The file must contain 8 keys
id: give it 0
institute_name: Name of institute your are writing review for.
location: In which country institute is loacated in.
your description: Write student if are currently studying at same institute or you had studied at same institute, otherwise "Visitor" if you know institute or visited it.
about: about which you are giving review, Eg: academic , placement, faculty, infrastructure, etc.
review: write your review about institute in here.
rating: give rating out of 5.
date: enter date at time of writing review Eg. "29/09/2022" .
"institute_name": "walchand college of engineering, sangli",
"location": "india",
"your description": "student",
"about": "academic",
"review": "Best college for Engineering",
"rating": "4.0/5",
"date": "29/09/2022"