the distinction between in-memory and on-disk JavaScript Objects is now blurred in QEWD-JSdb!
QEWD-JSdb also demonstrates something else. Consider a Document Database such as MongoDB which is designed for the storage of JSON documents. In MongoDB, the "unit of storage" is an entire document. To manipulate or access its contents, you must first fetch the document from the database into an in-memory JavaScript object before working on it. If you modify any of its contents, you save back the modified object to the database.
Now compare with what you've just been doing with QEWD-JSdb. Sure, just like MongoDB you can save an in-memory object to disk and retrieve a JSON object from the database as an in-memory instance. But your "unit of storage" is now right down to an individual name/value pair, anywhere in the JSON document! You can view that name/value pair's value in situ directly from the database using its Document Node's value property. You can also modify that name/value pair's value in situ, directly into the database.
Furthermore, you can work with sub-sets of the JSON, retrieving sub-sections of the hierarchy. You can also insert new sub-sections of JSON into the saved document. And of course you can delete whole sections of the stored JSON using the delete() method.
We've previously seen the delete() method applied to a leaf node. However, if applied to an intermediate node, the entire sub-tree of Global Nodes that are descendents of the Node are deleted too.
Indeed, apply the delete() method to the top-level Document Node (ie representing the Global Node alone, without any subscripts), and the entire document disappears from the database.
So, in summary, QEWD-JSdb provides you with the basis of a uniquely powerful and flexible persistent JavaScript Object / JSON document database, quite different from anything else you've probably used before!
A key part of the power of Global Storage is the ability to highly-efficiently traverse your way around the hierarchical structure. This ability is provided to you in QEWD-JSdb through two methods available to a Document Node Object:
- forEachChild(): iterates through the Document Node's child Nodes
- forEachLeafNode(): iterates through the Document Node's descendent leaf nodes.
Let's take a look at both in action.
This is the most frequently used method of the two, and once again its apparent simplicitly is highly deceptive.
Cooy and paste the following into your REPL and hit the Enter key:
jsonNode.$('hello').forEachChild(function(name, node) {
You should see the result:
which are the property names (aka Global subscript values) of each of the child nodes of the jsonNode.$('hello') node
Of course, you can probably guess that we could have written the same logic like this instead:
jsonNode.$hello.forEachChild(function(name, node) {
since we've already previously accessed the hello subscript via the $() method.
So how and why did we get this result?
Remember, jsonDemo represented this physical Global Node:
and *jsonDemo.$('hello') therefore represents:
and so what happened was that the forEachChild() function iterated through its child subscripts:
^demo("json","hello","there") <== name = 'there'
^demo("json","hello","world") <== name = 'world'
^demo("json","hello","you") <== name = 'you'
So, that's how to iterate through a Document Node's child node property names, but what if we want the values of those child nodes, or if we want to perform some manipulation on some or all of the child Document Nodes?
That's where the second argument of the forEachChild() method comes in. It provides you with the Document Node Object for the child node at each iteration. So try cuttiing and pasting this variation on the code:
jsonNode.$hello.forEachChild(function(name, node) {
console.log(name, ': ' + node.value)
and this time it returns:
there : xyz
world : 123
you : abc123
The forEachChild() method can be nested. We could iterate through the first 3 levels of our document's hiearchy. If you remember we had earlier instantiated topDoc as a Document Node object that represented the top-leve of our persistent document named demo. So try cutting and pasting the following:
topDoc.forEachChild(function(name, lvl1Node) {
if (lvl1Node.hasValue) {
console.log('level 1: ' + name + ': ' + lvl1Node.value)
else {
lvl1Node.forEachChild(function(name, lvl2Node) {
if (lvl2Node.hasValue) {
console.log(' level 2: ' + name + ': ' + lvl2Node.value)
else {
lvl2Node.forEachChild(function(name, lvl3Node) {
if (lvl3Node.hasValue) {
console.log(' level 3: ' + name + ': ' + lvl3Node.value)
So this time you should see:
level 3: there: xyz
level 3: world: 123
level 3: you: abc123
level 1: x: abcdef
level 3: child1: hello world
level 3: child2: another world
level 3: child3: last world
and if you compare with the Global Storage view in the viewer application, you can see that we've iterated through the entire Global:
^demo("y","z","child1")="hello world"
^demo("y","z","child2")="another world"
^demo("y","z","child3")="last world"
You can control and modify the behaviour of the forEachChild() method via an optional first argument.
You can control the direction of the traversal. By default the direction is forwards, but you can change it to "reverse", eg:
jsonNode.$hello.forEachChild({direction: 'reverse'}, function(name, node) {
and this time you'll see the child property names returned in reverse order:
You can specify a range of child property names within which to limit the traversal. To demonstrate this properly, let's first add the following data to the demo document:
var data = {
"james": "",
"frederick": "",
"william": "",
"alan": "",
"andrew": "",
"anthony": "",
"brian": "",
"brendan": "",
"billy": "",
"charles": "",
"colin": ""
Take a look at the viewer page - notice how the names are displaying in alphabetic order,even though we defined them in a somewhat jumbled fashion. This is something that the Global Storage database does automatically - basically subscripts are always automatically ordered in alphanumeric collating sequence. Let's try adding a couple more names to see that happening:
topDoc.$names.$('david').value = ''
topDoc.$names.$('richard').value = ''
So what happens if we add a name starting with an upper-case letter? Let's try it out:
topDoc.$names.$('Graham').value = ''
That's interesting - that's been put at the top of the list. Why? Because upper-case letters precede lower case ones in the ASCII collating sequence. You need to be aware of this when using Global storage for indexing - a topic we'll explore in more detail later.
However, for now we have some good data with which to demonstrate forEachChild() ranges.
We can specify a starting point for the range in which to iterate:
topDoc.$names.forEachChild({range: {from: 'd'}}, function(name, node) {
and you should get back:
We can alternatively specify an endpoint to the range:
topDoc.$names.forEachChild({range: {to: 'd'}}, function(name, node) {
and now you should see:
Naturally they can be combined. Try this:
topDoc.$names.forEachChild({range: {from: 'b', to: 'd'}}, function(name, node) {
You should now just get these names back:
You're not restricted to a single letter for the from and to values. Try this:
topDoc.$names.forEachChild({range: {from: 'br', to: 'col'}}, function(name, node) {
Now we just see:
If a from or to value isn't present in the actual subscripts, that doesn't matter - they are just seed/terminating values, so this:
topDoc.$names.forEachChild({range: {from: 'elvis', to: 'kelly'}}, function(name, node) {
will return
The from and to values can be the same, in which case all subscript names starting with the specified values are returned, eg:
topDoc.$names.forEachChild({range: {from: 'br', to: 'br'}}, function(name, node) {
will return
Note that ranges can be specified together with direction:
topDoc.$names.forEachChild({direction: 'reverse', range: {from: 'br', to: 'br'}}, function(name, node) {
which now returns
However, there's a simpler modifier, prefix available to achieve the same effect much more succinctly. Try this:
topDoc.$names.forEachChild({prefix: 'br'}, function(name, node) {
and of course it can be combined with the direction modifier:
topDoc.$names.forEachChild({direction: 'reverse', prefix: 'br'}, function(name, node) {
So that's the forEachChild() method, which is available for all Document Nodes. Hopefully you can begin to appreciate and understand how and why it is a core part of developing with QEWD-JSdb.
The forEachLeafNode() method is a somewhat less used method, but in certain circumstances it is extremely useful and can be a lot more efficient than forEachChild.
A good use-case is exemplified by reviewing something we did earlier:
topDoc.forEachChild(function(name, lvl1Node) {
if (lvl1Node.hasValue) {
console.log('level 1: ' + name + ': ' + lvl1Node.value)
else {
lvl1Node.forEachChild(function(name, lvl2Node) {
if (lvl2Node.hasValue) {
console.log(' level 2: ' + name + ': ' + lvl2Node.value)
else {
lvl2Node.forEachChild(function(name, lvl3Node) {
if (lvl3Node.hasValue) {
console.log(' level 3: ' + name + ': ' + lvl3Node.value)
If, what we were intending to achieve with this logic was to locate all the leaf node values in the document, then it had a couple of key disadvantages:
we had to know, in advance, that the hierarchy was no more than 3 levels deep. So this logic isn't generic enough to keep track of changes within the document that might introduce an unknown number of additional levels of hierarchy.
we had to "walk" the entire list of subscripts at each level to get to the leaf nodes. With the data that existed at the time we originally ran it, ie:
^demo("json","hello","there")="xyz" ^demo("json","hello","world")=123 ^demo("json","hello","you")="abc123" ^demo("x")="abcdef" ^demo("y","z","child1")="hello world" ^demo("y","z","child2")="another world" ^demo("y","z","child3")="last world"
That involved:
- 3 iterations through level 1
- 2 iterations through level 2
- 6 iterations through level 3
So a total of 11 iteration steps to locate 7 leaf nodes.
In a big hierarchy with lots of intermediate levels and leaf nodes, this approach could be very wasteful, if all we want to get to is the leaf nodes.
So here's how we could rewrite that same logic to address those two deficiencies of nested forEachChild() methods:
topDoc.forEachLeafNode(function(value, node) {
console.log(node.path + ': ' + value);
This now returns:
json,hello,there: xyz
json,hello,world: 123
json,hello,you: abc123
x: 123
y,z,child1: hello world
y,z,child2: another world
y,z,child3: last world
As you can see, the argument for the forEachLeafNode() method is a callback function which provides two arguments at each iteration:
- value: the value of the leaf node
- node: a Document Node object representing the leaf node
The forEachLeafNode() method returns all the leaf nodes that are descendents of the Document Node Object to which it is being applied, so we can limit the iterations to just part of the hierarchy, eg try this:
topDoc.$('y').forEachLeafNode(function(value, node) {
console.log(node.path + ': ' + value);
Now, you just see this, the leaf nodes below the y Document Node:
y,z,child1: hello world
y,z,child2: another world
y,z,child3: last world
Now remember, in all of the examples you've seen so far, everything you're seeing is being applied to data on disk, in the database, not to in-memory JavaScript objects!
The very simple rules of how Global Storage works that we described at the beginning of this document do not explicitly accommodate arrays. Instead we, ourselves, need to create and apply a convention through which they can be accommodated. The convention applied by QEWD-JSdb is to represent the elements of an array using integer values for subscripts: the values match the JavaScript array element index value.
It's pretty simple once you see in action. Try this:
var arr = ["element 1", "element 2", "element 3", "element 4", "element 5"]
Take a look in the viewer application and you'll see how it's stored the array:
^demo("array",0)="element 1"
^demo("array",1)="element 2"
^demo("array",2)="element 3"
^demo("array",3)="element 4"
^demo("array",4)="element 5"
and its JSON view in the right hand panel is retrieving it correctly as an array:
"array": [
"element 1",
"element 2",
"element 3",
"element 4",
"element 5"
Now try this:
var arrCopy = topDoc.$array.getDocument()
console.log(JSON.stringify(arrCopy, null, 2))
This is a surprise! It's returned it as an object:
"0": "element 1",
"1": "element 2",
"2": "element 3",
"3": "element 4",
"4": "element 5"
Actually if you think about it, it's not so much of a surprise, because we're applying an implicit abstraction for arrays, and it results in a potential ambiguity: how can QEWD-JSdb distinguish between an array and a numerically-keyed object?
As you can see from the getDocument() method, by default it can't cater for the ambiguity and falls back on the assumption that everything in Global storage is an object.
However, now try this:
var arrCopy2 = topDoc.$array.getDocument(true)
console.log(JSON.stringify(arrCopy2, null, 2))
This time it successfully returns the array!
"element 1",
"element 2",
"element 3",
"element 4",
"element 5"
The optional first argument of the getDocument() method, if set to true, tells the method to scan each level of subscripting. If it sees only a consecutive, unbroken sequence of integers, starting with 0, then it assumes the data represents an array. If not, it must be an object at this level in the hierarchy.
The rule is applied at all levels in its traversal through a document. Try applying this to the document:
var obj = {abc: 'xyz', arr: [1,2,3, {x: "zxc", z: [5,6,7]}, 8], q: "ggg"}
You'll see that this mixture of arrays and objects has been added as a new last element of our original array, and is saved in Global Storage thus:
Try retrieving the new expanded array:
var arrCopy2 = topDoc.$array.getDocument(true)
console.log(JSON.stringify(arrCopy2, null, 2))
and back it comes as expected:
"element 1",
"element 2",
"element 3",
"element 4",
"element 5",
"abc": "xyz",
"arr": [
"x": "zxc",
"z": [
"q": "ggg"
There is a cautionary note that is worth bringing to your attention. Applying this implicit abstraction for arrays comes at a cost. The cost won't be significant for most small to medium-sized saved QEWD-JSdb objects. However it will increase in significance as your saved documents get larger. There are actually two implications of using the true argument to ensure that you get arrays properly returned:
- to do so, the getDocument() logic has to recursively call forEachChild() methods to exhaustively walk the entire tree via its subscripts;
- at every iteration of each forEachChild() method, at every level of the hierarchy, the logic has to spend time inspecting the subscript values to see whether they start at zero and continue as an unbroken sequence of consecutive integers. This gets costly if there are lots of huge arrays containing lots of members.
By comparison, if you don't add the true argument, getDocument() uses the more efficient forEachLeafNode() method to walk the hierarchy, and applies no subscript inspection.
You can see the getDocument() implementation logic here , if you're interested to see how it actually works.
Just one further way to demonstrate how this array abstraction is applied. Let's deliberately break the consecutive sequence of integer subscript values in our original array by doing this:
topDoc.$array.$('no_longer_an_array').value = 'This should change things!'
In the viewer's Global Storage view you'll see:
^demo("array",0)="element 1"
^demo("array",1)="element 2"
^demo("array",2)="element 3"
^demo("array",3)="element 4"
^demo("array",4)="element 5"
^demo("array","no_longer_an_array")="This should change things!"
That second subscript is no longer an unbroken sequence of integers, so even if we use the true argument, setDocument() will now return it as an object. Try it for yourself and see:
var arrCopy3 = topDoc.$array.getDocument(true)
console.log(JSON.stringify(arrCopy3, null, 2))
So far, we've focused on the process of getting data in and out of QEWD-JSdb, and navigating within the data structures.
Databases need to be designed so that they can be queried efficiently, and that requires what are known as indices to be maintained. Those indices provide a fast means of interogating the database and extracting the specific data records requested by the user.
It is searching via indices that sets databases apart from simple files for data storage.
Let's consider a simple example:
Suppose we had a set of records that provide a simple telephone directory. Each record defines a telephone number, a first name, last name and town, eg:
07123 456 789, Rob, Tweed, Redhill
07712 345 678, Simon, Tweed, St Albans
07321 987 765, Chris, Munt, Banstead
07713 473 812, John, Smith, London
07654 321 123, Susanne, Salling, Redhill
... etc
These could be saved into a text file.
If you wanted to find the telephone numbers for everyone with a last name of Tweed, you would have to exhaustively inspect every line of text in the file before you could return the definitive result. This wouldn't be a big deal if there were only a few records, even a few hundred records. But if it contained tens of thousands, or millions of records, it would become a very time-consuming exercise, that would have to be repeated every time you made a similar query.
By comparison, in a database, we would store two things:
- the core data records, according to some particular model, eg in our case, a set of persistent JSON objects
- a derived set of index records, which, for each last name value, would provide a pointer to the corresponding data record.
So, in order to find all the telephone numbers for everyone with a last name of Tweed, the database would start with the last name index for its records containing the value Tweed. Each of these records would provide a pointer directly to the corresponding data record, and from that record, the telephone number would be returned.
With this approach, there is no need to exhaustively search the entire database. We just search the specific records within the index.
Indices come at a cost:
- they need to be scrupulously maintained to correspond to any adds, changes or deletions in the main data records
- they add to the physical disk drive storage consumed by the database
However, in these days of high-performance, low cost CPUs and Hard Disk Drives and Solid State Drives, neither of these are particularly significant costs, and in return you get near instantaneous retrieval of the records that match your query. Generally speaking, the performance of databases is determined by the number of indices you maintain in parallel with the main data records. The more likely a database record field is to be searched on, the more important it will be to have an index for it. And, of course, if queries are constructed across multiple criteria, eg find me all the phone numbers of people named Tweed who live in Redhill, then the queries can benefit from an index that identifies records by the cobination of their lastName and town values.
So, armed with what we now know about the QEWD-JSdb properties, methods and techniques, let's implement that example telephone directory, create an index for it, and then demonstrate how a last name query could be carried out. To begin with we'll do it manually, so you can see how it can all b made to work.
Let's start with the main data records. We could do that using a simple JSON structure for each record:
firstName: 'Rob',
lastName: 'Tweed',
town: 'Redhill',
tel: '07123 456 789'
We could assign each record an otherwise meaningless identifier - a simple incrementing integer would suffice, and then use this as what, in database terminology, is known as the primary key for the record. So let's create that main data structure and save it:
var data = {
"1": {
"firstName": "Rob",
"lastName": "Tweed",
"town": "Redhill",
"tel": "07123 456 789"
"2": {
"firstName": "Simon",
"lastName": "Tweed",
"town": "St Albans",
"tel": "07712 345 678"
"3": {
"firstName": "Chris",
"lastName": "Munt",
"town": "Banstead",
"tel": "07321 987 765"
"4": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"town": "London",
"tel": "07713 473 812"
"5": {
"firstName": "Susanne",
"lastName": "Salling",
"town": "Redhill",
"tel": "07654 321 123"
var telDoc = jsdb.use('telDirectory', 'data')
You'll see this in the viewer, saved as:
^telDirectory("data",1,"tel")="07123 456 789"
^telDirectory("data",2,"tel")="07712 345 678"
^telDirectory("data",2,"town")="St Albans"
^telDirectory("data",3,"tel")="07321 987 765"
^telDirectory("data",4,"tel")="07713 473 812"
^telDirectory("data",5,"tel")="07654 321 123"
Now let's manually add a corresponding set of lastName index records. To make searching easier, we'll lower-case each last name:
var index = {
"tweed": {
"1": "",
"2": ""
"munt": {
"3": ""
"smith": {
"4": ""
"salling": {
"5": ""
We'll instantiate a different part of the telDirectory document for these index records, eg:
var indexDoc = jsdb.use('telDirectory', 'index', 'by_lastName')
Look in the viewer and you'll see that this has resulted in these records being added to the database:
Notice the first cool thing: that built-in automated subscript collation of the Global Storage database has sorted the index in alphabetic order for us! This is extremely useful for indices, as you'll see.
So how and why these have we defined these index records in this way? The idea is that against each lower-cased instance of lastName, we define the record id numbers for the corresponding data records containing those last names. Notice that in an index record, as you'll soon see, it's the property value (eg tweed) that is important, and not the index node's data value. So we'll just assign an empty string value to each index record.
We can now manually perform our search for all the telephone numbers of people with a last name of tweed. Try this out:
indexDoc.$('tweed').forEachChild(function(id) {
console.log(telDoc.$([id, 'tel']).value)
And hey presto! Back should come the telephone numbers for the two tweed records.
You can hopefully see how simple the task has been made with QEWD-JSdb: simply use the forEachChild() method to get all the matching record ids, and, at each iteration, use this id to point to the data record (telDoc.$('id')), and finally get the value for its tel property.
Remember that we can use the range or prefix modifiers to make the query more generic, eg:
indexDoc.forEachChild({prefix: 's'}, function(lastName, node) {
node.forEachChild(function(id) {
console.log(lastName + ': ' + telDoc.$([id, 'tel']).value)
will now match on any last name starting with the specified string, in this case s:
salling: 07654 321 123
smith: 07713 473 812
If we now add a new data record and corresponding index record:
var data = {
"6": {
"firstName": "David",
"lastName": "Smythe",
"town": "Redhill",
"tel": "07613 173 475"
var index = {
"smythe": {
"6": ""
Now try the query again:
indexDoc.forEachChild({prefix: 's'}, function(lastName, node) {
node.forEachChild(function(id) {
console.log(lastName + ': ' + telDoc.$([id, 'tel']).value)
It's picked up the new record, because the index record was automatically collated into the correct alphabetic sequence!
salling: 07654 321 123
smith: 07713 473 812
smythe: 07613 173 475
And of course if we now search for last names starting with sm:
indexDoc.forEachChild({prefix: 'sm'}, function(lastName, node) {
node.forEachChild(function(id) {
console.log(lastName + ': ' + telDoc.$([id, 'tel']).value)
We now just get these records:
smith: 07713 473 812
smythe: 07613 173 475
So far, we've done everything manually. In the real world, we'd actually want to automate this process:
- create a set of CRUD APIs that allow new data records to be added and existing ones to be changed or deleted
- for each of those APIs to create, change or delete the corresponding index record
- create a generic lastName search API
Let's implement those APIs as functions that we can use in the REPL Explorer. We'll just create them as local functions rather than save them as modules. You can try doing that yourself later as an exercise.
Copy and paste the following functions into the REPL:
function saveAndIndex(id, recordObj, jsdb) {
if (id && id !== '' && recordObj && recordObj.lastName && recordObj.lastName !== '') {
// set up the Document Node objects we'll need to use
var telDoc = jsdb.use('telDirectory');
var dataDoc = telDoc.$('data');
var indexDoc = telDoc.$(['index', 'by_lastName']); = id;
// save the data record
// save the index record
indexDoc.$([recordObj.lastName.toLowerCase(), id]).value = '';
function addRecord(recordObj, jsdb) {
// first check the record object is valid
if (recordObj && recordObj.lastName && recordObj.lastName !== '') {
// set up the Document Node objects we'll need to use
var telDoc = jsdb.use('telDirectory');
// get the next id (1 will be returned the first time this is invoked)
var id = telDoc.$('next_id').increment();
// save and index the new record
saveAndIndex(id, recordObj, jsdb);
return id;
The second one above is the API we'll use to add a new record into our telephone directory. It uses a Document Node method that we've not seen before: increment(). It's an ideal method for creating identifiers. We're using a specific Document Node - (telDoc.$('next_id')) - as the counter for getting the next new id each time we add a record. Watch for this in the viewer later when we try these API functions out.
Now copy and paste the delete API:
function deleteRecord(id, recordObj, jsdb) {
// check the incoming record object for validity
if (recordObj && recordObj.lastName && recordObj.lastName !== '') {
// set up the Document Node objects we'll need to use
var telDoc = jsdb.use('telDirectory');
var dataDoc = telDoc.$('data');
var indexDoc = telDoc.$(['index', 'by_lastName']);
//check the incoming id is valid and is already in use
if (id && id !== '' && dataDoc.$(id).exists) {
// get the current lastName
var selectedDoc = dataDoc.$(id);
var lastName = selectedDoc.$('lastName').value.toLowerCase();
// delete the corresponding index;
indexDoc.$([lastName, id]).delete();
// Now delete the data
return true;
And next copy and paste the edit API function:
function editRecord(id, recordObj, jsdb) {
var ok = deleteRecord(id, recordObj, jsdb);
if (ok) {
// save and index the new data for this record
saveAndIndex(id, recordObj, jsdb);
Finally we'll add the search API:
function getByLastName(lastName, jsdb) {
var nodes = [];
if (lastName !== '') {
// set up the Document Node objects we'll need to use
var telDoc = jsdb.use('telDirectory');
var dataDoc = telDoc.$('data');
var indexDoc = telDoc.$(['index', 'by_lastName']);
indexDoc.forEachChild({prefix: lastName}, function(ix, node) {
node.forEachChild(function(id) {
return nodes;
OK let's clear down the data we'd previously saved in our telephone directory:
var telDoc = jsdb.use('telDirectory');
OK let's add a first record using these APIs:
var record = {
firstName: 'Rob',
lastName: 'Tweed',
town: 'Redhill',
tel: '07123 456 789'
addRecord(record, jsdb)
Check in the viewer application. You should see that it's saved it as:
^telDirectory("data",1,"tel")="07123 456 789"
..and also notice the JSON view in the right-hand panel.
Let's add a second record:
record = {
firstName: 'Simon',
lastName: 'Tweed',
town: 'St Albans',
tel: '07712 345 678'
addRecord(record, jsdb)
Look in the viewer and you'll see that an id of 2 was assigned to this, and the next_id node was incremented by 1:
Let's try a search:
var nodes = getByLastName('tweed', jsdb)
What's been returned is an array of matching data records. Type:
and you'll see the records. Do these look correct? Hopefully they should!
Next, try editing a record, for example:
record = {
firstName: 'Simon',
lastName: 'Smith',
town: 'St Albans',
tel: '07712 345 678'
editRecord(2, record, jsdb)
If you look in the viewer, you should see that the data record has correctly changed:
and the index records have been appropriately changed too:
In order to edit that record, we had to know that its id was 2. This isn't something we'd usually have known, so how would we have found that out?
A simple solution is provided by the saveAndIndex function adding the id to the data record, eg:
This might appear to be a redundant record, but remember when we ran the query, it returned the data values:
> nodes
firstName: 'Rob',
id: 1,
lastName: 'Tweed',
tel: '07123 456 789',
town: 'Redhill'
firstName: 'Simon',
id: 2,
lastName: 'Tweed',
tel: '07712 345 678',
town: 'St Albans'
So we could have retrieved the id as nodes[1].id, having first found the record using a search.
Anyway, having edited that telephone directory record, let's try our name search again:
nodes = getByLastName('tweed', jsdb)
Now it should return just one matching record in the array. And then try:
nodes = getByLastName('smith', jsdb)
The APIs we've created above have effectively implemented a simple database model. In this case, quite deliberately, it's a very restricted use-case with quite limited capabilities, but it hopefully demonstrates the basic techniques you can use to build higher-level database functionality using the basic buidling-block properties and methods provided by QEWD-JSdb.
QEWD-JSdb includes a number of pre-implemented data models, all of which are just really variations on the themes we've explored in this tutorial. Of course, the source logic for each of them is available for you to inspect and learn from.
So, in addition to the basic QEWD-JSdb persistent JSON/JavaScript Obect and Document Database capabilities, QEWD-JSdb includes the following pre-implemented database models
- lists: a Redis-like List database
- kvs: a Redis-like Key Value store
- rdb: a relational database with SQL support
- dom: a persistent XML DOM implementation, complete with XPath support for querying it
These are examined in more detail in separate documents (use the links above), and can be explored using their own browser-based explorer interface (though you could also use the REPL for your own manual exploration of them if you wish).
You can see that QEWD-JSdb is therefore not just a "one trick pony" database, limited to just one database model. It's a fully-functional multi-model database, with both SQL and NoSQL capabilities. It's a bit like having an SQL database like Oracle, SQL Server or Postgres, a Document database like MongoDB, a key/value store like Redis and a Native XML Database like Mark Logic, all available to you at once, all intimately available to you via JavaScript. And, if you use YottaDB as the QEWD-JSdb database engine, it's all Open Source!
Enjoy your further exploration of QEWD-JSdb!