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#!pip install seaborn
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
pd.set_option('display.width', 500)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 100)
df = pd.read_csv("local-olives-cleaned.csv")
<style> .dataframe thead tr:only-child th { text-align: right; }
.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: left;

.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;
areastring region area palmitic palmitoleic stearic oleic linoleic linolenic arachidic eicosenoic regionstring
0 North-Apulia 1 1 10.75 0.75 2.26 78.23 6.72 0.36 0.60 0.29 South
1 North-Apulia 1 1 10.88 0.73 2.24 77.09 7.81 0.31 0.61 0.29 South
2 North-Apulia 1 1 9.11 0.54 2.46 81.13 5.49 0.31 0.63 0.29 South
3 North-Apulia 1 1 9.66 0.57 2.40 79.52 6.19 0.50 0.78 0.35 South
4 North-Apulia 1 1 10.51 0.67 2.59 77.71 6.72 0.50 0.80 0.46 South
acidlist=['palmitic', 'palmitoleic', 'stearic', 'oleic', 'linoleic', 'linolenic', 'arachidic', 'eicosenoic']
<style> .dataframe thead tr:only-child th { text-align: right; }
.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: left;

.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;
areastring region area palmitic palmitoleic stearic oleic linoleic linolenic arachidic eicosenoic regionstring
0 North-Apulia 1 1 10.75 0.75 2.26 78.23 6.72 0.36 0.60 0.29 South
1 North-Apulia 1 1 10.88 0.73 2.24 77.09 7.81 0.31 0.61 0.29 South
2 North-Apulia 1 1 9.11 0.54 2.46 81.13 5.49 0.31 0.63 0.29 South
3 North-Apulia 1 1 9.66 0.57 2.40 79.52 6.19 0.50 0.78 0.35 South
4 North-Apulia 1 1 10.51 0.67 2.59 77.71 6.72 0.50 0.80 0.46 South

Predicting via SVM

dfnew=df[['eicosenoic', 'region', 'regionstring']]
dfnew['linoarch']=(0.969/1022.0)*df.linoleic + (0.245/105.0)*df.arachidic
eicosenoic region regionstring linoarch
0 0.29 1 South 0.007772
1 0.29 1 South 0.008828
2 0.29 1 South 0.006675
3 0.35 1 South 0.007689
4 0.46 1 South 0.008238
<style> .dataframe thead tr:only-child th { text-align: right; }
.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: left;

.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;
areastring region area palmitic palmitoleic stearic oleic linoleic linolenic arachidic eicosenoic regionstring
323 Inland-Sardinia 2 5 11.29 1.20 2.22 72.72 11.12 0.43 0.98 0.02 Sardinia
324 Inland-Sardinia 2 5 10.42 1.35 2.10 73.76 11.16 0.35 0.90 0.03 Sardinia
325 Inland-Sardinia 2 5 11.03 0.96 2.10 73.80 10.85 0.32 0.94 0.03 Sardinia
326 Inland-Sardinia 2 5 11.18 0.97 2.21 72.79 11.54 0.35 0.94 0.02 Sardinia
327 Inland-Sardinia 2 5 10.52 0.95 2.15 73.88 11.26 0.31 0.92 0.01 Sardinia
plt.scatter(dfnosouth.linoleic, dfnosouth.arachidic, c=dfnosouth.region, s=50);


from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from sklearn.svm import SVC # "Support Vector Classifier"

def plot_svc_decision_function(clf, ax=None):
    """Plot the decision function for a 2D SVC"""
    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()
    x = np.linspace(plt.xlim()[0], plt.xlim()[1], 30)
    y = np.linspace(plt.ylim()[0], plt.ylim()[1], 30)
    Y, X = np.meshgrid(y, x)
    P = np.zeros_like(X)
    for i, xi in enumerate(x):
        for j, yj in enumerate(y):
            P[i, j] = clf.decision_function([[xi, yj]])
    return ax.contour(X, Y, P, colors='k',
                      levels=[-1, 0, 1], alpha=0.5,
                      linestyles=['--', '-', '--'])
X = dfnosouth[['linoleic', 'arachidic']]
y = (dfnosouth.regionstring.values=='Sardinia')*1
Xtrain, Xtest, ytrain, ytest = train_test_split(X.values ,y)
clf = SVC(kernel="linear"), ytrain)
plt.scatter(Xtrain[:, 0], Xtrain[:, 1], c=ytrain, s=50, cmap='spring', alpha=0.3)
plot_svc_decision_function(clf, plt.gca())
plt.scatter(clf.support_vectors_[:, 0], clf.support_vectors_[:, 1],
                s=200, facecolors='none')
plt.scatter(Xtest[:, 0], Xtest[:, 1], c=ytest, s=50, marker="s", cmap='spring', alpha=0.5);


clf.score(Xtest, ytest)
confusion_matrix(clf.predict(Xtest), ytest)
array([[31,  0],
       [ 0, 32]])

Allowing for crossovers

from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
def cv_optimize_svm(X, y, n_folds=10, num_p=50):
    #clf = SVC()
    #parameters = {"C": np.logspace(-4, 3, num=num_p), "gamma": np.logspace(-4, 3, num=10)}
    clf = SVC(kernel="linear", probability=True)
    parameters = {"C": np.logspace(-4, 3, num=num_p)}
    gs = GridSearchCV(clf, param_grid=parameters, cv=n_folds), y)
    return gs

def get_optim_classifier_svm(indf, inacidlist, clon, clonval):
    subdfstd=(subdf - subdf.mean())/subdf.std()
    Xtrain, Xtest, ytrain, ytest = train_test_split(X, y, train_size=0.8)
    #Xtrain, Xtest, ytrain, ytest=X,X,y,y
    fitted=cv_optimize_svm(Xtrain, ytrain)
    return fitted, Xtrain, ytrain, Xtest, ytest
thesvcfit, Xtr, ytr, Xte, yte = get_optim_classifier_svm(dfnosouth, ['linoleic','arachidic'],'regionstring', "Sardinia")
#thesvcfit, Xtr, ytr, Xte, yte = get_optim_classifier_binary(dfsouthns, ['palmitic','palmitoleic'],'area', 3)
thesvcfit.best_estimator_, thesvcfit.best_params_, thesvcfit.best_score_
(SVC(C=0.071968567300115138, cache_size=200, class_weight=None, coef0=0.0,
   decision_function_shape=None, degree=3, gamma='auto', kernel='linear',
   max_iter=-1, probability=True, random_state=None, shrinking=True,
   tol=0.001, verbose=False), {'C': 0.071968567300115138}, 1.0)
def plot_svm_new(clf,Xtr,ytr,Xte,yte):
    plt.scatter(Xtr[:, 0], Xtr[:, 1], c=ytr, s=50, cmap='spring', alpha=0.5)
    plt.scatter(Xte[:, 0], Xte[:, 1], marker='s', c=yte, s=50, cmap='spring', alpha=0.5)

    #plt.xlim(-1, 4)
    #plt.ylim(-1, 6)
    plot_svc_decision_function(clf, plt.gca())
    plt.scatter(clf.support_vectors_[:, 0], clf.support_vectors_[:, 1],
                s=100, facecolors=None , lw=2, alpha=0.4)
clsvc=SVC(**dict(kernel="linear",**thesvcfit.best_params_)).fit(Xtr, ytr)
plot_svm_new(clsvc, Xtr, ytr, Xte, yte)
{'kernel': 'linear', 'C': 0.071968567300115138}


The best fit allows for a bigger margin by allowing some inbetween penalization. If we use the standard C=1 in scikit-learn you see that we are allowing for less penalization.