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660 lines (525 loc) · 24.8 KB

Abstract API theme

Exposes Roadiz content as a public REST API. Mainly used in Roadiz Headless edition.

Build Status

OAuth2 classes and logic are highly based on trikoder/oauth2-bundle which implemented thephpleague/oauth2-server to Symfony ecosystem.


Use .env file

This middleware theme uses symfony/dotenv to import .env variables to your project. Be sure to create one with at least this configuration:

# vendor/bin/generate-defuse-key

Your Roadiz entry points must initialize DotEnv object to fetch this configuration from a .env file our from your system environment (i.e. your Docker container environment).

Registering API theme

  • Add API base services to your project app/AppKernel.php:
# AppKernel.php
 * {@inheritdoc}
public function register(\Pimple\Container $container)

     * Add your own service providers.
    $container->register(new \Themes\AbstractApiTheme\Services\AbstractApiServiceProvider());

or in your config.yml:

    - \Themes\AbstractApiTheme\Services\AbstractApiServiceProvider
  • You do not need to register this abstract theme to enable its routes or translations
  • Create a new theme with your API logic by extending AbstractApiThemeApp
  • or use AbstractApiThemeTrait in your custom theme app if you already inherits from an other middleware theme,
  • and add the API authentication scheme to Roadiz’ firewall-map…

Choose between simple API-Key or full OAuth2 authentication schemes

  • API-key scheme is meant to control your public API usage using a Referer regex and non-expiring api-key. This is a very light protection that will only work from a browser and should only be used with public data.
  • OAuth2 scheme will secure your API behind Authentication and Authorization middlewares with a short-living access-token.

namespace Themes\MyApiTheme;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestMatcher;
use Pimple\Container;
use Themes\AbstractApiTheme\AbstractApiThemeTrait;

class MyApiThemeApp extends FrontendController
    use AbstractApiThemeTrait;

    protected static $themeName = 'My API theme';
    protected static $themeAuthor = 'REZO ZERO';
    protected static $themeCopyright = 'REZO ZERO';
    protected static $themeDir = 'MyApiTheme';
    protected static $backendTheme = false;
    public static $priority = 10;
     * @inheritDoc
    public static function addDefaultFirewallEntry(Container $container)
         * API MUST be the first request matcher
        $requestMatcher = new RequestMatcher(


         * Add default API firewall entry.
            $requestMatcher, // launch firewall rules for any request within /api/1.0 path
            $container['api.exception_listener'] // do not forget to add exception listener to enforce accessMap rules
         * OR add OAuth2 API firewall entry.
        // $container['firewallMap']->add(
        //     $requestMatcher, // launch firewall rules for any request within /api/1.0 path
        //     [$container['api.oauth2_firewall_listener']],
        //     $container['api.exception_listener'] // do not forget to add exception listener to enforce accessMap rules
        // );

        // Do not forget to register default frontend entries
        // AFTER API not to lose preview feature
  • Create new roles ROLE_ADMIN_API and ROLE_API to enable API access and administration section
  • Update your database schema to add Applications table.
bin/roadiz orm:schema-tool:update --dump-sql --force

Enable grant types for your website

If you opted for OAuth2 applications, you must enable grant-type(s) for the Authorization server before going further: just extend the AuthorizationServer::class Roadiz service as below.

AbstractApiTheme currently supports:

  • client_credentials grant
  • authorization_code grant (without refresh token)
 * Enable grant types
$container->extend(AuthorizationServer::class, function (AuthorizationServer $server, Container $c) {
    // Enable the client credentials grant on the server
        new \League\OAuth2\Server\Grant\ClientCredentialsGrant(),
        new \DateInterval('PT1H') // access tokens will expire after 1 hour
    // Enable the authorization grant on the server
    $authCodeGrant = new \League\OAuth2\Server\Grant\AuthCodeGrant(
        new \DateInterval('PT10M') // authorization_codes will expire after 10 min
        new \DateInterval('PT3H') // access tokens will expire after 3 hours
    return $server;

Customize CORS

CORS handling is highly based on nelmio/NelmioCorsBundle, options are just handled as a service you can extend for your website.
This will automatically intercept requests containing an Origin header. Pre-flight requests must be performed using OPTIONS verb and must contain Origin and Access-Control-Request-Method headers.

 * @return array
$container['api.cors_options'] = [
    'allow_credentials' => true,
    'allow_origin' => ['*'],
    'allow_headers' => true,
    'origin_regex' => false,
    'allow_methods' => ['GET'],
    'expose_headers' => ['link', 'etag'],
    'max_age' => 60*60*24

Use cache-tags

Serialization context can gather every nodes ID, documents ID and tags ID they find during requests, as known as cache tags.

// In your application/theme service provider
$container['api.use_cache_tags'] = true;

Cache tags will be appended to response X-Cache-Tags header and will allow you to clear your reverse-proxy caches more selectively. Here are cache tags syntax:

  • n{} (i.e: n98) for a node
  • t{} (i.e: t32) for a tag
  • d{} (i.e: d291) for a document

Cache-tags syntax is the shortest possible to avoid hitting maximum header size limit in your Nginx configuration.

Create a new application

Applications hold your API keys and control incoming requests Referer against a regex pattern.

Confidential applications: OAuth2

Reserved roles / scope

  • preview scope will be converted to ROLE_BACKEND_USER which is the required role name to access unpublished nodes.

Generic Roadiz API

API Route listing

  • /api/1.0 entry point will list all available routes

OAuth2 entry points

  • GET /authorize for authorization code grant flow (part one)
  • GET /token for authorization code grant flow (part two) and client_credential grant flow (only part)

For authorization code grant you will find more detail on ThePHPLeague OAuth2 Server documentation

Authorization code grant flow will redirect non-authenticated users to GET /oauth2-login with the classic Roadiz login form. You can call GET /authorize/logout to force user logout. Note that authorization code grant won't give each application' roles if logged-in user does not have them before (except for ROLE_SUPERADMIN). User will be asked to grant permission on application role but he won't benefit from them for security reasons (permissions escalation). Make sure your users have the right roles before inviting them to use your OAuth2 application.

User detail entry point

  • /api/1.0/me entry point will display details about your Application / User

Listing nodes-sources

  • /api/1.0/nodes-sources: list all nodes-sources no matter type they are.
  • /api/1.0/{node-type-name}: list nodes-sources by type

If you created a Event node-type, API content will be available at /api/1.0/event endpoint. Serialization context will automatically add @id, @type, slug and url fields in your API resource:

    "hydra:member": [
            "slug": "home",
            "@type": "Page",
            "node": {
                "nodeName": "accueil",
                "tags": []
            "title": "Accueil",
            "publishedAt": "2021-01-18T23:32:39+01:00",
            "@id": "http://example.test/dev.php/api/1.0/page/2/fr",
            "url": "/dev.php/home"
    "hydra:totalItems": 1,
    "@id": "/api/1.0/page",
    "@type": "hydra:Collection",
    "hydra:view": {
        "@id": "/api/1.0/page",
        "@type": "hydra:PartialCollectionView"

Note: In listing context, only node-type-fields from default group will be exposed. If you want to prevent some node-type fields to be serialized during listing you can give them a Group name. This can be helpful for avoiding document or node reference fields to bloat your JSON responses.


  • itemsPerPage: int
  • page: int
  • _locale: string If _locale is not set, Roadiz will negotiate with existing Accept-Language header
  • search: string
  • order: array Example order[publishedAt]: DESC with values:
    • ASC
    • DESC
  • properties: array Filters serialized properties by their names
  • archive: string Example archive: 2019-02 or archive: 2019. This parameter only works on publishedAt field

On NodesSources content:

  • path: string Filters nodes-sources against a valid path (based on node' name or alias), example: /home. Path does require _locale filter to fetch right translation. Path filter can resolve any Redirection too if it is linked to a valid node-source.
  • id: id Nodes-sources ID
  • title: string
  • not: array<int|string>|int|string, filters out one or many nodes using their numeric ID, node-name or @id
  • publishedAt: DateTime or array with :
    • after
    • before
    • strictly_after
    • strictly_before
  • tags: array<string> filter by tags (cannot be used with search)
  • tagExclusive: bool filter by tags with AND logic (cannot be used with search)
  • node.parent: int|string numeric ID, node-name or @id
  • node.aNodes.nodeA: int|string (numeric ID, node-name or @id) Filter by a node reference (finds nodes which are referenced)
  • node.bNodes.nodeB: int|string (numeric ID, node-name or @id) Filter by a node reference (finds node which owns reference)
  • string Filter node references by a node-type field name (optional, if not set, node.aNodes.nodeA filter will apply on any node reference)
  • string Filter node references by a node-type field name (optional, if not set, node.bNodes.nodeB filter will apply on any node reference)
  • node.visible: bool
  • node.home: bool
  • node.nodeType: array|string Filter nodes-sources by their type
  • node.nodeType.reachable: bool

Plus any date, datetime and boolean node-type fields which are indexed.

Locale filter

_locale filter set Roadiz main translation for all database lookups, make sure to always set it to the right locale, or you won't get any result with search or path filters against French queries.

Path filter

path filter uses Roadiz internal router to search only one result to match against your query. You can use:

  • node-source canonical path, i.e: /about-us
  • node-source nodeName path: i.e: /en/about-us
  • a redirected path, i.e: /old-about-us

If you get one result, you'll find canonical path in hydra:member > 0 > url field to create a redirection in your frontend framework and advertise node-source new URL.

Redirect home path with Accept-Language

Using path filter with / value only, you can send Accept-Language header to the API to let it decide with translation is best for your consumer. If a valid data is found, API will respond with Content-Language header contain accepted locale. To enable this behaviour, you must enable force_locale Roadiz setting to make sure each home page path displays its locale and to avoid infinite redirection loops.

Search nodes-sources

  • /api/1.0/nodes-sources/search: Search all nodes-sources against a search param using Apache Solr engine

If your search parameter is longer than 3 characters, each API result item will be composed with:

    "nodeSource": {
    "highlighting": {
        "collection_txt": [
            "In aliquam at dignissimos quasi in. Velit et vero non ut quidem. Sunt est <span class=\"solr-highlight\">tempora</span> sed. Rem nam asperiores modi in quidem quia voluptatum. Aliquid ut doloribus sit et ea eum natus. Eius commodi porro"


  • itemsPerPage: int
  • page: int
  • _locale: string If _locale is not set, Roadiz will negotiate with existing Accept-Language header
  • search: string
  • tags: array<string>
  • node.parent: int or string (node-name)
  • node.visible: bool
  • node.nodeType: array|string Filter nodes-sources search by their type
  • properties: array Filters serialized properties by their names

Listing tags per node-types

  • /api/1.0/{node-type-name}/tags: Fetch all tags used in nodes-sources from a given type.

If you created a Event node-type, you may want to list any Tags attached to events, API will be available at /api/1.0/event/tags endpoint. Be careful, this endpoint will display all tags, visible or not, unless you filter them.


  • itemsPerPage: int
  • page: int
  • _locale: string If _locale is not set, Roadiz will negotiate with existing Accept-Language header
  • search: string: This will search on tagName and translation name
  • order: array Example order[position]: ASC with values:
    • ASC
    • DESC
  • node.parent: int or string (node-name)
  • node.tags.tagName: int or string, or array (tag-name)
  • parent: int or string (tag-name)
  • properties: array Filters serialized properties by their names

On Tag content:

  • tagName: string
  • parent: int or string (tag-name)
  • visible: bool

Listing archives per node-types

  • /api/1.0/{node-type-name}/archives: Fetch all publication months used in nodes-sources from a given type.

If you created a Event node-type, you may want to list any archives from events, API will be available at /api/1.0/event/archives endpoint. Here is a response example which list all archives grouped by year:

    "hydra:member": {
        "2021": {
            "2021-01": "2021-01-01T00:00:00+01:00"
        "2020": {
            "2020-12": "2020-12-01T00:00:00+01:00",
            "2020-10": "2020-10-01T00:00:00+02:00",
            "2020-07": "2020-07-01T00:00:00+02:00"
    "@id": "/api/1.0/event/archives",
    "@type": "hydra:Collection",
    "hydra:view": {
        "@id": "/api/1.0/event/archives",
        "@type": "hydra:PartialCollectionView"


  • _locale: string If _locale is not set, Roadiz will negotiate with existing Accept-Language header
  • tags: array<string>
  • tagExclusive: bool
  • node.parent: int or string (node-name)

Getting node-source details

  • /api/1.0/{node-type-name}/{id}/{_locale}: fetch a node-source with its node' ID and translation locale. This is the default route used to generate your content JSON-LD @id field.
  • /api/1.0/{node-type-name}/{id}: fetch a node-source with its node' ID and system default locale (or query string one)
  • /api/1.0/{node-type-name}/by-slug/{slug}: fetch a node-source with its slug (nodeName or urlAlias)

For each node-source, API will expose detailed content on /api/1.0/event/{id} and /api/1.0/event/by-slug/{slug} endpoints.

Getting node-source details directly from its path

  • /api/1.0/nodes-sources/by-path/?path={path}: fetch one node-source details against its path (including homepages root paths)


  • properties: array Filters serialized properties by their names

Alternate resources URLs

Any node-source detail response will have a Link header carrying URLs for all alternate translations. For example a legal page which is translated in English and French will have this Link header data:

<https://api.mysite.test/api/1.0/page/23/en>; rel="alternate"; hreflang="en"; type="application/json", 
<https://api.mysite.test/api/1.0/page/23/fr>; rel="alternate"; hreflang="fr"; type="application/json", 
</mentions-legales>; rel="alternate"; hreflang="fr"; type="text/html", 
</legal>; rel="alternate"; hreflang="en"; type="text/html"

text/html resources URL will always be absolute paths instead of absolute URL in order to generate your own URL in your front-end framework without carrying API scheme.

Listing node-source children

For safety reasons, we do not embed node-sources children automatically. We invite you to use TreeWalker library to extend your JSON serialization to build a safe graph for each of your node-types. Create a JMS\Serializer\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface subscriber to extend serializer.post_serialize event with StaticPropertyMetadata.

# Any JMS\Serializer\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface implementation…

$exclusionStrategy = $context->getExclusionStrategy() ?? 
    new \JMS\Serializer\Exclusion\DisjunctExclusionStrategy();
/** @var array<string> $groups */
$groups = $context->hasAttribute('groups') ? 
    $context->getAttribute('groups') : 
$groups = array_unique(array_merge($groups, [
$propertyMetadata = new \JMS\Serializer\Metadata\StaticPropertyMetadata(
# Check if virtual property children has been requested with properties[] filter…
if (!$exclusionStrategy->shouldSkipProperty($propertyMetadata, $context)) {
    $blockWalker = BlockNodeSourceWalker::build(
        4, // max graph level

Serialization context

For each request, serialization context holds many useful objects during serializer.post_serialize events:

  • request: Symfony current request object
  • nodeType: Initial node-source type (or null if not applicable)
  • cache-tags: Cache-tags collection which is filled up during serialization graph
  • translation: Current request translation
  • groups: Serialization groups for current request
    • Serialization groups during a listing nodes-sources request:
      • nodes_sources_base
      • document_display
      • thumbnail
      • tag_base
      • nodes_sources_default
      • urls
      • meta
    • Serialization groups during a single node-source request: - walker: rezozero tree-walker - children: rezozero tree-walker - nodes_sources - nodes_sources_single: for displaying custom objects only on main entity - document_display - thumbnail - url_alias - tag_base - urls - meta - breadcrumbs: only allows breadcrumbs on detail requests
# Any JMS\Serializer\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface implementation…

public function onPostSerialize(\JMS\Serializer\EventDispatcher\ObjectEvent $event): void
    $context = $event->getContext();
    /** @var \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request */
    $request = $context->hasAttribute('request') ? $context->getAttribute('request') : null;
    /** @var \RZ\Roadiz\Contracts\NodeType\NodeTypeInterface|null $nodeType */
    $nodeType = $context->hasAttribute('nodeType') ? $context->getAttribute('nodeType') : null;
    /** @var \RZ\Roadiz\Core\AbstractEntities\TranslationInterface|null $translation */
    $translation = $context->hasAttribute('translation') ? $context->getAttribute('translation') : null;
    /** @var array<string> $groups */
    $groups = $context->hasAttribute('groups') ? $context->getAttribute('groups') : [];


If you want your API to provide breadcrumbs for each reachable nodes-sources, you can implement Themes\AbstractApiTheme\Breadcrumbs\BreadcrumbsFactoryInterface and register it in your AppServiceProvider. For each NodeTypeSingle API request (i.e. not in listing context), a breadcrumbs will be injected with all your node parents as defined in your BreadcrumbsFactoryInterface.

Here is a vanilla implementation which respects Roadiz node tree structure:


namespace App\Breadcrumbs;

use RZ\Roadiz\Core\Entities\NodesSources;
use Themes\AbstractApiTheme\Breadcrumbs\BreadcrumbsFactoryInterface;
use Themes\AbstractApiTheme\Breadcrumbs\BreadcrumbsInterface;
use Themes\AbstractApiTheme\Breadcrumbs\Breadcrumbs;

final class BreadcrumbsFactory implements BreadcrumbsFactoryInterface
     * @param NodesSources|null $nodesSources
     * @return BreadcrumbsInterface|null
    public function create(?NodesSources $nodesSources): ?BreadcrumbsInterface
        if (null === $nodesSources ||
            null === $nodesSources->getNode() ||
            null === $nodesSources->getNode()->getNodeType() ||
            !$nodesSources->getNode()->getNodeType()->isReachable()) {
            return null;
        $parents = [];

        while (null !== $nodesSources = $nodesSources->getParent()) {
            if (null !== $nodesSources->getNode() &&
                $nodesSources->getNode()->isPublished() &&
                $nodesSources->getNode()->isVisible()) {
                $parents[] = $nodesSources;
        return new Breadcrumbs(array_reverse($parents));
# App\AppServiceProvider
$container[BreadcrumbsFactoryInterface::class] = function (Container $c) {
    return new BreadcrumbsFactory();


If you want to get detailed errors in JSON, do not forget to add the header: Accept: application/json to every request you make. You'll get message such as:

    "error": "general_error",
    "error_message": "Search engine does not respond.",
    "message": "Search engine does not respond.",
    "exception": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Exception\\HttpException",
    "humanMessage": "A problem occurred on our website. We are working on this to be back soon.",
    "status": "danger"

with the right status code (40x or 50x). Make sure to catch and read your response data from your frontend framework when your request fails to know more about errors.

Using Etags

Every NodeSources based response will contain a ETag header calculated on API response content checksum.

You can setup your API consumer to send a If-None-Match header containing the latest ETag found. API will return an empty 304 Not Modified response if content has not changed, or the whole response if it changed with a new ETag header.