The procedures for flashing to ELRS or back to AFHDS3 are more or less the same, the only differences is whether the file ELRS.bin present in the same folder of the flashing tools or not. If the file is presents, then it will read in the file and flash to ELRS, if the file is missing it will flash back to AFHDS3. User can build the firmware with preferred options and rename it to ELRS.bin and put in the same folder of the flashing tools for updateing to a new version.
Note: Please note that when you flash to ELRS, all the models information in the internal module will be discarded. You may need to rebind all the receivers after flash back. Flysky Assistant did not provide a way to backup all the model settings at this moment.
- Ensure the file ELRS.bin is present in the same folder of the flashing tools.
- Switch on EL18 in bootlloader mode.
- Select "RF USB Access" and click on it.
- Click on the "Enable" until it changed to "Disable"
- Plugin USB cable
- Run the flashing tools, please note that the ELRS.bin is read successfully
- Click update and wait for the update to finish.
- Ensure the file ELRS.bin is not present in the same folder of the flashing tools, you may rename it to another name for disabling.
- Switch on EL18 in bootlloader mode.
- Select "RF USB Access" and click on it.
- Click on the "Enable" until it changed to "Disable"
- Plugin USB cable
- Run the flashing tools, please note that the ELRS.bin did not appear in the UI
- Click update and wait for the update to finish.