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TRAVeLer - Template-based RnA VisuaLization

See forked version

Work on this project continues on forked repository.


  • gcc with support of c++11


Use git clone to download project


cd traveler/src
make build

The binaries will be copied into traveler/bin. To navigate there from the src directory use: cd ../bin


traveler [-h|--help]

	<-gs|--target-structure> DBN_FILE
	<-ts|--template-structure [--file-format FILE_FORMAT]> IMAGE_FILE DBN_FILE

DBN_FILE (Varna/DotBracketNotation) is in format like in example below
IMAGE_FILE* - visualization of template molecule, type of file can be specified by FILE_FORMAT argument

	[-a|--all] [--overlaps] OUT_PREFIX
		# computes mapping (TED) and outputs target leayout as both .ps and .svg image to files with prefix OUT_PREFIX
		# with the optional --overlaps argument, overlaps in the layout are identified and highlited
	[-t|--ted <FILE_MAPPING_OUT>]
		# runs mapping (TED) only and saves mapping table to FILE_MAPPING_OUT file
	[-d|--draw] [--overlaps] FILE_MAPPING_IN OUT_PREFIX
		# use mapping in FILE_MAPPING_IN and outputs layout as both .ps and .svg image to files with prefix OUT_PREFIX
		# if optional argument --overlaps is present overlaps in the layout are identified and highlighted

	Traveler uses the following color coding of nucleotides:
	* Red - inserted bases
	* Green - edited bases - e.g. the template has an adenosine at a position while the target has a cytosine at the same position and therefore cytosine will be colored green in the resulting layout)
	* Blue - reinserted bases - happens when traveler needs to redraw simple structures like hairpins (for example due to the change in the number of bases)
	* Brown - rotated parts - similar situation to reinserted bases, but takes place when redrawing a multibranch loop (in that case all branches need to be rotated to lie on a circle)


Two types of template IMAGE_FILE are currectly supported by Traveler:

  • PostScript (crw) from CRW
  • VARNA (varna) format of SVG images produced by tool VARNA

Other extractors of RNA structure can be implemented and specified by the FILE_FORMAT argument.

Example 0.A - download test files

$ mkdir 18S/
$ cd 18S/
$ wget --recursive --no-directories --no-parent \

In other examples, we will use 18S/ directory as INDIR, OUTDIR will be /tmp/

Example 0.B - Varna/DBN file format

$ cat $INDIR/mouse.fasta
	. . .
	. . .
FASTA (Varna/DBN) file should contain line starting with '>' and name of molecule, without any blank character
other lines are filled with LABELS and BRACKETS in dot-bracket notation of secondary structure pairing
match-tree must contain both LABELS and BRACKETS, templated-tree need only BRACKETS

Example 1: Visualize mouse 18S rRNA using human 18S rRNA as template using CRW ps image as the template layout.

$ ./build/traveler \
	--target-structure $INDIR/mouse.fasta \
	--template-structure $INDIR/ $INDIR/human.fasta \
	--all $OUTDIR/mouse_draw-to_human

Example 2: Compute TED distance and mapping between human 18S rRNA (template) and mouse 18S rRNA (target).

$ ./build/traveler \
	--target-structure $INDIR/mouse.fasta \
	--template-structure $INDIR/ $INDIR/human.fasta \
	--ted $OUTDIR/

Example 3: Generate visualization for the mapping generated in Example 2.

$ ./build/traveler \
	--target-structure $INDIR/mouse.fasta \
	--template-structure $INDIR/ $INDIR/human.fasta \
	--draw --overlaps $OUTDIR/ $OUTDIR/mouse_draw-to_human

$ # generates 4 files - .svg and .ps files, both with/without colored bases (see COLOR CODING section)
$ # checks also if output molecule has overlaps and draws them in output image


Options --ted and --draw serve for separatation of mapping and visualization since TED computation and on the other hand, Traveler allows for multiple output visualization (coloring, overlaps).

Support for other input images: How to implement own extractor

As we said, we support two types of input images - crw and varna. There are three steps you need to satisfy, when you want to support other image types.

  • You need to implement extractor interface and it's method extract. Method should obtain all nucleotides (the primary structure) and their position in image (points) from given file.
  • In the class, you need to implement method get_type, that should only return extractor's type that is used in IMAGE_FILE argument.
  • Adds your new extractor to method extractor.get_all_extractors()

For more ideas, how it should be implemented, see usage of crw_extractor and varna_extractor.