Graphene GUI depends on Node.js.
On Ubuntu you can install Node.js via the following command:
sudo apt-get install git nodejs-legacy npm
In order to use the GUI you will need to have a functioning witness node from the Graphene toolkit running with a websocket endpoint at localhost:8090. Instructions for this can be found here:
While waiting for the public testnet you may want to run a local chain, to do so add the following to your config.ini in ./witness_node_data_dir :
# Endpoint for websocket RPC to listen on
rpc-endpoint =
# Enable block production, even if the chain is stale.
enable-stale-production = true
# ID of witness controlled by this node (e.g. "1.6.0", quotes are required, may specify multiple times)
witness-id = "1.6.0"
witness-id = "1.6.1"
witness-id = "1.6.2"
witness-id = "1.6.3"
witness-id = "1.6.4"
witness-id = "1.6.5"
witness-id = "1.6.6"
witness-id = "1.6.7"
witness-id = "1.6.8"
witness-id = "1.6.9"
git clone
cd graphene-ui
Before launching the GUI you will need to install the npm packages for each subdirectory:
cd cli; npm install
cd ../dl; npm install
cd ../ios; npm install
cd ../web; npm install
There is optional bloom filter that will greatly reduce the size of BTS 0.9.x wallet imports. Go to the ./web folder and run:
wget -O app/assets/bts_genesiskeys_bloom.dat
Once all the packages have been installed you can launch the web gui by going to the ./web folder and running::
npm start
Once the compilation is done the GUI will be available in your browser at: localhost:8080
A javascript CLI environment is also available in the ./cli folder. Some example commands:
// Transaction template:
// Create a transaction:
var tr = $g.wallet.new_transaction()
tr.add_type_operation("account_upgrade", {"account_to_upgrade":"1.2.15","upgrade_to_lifetime_member":true})
export GRAPHENE_UI_HOME=$HOME/bitshares/graphene-ui
Jest currently doesn't work with node (see jestjs/jest#243), so in order to run the tests you need to install iojs. Under Ubuntu instructions can be found here:
Nodesource Ubuntu io.js installation
In order for jest to correctly follow paths it is necessary to add a local path to your NODE_PATH variable. Under Ubuntu, you can do so by running the following from the web directory:
Tests are then run using
npm test
- Bugs are always worked before enhancements
- Developers should work each issue according to a numbered branch corresponding to the issue
git checkout -b 123
- Project Coordinator (@wmbutler) reads through new issues and requests clarification if needed
- Issues get assigned to Milestones
- Milestones are typically 1 week long ending on Wednesday
- All devs are expected to install zenhub. Zenhub creates viewable pipelines and allows for issue estimation. Estimates are based on anticipated hours to complete.
- New issues have not been categorized yet or are tagged as question when seeking clarification
- Backlog issues have been assigned to a Milestone and are waiting for a dev to estimate and claim
- In Progress issues are being actively worked
- Testing issues are waiting for independent tests. (Methodology fully defined as of yet, so devs test their own work for now)
- Closed issues are complete
- Project Coordinator announces the number of issues and requests them to be claimed and estimated
- Presents a burndown chart for the week
- Project Coordinator summarizes progress with burndown chart
- Ensures that all items are claimed and estimated
- Escalates to @valzav for unestimated and/or unclaimed items
- Testing is completed
- Release notes completed by @valzav
- Project Coordinator announces release on bitsharestalk and provides link to release notes
- Incomplete items are moved to new Milestone
- Old Milestone is closed
- New Milestone is activated (rinse lather repeat)