Procedures to release a developed plugin to RICOH THETA Plugin Store or upgrade the version are shown below.
Developer apply with the plugin information from here.
Ricoh issue URL to upload the necessary files (apk file, Plugin descriptive image *1) after checking the application details.
Developer upload the necessary files from the above URL.
Ricoh review the plugin.
Ricoh send approval notification.
Developer apply to release plugin.
Ricoh release plugin in the RICOH THETA Plugin Store. *2
*1 Image size should be 960 x 520, file format is png, maximum number of 5 files, file name should be [number].png (1.png, 2.png, ...). Compress all apk and image files together into one zip file, and file name "packagename". zip please.
*2 It is NOT possible to specify a plugin release time.