A behavior tree implementation in Python. It runs behavior trees defined in JSON format and will trigger actions in your code.
Note: this is the first full working draft of behavortreely.py, the example, especially the JSON is very place holder. I intend to update this in the coming days and weeks to be better documented. Probably just cursed myself by by saying that. Ah well.
- Prepare your tree JSON.
- Instantiate a behavortreely BehaviorTree by loading your tree JSON.
- Register your action handlers, condition handlers, and selector handlers if needed.
- Run the tree: once, many times, ongoing, etc.
- Run via start() activates the tree's ongoing tick
- Or run via tick() run it once
test_json = """
"nodeName":"root of behavior XYZ",
"goal":"to test treely",
"description":"this is the root",
"nodeName":"try to win",
"description":"keep trying your best",
"nodeName":"try to win1",
"description":"keep trying your best1",
"actionHandler":"do a test action",
"nodeName":"try to win2",
"description":"keep trying your best2",
"actionHandler":"do a test action",
"nodeName":"try to win3",
"description":"keep trying your best3",
"actionHandler":"do a test action",
"selectorHandler":"do a test selector",
def condition_test():
print("running a condition")
return True
def action_test():
print("running an action")
return True
def selector_test(choices, blackboard, tree):
# could do a lot more than this to provide proper slug from choices
return choices[0]
print("starting as script...")
# create the behavior tree instance
bt = BehaviorTree(test_json)
# register any needed actions, conditions, or selectors referred to in the JSON
bt.actions["do a test action"] = action_test
bt.conditions["do a test condition"] = condition_test
bt.selectors["do a test selector"] = selector_test
# use start() instead of tick() to keep the behavior tree running
# bt.start()
# use tick() to run the tree once