AWS Teams Logger is a Python library that forwards errors (failures) and log messages to a MS Teams channel, and an optional list of Developer Emails who may need to be notified; the emails use HTML formatting which is originally designed for MS Outlook and Teams. This library is primarily intended for use in an AWS environment.
This package exposes the below decorator classes which handle the posting
of warning level or above log messages by default (via the builtin logging
to a specified Microsoft Teams channel. Log messages with an exc_info
as well as any uncaught exceptions, will also be sent to a list of Dev Emails (if provided)
in addition to being logged to the Teams channel.
Available Decorators:
- The main use case is to decorate a handler for an AWS Lambda function in the Python runtime. For decorating multiple lambda handlers, it is useful to invoke the helper methoddecorate_all_functions
. -
- Intended to be run in ECS environment, such as functions (or class methods) that are run in an ECS or Fargate task. However, this can also be used to decorate any generic functions as well. Note that the task needs to be using platform version 1.4 (see the note below for more details) -
- The decorator classes that start with Bulk are functionally identical to their above counterparts, but prefer to send emails in bulk where possible. Use this implementation when it is expected that multiple logs will be sent to Teams or Outlook, as there will be a performance increase with a Bulk logger. See the below section on Bulk Loggers for more info.
Simple Usage for a stand-alone AWS Lambda function:
from aws_teams_logger import LambdaLogger
from logging import getLogger
from typing import Dict, Any
log = getLogger(__name__)
# By default, only logs from this library at the 'WARNING' level and above
# should show up in CloudWatch. This specifies the minimum log level at which
# library logs appear in CloudWatch.
# getLogger('aws_teams_logger').setLevel('INFO')
# Note: this is a simplified example, and assumes you define the required
# environment variables. Otherwise, you'd need to pass the parameters
# to the decorator class like `@LambdaLogger(teams_email='my-teams-email')
# in this case.
def my_lambda_handler(event: Dict[str, Any], context: Any):
def other_func():
# Message is not logged to Teams (default log level is "WARN")'Info level log')
# This message will be forwarded to Teams
log.warning('Sample Warn message')
# Messages with the `exc_info` parameter will be logged to both
# the Teams Channel and any subscribed Dev Emails via Outlook
empty_dict = {}
value = empty_dict['missing key']
except KeyError:
log.exception('Key missing from `empty_dict`')
# Uncaught errors will be logged to both Teams and any Dev Emails
result = 1 / 0
... or for a module with multiple handlers, common for serverless projects with multiple Lambdas:
from aws_teams_logger import LambdaLogger
from logging import getLogger
log = getLogger()
ll = LambdaLogger(enabled_lvl='WARNING')
def my_handler_1(event, context):
# This message won't be sent to Teams, as the minimum lvl here is 'WARNING''Hello world!')
# Build a custom Exception object - a `ValueError` in this case -
# which will be forwarded to Teams and also any Devs via email
err = ValueError('My sample error details.')
log.error('This is an error log with a sample exception object', exc_info=err)
def my_handler_2(event, context):
# This message will be sent to Teams by default, though this behavior
# can be overridden via the 'enabled_lvl' parameter above, or alternatively
# via the 'TEAMS_LOG_LVL' environment variable defined for the lambda.
log.warning('Help! something went wrong')
# Now, decorate all the lambda handlers declared above
... or use it to decorate one or more ECS tasks:
import logging
from aws_teams_logger import TaskLogger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Logs from this library won't show up by default. This will enable reporting
# of logs above a specified level. You can alternatively define the 'LOG_CFG'
# environment variable, which does the same thing.
class MyTaskClass:
def my_task_func(cls, *args, **kwargs):
def other_func():
# TODO add logic here; see examples for logging above
... when multiple emails will be sent using the same template, it might be more performant to use a Bulk Logger as shown below:
from aws_teams_logger import BulkLambdaLogger
from logging import getLogger
log = getLogger()
def my_lambda_handler(event, context):"This %s message shouldn't be sent via email", 'Info')
for i in range(5):
log.error('Testing %d ...', i + 1)
AWS Teams Logger is available on PyPI:
pip install aws-teams-logger
This package officially supports Python 3.7 or higher.
Check out the docs/images folder for screenshots of sample email messages as they show up in MS Teams and Outlook.
This library decorates (overrides) the base logger methods in the logging
module to also
post log messages above a set level to a Teams channel.
The library also posts to target destinations via email currently; it doesn't currently support Teams connectors. It uses Amazon SES to format the error and log messages that will be sent to MS Teams and Outlook. Therefore, you will first need to set up SES and allow permissions for the decorated function to send emails via the SES service, as explained below.
Note that boto3
is not included in package requirements by default,
since an AWS Lambda environment is assumed.
If running on a Docker environment such as ECS or Fargate, you can use the following to ensure that all dependencies are installed:
pip install aws-teams-logger[standalone]
The library uses SES templates to format email messages sent to MS Teams and Outlook.
Use the below helper function to add the required templates to the desired AWS account:
from aws_teams_logger import upload_templates
Add and verify an identity from the Amazon SES console under your account. For testing purposes, it might be preferable to use a personal email address as it'll be easier to verify it.
Enable Production Access from the SES console. This will enable us to send outbound emails without needing to verify each recipient email separately.
Use the steps below to find the email address for the MS teams channel to stream the logs to:
Click on the three dots to the right of the channel name
Select 'Get email address'
Here we only need to use the email address.
For example, given
Channel name <>
we only need the value that is enclosed in brackets.
The execution IAM role will need the following minimum permissions:
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "iam:ListAccountAliases",
"Resource": "*"
Note that if you set the AWS account name (either via the set_account_name
function or
environment variable) then you don't need to add the second
permission to retrieve the account alias from IAM.
Example of setting the AWS account name:
from aws_teams_logger import set_account_name
The library requires certain values that need to either be passed in as parameters to the decorators
(or alternatively to the decorate_all_functions
method for lambda functions),
or which need to be present in the environment.
The following minimum values are required to use the decorator methods (otherwise it should log an error):
- SES Identity - Sender email address that was previously validated with SES.
- MS Teams Email - The email address (ex: to send log messages and unhandled errors to.
The resolution logic for parameters will use the environment variables first if they are available.
The following table lists the parameter names as used with the decorators, along with the environment variables that will be used if provided. Note that the resolution order is from left to right.
Env Variable | Parameter | Example | Description |
ses_identity | | Sender or outbound email, must be validated in the SES console |
teams_email | | The email to send log messages or failures (e.g. uncaught exceptions) to |
enabled_lvl |
WARNING | The minimum log level for messages sent to Teams |
dev_emails |, | Comma delimited list of dev emails, if provided will send stylized HTML to them when any uncaught exceptions are raised |
set_account_name() |
my-account-dev | AWS Account Alias. If defined, will be used instead of making a call to iam:ListAccountAliases to retrieve the alias of the current AWS account. |
- | | A link to the source code repo (such as Bitbucket) for the project. |
- | my-cw-log-group | Only applies when the TaskLogger decorator is used. Determines the log group to link to in the AWS console. Generally this is not needed to be specified (see note on 'ECS Tasks' below) |
- | us-east-1 | AWS Region, should be automatically set for AWS Lambda functions. Determines the region in which to invoke the SES service, as well as the default region for Lambda and Task contexts. |
- | INFO | If specified, sets up logging via logging.basicConfig . Also determines the minimum level at which messages logged by this library show up in CloudWatch. If this is a valid path to a file, the contents will be passed to logging.config.dictConfig instead. |
- | US/Eastern | User's local time zone, passed in to pytz.timezone ; used when generating the date/time in the subject for a Teams or Devs email message. |
The decorator parameters logger_cls
and log_func_name
together determine the base log
function to decorate.
By default, we decorate the logging.Logger._log
method, which is the base method used by all logger methods in the Python logging
The decorator retrieves ECS metadata on the currently running task when posting messages to Teams or via email. It will automatically retrieve data from the Task Metadata V4 endpoint, if this is available.
To enable correct data reporting for the the V4 endpoint,
set the Platform Version
for the task to 1.4.0 or higher as
mentioned in the article below.
The Bulk logger implementations will send templated emails in bulk,
e.g. via the ses:SendBulkTemplatedEmail
API call. Use this
implementation when it is expected that multiple logs will be sent via
the same SES template, as there will be a performance increase when using a Bulk
logger. Note that there is a separate template for
sending a message to Teams and Outlook.
Please see the tests under the perf_tests/ directory for a performance comparison between the Individual (default) vs Bulk Loggers.
Some important considerations when choosing a Bulk Logger:
- As we want to bulk send emails where possible, emails are sent in batches once each decorated function returns.
- Because emails are sent in bulk, it's expected that the messages will be out of order.
For example, a message logged at the end of a decorated function might show up earlier than
a message logged at the start of the function.
- As a general rule, use the time listed on the
header in the Teams message; this is the time at when the message was originally logged. Note that this might not always align with timestamp that Teams lists for when the message was delivered.
- As a general rule, use the time listed on the
This section describes common errors that might show up, along with the steps to resolve them.
aws_teams_logger - ERROR - Template [send-to-teams | send-to-outlook] does not exist; please call `upload_templates` to upload the required SES templates.
As mentioned, you will need to call the upload_templates
function to
add the required SES templates to the AWS account.
from aws_teams_logger import upload_templates
Expected output:
aws_teams_logger - INFO - [ send-to-teams ]
aws_teams_logger - INFO - Uploading SES template...
aws_teams_logger - DEBUG - send-to-teams: creating template, as it does not exist
aws_teams_logger - INFO - SUCCESS
aws_teams_logger - INFO - [ send-to-outlook ]
aws_teams_logger - INFO - Uploading SES template...
aws_teams_logger - DEBUG - send-to-outlook: creating template, as it does not exist
aws_teams_logger - INFO - SUCCESS
An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the SendTemplatedEmail operation: User `arn:aws:iam::1234567890:user/my-user' is not authorized to perform `ses:SendTemplatedEmail' on resource `arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:1234567890:identity/'
Update the attached IAM role to allow the ses:SendTemplatedEmail
action as discussed above.
aws_teams_logger - ERROR - Unable to retrieve the account alias, please ensure the attached role has the necessary permissions (iam:ListAccountAliases). Error: An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the ListAccountAliases operation: User: arn:aws:iam::1234567890:user/my-user is not authorized to perform: iam:ListAccountAliases on resource: *
Update the attached IAM role to allow the iam:ListAccountAliases
action as discussed above.
You can also set the AWS_ACCOUNT_NAME
environment variable or call set_account_name()
, and this will eliminate
the need of an API call made to IAM to retrieve the alias of the current account.