- A nice answer from StackExchange
- A good page on WikiPedia
- A good explaination on TutotialsPoint
- A good explaination on TutotialsPoint
- A good article from Site Point
- Another good blog post from [Michelada] (http://blog.michelada.io/whats-new-in-rails-5)
- A good explanation can be found from [spritle.com] (https://www.spritle.com/blogs/2011/03/17/eager-loading-and-lazy-loading-in-rails-activerecord/
- A good explanation from [Rails Casts] (http://railscasts.com/episodes/163-self-referential-association)
- A good article with types of preloading [eagerloading] (http://blog.arkency.com/2013/12/rails4-preloading)
- A good explanation from [Ruby on Rails Guides] (http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_callbacks.html)
- Necessary information about Strings and Symbols could be found there
- Necessary information could be found here
- Necessary information could be found here
What will be printed after running the code here?
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- Question must be related with Ruby/Rails
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