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ReactiveHeimdall is a ReactiveCocoa-based extension to Heimdallr.swift.


Installation is possible via Carthage or CocoaPods, see below for either method:


Carthage is a simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa.

  1. Add ReactiveHeimdall to your Cartfile:
github "trivago/ReactiveHeimdall" ~> 2.0
  1. Run carthage update to fetch and build Heimdall and its dependencies.

  2. Make sure your application's target links against ReactiveHeimdall.framework and copies all relevant frameworks into its application bundle (iOS); or embeds the binaries of all relevant frameworks (Mac).


  1. Add ReactiveHeimdall to your Podfile:

    pod 'ReactiveHeimdall', :git => '', :tag => '2.0'
  2. Run pod install to fetch and build ReactiveHeimdall and its dependencies.


When requesting an access token the signal completes on success

let signal = heimdall.requestAccessToken("foo", password: "bar")
signal.subscribeCompleted {
    // access token has been aquired
signal.subscribeError { error in
    // access token could not be acquired

When authenticating a request the signal sends the authenticated request and completes on success

let signal = heimdall.authenticateRequest(NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: "")!))
signal.subscribeNext { value in
    let request = value as? NSURLRequest // request is the authenticated `NSURLRequest`
signal.subscribeError { error in
    // request could not be authorized