Handlers return Response instances to fulfill requests. They can contain status code, headers and almost always a body. At the moment Response instances are immutable once created, this restriction will be lifted in a next version.
# examples/5_response/response.py
import random
from http.cookies import SimpleCookie
from japronto.app import Application
# Providing just text argument yields a `text/plain` response
# encoded with `utf8` codec (charset set accordingly)
def text(request):
return request.Response(text='Hello world!')
# You can override encoding by providing `encoding` attribute.
def encoding(request):
return request.Response(text='Já pronto!', encoding='iso-8859-1')
# You can also set a custom MIME type.
def mime(request):
return request.Response(
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1">
<line x1="10" y1="10" x2="80" y2="80" stroke="blue" />
# Or serve binary data. `Content-Type` set to `appilication/octet-stream`
# automtically but you can always provide your own `mime_type`.
def body(request):
return request.Response(body=b'\xde\xad\xbe\xef')
# There exist a shortcut `json` argument. This automatically encodes the
# provided object as JSON and servers it with `Content-Type` set to
# `application/json; charset=utf8`
def json(request):
return request.Response(json={'hello': 'world'})
# You can change the default 200 status `code` for another
def code(request):
return request.Response(code=random.choice([200, 201, 400, 404, 500]))
# And of course you can provide custom `headers`.
def headers(request):
return request.Response(
headers={'X-Header': 'Value',
'Refresh': '5; url=https://xkcd.com/353/'})
# Or `cookies` by using Python standard library `http.cookies.SimpleCookie`.
def cookies(request):
cookies = SimpleCookie()
cookies['hello'] = 'world'
cookies['hello']['domain'] = 'localhost'
cookies['hello']['path'] = '/'
cookies['hello']['max-age'] = 3600
cookies['city'] = 'São Paulo'
return request.Response(text='cookies', cookies=cookies)
app = Application()
router = app.router
router.add_route('/text', text)
router.add_route('/encoding', encoding)
router.add_route('/mime', mime)
router.add_route('/body', body)
router.add_route('/json', json)
router.add_route('/code', code)
router.add_route('/headers', headers)
router.add_route('/cookies', cookies)
The source code for all the examples can be found in examples directory.
Next: Handling exceptions